RP: Pigeon Pot Pie

From HollowWiki

Part of the A Few Fox Tales Arc

Summary: Ina Plays tour-guide for a house she's squatting in.

Fenced-in Yard

You've entered the gate of a white picket fence which surrounds a thick blanket of deep green, bordered by a vibrant yellow bed of beautiful daylilies. Several colorful birds are flying about, and from time to time they join the squirrels and other tiny creatures that can be seen bathing in the shallow, water-filled basin atop a stone pedestal centered in the yard. Looking west, a scant path lined with rocks leads to the covered porch, where by the entrance, a large swing made of cherry sways gently in the breeze. A horrific sight can be seen before you, as the dog guarding this home appears to be gnawing upon what is left of a human arm.

Arlyeon offers a casual salute to the stranger, and casually brushes at the combination of blood and feathers clinging to her, "Howdy, neighbour-ish person."

Dasaka salutes and grabs a feather off Arlyeons's shoulder, "Hi."

Arlyeon 's interest in the feathers shifts abruptly, as she leans forward and grins at the newcomer, “Awww- are you snagging a keepsake of this encounter? That's so flatterin'. Anyways- welcome to my humble aboooode. It's nice here. Mind the remains.” Which is less a reference to the dead birds which are essentially littering the yard, and more or less a reference to the fact that there are bits of a dead human in the yard. “ Wellll, not -my- abode, really. But it works inna pinch. And lemme tell ya, never a shortage of those in life. So, uh, how do ya do, kiddo?”

Dasaka shrugs, sits down and pets the dog.

Arlyeon stomps the ground once, before tilting her head up and staring skywards. "Wow. Ruuude~ Fine then." Nonetheless, whatever bit of irritation she may or may not be feeling seems short-lived, considering she's fairly quick to pivot on her heels and stare at Dasaka, "So....who are ya? I mean- other than someone not afraid of rabies." The dog, for its part, probably isn't rabid, really- it's just happily gnawing on a human arm because it's an available source of food- and a bit more common than it ought to be around this house.

Dasaka rubs the back of his head and says"Well, I don't mean to be rude but, are you here because you're a fox person and you like killing birds?"

Dasaka said, "I just got killed by a pigeon."

Dasaka smacks his face

Arlyeon actually pauses at that remark, stretching one hand out in front of herself to peer at the blood-staining otherwise pale flesh, and marring her claw-like nails, “Mmm. Does look pretty damnin' don' it? But lemme assure ya, kiddo. S'all parta a great n' masterful plan. Ya see- I got me a minion. A partner, y'know. Think it was like, a witchy person's patchwork creation. S'a friggin' eyeball with teeth. But, uh, it needs to eat. And crumpets won't do the trick. 'N huntin' a buncha flyin' rodents issa way cheaper thing ta do then hoppin' off to market.” She pauses then, black and red-furred fox ears twitching as she gathers her thoughts, “But me being here is more n' that. Everyone needs a bit of land...or a place that's there. Even if it's a room- or a derelict. It needs ta be theirs, y'see? N' me. I'm making this place mine. That's all. Got's much n' little to do with my preparations. Mostly.” Her voice is sing-song, firm at times, and childlike as others, and accompanied by her ceaselessly spinning in place, her long fluffy tail swirling in her wake. “What about you? Ya seem cozy with a blood-coated mongrel, there.”

Arlyeon can't help but add, “Pretty sure y'ain't dead- sore, maybe. But that's because you underestimated these flying rodents. Pox-ridden bundles of flippin' feathers.”

Dasaka gets up and pats the dog. "See, I wear a cloth cap for a reason." He reaches and takes off his cloth cap. White wolf-like ears poke out of his mess of white hair.

Dasaka gestures to his ears and says"I'm a lycan see?"

Arlyeon actually gawks a bit at the ears, before perking up a bit more, "OH! Oh. So that's why the dog likes ya. He ain't the biggest fan of me." She leans in again, rocking forward on her heels long enough to stage whisper, "I can't understand why. 'm so adorable n' stuff." Before she then rocks back on her heels, "So, what are ya exactly? With the doggy slash wolf ears- I mean, I'd make assumptions, but well." She shrugs.

Arlyeon stomps her foot once, and wiggles her finger, "And before ya go 'n answer. 'Imma lycan' - 'm askin' if there's anythin' in particular ya are. Like- I unno. Anything neat. S'always good ta know neat people, 'n my profession. Like, imma kit, or a foxkin. Trickster by trade, merchant-y type by nature. ...Wait, no, flip that."

Dasaka rubs his head, "I don't know who I am. I know my parents were lycans, or else I wouldn't have you know-" gesture to his ears.

Dasaka said, "I was named by a drunk stranger."

Dasaka lowers his head a little. His ears also lower. "I think I punched him, but I came to appreciate the name."

Arlyeon tugs at one of her ears, her normally easy-going expression shifting to a more uneasy, awkward one, “ Oh. I mean...couldn't ..you have been bitten. . . Drunken episode? “ And yet, despite her saying it, her tone lacks any conviction. He'd probably -know- if he'd been bitten and turned. Which meant, for some reason, “...Family or pack left ja. Either cause they went 'n got themselves killed, or had ta bail, or -chose- ta bail. N' whatever the flippin' case may be, thassa raw deal. N' 'm sorry. I actually am. ...So, uh, what's your name- n' would ja rather have a proper name, then, if ya happen ta just be carryin' the label of a stranger in 'is cups?”

Dasaka said, "I don't know, It sounds pretty cool anyway. Dasaka. The only thing is-" Dasaka looks to his left and mutters "No last name.

Arlyeon kneels down a bit, if only so she can plant both her hands on the ground, and proceed to fold her legs up beneath herself- briefly balancing on her hands, if only to fall entirely in a sitting position, “Don't sweat the small stuff? Jus' means ya have a reminder to find your folks someday- N' well, if they are alive n' looking- figure the tail an' your colour might be a good clue.” She pauses there, before adding in a more sultry voice, “rrrr maybe you'll find someone ta steal the last name of- get lucky with some lass or lad.” And then her voice pops up again, chipper-bordering-on-obnoxious, “ S'not much inna name though- trust me on that. S'only as much as you put into it.”

Dasaka smiles and says"Yeah, your right. I guess that's why I want to become a spell blade."

Arlyeon blinks a little bit, before turning her head off to one side, “Mm? Whatcha mean ta do, 'xactly? I mean, make a name fer -yaself- that's clear. But, uh, what do ya need ta do, to become what ya wanna become?”

Dasaka waves his hands around pretending to hold a wand. "I need a staff or a magic wand or something “

Arlyeon hrms a bit before she pops back up to her feet and makes a sloppy fencing motion in Dasaka's direction, “What about a sword? I mean, puttin' the blade in the spell blade thing- amirite? Or like an axe. Noooo one would expect the guy usin' an axe to be secretly magical. Well, 'less they could feel magical stuff, er something. No element of surprise there- I guess. N' all that heaviness...er..erm.” She blinks a bit, then shrugs, “Okay, so, maybe staff or wand. Or something- so, what then? Get wand, get -increeeedible- magical power? Cause, like, if that's the deal, I want me a wand. Or a staff. Yessss, a staff.”

Dasaka yawns and falls asleep.

Dasaka wakes up very abruptly

Arlyeon eyes the lycan a bit, before letting out a sigh, and gesturing off to the house, “Look, don't you dare pass out on my lawn. Squat in the house, iffun ur gonna squat anywhere. S'abandoned. S'why I'm stayin' there. The rent is reasonable.”

Dasaka shakes his head and says "No, you need to be capable of magic, and even though, your a-" yawns"-you're not capable of it, you are very deadly in your own right.

Dasaka nods his head, "Got it."

Arlyeon can't help but clap, an exceptionally self-satisfied look on her face, “Hear that, world...'n all the pigeons innit. 'm deadly. Mwahaha.” She blinks, then casually leans forward to offer a hand towards Dasaka, “Oh, 'n 'm Trish. That too, don'tcha know?” Whilst the offer is -genuinely made to help the semi-snoozing Lycan make his way to a safer spot to snooze...it's also made so the foxkin can touch him. Because she has the rather unfortunate habit of passively draining the luck out of anyone she touches, friend or not, and adding it to her own personal reserves. Which, whilst not severe in most cases- does mean that if Dasaka takes up the invitation, he's bound for a little bad luck.

Dasaka blinks a little. "Ok then. I'll just walk around the house a little."

Dasaka sits in the yard. Looks at his feet.

Arlyeon for her part, will just play the part of tour guide- to show Dasaka around the altogether abandoned, minus occasionally loitering shady thugs, house. That, and to rub off more bad luck on him than a parade of black cats, by leading him by the hand. "This-a way."


The henna-stained door moves easily on its hinges as you push it open and enter the house. The first thing noticeable is the abundance of sunshine, streaming in naturally through a large bay window overlooking the front porch. Several smaller portals line the walls as well, the light catching the dust particles as they dance lazily over the well-worn, but soft rug. Delicate carvings trim the wooden stairwell as it rises to a loft, overlooking the main room. Double French doors are flung open along the south wall, revealing a bedroom beyond. A horribly disfigured body lies sprawled across the floor, bearing deep gashes and tears in its clothing. At the midsection of the corpse, a great, gaping wound reveals intestines that have been slightly pulled outward.

Arlyeon said to Dasaka, "So! I ignore this floor. Mostly because of corpses, and terrifying killers for hire- but also because I don't have the time to paint over or clean all the blood stains. Also. sweeping. Not my thing, nope."

Dasaka raises an eyebrow and says"I'm guessing this is the previous tenant?

Dasaka shrugs.

Dasaka said, "I have seen grosser"

Arlyeon actually looks a bit confused for a moment, before she blinks, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold your horses, there. I didn't croak 'em. 'e was like this when I got here. ...'n I actually mean that. Seriously. So, uh- when you hear other people creepin' round the place- usually a good plan ta sneak up to the attic 'n lock yourself in. Get's left alone fer the most part, really. But never hurts ta be safe- rather, than dead, 'n sorry like that guy.”

Arlyeon said to Dasaka, "I mean ...'es gonna get grosser if he don't get cleaned outta there soon-like. Uck."

Dasaka chuckles, "Yeah, it is gonna stink soon."

Arlyeon cups her face in a hand for a moment, and smearing bits of mostly dry blood on her face, before she shakes her head, and moves up towards the attic. “Right, 'n then.”

Loft The stairs lead up to a cozy little loft, overlooking the main part of the house. The intricate patterns carved into the stairwell continue on to the railing that prevents falls. Looking closer, you note hundreds of intertwined leaves and rosebuds and marvel at the skill and patience required for such minute detail. Dasaka said, "This place is nice, besides, well you know."

Arlyeon finally relinquishes Dasaka's hand. Whatever misfortune might befall him in future, due to her borrowing whatever luck he has, she'd rather not make it too bad. “I know, right? I just need ta figure out a way ta get a proper bed in here, beyond a pack. ...aaanyways. So- uh. I guess, keep the noise down- iffun you're stayin' here. 'N if you bring any grub- share. Cause I totally showed you this grade-A hide away from the world safely and nap spot.” Speaking of which, she simply stretches out, and proceeds to lean back against a wall, to slide down into a sitting position.

Dasaka hesitates and says, "Thanks. You know what, I'll buy some dinner. What do you want from the tavern?"

Arlyeon leans her head back against the wall of the loft, long red hair draped over her shoulders as she stares contemplatively at the ceiling, “I unno. Chicken? Chicken sounds nice. Been killin' enough pigeons for blinky to feed a small army, may as well eat a bird.”

Dasaka smiles and chuckles, "Alright. I'll try to get a chicken." Dasaka said to you, "I'll be back"

Dasaka exited downwards.

Dasaka appeared from below. Dasaka carrying a couple of bags, "Ok I'm back." Dasaka said, "I may or may not have gotten lost. Dasaka reached in the bag, "I don't have chicken, they weren't selling any. sorry " Dasaka said, "I have wine, whiskey, steak, milk, orange juice, and biscuits." Dasaka looked at you.

Arlyeon perks up briefly, to happily request, "Steak and wine. Man- that'd hit the spot, ja don't even know. I mean, iffun it's not too much trouble." and then promptly tilts over to one side so she's sprawled on the floor on her back. Lazy fox is lazy. clearly, "Mind you- I think I'm gonna pass out soon, y'know?"

Dasaka shrugs, "Yeah."

Dasaka gave you 2 apple wine.

Dasaka gave you 2 apple wine. Dasaka gave you 2 steak. Dasaka looked at you. Arlyeon is not going to let her exhausted state stop her from totally downing a bit of wine, however. “To a better...evenin', or tomorrow. You know- whateveva's more accurate. S'good ta have met ya, Saka.” She blinks a bit, and then folds her arms up behind her head, "S'good stuff in general."

Arlyeon gestures at a pile of things in a corner. Most of it junk, really- but amongst them is some rather shiny lookin' boots. "Might wanna wear leather underneath 'em, since they're a sorta- silver, 'n all. But s'good armouring. And ya sounded like ya were gonna pick some scraps."

Dasaka said, "Thanks. guess what happened when I left/"

Dasaka drank 1 apple wine.

Arlyeon blinks a bit, staring over at Dasaka, before she closes her eyes, "Mmm. What happened?"

Dasaka Sits down next to Arlyeon, and says"Someone donated some money to me."

Dasaka said, "Enough gold, to get a staff!"

Dasaka pulls out a large staff, with blue aura radiating from it.

Dasaka said, "It's an ice staff. Pretty weird, 'cause I only know a fire spell, but still cool!"

Arlyeon opens her eyes for a moment to peer at the thing, emerald eyes seeming to glitter in the soft aura given off by the staff, “...Huh. Neat. I mean, it's a start- even if ja only knows a fiery thing. Means ja got a leg up on learnin' something new. Or figurin' somethin' tricksy. Or like- ..just hitting someone with a really cold stick repeatedly. Ch'yeah...” Nodding to herself, she shuts her eyes again.

Dasaka looks at it. He then leans it against the opposite wall, and sits back down.

Arlyeon just smiles a bit, “You'll figure it out, kiddo. Any which way, rest well, 'n stuff. I'll catchya on tha' flip-side, when 'm awake. If I haven't slipped out. 'N don't mind the floatin' eyeball if it flutters in. It likely won't bite 'r set you on fire if ya dun treat it funny.” The fox, words of wisdom said, pretty much looks all but ready to pass out.

Dasaka smiles and says "Ok. Have a nice nap." He then stood up and sat on the rail.