RP: But Where Will We Live

From HollowWiki

Summary:Rinn and Magik visit the Hanging Corpse Tavern for a casual conversation over a drink. Miscommunication happens. Rinn "dies" and so does Magik..but not really.

Hanging Corpse Tavern

Rinn smacked the Corpse's door open with a swing of her hip, confident her husband would catch it's return, they were attuned like that. She actually looked clean for once, compliments of the tavern's upstairs care. "Then it was like some kind of social club.." She continued on, "I'm there to 'check on'" Double wink, "Ol Peabody's grave and everyone and their mother was out there." Rinn scoffed and threw her arms in the air while her feet maneuvered her to walk backwards a few paces. "Even that guy was there." The Steadmen was offered a full locked elbow point while Rinn waited beside a chair for Magik to sit. "I'm telling you...I tired to kill one of them." She did, "Blamed it on a spider after he caught on...wanker."

Magik arched a brow at his wife after catching the door only to let it close behind him. Those dark eyes gazed at Steadmen, "He left his duties? What a terrible employee.." The elf habitually slipped into a seat as he adjusted his vest and rolled up his sleeves. He scooted the chair out just a bit and faced it more towards the door.. unfamiliar territory and all. A quick dusting of his pants was followed up by a pat to invite his wife onto his lap. "Who'd you try to..knock the spider off of? Was there some weird necrofest going on?"

Rinn hopped into Magik's lap leaving her feet to hover over the floorboards, while wave beckoned a bottle. Casually she reclined pressing her back to the table while draping an arm around her husband's neck, "You know, I never caught the idiots name." She furrowed her brows, "He was some weirdo mummy, trying to love up a corpse." She exaggerated about the sexual content. "Then he tired to do some show and tell bs, I hated it. it was so freaking boring I couldn't stand to be there another second." The grave-robber pouted in reflection, "I can't remember the last time I was chased out of a graveyard by a pleb." Softly her head thumped against her husband as she stared at a nail fighting to free itself from a woodenboard, "But I told him, if I saw him there again he was a dead man..or deader man."

Magik wrapped an arm behind his wife's back as she spoke about the stranger. Weirdo mummy? At the end of her short story, Magik smirked, "I've had a run in with that mummy bloke. I bought some runed arrows from him to help me defend our favorite tavern from some out of nowhere big shot necromancer that wanted to flex on the continent and try to tear down the tavern. He never showed. Haven't seen him since actually. Kind of disappointing but the night wasn't a total waste." Here we go blabbing. "Anyways. The mummy fellow didn't come off as a corpse banger. Odd. Fair warning though. Don't do that stuff in public. That's just terrible form...Or at all really but who am I to judge? Buncha nasties.."

Rinn sat up slightly when the bottle arrived, also always she poured Magik's glass first before helping herself directly from the source. "I mean I don't know if he -actually- fornicates with the dead but I wouldn't put it past him. I saw where that bone hand kept crawling too." Rinn's judgemental gossip came with a sassy head shake before a rumble in her tummy had her beckoning for food. "Can't have me wasting away, I might be his next victim." Magik got a side glance and a quick forceful peck. "If you see that guy in my stomping grounds I need you to kill him ok?" Her tone had progressed into a sweet sing-song inflection and she'd follow up her request with another peck, "Oh, and your niece was there, all by herself, in the middle of the night, how reckless." Shishi's parenting habits were lacking to say the least.

Magik thanked his wife for the drink, of course. A few swirls of the glass had him mesmorized for just a short moment. He takes a drink with an arched eyebrow as Rinn continued on. He nearly dribbles a mess down his lip as he focuses more on the odd story rather than his actions of taking just a regular drink of deliciousness. "What the f.." he questions as he places the glass on their table and wipes his mouth with the inside of his arm. The elf smirks at her next request, "I mean, he could be a reliable business partner so I'll weigh my options at the time." A playful smirk plays across his features but the mentioning of his neice erased that. He tilts his head to the side, "She didn't go near the creepy mummy, did she? I wonder which parent she slipped away from. I'd be disappointed if it were my dear sister. Her ex, however..I wouldn't be surprised.."

Rinn finds a way to swing a leg up and over Magik's head to straddle him, this was so she could meet him straight on - remember she was super flexible. "You'll keep it in mind?" She saw the smirk and hoped his words were playful but she demanded confirmation, "Are you serious?" A twist of her head had her doing a sideways pull from her rum bottle before the sloshing in her earthenware animated her attention back to Magik.

Magik grinned as he grabbed Rinn's hips to pull her closer, "I mean..What do I get out of it if I burn him to nothing within the blink of an eye?" Meanwhile, he took the rum from Rinn's hands after her drink to have a pull himself.

Rinn's eyes widened in excitement from her husband's actions and words, even that little heart of her's skipped a beat. Both her arms wrapped around the elf's neck and an impatient tug pulled his ear to her lips, "Anything you want." Rinn's words were deliberately slow and so was the bite to his earlobe. Happy wife, happy life.

Magik turned his head to meet Rinn's cheek. His blood start pumping immediately as his heart races. He hesitates at first as he thinks for the right words. The Lyastri presses his lips to her cheek as he whispers, "Tree house?" then gives her a soft wet peck.

Rinn went still for a moment while her mind processed what he was requesting, tree house? Was that some position she forgot about, "Wait, an actual tree house?" She questioned with both her hand gripping to the back of Magik's chair so she could lean back and meet his face. "Like you want to live in an actual tree house?"

Magik blinked, "With a hot tub. And..A bar. Hot tub. Fireplace." He had so many ideas, "I have so many ideas.." It's true. "It'll look like nothing on the outside. Like, a simple shack to not attract any attention but inside.." He releases his grip to outstretch his arms to the sides, "Huge."

Rinn simply blinked at her husband before offering an unamused sign of compliance, "Ok...Tree house."

Magik resumed his grip on his wife's hips, "Hot tub..And a pool. Also..A rickety looking spiral staircase. And security of some type..Rope ladder might be tough to navigate if we come home drunk.."

Rinn was quickly coming to realize Magik's requests were unrealistic and this aggravated her, "Why don't you just come out and say not then?!" She huffed with a violent crossing of her arms, if she toppled backwards she wouldn't care - it would only speed up her exit.

Magik was confused, "What are you on about? What's wrong with my ideas?!"

Rinn shook her head, talking with a child would be easier, "How are you going to have a pool in a treehouse?" The red-head was starting to show clear signs of annoyance.

Magik blankly stares at his wife, "The same way I keep literally everything I own in a secret compartment in my pack..Magic." He shakes his head, "Same general concept but different aspects to it.."

Rinn sighed once more, "Fine, but how do you manage a treehouse in a caved waterfall?" Had Magik though everything out?

Magik pauses, "You're still stuck on that waterfall location?' Compromise.."..Why not both?" The elf winked, "We would have two properties. Maybe Mirsh can hunker down in the forest while we are at the waterfall.."

Rinn threw her hands up in the air, "Wah?!" The noises that flowed showed the woman was beyond herself, "Pfft, ugh, I mean...I thought you were set on that location!" Rinn then allowed her body to go limp, Magik being the only reason she didn't trumble to the ground, as she looked towards the bar upside down. "I quit." She groaned in agony.

Magik frowned, "I mean. It's a nice location but..a treehouse would be in a more centralized location..I just thought it would be easier.." He pats Rinn's leg, "No quitting."

Rinn remained lifeless and made no effort to cover her thigh with her skirt that had risen from her fearless freefall. Her arms stretched over her head leaving her knuckles to rest on the ground, before she finally groaned, "Too late, I'm dead now."

Magik bounces his legs up and down quickly to try and shake his beloved back to life, "Noooo!!! This is not the way!!" He even slips in a few pokes up her leg and on her stomach, "Baby come back!"

Rinn laboriously drug a single hand to press to her forehead, palm out, "But this -is- the way." Her voice bounced with her body making it even harder to take the dramatic graverobber seriously, "Your indecisive complexity has become the death of me." Her other hand decided to join the rouse and clutched at her, almost spilling out, chest, "My...heart...it...it.." Hands dropped back to the floor and a tongue protruded from her painted lips.

Magik gasped and reached under Rinn's back to pull her back up. Much stronk. He gives her another shake and would even support her neck incase she would remain limp, "Oh. Oh no. I'm going too..No.." Such drama! He keeps her upright as he leans towards her to press a kiss to her 'dying' lips, "Same grave.." The elf's body starts going limp as well as he leans to the side, "My love.." The grip on her tightens as he slowly and dramatically leans off of the chair to melt onto the floorboards below.

Rinn peeked at her husband with one eye after his kiss brushed her lips, what was he doing? The redhead suddenly found herself pinned under her husband and she weezed with an over-labored flare, "What have you been eating?" She managed with a slight grin, "You're so fat you might actually crush me to death." There was a nasty little giggle that reverberated against the floorboards - both eyes now opened to watch the insult sink in.

Magik wiggled himself between Rinn's legs. At first he propped himself up with his hands against the floor but her attempt at an insult was met with a smirk. He lowered his body to plant another kiss on his wife but on her cheek. He continues to lower himself down to place his face into her neck. However, all of a sudden..Dead weight. And fake snoring. Poor Rinn. The elf snickers quietly in her neck as he rubs his nose against her.

Rinn grunted and produced more deranged sounds as her heels scrambled against the floorboards. The knives in her elk-skin boots shot out from the toes, unintentionally, from her struggles as she kicked beneath her. Her elbows slid across the woodgrain and she tried to sit up, "Oi, fat-ass!" She coughed, "What are you eating, really? Rocks?" Rinn had been pinned by heavy things but in this moment she couldn't remember when. Her efforts humiliated her thus bringing on the violent jerks of her head to attempt to smash her check into her limp husband's head, next she'd bite his ear.

Magik gets bumped by Rinn's head and suddenly rolls to his side off of her small frame and sits up, "Sushi. Lots of sushi." A few more pokes to his wife and a kiss to her cheek sends the elf back to his feet, "Speaking of which..I need more..to keep packing these dad-pounds on." The elf lifts his shirt and smacks his flat stomach rapidly, "Mama want some sushi too? Come find me." With that, he chuckles then quickly exits the tavern.

Rinn shouted," You better run!" before she shot up much like the dead would from a coffin and her hands gripped at the edge of the nearby table - her muscles had her back on her feet. With a glare towards the door her husband fled through. A grumbled heavy stomp of her heel and swift kick, clicked her blade back into place, her other foot followed the procedure. Soon she slumped back into her chair then swung those elk-skin boots up to rest upon the table, while her bottle of rum perched upon an exposed thigh.