RP: A Pleasant Evening Shopping

From HollowWiki

Synopsis: Joan runs into Zahrani while out shopping in the new shop Calypso, while there she asks for the feline’s help.


Joan had happened upon the notice for the new store opening this evening after her shift ended at the Chapel of Unrest, the vampiric healer decided to head through the crowded streets of Cenril as the evening sunset. Upon entering she’d offer a small smile to the store’s owner and let them know she was curious and came to browse.

Zahrani browses the selection of flowers and jewelry, the black Jaguar garbed in simple city clothes, as opposed to her traditional paladin's armor. Khaki slacks, held in place by a veridian canvas belt, accompanied by a pale blue button-up shirt. A jewel-toned turquoise shawl covers her carefully micro-loc'd hair, cascading across her shoulders. Cyan eyes rest on a familiar face. She approaches, stopping just a foot away from Joan before asking, "Anything catch your eye?" Her voice is a mid-tenor with a velvety raspy accent to it.

Joan looked up from her browsing upon hearing that familiar tone and accent, a few items she had gathered in the crook of her arm as she offers her friend a fanged smile. “A few things, this new tea, as well as these flowers, reminds me of you in a way.” Joan chuckles as she juts her chin towards the items. “Gonna try them out later after I get me an enchanted pair of protected goggles. You know us undead, and sunlight doesn’t mesh too well.” Approaching the shop owner, the woman shifts her items to the nearest counter for the shop owner to bag of Joan’s few purchases and tally up her bill.

Zahrani admires the selection, offering a smile at the bit of flattery that was thrown her way. She adjusts her shawl while she waits for Joan to settle up her purchases, glancing outside at the dusky haze settling in on the port city. "Understandable." She takes care to keep her Divine aura from reaching out too far past her athletic form; it's a bit spicy around undead as well. "Will the goggles offer complete protection against the sun, even when they just cover your eyes?"

Joan makes a face soon after she finished fishing out the coins needed to make the purchase of her now-bagged goods. The pulled features were for the panthers befit. “I do believe so. I mean going out in daylight only bothers me somewhat since I’m considered an elder vampire age-wise. It saps my supernatural powers and makes me drowsy, and full our sunlight…well, I ain’t tried being out in that in decades! So, I can’t really attest to what it might do to me.” Having taken the held-out bag from the shop owner Joan would focus her full attention on her feline friend. “I have been meaning to ask you if you like to help me out with some Nerco healing I need to do, I need to finish up my personal tome about my invention the Nerco Goo. Once I hand that into Khitti, she should be ready to advance me onto the next guild rank.” Joan leads the way out of the shop as she suggests they go to the bakery for tea and snacks, her treat of course.

Zahrani listens to the vampire's proposal, the Jaguar is unfamiliar with the subject matter, "You'll have to fill me in on what exactly Nerco Goo is. Let's talk on the way to the Night Market." She gestures for the door and motions for Joan to follow. "It sounds like you've been busy climbing the ranks, as it were. How is Khitti? It's been some time since I've seen her."

Joan walked alongside Zahrani as they made their way to the Night Market, happy to talk about her Nerco Goo, “To be honest this goo I invented through a lot of trial and error is used to help reattach dead or undead limbs onto the patient or victim, I have shown it off to Emilia and Penny also at the House of Ara since I am also with the healer’s guild doing my cross training.” Joan chatted away, a bit of a side shake of her head as she acknowledges she hasn’t been in contact with Khitti for a while. “I wouldn’t know honestly; I got wrapped up in my research and then I’ve been offering my time to Pyde to help him. He needs to show off that he understands and can cover all of the basic arts before ranking up.

Zahrani listens intently, brushing past another feline with a smile of familiarity. It was Ozcan, one of the merchants of the Isran Collective. He offers a wink in passing before hefting a box of smoked salmon to his stall in the market. To Joan, the paladin responds, "That sounds amazing! My own healing has been largely restricted to those among the living. If there is something I can do to help with this invention of yours, I am happy to assist." They stop at a nearby food stall, and the smell of chicken and beef skewers and freshly baked bread wafts through the market.

Joan bobs her head a few times, her orbs looking over the offered food before she and the feline at the stall they stopped by. “It would be amazing; I can also put a word in with Emilia should you like to also join the healer's guild since you can heal also. We need everyone we can get.” Joan wanders down to the next stall as the fresh scent of freshly brewed herbal tea wafts into the air. “How about we meet up at the House of Ara, they have a morgue in the basement there for me to use.” She speaks with the feline stall attendant in a quiet tone, getting that cup of tea in a cup. The vampiric healer offered a grin over the rim of her cup towards Zahrani before taking a quick quiet sip of the hot herbal tea.

Zahrani orders a cup of spiced rooibos from the tea stall, raising it to her nose to take in the scent of cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom. She ponders the idea of joining the healer's guild, "I've considered joining. My traveling makes it difficult to stay in contact with Guilds, but I think I could make it work if I'm focused on a single project like this one." She takes a sip of her tea, surveying the bustling night market before turning to Joan with a warm grin, "Don't be a stranger. I'll see you later, at the House of Ara." The feline offers the vampire a wink, before disappearing into the crowd.