RP:Yo-Yo Ma

From HollowWiki

Summary: Nortengaal's directed to Frostmaw Towers through local gossip to find the blacksmith Alvina. They discuss his unique requests for weapons and wares and make plans to bring his creations to life.

Frostmaw Towers

This four story concrete office building stands just outside the marketplace against the snow painted backdrop of Frostmaw’s frigid landscape. A row of benches lines each side of the walkway leading to the multiple doors controlling the flow of traffic in and out of the building. In the lobby, you’ll be greeted by various front desk clerks behind magically reinforced glass asking for your name or what business you’re visiting. Upon approval, you’re issued an identification badge and ushered through the gates. Employees in other lines simply hold up their badges and pass through in neat, orderly lines. Behind the clerk’s desks, the space opens into a more active and friendly environment. The first level boasts a myriad of little eateries and food shops looped around benches and tables for patrons to stop and rest. The low buzz of conversation and activity is constant. On either side of the food court are two large, concrete staircases. A plastered list of each floor and each floor’s businesses listed beside them. A colorfully decorated sign reminds employees of the business’s on site child care services. The first floor houses the food court, day care and a variety of small souvenir shops. The second and third floors house independent contractors who rent offices for their wide range of specialty services. The fourth floor is reserved specifically for officials and royal appointed members on Frostmaw’s payroll, such as Frostmaw’s Royal Blacksmith, Engineer or Stewarts.

Frostmaw Towers, 4th Floor

Alvina’s surprisingly in her lab right across the hall from her office, cleaning up the rest of the mess she’d made with Demeter in making the armor for her wings. She hopes the avian will be able to take Shishi in the Tournament! The spare pieces of Irenic’s custom wings really came in handy. She needs to restock that particular alloy. It’s a custom blend, though no metal is purely ‘new’. It was one her old teacher taught her a decade ago. Surveying the mostly tidy lab, Alvina wonders how Cerinii would feel to see where she was now. This building, this lab, this office. How far just the smallest amount of belief could take someone. Nostalgia aside, Alvina steps into the hallway and locks the lab door behind her. She’s wearing a cream colored long sleeve top with black slacks. Her red curls are bunched in a wild ponytail and a pair of slick black glasses rests on the bridge of her nose. Common attire for the tinkerer.

Nortengaal almost didn't make it through the clerks, not having very clear answers beyond his own name. It was difficult to say who he was here to see, given he only had a vague description of, well, everything about this building and just who happened to be in it, following as he was the advice given by a few locals from the nearest tavern. Drunks aren't always the best at giving directions after all. But a warm smile and easy disposition will get you farther than one might think, and he manages to explain himself enough to get his visitors badge and be let through to the main area beyond the lobby. He pauses to take in the sights, a low whistle of appreciation letting loose from his lips as he looks around the area at all it has to offer. Food and trinkets galore! Even a daycare for the employees' kids, an amenity not often found. The smell of the various foods available wafts by the man’s sensitive nose, setting his stomach to rumbling loudly enough that he draws a glance or two from nearby folks passing through. With a chuckle and a pat of his stomach he thinks “Maybe on the way out.” and makes his way over to the signage indicating who and what is where. After a brief moment of looking over the myriad names and businesses, he spots the one he’s pretty sure he’s here for and starts the trek up the stairs to the proper floor.

The large man ambles down the hallway, looking at each door in kind as he comes to it, peeking into some of the rooms where the door is ajar. “This has to be the world’s longest hallway.” he thinks to himself after checking what feels like the 20th door (but really is more like the 5th), letting out a sigh. He’s usually more patient than this, but the smell of the food court really reminded him of how long it’d been since he last ate, and he was getting a touch irritable. Rounding a corner, he nearly bumps into the woman closing up shop, lost in the thought of food as he is. Catching his composure, he gives the woman a friendly, if a bit sheepish, smile, and peaks. “Oh, excuse me, didn't see you there. I must be in my own little world.” A new scent makes it’s presence known to the man, the smell of dust and…metal? Perhaps this is the person he had been looking for. Or at least could point him in the right direction. “Pardon me, but you wouldn't happen to be Alvina, a maker of things grand and small would you? I was told I could find them here.”

Alvina’s lost in her own thoughts when the two almost collide. “Gods, I’m so sorry,” she starts with a panicked laugh, hand to her heart to calm herself. His admission about being in his own world is painfully relatable. “I’m really bad about that too, honestly.” With her free hand, she straightens her glasses and gets a proper look at this stranger. “I’m them.” She grins, holding out her hand for an introductory shake. “Rather, I’m Alvina.” She’s absolutely delighted by this ‘maker of things grand and small’ description. She settles her gaze on his face, excitement for a new project bubbling under her skin. If he was particularly keen with scent, he may detect a touch of wolf coming off the otherwise unremarkable human before him. Lycanthropy is a hell of a curse. “Who do I have the pleasure of meeting and what grand or small thing might they be in the market for?” Two new people in as many days!

Nortengaal’s eyes light up, pleased and a bit surprised to have found who he was looking for first try. He reaches out to shake her offered hand, clasping it firmly, but not aggressively so. “Solid grip.” the rather large man thinks to himself, head nodding slightly in approval. “Oh, excellent! What luck to have found you so quickly then.” Now that he’s closer to the woman, the scent of wolf comes through underneath the metal and dust, and he chuckles to himself, thinking “So many wolves lately, my cousins are plentiful in these lands.” His own dual nature can be detected this close up, the scent of forest and bear undercutting the various smells of civilization that cling to the man. “The name is Nortengaal, though Nort is just fine too, and I'll respond to just about anything, and I have a couple of things I'm looking for actually.” At this point he reaches into a pouch at his waist and pulls out two folded pieces of paper, unfolding them with great excitement in his movements. On each paper there’s a fairly rudimentary drawing of the items he’s looking to have made. The larger piece holds the design for what looks like some sort of wing apparatus, and this is the one he shows the woman first, launching right into the meat of things without further ado. “Short and sweet version, I would like some wings. I’m not quite looking to be able to fly outright, more extended air time for my bigger leaps and perhaps some gliding capabilities. It doesn't need to be particularly lightweight, I can train to carry it no problem if my current strength proves inadequate. I would like to be able to fold or unfold them at will, and I would like them to be enchantable if possible. They also need to be able to withstand high heat, decent amounts of cold, and be electrically conductive.” The second, smaller piece of paper is held aside for the moment, waiting for it’s turn to be revealed.

Alvina maintains her smile, catching the scent up close and finding it quite interesting. Bear? That’s certainly different! Though she can’t argue about his assessment; there are far more werewolves in the lands than when first she arrived. “Luck is funny is like.” She agrees, repeating his name back to commit it to memory. She leans forward curiously when the pieces of paper are produced. The crude drawing painting a vivid picture along with his words. “You know, you’re the second person to ask me for a full set of wings.” Confessed to earn a vote of confidence. “I just made a set of wing armor the other day too… A lot of wing traffic lately.” She’s grateful for Irenic being her original guinea pig. Nort goes on to explain the qualifications and Alvina nods gravely. “I know I can make something to withstand heat, but I’ll have to test the conductivity. Cold temperatures shouldn’t be a problem either.” The enchantable note peaks her curiosity further. “Enchantment’s no sweat for the right person.” She knew basic enchantments but felt like he’d need something stronger than hers to get him off the ground for long periods of time. “I’ve got a metal in mind,” she says aloud, parsing away theories about how to go about the process. Maybe more layers of it would help conduct electricity. “Speed might be more of the contributing factor, depending on the weight but…that’s still strength training in it’s own right.” Judging by the size of him, he shouldn’t have any problem operating it. The mechanics of moving them also shouldn’t be an issue. “Might take a little re-wiring…” Manipulation of his nerves, to make the movement more organic. It would be a process…or maybe it would be easier to give it a type of triggering command or mechanism instead. “Or something less invasive. It all depends on your preferences.” She grin nervously. It will have to have some adaptability if he’s shifting but maybe that’ll end up being more help than hindrance in the end.

Nortengaal grins wide, clearly excited to have found someone who can do what he’s asking for, especially someone with recent experience in the matter. He cocks an eyebrow at the last of the woman’s statements, immediately intrigued “Rewiring? What do you mean by that? How invasive a process is it? I don't particularly mind invasive, if’n it’ll get me what I'm aiming for.” The second piece of paper is now shown to the maker, this one containing much simpler images of what looks at first glance to simply be a rounded hunk of metal, but on closer look is shown to be the schematics of a yo-yo, of all things. “Now I don't know if you’re in the business of making weapons at all, but I have something I'd love to get made in that realm. I mean, technically it’s a child’s toy, but I've been training with using them offensively because I thought it would be fun, and it has been so far. For this I just need something similar to the wings, in that it’s tough, element resistant and conductive. Id also like some sort of way to control how much string/cord/etc I'm using to have more options for distance. And i would like two of them, compact enough to be comfortably held in a fist for added punching weight, but sturdy enough to be used as projectiles of sorts.” He pauses here before cocking his head to the side slightly. “Um, are you aware of what a yo-yo is? I forget that not everybody has seen one before. Either way, I can show the one I've been training with, its just your basic metal toy. Sturdy enough given what it is, but it’s certainly seen better days.”

Alvina’s brain whirls away with technical facts and logistics. “Well, the full set of wings I made last time required redirecting some nerves for full functionality but it was also on an avian who wouldn’t shape shift…so I think our best option might be a psychic enchantment or magic command system. Not to be rude and assume you shift, not everyone does, but I’ve got to make sure it works for you in all scenarios.” He unfolds the second paper and she adjusts her glasses to get a better look. “Weapons are, technically, my actual job.” Official title, not that they matter, labels her as a blacksmith. She gives him a smile meant to reassure him of her capability with weapons as well. “Toys can be deadly,” she knows, as a mother of four. She can’t imagine what havoc would descend upon the lands if they got ahold of anything more powerful than an unmodified yo-yo. “That sounds very doable. A little button press for tension and release, not unlike fancier fishing poles, should do the trick without much trouble.” When he offers to let her see the yo-yo he’s been using, she lights up. “Absolutely show me!” It’ll help her get an idea of the size of her replicas and also it just sounds so cool, she has to see it. “I’ve never heard of anyone using them as weapons before.” They must be something else to survive a fight.

Nortengaal nods his understanding of the explained concept, chuckling a bit at the mention of shifting. “I see. You know, that's an excellent point. I hadn't even thought about that factor. I guess that’s why you're the professional. So do you do enchanting as well, or is that something you’d direct me elsewhere for?” A few names had come up during his inquiring in various places for a Maker, and something about her's had stuck out in his mind. He can tell he’s come to the right place; already her gears are turning and ideas are forthcoming. With his free hand he reaches into a pouch at his waist and pulls out a battered and mildly deformed metal yo-yo, presenting it to the woman to pick up and examine as she pleases. It's only slightly heavier than it looks, which is still fairly heavy considering each half is around 4 inches across and about a half an inch thick. “I was lucky to find this, your average kid wouldn't be able to readily use it given how hefty it is.” Truth be told he’s not exactly sure where he *did* acquire it; he’s had it in his possession for quite a few years now. “For a while I just used it more or less as it's intended to be used, albeit a bit…flashier once I really got into it. The idea to use it offensively came to me after I was idly toying with it one day on a shore somewhere and wasn't paying attention, and I accidentally hit a gull that had gotten a little too close, killing it instantly.” He shrugs a bit, almost embarrassed to admit such a thing had brought him inspiration. “I figured, if i could do that accidently, what could i manage on purpose?”

Alvina smiles graciously at his praise. “I can do some enchanting but for this level, I’d rather refer you out to someone with more experience.” There was something comforting about the unspoken knowledge of what they both were beneath their humanoid exterior. It felt like less of a stigma in a similar company. Cenril had been a bit racist about werewolves, or shifters in general. She accepts the yo-yo gingerly, anticipating more of weight than the usual model but it’s still impressive. She turns it over in her hands, smoothing the worn surface with the pads of her thumbs. There’s humor tucked away in his accidentally killing a gull with this unsuspecting item. She’s tempted to ask what he’s been able to attempt on purpose but is it truly her place to ask such things? His first impression isn’t one of malice or ill intent, so she feels safe making a weapon for him, even if he did murder a gull or two (you’ve got to practice, right?). “Inspiration comes in the strangest ways.” Alvina hands back the yo-yo with a small smile. “Thank you for sharing it with me.” She blinks, trying to think of the easiest way to work on this project without keeping him here for too long. Since implantation wasn’t the preferable option. “If you wouldn’t mind to step in my lab? I can take some measurements and draft a prototype for you to review within the week, for the wings. I think I can finish the yo-yos before then.” Simple mechanisms make for the best tricks. “I won’t take too much of your time, I promise.” Juggling her keys back out, she unlocks the door and holds it open for him. She puts her things down on the nearest workbench and scrounges together paper, measuring tape and quill for the rough draft of their wings project.

Nortengaal appreciates a craftsperson who knows their limitations and isn't afraid to admit it. It’s refreshing, particularly when dealing with mixed specialties projects like this. “It certainly does.” Taking the yo-yo back he slips it back into its pouch, nodding as he does so. “No problem. I’m glad you can appreciate what I'm looking for.” His eyebrows raise a bit in surprise, clearly she had just been leaving, and yet she’s ready to jump right into things for him. Well, no time like the present as they say, he thinks to himself as he enters the lab and stands a bit away from the workbench, giving the woman some space. He clears his throat a bit to get her attention without being too rude about it. “Before we get moving further, first things first; what sort of compensation do you require for your work? I’m under no illusions that you work for free, even if you do enjoy the work. And in a similar vein, do you need me to acquire anything for you, material-wise?” He pauses a moment before continuing, giving her time to answer before his next statement. “Secondly, I actually have three forms, though this one is how I spend most of my time. Would you like to see all three, for information sake?”

Alvina’s about to climb on the table for measures (she’s a little short) when he clears his throat. She blinks in surprise, measuring tape in hand and outstretched. Compensation? OH RIGHT. This was her JOB. “Oh, Gods, I’m so sorry.” She looks around, flustered, trying to compile a price list from thin air. “Well, it depends on…the time, and the materials…” And speaking of materials, he’s asking about those. “Sorry, I got a little too excited and forgot to discuss the logistics.” The engineer laughs and rolls up the tape measurer, considering his question. “If you can bring me 5 Cerulean Corundums,” Rubies or Sapphires, “I can use them for the mechanism inside the yo-yos. It’s amazing to work with, but can be hard to find. That alone should cover the cost of the yo-yos alone.” With the yo-yo’s out of the way, she’s got to address the wings. “I already have some pieces of the metal I need…it’s a Frostmaw specific textile that I can get through the fort.” At that point, it would really just be *time*. “Ten Thousand Gold…should be fine. I can let you know if it runs more than that but the gems should balance it out.” She knows it sounds like an aggressive amount. That thought is interrupted by his offer to show his forms and her curiosity wipes out the rest of it. She isn’t rushing him off by any means! She’s just…this way. “Absolutely, I do?” It’s not a question but a confused response. Who would say no!?!

Nortengaal laughs and waves a hand dismissively. He definitely understands losing track of the little details when excited about something - he gets the same way when talk of fighting comes up. “Don't worry about it, it happens to us all.” The bearman listens to the excitable engineer as she spells out the nitty gritty details of the transaction. “Funny enough, I happen to have everything you need from me with me already.” Good thing he still had his spoils from his latest excursion to the mines, even better that he had managed to get a few rubies in the process. “I’ll even toss in an extra corundum, call it a tip for a job well done.” Just looking around the lab he can tell the quality of her workmanship, and besides, not everyone can work with such a tough gemstone. “As for the gold, “ he unclips a smallish pouch from his waist and plops it onto the tabletop with a bit of flair, pushing it over on it’s side so a few golden coins slide out and roll onto the table. “That should about take care of it.” Admittedly, the flair was a little unnecessary; he just didn’t want her to think that he came unprepared to pay her adequately for her work. That unfortunate but necessary bit of business handled, he steps away from from the table and a bit towards the door, putting a little extra space between his fellow shifter and himself. Without further ado, he steps out of his boots and begins his first transformation, to a form between bear and man. First, the hair on his arms and chest thickens to become a coarse fur as his muscles and bones shift, his entire body enlarging a bit to better hold his new, heavier figure upright. His clothes grow tighter, dark blue vest straining at the buttons that hold it closed as his dark blue pants cling to his now thicker legs like a second skin. He rolls his neck, cracks and pops echoing through the space as his nose pushes outwards while flattening at the same time into a short muzzle, white fur covering everything with exception of black around the eyes and his rounded ears. Change complete, the bearman stands to his full height of about 6ft 6in, stretching out his paw-handed arms to release some of the tension created by the change. He’ll give the engineer some time to get whatever measurements she needs before he begins to shift again, falling forward onto fully formed paws as his clothes magically fade into the growing black and white fur that now covers him even more completely as he turns into a full on bear. He’ll again give her time to make measurements and just appreciate his bearness before shifting back to his human form, clothes reappearing and fur fading back into his body as he stands upright once more.

Alvina lofts a brow at Nort. She hadn’t expected quite that much flair or preparedness from the man. It’s not just anyone who can drop 10k out of nowhere. She fiddles with the loose coins, tucking them back in. “Thank the gods you weren’t robbed.” She jokes, taking the spoils that became hers and tucking them away in a cabinet. “That just makes things that much easier.” As a builder, she appreciates a smooth transaction. She hated the business of the business anyway. Working for the Frostmaw government meant she really didn’t have to handle those things. Money was only for side projects! To fund them and make more projects! The dream. She helps move any equipment or tables to give him room to stretch and shift. The sound of bones snapping and reforming was still jarring. It’s worse to hear it in your own head and body though, she thinks, watching the shift pause for her to buzz around him like a little worker bee, jumping up on a chair to measure, scribble and drag the chair to the other side. She’s afraid if he moves, his clothes will explode! That done, she and the chair back up so he can shift again. This time, his clothes vanish. She blinks. WHAT THE HECK! She wants to shift like THAT instead of having to weirdly consider her clothes lost or start the process without them. She tells him as much as she takes the new measurements in quick quill strokes. “What witchcraft is this vanishing clothes business. You have to fill me in, I’ve ruined too many shoes.” She sighs dramatically. They were all so nice and expensive. THE WORST. Once she’s done, she’ll snap the tape measurer and give him a satisfied nod. “All done!” The engineer moves away, giving him space to shift back again. She’d technically asked him for MORE gems than she’d needed, with the idea of covering the price partially that way, because she didn’t know he’d be throwing around sacks of gold like that. She’ll find a way to make use of them and keep the bit for herself. She had a project perfect for them! “A little adjustment, for the straps, I think. So you can wear it in this, that or the other.” Fitting for his three forms. “Can you give me…a week or so? I can call you back to do a final adjustment and then we can do a flight test.” She smiles confidently. “Frostmaw’s not a bad place to test these things, with the wind and lack of other buildings if you need to test other magic resistances.” She holds out her hand, to shake on the deal with him. The excited energy rolls off her. She’s smack dab in the middle of her element.

Nortengaal slips his boots back on before taking a seat on a nearby stool. Transforming always takes it out of him a little, and moving so quickly through his forms has him needing to rest a moment. “I find I'm not much a target for that sort of thing - being my size has it’s advantages”. It has indeed been a while since anybody had accosted him like that - and it didn't end how the assailant had hoped it would. The man shrugs and chuckles goodnaturedly. “Literal witchcraft as a matter of fact. My mother made these clothes for me some years ago as a parting gift before I set out on my own, and I have no idea how she did it or else I'd happily share the secret. Just the vest and pants though, hence one of the reasons I don't wear a shirt and also why I stepped out of my boots. I too have ruined many a fine pair in my day.” He pauses, as a thought occurs to him. “You know, I could probably ask her. I should probably contact her anyways, it’s been a while.” The brief moment of rest being all he needed, he stands and clasps her outstretched hand to shake, sealing the deal. “Only a week? I’m impressed already, that's much faster than I had anticipated. I look forward to seeing - and testing - the end results.”