RP:Ymheshphilun Recalibrates (also "The Hunt Begins")

From HollowWiki

In the aftermath of Ramsi's death, Ymheshphilun was forced to choose a new target to link up with.

The RP

Ymheshphilun shouted, "*a low moan that slowly escalates to an exhausted, agonized polyphonic wail echoes around the Kelay area*"

Ymheshphilun slowly, lethargically crawled forward along the ground, using up some of the last of his energy to make it to a public area. He sent out a thoughtwave--a simple, very short idea that translated into a single word. ~Help...~ He sounded unbelievably tired.

Kumorohyou is seen jumping from one branch to another, high above the ground in the mighty trees of Kelay. The Jangal panther senses the giant centipede's cries for help, the feline stopping just above the creature as it crawls along the ground.

Dergious eyes Ymhesphilun with disdain, "Bugs be fer stompin."

Ymheshphilun didn't have the energy--let alone capability--to respond to the dwarf.

Ymheshphilun smelled the figure of the Jangal feline, and twisted his head upwards to peer at him with one huge eye.

Kumorohyou stretches out with his Spirit pressure, attempting to ascertain why exactly the centipede was losing energy. Reaching out with his mind, Kumori asks Ymheshphilun ~Tell me. What is it that ails you?~

Ymheshphilun pushed back slightly with what Spirit he had, attempting to establish a link. ~I... My... R--Ramsi... she...~ Finally, he gave up on spoken words and just projected the idea of a feline child being dead, and now the centipede was alone.

Awne makes her way down the path, coming upon the crowd of people. The large beast was not something she wanted to be caught between, but the scent of a familier feline leads her to the tree, and up into the safety of the branches. Resituating her robe she nods to the jungle cat.

Kumorohyou jumps down to land next to Ymheshphilun, the feline receiving the information through their link, ~You were bonded with this child...and her death will mean your end as well...?~ Nodding to Awne, the shaman returns to look at the giant centipede, placing a large hand on the creature's hard exoskeleton.

Ymheshphilun vibrated. ~Of... sorts,~ he said to Kumori. ~I'm rapidly losing energy... I fear I may lapse into stasis again soon.~

Kumorohyou responds to Ym, ~I see...so this is a natural occurence. Such an intimate form of symbiosis is unheard of in Jangal. Perhaps your creators made this unique to you...What is it you need?~

Ymheshphilun shifted uncomfortably, his legs weakening. ~Energy... someone to link with... Ahaaaa.~ The last cry was sent to everyone, not just Kumori, and it was mirrored vocally by another musical groan.

Skylei made her way out of the tavern to see the commotion going on. Some peculiar creature shifting around. Just a standard day in Kelay as far as she was concerned. She would have carried on walking…. But instead; she had nowhere to be and nothing to do, really. She might as well observe, take her time. Leaning against the outer wall, the girl simply watched what was going on.

Kumorohyou rolls his sleeves back, revealing two hole-like ports, one on the underside of each forearm. ~I have the strength to link with you...hopefully, when we reach Jangal, there will be a way of counteracting this.~

Ymheshphilun thought for a moment. ~If... your race... has adapted to us so far as you have... then would not you be immune to my linking mechanism? Or... no, you said that it's unheard of there... perhaps a small test, first?~

Kumorohyou moves to face Ymheshphilun, ~How did you link with the young one?~

Ymheshphilun concentrated, and sent an image--statistics and charts, perhaps something seen a long time ago. It detailed a complicated system involving pheromones and genetic imprinting.

Skylei moved a little closer to Ymheshphilun and Kumorohyou, unable to hear what they were discussing; or even if they were discussing anything... Surely they must be? They wouldn't remain in silence whilst someone was lying on Kelay Way? Thought waves didn't even come to the Halfling's mind. Sure, she would look like a nosy observer, but she was curious. Besides, it wasn't as though it was going on in private. "Can I help at all?" She queried of Kumorohyou; after all, he looked like he was the one in control of the situation.

Kumorohyou analyzes the biochemical pathways and genetic imprinting information, the panther's mind assimilating the information rather easily. ~Interesting...you need to share genetic material with someone who is alive to keep your metabolic processes from slowing down...an fascinating mechanism, but still possible to achieve.~

Kumorohyou said to Skylei, "*in a foreign accent, almost a mix of Japanese and Hindi* Thank you, but this is something I must attend to myself..." The panther offers the woman a smile, the shaman not intending to be rude. "If there is something you could do, I would surely ask..."

Ymheshphilun sent out a broadcast, turning one eye to look at the new female. ~Yes,~ he sent, and it sounded tired. He couldn't send any more, but perhaps Kumori would pick up on his wish? To the feline directly, he said, ~That's good.~

Kumorohyou nods to the centipede, ~Very well, you may share this link with me. Our bodies are able to sustain processes that would be overtaxing in other creatures. I will not likely notice any change...~

Skylei shrugs, "Sure, jus' let me know if you do. I'm not goin' anywhere." With that said she walks away from the two and resumes leaning against the tavern

Ymheshphilun shifted his attention back to Kumorohyou. ~You would become vaguely stronger from this transaction. It shouldn't take long--~ Another musical, tired, quiet moaning sound was made, vocally. ~Are you ready?~

Kumorohyou nods, ~Ready as I'll ever be...~

Ymheshphilun twisted his body around, aiming his head in Kumori's direction. His antennae vibrated, and then--it's hard to describe what happened next. It sounded like he exhaled, but from someplace other than his mouth. The next time the feline inhaled, there would be a momentary tingle through his body, and an odd smell in the air--but only for a moment, and then things would seem to go back to normal. Ym seemed to be recovering almost before his eyes.

Kumorohyou could detect a strange pheromone being released from the giant centipede, the panther shaman's scientific mind seeming to analyze the chemical components in his mind. He was able to discern several organic compounds that promoted a permanent metabolic process, along with an unfamiliar, almost-synthetic odor. The scent soon disappeared as soon as it began, and Kumori could indeed feel a strange sensation running through his body. Offering a smile to Ymheshphilun, the panther says, ~Well, it's good to see that you recover...~ as if nothing happened.

Ymheshphilun shuddered, absorbing the new (stronger than before, yay!) energy patterns, and lifted himself up onto his myriad legs. ~Ahhhh. This feels good. Powerlessness is not something I am accustomed to.~ He reared up partway, to look the feline in the eyes. ~Thank you for this.~

Kumorohyou responds to the centipede, ~I couldn't just leave you there...~ Ymheshphilun would likely experience a boost to his ability to sense Spirit energy, yet he would likely still need time for his power to mature. To Ymhesh, the feline would 'Spiritually appear' to be made of pale-blue light, a hint at just how much power was still being held back within the shaman's Soul.

Ymheshphilun would have blinked, but he had no eyelids. The new boost to Spirit energy provided a new look on things, and helped him focus better. ~Most people would have done just that.~

Kumorohyou shrugs, ~I am not 'most people'.~ The feline didn't seem fazed by the fact that a giant insect was now drawing energy from him. It was likely due to the fact that they now shared their strength, and the fact that Kumori simply has such a high volume of Spirit pressure.

Kain approaches the tavern and pauses. Noting the unusual silence of the wildlife, he nodded and looked around. Seeing a feline, he approached, looking for Ymheshphilun.

Ymheshphilun emitted a feeling of agreement. ~Indeed, you are not.~ The massive Scolopendra looked around, and Kumorohyou could probably feel him testing out the upgraded Spirit focus.

Kumorohyou turns his head to the side, the panther shaman sensing the presence of a dwarf. Kain would likely detect a peculiar sensation as he apparoaches the feline, as if he were gently pressed in on all sides by an unseen power. Kumori's Spirit was highly disproportionate to the size of his body, and it had a tendency to envelop anything and anyone within a large radius. Surprising this particular feline is indeed difficult.

Kain looks somewhat puzzled at the sensation, but nods politely, sensing no hostility. "I be seekin' a meetin' with the big bug, Ymheshphilun. Ye kin stay if ye want," he says to the shaman. He then waited for Ym to either use his crow, or open some other form of communication.

Ymheshphilun turned an eye to Kain, and sent out a broadcast to everyone in the area, but aimed for the dwarf. ~Yes?~ It was a simple thought, and the crow was descending already.

Kumorohyou quietly turns to rest his unnerving gaze upon the dwarf, before bowing politely at the waist, similar to the way a martial artist would bow. In a foreign accent, almost a mix of Japanese and Hindi, Kumori was about to reply before sensing Ymheshphilun's query. The panther would have asked if the centipede wants him to leave, but judging by the broadcast, the answer was 'no'.

Kain stepped closer to Ym. "As ye be aware, Ramsi be dead. I dunno if the link let ye be knowin' who did it, but if not, I've a prime suspect. There be a druegar named Hepti. He wants ta kill me, 'n were antagonizin' Dawn, same day as I see a post on the board that Ramsi be dead. Mebbe it be coincidence, but I think not." Unsure how exactly to send telepathic messages, Kain mentally shoved the memory of the druegar harrassin Dawn and glaring at him toward Ym.

Ymheshphilun had, unfortunately, no way of reading Kain's mind from a distance yet, so the memory went unread. The crow, having landed and connected, spoke for the centipede. "I know not who killed Ramsi, and if you believe this 'Hepti' is responsible then he may meet swift justice upon my claws."

Kumorohyou silently watched the exchange of information and words, the panther's black-furred pointy ears moving slightly at different sounds and frequencies while his tail swished from side to side behind him. As Ymheshphilun's new 'symbiote', the shaman could sense what was taking place, able to feel what the centipede felt, as well as impart information about the surrounding area. They shared their strength now, and sometimes their senses.

Kain nods. "While I've no proof yet, I don't know of anyone else with motive ta kill 'er. Though it be clear that 'e be wantin' ta kill me, 'n that 'e were pesterin' Dawn day after her weddin'. Seems 'e be targetin' me family, 'n that makes 'im prime suspect in me book."

Ymheshphilun made the crow nod. A deep rumbling came from the centipede, and the sounds of marching warriors came from underground. "He shall find himself in pieces soon enough."

Kain nods. "All because he tried acceptin' a smithin' job, that lady Neema asked me ta do fer 'er." Kain spits and shakes his head. "Bah." Stroking his beard, he adds, "Ye don't be seemin' ta be sufferin' much ill effect from the link, like I thought ye'd be."

Kumorohyou could hear the din of marching feet underneath the earth, the feline turning his electric-blue gaze towards the centipede, the feline remaining silent while transmitting a message to the centipede, ~I have seen this Hepti before...He's a duergar, one that has proven to be a great nuisance to many in this land....I have never gauged his full strength, and I do not underestimate him, no matter how much he runs his mouth...~

Ymheshphilun emitted an emotion void, a feeling of negligence. "The fact that I am not weakened is of no consequence. I shall end your squabbling, for reasons of justice and my own amusement. It has been too long since I sharpened my claws on real combat."

Ymheshphilun told Kumorohyou, "~Nuisance he may be... but soon, no longer.~"

Kain nods again. "I know 'e claims ta be the best smith in the lands, though 'e claims that prejudice keeps customers away. Seems like a lame excuse, as if 'e were that good, people wouldn't care what race 'e be. I dunno how strong 'e be in a fight, though I do know how dangerous ye be." Kain nods with a dark smile. "Can't think 'o many that would give ye too much trouble one on one, 'specially with yer necromantic abilities, still, best not ta under-estimate anyone."

Kumorohyou allows a smile to form on his brown-skinned face as Kain speaks. The dwarf spoke wisdom, and in the shaman's book, that makes him worthy of respect.

Ymheshphilun was, by his standards, finished here. He had some hunting to do, and--oh. "Either of you. I need an illusionist for... something. Would you know a good one?"

Kain shakes his head. "I don't know of any illusionists offhand... er wait. I think the avian Reece might be one, though I dunno how ta git in contact with 'im. He were invited ta the weddin', but didn't show up."

Kumorohyou responds to both of them, "I know how to contact Reece-san. If you want, I can take a message to him." Last time the feline checked, the above-mentioned avian is also a member of his clan.

Kain nods. "In that case, tell him that the wedding were nice, quiet, almost nobody there as witness, but still nice."

Ymheshphilun once more made the crow nod. "Tell him that an anonymous friend of yours would like to make use of his services, for a secret matter. If you could set up a time and place, I shall be most grateful. As for now..." The centipede lowered himself to the earth, and blasted at the ground with his claws, "...I have a duergar to stalk." After several moments, the centipede was gone.