RP:Winter Exchange

From HollowWiki

Snow Covered Walls

Satoshi sits perched atop the archway above the gates in her best gargoyle impersonation--sans the gruesome expressions or stony flesh. Were it not for the swarm of vulpine tails swaying ceaselessly around her and spoiling an otherwise perfect stillness, the little magus might have been mistaken for said statue. Her gaze is fixed on the west and the ruins that lie before her, head cocked slightly to the left as if she were listening to a distant sound. Snow has settled on her like a cloak, granting Satoshi a glistening second skin that she'd likely preen about were she not occupied with spacing out.

Romyr Agotsson stalks the frozen tundra that have been his home with an experience that few will ever know. Quite as the grave does the large man move, surprising for some to behold, but the north runs in his veins. He is Kuronii, and since he could walk he has traveled the wastelands of western frostmaw, hunting, fishing, gathering and in times of need killing for his people. Thick furs fashioned from the winter wolves that dominate this land cover his muscular frame, but not nearly as much as the tribal markings of his clan. Pale flesh seems a stark contrast to the bright blue paint that marks him as one of War-King's bannermen. His hair, long and brown, is tied into a single braid that hangs near to his waist. Another symbol of his people, that he has yet to lose a battle. If a Northern Kuronii is defeated, he cuts his hair to mark his shame. Since his fourteenth winter,Romyr has been tested. As son of the Spirit Walker, much is expected of him, and the Kuronii believe in strength. But this day the large warrior is simply travelling. He had business with his father, to seek aid in finding a solution to the woman known as Emilia's strange condition. And now that that is done he travels back to Frostmaw to see how the Knight, Hildegarde the Silver, fairs after hearing she as fallen ill. As usual his animal companion travels by his side. A dire wolf, larger than even the winter wolves that are native to this land of war and snow, keeps close to him. The she wolf is grey and white, with copper tinted eyes that peer out and examine the horizon for any threats that may be looming about. Packs of wolves are one threat, but any who know this land know damn well that there are creatures that call this place home that are things of true nightmares. Ice Devils being a hated enemy of his people. Romyr and his wolf cannot tell that Satoshi is there, tails or not, due to the woman practically being Frostmaw incarnate. Even as the blood of the spirit walker courses through him, the Snow Maiden goes unnoticed unless she wishes to be known, for even as connected as his people are to the land, Queen Satoshi's is one that far surpasses any who have lived.

Satoshi's whiskers are the first to react, quivering as if touched by unseen ripples in the air, her radar to the ethereal world. With their movement comes a shift in the magus' demeanor, changing from silent sentinel to animated foxkin as fluidly as snow melts in Hell. With a twitch and a shake, Satoshi sheds the layer of snow clinging to her to send it cascading to the ground in a diamonddust rain. Ears swivel in the direction of soundless footsteps, an expression of curiosity on her face. Someone moves with obvious skill and knowledge atop the snow, for there is no noise to detect even by her keen ears, and it is only the voice of the tread-upon snow itself that informs her of another's presence. Two, in fact, as the sensation of mighty paws is sung to Satoshi from the frost beneath the wolf. "Hmm~," she trills to herself, the melodic notes barely touching the frigid air. Every line of the kit's body speaks of curiosity, intrigued by the rarity of two souls who move upon the snow with clear familiarity--too often she hears her element sing of bodies trudging and fighting through the snowbanks. And yet, curious as she is, Satoshi is equally wary. It is typically not wise to startle someone who knows the lands intimately, and so rather than the playful ambush she might normally use to startle travelers, Satoshi opts for a gentler approach. A whistle, crisp and clear as it lilts through the air, comes from her then, the tune a simple one that is both easy to track and disarming in its nature.

Romyr responds the that call in unison with his wolf companion, and as any who know this land would do, the duo assume a defensive posture and close the distance between one another. The she-wolf hunches down, the fur upon her back raised in clear warning as her nose goes to try to find a scent. To no avail, as the Queen of Ice is herself an elemental being, and thus her scent is the same as the snow she shed just moments prior. Romyr's hands snake down to the bone shafts of his axes, blue iron heads ready to be drawn forth from the copper rings in which they hang should the need arise. From beneath the wolf'headdress his eyes peer out. Winter has come, and snow falls heavily almost daily, creating a white cloud that can block out sight for even the most experienced rangers only a dozen yards away. The howling winds come and go, shifting the landscape as it sees fit. To most, spotting anything would be a near impossible feat, but the Kuronii are a people native to this land, and Romyr is the son of the Spirit Walker. The man's eyes close, and his senses become intertwined with the land itself. And, once this connection is established, the barbarian is granted a new kind of sight. High above them all flies a hawk, white with blue-tipped feathers, this native predator's eyes now serve the Kuronii. Flying a bit lower, the hawk, now linked to Romyr, bellows out a shrill cry as it flies by Satoshi, who is still a good distance away. Her tails being the key thing that gives her away. Thanking the hawk for his aid, Romyr's connection is severed and the hawk flies once more high into the sky to continue its hunt for a meal. It is here, that his wolf moves closer, staring in the direction that the hawk called from, with Romyr doing much the same. A moment is taken, as the wolf still cannot pick up a scent, and Romyr's connection cannot pick up on anything that does not belong. Ice Devils leave distinct trails that can be followed, wolves are easy to make connections too and even the spirits can be communicated with. Whatever is out there, he knew it was watching, and he knew it was as much a part of the land as the very earth he stands upon. And so, he answers the call. " Well met, stranger. I am Romyr Agotsson, and I ask you this, are you friend or foe?" Having traveled down the mountain and fought in Venturil, then traveled to Kelay, Cenril and even Gualon, Romyr knows that in the North, in Frostmaw, things are different. People say what they mean, actions often speak louder than words. But, if one wishes you harm they will tell you, much the same they will tell you if the don't. This is why he prefers the North. The more civilized parts of the world are more often than not more barbaric that any who call the tundra home.

Satoshi chuckles, the sound strangely clear. "Monsieur Agotsson, if I were foe," Satoshi calls back, her voice marking the distance between them before, with a crackle of ice, her next words change in volume and position, "I would not have made my position known~." Her voice comes from Romyr's left now, mere paces away. Between one breath and the next, the little magus has seemingly moved from her perch atop the gate to now stand nearby--just far enough out of weapon range to remain polite (and safe). For a moment then the wind and snowfall withdraw from around her, so that Romyr and his wolf can clearly see her and the respectful bow she offers, before the elements once more draw around them all like a ghostly cloak. She's a small thing, barely reaching five feet in height, with delicate features as if spun from glass. White locks are constrained in a braid that hangs long enough to threatening entangling with her tails, were it not slung elegantly over her shoulder, resting atop the light armor of a tribal-etched rerebrace that guards that arm. 'Pale' is a word most often used to describe her, for Satoshi is white of hair and fur, with skin of snowdust, clothing of glacial hues, and eyes of azure. And yet, the azure of her eyes plays host to amber flecks, specks of fire among the ice that now dance with impish delight and intrigue as they're fixed on Romyr.

Romyr is unable to keep up, for as quickly as she is one place, she is another. Anyone would be startled, but even though most would lash out in fear, the Kuronii are not known for such actions. In battle and in life, they think before acting. She made her statement, and one's word carries a lot of weight with his kind. She was not an enemy, and her statement rang true with the warrior. The fact she can move so easily from one place to another backs up her statement. But then, recognition hits. Not many look like her, in fact, I think its safe to say Satoshi, the Queen of Frostmaw and the Embodiment of the Kingdom of Ice and War is one of a kind. She is known to his people, as the Snow Maiden, and as such once this connection is made he offers a Kuronii sign of respect, akin to a salute for his people do not bow to anyone. " Skadiin. " He says in his native tongue. " You are the Snow Maiden. Queen of Ice and Snow. And I have either angered you, or you wish to play a game.." In his people's religion, the Snow Maiden only appears when she is either angered by someone, her wrath bringing about a cold that can trap even the souls of those who bring about her wrath, or when she wishes to play games with mortals. Of course these myths often change from her games being simple guessing games and riddles, to games of daring and danger that can cost one their life. Romyr, and his wolf, look at one another both sharing the thought that they know not how they could have angered the Snow Maiden.

Satoshi, despite not truly being a creature of legend, fits Romyr's definition with startling accuracy. She's accosted far too many travelers when in a temper, or in a mood for games, for the foxkin is a creature of whims and flights of fancy. At Romyr's words, Satoshi gives a half-bow of acknowledgement. "I've been called both before, oui~. From what the snows sing, you've done nothing to evoke wrath. In fact, it sings quite fondly of you with the respectful way you tread. I suppose~," Satoshi adds, arms crossing behind her head in casual motion as nose and whiskers scrunch up from a grin, "that means I wish to play a game. I'll ask, and if you answer with truth, then you may ask me a question in return. What do you hunt this evening, Kuronii warrior?" Between attire, words, and familiarity with the North, Satoshi considers it a safe guess that Romyr is Kuronii, for he's certainly no Frost Giant. The question is not delivered with accusation, in fact there's even a hint of genuine respect in Satoshi's voice--for while she has not interacted with the Kuronii people much, she's quietly observed them from a distance and finds them a fascinating sort.

Romyr is very pleased to know he has not evoked the wrath of winter, not so much for the threat of physical harm but more so that his people do their best to respect nature, and their home. And as with most wild things, the dire wolf begins to sniff about the foxkin, her tails being followed by a keen eye that hints a playful nature as the mighty beasts senses no threat from the stranger. Satoshi and the dire wolf are both natural predators of Frostmaw, as far as the wolf is concerned. Her head swivels about trying to keep track of the numerous fluffy appendages, as Romyr does what comes naturally to him. He replies honestly, as he says. " I seek knowledge to aid a woman, known as Emilia. She has an affliction that deals with natural magic gone awry, and I sought out my father, the Spirit Walker, to seek wisdom on the matter. Now that I have, I travel to Frostmaw, to see about the Knight, Hildegarde. " Even though his features are hidden by a thick beard that falls below his chest, the barbarian's concern is apparent." She is a true warrior, and I hope to find her in better health that I heard word of. " He sighs, still truly hoping this, before saying. " That is the truth, Skadiin, I hope it pleases you." The wolf lets out a small whimper, as it tries its hardest to not to nip at her tails, even though one could say they taunt and tease the she-wolf on their own.

Satoshi and her tails often appear to have separate minds--in truth, this is not far off the mark. Thus while the magus' attention is very clearly on Romyr, her tails are another matter entirely, their movements no longer idle, now carrying a new purpose in their attempt to taunt the watching wolf. Of the swarm of white fur, there is a singular black tail, a ringleader if fox tails could be such things. It is this one that goes so far as to deliver a curling motion that's... dare one say it, a beckon? Absently, Satoshi swipes a hand at her tails then, shooing them into a brief moment of stillness as she cocks her head at Romyr. Although his words are news to her, she won't admit it, preferring to play the part of the all-knowing. A role that's at painful odds with the fact that Satoshi's invited Romyr into a questions game. "Pleases me~? My dear snow-walker, you've spoken the names of two souls I have a strong fondness for, while also complimenting the prowess of my finest, truest knight. There is little more that -could- please me. Doubly so, when your intent appears to be in aiding."

Romyr is pleased once again, and not surprised, by the fact Hildegarde is in high favor with Skadiin, the Snow Maiden. But he is surprised to know that Emilia, a farm girl from Larket is, but not in a bad way. The old gods favor could help bring an end to the corruption that is buried within the lass, and this Kuronii would welcome any aid, as his experience is very limited to such things, even if his father would wish otherwise. The wolf, while still wild by all means, shares a connection with the barbarian, and as such can feel the man's reverence towards the many-tailed creature before him, and as such does not react to the taunting of those devilish tails. One day, perhaps, but not today at least. Seeing that she knows of both people he wishes to aid, the man dares ask. " You said I could ask you anything, Skadiin. And if I may, then I ask that you bless those two in this time, and aid those who seek to rid Emilia of the vile corruption within her, and grant a swift recovery to the knight Hildegarde. I shall offer whatever it is you ask, if you wish it, so that this may be so." His people often make offerings to the old gods, to Aramoth is is often blood and battles. But truth be told Romyr has little clue what kinds of offerings the Snow Maiden prefers.

If she didn't already have a complex, Romyr would be giving Satoshi one. She is not humble by any stretch of the imagination, and so being spoken to in such a manner does little to help an already oversized ego. It is due to this that Satoshi finds herself compelled to answer Romyr's request, despite having no ability to bless or change the whims of the gods, and so she plucks a pair of objects from her coat pocket to be held on open palms before her. In her hands, Satoshi carries a pair of lightly colored stones, both polished and round: the first is a pale purple piece of fluorite, while the second is the darkly colored snowflake-obsidian, speckled with glistening white. Being two of her favorite stones, Satoshi is never without some on hand, courtesy of the gemstone-artificer of Frostmaw's combat academy. It's over these stones now that Satoshi begins to murmur, words archaic and nearly inaudible save for a distinct melody. Frost gathers in her palms as the magus sings, the cold creeping from fluorite to obsidian in a spidery weave that binds them. With each passing word, the weave's pattern becomes more distinct and less random, nature being nudged in the direction of Satoshi's will by the song she offers it. But the song only lasts a moment, trailing off into the wind as the foxkin glances up at Romyr, amber flecks ablaze with a curious light. "You wish to offer something? A drop of your blood upon the fluorite will suffice, willingly given." Satoshi extends out her hands then toward the warrior, presenting a talisman woven of icy threads and housing the stones within it. A hint of magic shrouds the necklace, although it is nothing distinct or potent, for the enchantment is a simple one designed to direct pain or misery into the necklace. Satoshi's smile then is almost rueful, for her healing magic is poorly undertrained. "My strengths do not lie in the healing arts, however I can conjure some assistance with the aid of these stones. Fluorite is a stone of energy, storing and strengthening. Snowflake obsidian is a healer, a bringer of balance, a warder against foul influence."

Romyr is a lost soul when it comes to arcane magic, but not unfamiliar with natural magic which often requires blood as an ingredient. Without hesitation does the man bring forth one of the several daggers that lines his belt, each handle made from the bones of the various animals his people hunt. The dagger's blade is made of the same blue iron that is found only in Frostmaw, and it is without hesitation or fear does the northerner cut his left hand slightly, so that blood may be offered upon the talisman. The she-wolf looks up as her companion does this, her protective nature causing her to move closer to the man, as she does not quite understand what is going on. A slight pool of blood, enough to coat the talisman, runs into Satoshi's hand now, before the man's wounded hand clutches into a powerful fist, cutting off the circulation and stopping the bleeding for now. No stranger to pain, as is evident by the numerous scars upon his large frame, some old and some new, the Kuronii Warrior watches now, hoping to all the old gods that this will aid Emilia and Hildegarde. A question then comes to mind, and he asks. " To whom am I to give this to, Skadiin?" With only one necklace, and two people, the man seems troubled. " I mean no disrespect, but I wish not to choose whose ailments are the worse, and who is more deserving of your blessing oh Great Queen of Ice and Snow." Indeed, the man's bearded face twists as inner turmoil plagues him.

Satoshi holds up a finger in response to Romyr's question, forestalling words for a moment as she bends her attention to the necklace and blood in her hand. Once more she speaks over the object, this time in a tone akin to a discussion and proposal, as if Satoshi were negotiating with the snow she holds. An incomprehensible question comes from the magus then, followed by a pause and a nod before the ghost of a smile crosses her features. "Thank you," she whispers, although whether it's to Romyr or the talisman is uncertain. Satoshi closes her hands then, concealing the necklace as she brings it to her face, pausing long enough to glance at the Kuronii warrior and offer a wink before the eidolon breathes a single puff of air into her hands. From within comes the tinkling of glassy chimes and when Satoshi spreads her palms once more, twin talismans are extended toward Romyr. The stones are smaller now, each halved with the cleaving strength of patient ice, but hardly less capable of their original designs. "You need not choose. Not when you speak with such flattery~." Another wink follows, taking away from the dignified nature of the conjuration and hinting at the whimsical kit beneath.

Romyr looks on in wonder as the goddess of winter weaves her magic in front of him, for aside from his father's abilities as a Spirit Walker and dealing with the numerous creatures that dwell within the wastelands of the west, the Kuronii Warrior has never really seen magic of this level used before. Even the she-wolf looks on as ice moves at the nine-tailed creatures whim. The black tail "peeks" over Satoshi's shoulder and wiggles about menacingly, prompting a glare from the dire wolf. One day, she will chew on it. But now, as the Snow Maiden presents him with an answer to his plight, Romyr is elated. He truly wishes to help people, as good deeds foster more good deeds, and a common saying is that in eternity our actions echo. Many of his clansmen wish for an eternity of glorious combat, where halls filled with meade and songs of their deeds go on and on. Romyr wishes only for a life spent helping others, where, if the old gods grant it, his eternity can be spent looking down on the little seeds he has sewn in people's lives take shape, and grow and spread, with good meade and a large table for all his friends to one day share. Quite an oddity, for a man who seems showered in the gifts that would make him better suited to champion the God of War's desires. But to think this gentle giant cannot fight has proven a folly of many. He is the chieftain's son, and a Berserker. Ones capable of unleashing the Great Blood Rage and becoming unstoppable killing machines, whose relentless bloodlust, extreme stamina and incredible strength are well known. Many have lost themselves to it, the Great Blood Rage, and have become nothing more than animals. Romyr's heart is not so easily swayed by such wanton wrath and destruction. For even in this isolated kingdom, there is a beauty that few have ever seen. The dancing colors of light in the sky, the endless fields of white, the frozen forests and lake. The wild and untamed lands that is home to some of the most amazing creatures in the land. Yes, this Kuronii's heart is with his people, and with the land, and because of the nurturing nature of his beloved mother, his heart grew as much as his muscles did. With his father being the spiritual leader of some of the fiercest warriors of all the Kuronii, and with the tempering hand of his mother, Romyr has grown into a man who is deeply connected to his people and the nature. He seeks to use his great strength to help all he can, and is noted for having a soft spot for children, as Crisien noted in Gualon with the orphaned boy. So, to meet the Snow Maiden, and her offer he blessing to help two people who need it because he asked, the large man, standing at six foot seven inches and weighing in at two hundred and forty seven pounds, smiles a broad smile as he says in his powerful, yet cheerful voice. " Thank you blessed Skadiin! I shall hunt one of the great elks and offer it to you as soon as possible!" At the mention of a hunt the wolf gets excited. The great elk's are a dire version of their lesser kin. Antlers larger then most men, and powerfully regal creatures, they are hard to track and greatly renown for the ivory and fur. One great elk can feed his clan for months, and for a time were a symbol of one of the older great clans of the western tundra. To vow such is considered a great honor among his people. As usually only upon the birth of a chieftain's son, or his marriage, is such an offering made.

Satoshi responds with another bow, this one as deep and gracious as found at court. "I should be thanking you, for seeking to assist them. I hope my talismans are of use in your endeavours~." If there is more the magus intended to say, it's cut off as her gaze is drawn northward, ears swiveling in the same direction as whiskers go rigid. She remains as such for a moment, poised as a predator before the pounce until, with a shake of her head Satoshi glances back at Romyr. "Apologies, my wards are calling. However, I doubt you'll have difficulty finding me again should you need it, snow-walker~. The snows have a way of guiding feet where they're need most. Until then, my Winter keep her fangs from you. And you as well, wolf-friend," Satoshi adds, with a courteous nod to the lupine.

Romyr stands tall now, the monster of a man towering over the legendary figure but does so in a manner that speaks of a highly friendly nature. " And should Winter ever need Romyr Agotsson, I am yours to call upon, Skadiin!" A vow, something his people take very seriously. Be it to clean stables or slay a dragon or anything in between, Romyr would answer and do so with a smile upon his face. " I must venture forth now, word has reached me that both Emilia and Hildegarde have taken up in Venturil, in the lands of my King! I thank you again, Snow Maiden, and I shall offer up to you the Great Elk as soon as I give them your gift, and see they get the help they need!" The she-wolf perks up, knowing they will move soon, but before she does she nudges herself against Satoshi, her thick fur soft to the touch, and licks her hand before trodding off. She is after all, a proud and wild animal, and cannot be seen being nice. With that, Romyr would be off, once more his feet finding sure footing within the snow.