RP:Treasure Hunters

From HollowWiki

Summary: Quizical doesn't want the treasure hunting to end, but Irenic has different plans for him and Valrae.

Private Beach

Large campfire has been dug into this secluded beach surrounded by large grey stones to contain it. In the centre is a large stack of dry sticks and logs perhaps somebody is planning a get together here? This beach is in excellent condition as unlike the others it is fairly exclusive there is no littler to be found and smooth sand stretches for a fair distance in both directions you notice oddly that not even a single rock or piece of seaweed is out of place here and wonder if the owner has some strange enchantment on this area to keep it in it's pristine condition. You sigh contentedly as the waves crawl slowly up onto the shore leaving a darker shade of golden wet sand in their wake and wonder how long you can stay here enjoying the wonderful scenery, or how a cool dip might feel upon your tired frame.

Irenic would rush to find Valrae where she be, location doesn't really matter, for he really wanted to show her something and needed her assistance. "Valrae! There you are." His gruff tone would interrupt whatever task she was involved in before sweeping her up in a tall guy hug. "Come with me, Quizical and I need your assistance." After setting her back down his hand would boldly take ahold of her's and lead her outside to the cool dusk air, "Ready?" His question came with that devious smirk and once he positions himself behind her she would know what he was asking. With a brilliant leap up into the skies they went flying and passed over Vailkrin, even Cenril before they were over the island of Rynvale. A place that reflects a lot of the witch being a location of beauty and seclusion while harboring a hint of danger. They pass over the small town before reaching a secluded beach with a little brown haired boy was waiting, waving them down and once he saw that Irenic brought Valrae along he offered a respectful bow while beaming a smile. "Miss Valrae! Merry Meet!" A giggle escapes him as he pads over to the couple nearly tripping over the sands in his bare feet as he's getting used to it, "Look here…" He waves a treasure map in front of them, which Valrae could probably tell Irenic made by hand and even aged it a little to look authentic. His grimy little fingers point to a spot on the map where they are, "See here, Miss! Our treasure should be over here!" It was a bit transparent that he was pointing in the wrong spot, possibly on purpose? Irenic grins down at him, "I'll tell you what, how about we spread out?" The kid would turn those deep brown eyes on Valrae with hope, "Will you be on my team?" A chuckle came from Irenic now was he gently pats the boy on the head, "Keep her safe, Quizzy. I'm leaving some precious cargo in your care." A wink was given to Valrae as he set off in the wrong direction and the other two would possibly go off in the other direction.

Valrae had been swept away from her newest mission to dive through what ever collection of books she'd found in Larket. Her hair had been artfully pinned atop her head in a golden twist, and a few stray strands of gold had broke free to frame her face on the flight they took to their mystery location. Her skirts, bright as dandelion's petals, were dust smeared and wrinkled. The witch had agreed readily, happy enough to be out of the indoors and onto another adventure. Truthfully, she'd grown a little spoiled by her time as Cenril's Public Enemy no.1. There was something about being free and homeless that comforted the woman. Perhaps it was just reminiscent of her past and time that seemed simpler. The reality probably had more to do with her crippling, childish fear of commitment. So seeing Irenic, with the added pleasure of an impromptu flight, was already enough to have her dizzy with happiness. It was a wonder that feeling could grow, but it did when they landed and her feet first touched sand. A bright smile curved her lips at the sound of Quizical's voice. She was happy to see the boy again. Valrae waved back, almost as energetically. "Merry Meet, little one!" She replied cheerily. Her dark eyes were alight with happiness when she found a quick moment to turn and face the avian and give him a happy hug. But there was talk of treasure and maps to be studied so she let the moment pass, hoping he understood how much his bringing her here meant, and focused on the hunt. She nodded seriously to the child. "Of course! It would hardly do any good give the adult," She gave Irenic a returning wink and mock hid her pointing again for the boy. "Help! Us kids have got to stick together!" With that, she offered the boy her hand and a smile. "Lead the way, brave hunter!"

Irenic would grin widely at the woman as he was ending this treasure hunt here on purpose for her feeling of homesickness. As he walked away he would steal glances until he was quite father away and idly started digging in the sand by himself. Quizical took Valrae by the hand, but excitement became a lot more dialed down for he wasn't even sprinting to the goal as one should. He kept his head down and starred at the map while lazily leading the woman away to the big X in the sand made of twigs. Once his grip drops from Valrae he rips up the map and stomps a few feet away making sure he was out of sight of Irenic. He plops himself unto the warm sands and holds his knees to his chest as the large puddle of tears welling up on those doe eyes were threatening to trickle down his dirt streaked face. His bottom lip would start to quiver when he snorts the snot back up into his nose with the wipe of the back of his own hand. "Once I dig up that treasure all that's gunna be in there is a bag of gold Sir Featherstick planted there… Then he wont come to the orphanage no more to bring us food and treats when he picks me up, but mostly he wont take me on adventures no more." The tears streamed down his face as he finally rests his head on his knees, "He's just gunna forget about me." A gentle sobbing followed, but just because this treasure hunt is ending doesn't mean there will not be another one. This is just a small lonely child jumping to conclusions while Irenic is off far away he can't hear any of this, but he has never said his visits would stop.

Valrae let herself be led away from the twig fashioned X happily. She was in no great hurry to end their treasure hunting. It only took a few steps for her to realize something was wrong though, because the boy kept his eyes to the sand and largely his map. She wanted to stop him, draw what might be bothering him out, but the witch knew these things took a delicate approach. After a while, Quizzical did just as she hoped he might, and opened up to her all on his own. Though, she couldn't stop the small noise of protest as he ripped through his map. It was difficult to see the boy crying in the sand but Valrae knew it was better that she had let him decide to trust her on his own. These things were especially difficult for children like Quiz and the scars carried to adults like herself. His sorrowful confession had her suddenly in a different time, on another shore, where a younger Valrae had shed tears in similar fashion. There had been no one for her then. No treasure hunts, no promise of gold or adult to stand over her as she cried. Only the empty face of the moon and pain of a hungry belly. She wouldn't let her past revisit the child before her. The woman knelt before the crying boy would wrap her arms around him. She hold hold him there, let him cry until it felt better, before moving back to use the sunny fabric of her skirt to dry his tears and his nose. "Hush now," She would finally say, looking sternly into the child's eyes. "No one here is forgetting about you," Affectionately, she would brush at the shaggy hair on his head. "Now, I don't know what lies at the end of this treasure hunt but I do know what lies in Irenic's heart and he would never," The woman emphasized the word, repeated it for further seriousness, "Never forget you." Because he hadn't forgotten her.

Irenic trotted over while acting bummed, "I found nothing on my end... What did you guys fi-" his sentence was cut short once he was close enough to see what happened to the map and he stepped over the pieces while looking down at the pair. He gave a smirk and another wink to Valrae and an outstretched hand to her to help her stand back up while asking, "Say I see an X over there, may I have your help pretty miss?" Here was a tone to his voice and a glisten to his mismatched gaze that was begging her to trust him and play along. Once she did he would lead her over to the ex and begin to move the sand out of the way with her while Quizical still craned his neck to peak at what they were doing, "What's his!?" He pulled out a long and narrow 'aged' wooden box and unlatched it's clasp to reveal a pretty nice telescope. He fakes a look of awe brilliantly and looks at Valrae, "No way!" By this time Quizical had stood up and stumbled his way hurriedly over to them. His raspy little voice asks, "What is it!?" Irenic took a seat in the sand next to the boy and it made them nearly even in height while his wing curves around him to comfort him in a way while gently flirting with Valrae on the other side of he boy. "Here, I'll show you," he hands the boy the wondrous treasure and shows him how to place it near his eye and close the other. Quizical looks through it to gaze across the horizon and gasps just before a, "Whoa!" A soft chuckle came from Irenic before he gently said to he boy in an excited tone, "That isn't even the best part!" He tilted the boy's head up to look at the stars that are starting to peak through the darkening skies and the boy became speechless in awe while Irenic leaned back in the sands to fully lay flat. He gently nudges the boy and he follows suit laying back on Irenic's warm cushy wing while attempting to look at every star. "After We learn all of the constellations we have got to find the ever elusive Spring of Vitality." This seemed to satisfy the boy's worries and his legs squirm happily at the news of more adventures before quietly asking with a blush, "C-can Valrae come with us? ... I like her." A wide grin came over Irenic, "Trying to move in on my lady? I don't blame ya... I don't know, we have to ask such a fine lady as her if she would be up for such adventures carefully." As if on queue Quizical stood up and positioned himself in front of her and took a knee with a bow, "Would Madame Pretty-Lady-Valrae do us gentlemen the pleasure of accompanying Sir Featherstick and I, Squire Quizical, on our mischievous adventures." He little boy glances up with those big brown eyes and a charming smirk to follow and this made Irenic quietly chuckle as he was teaching the boy right.

Valrae took the offered hand and sent Irenic a worried look. She hoped the Avian would reassure the boy but she really shouldn't have worried. The witch played along as he asked, curious as to how Irenic would handle the situation. She didn't need to fake her excitement though, as caught up in the moment as she was at not seeing a simple bag of gold. Quizzical was slowly being drawn into the scene they were making. The witch smiled gently as she watched the sweetness of the moment unfold before her. She was drawn in by Irenic's wing, bright skirts rustling. Quizzical looked at the stars, Irenic gently coaching him along. Watching them gave her heart such a strange, bitter sweet feeling. Would he have done this to the child she lost? Even if it wasn't his? If she hadn't gone to prison would she have even decided on her own to keep it? Suddenly, she was pulled back into the moment. The boy was in front of her, kneeling and looking so sweetly determined, and asking her to join them on their adventuring. Her heart swelled again, but it was with pure sweetness. Leaning down, she would press a kiss to the child's forehead. "I would be honored to!"

Irenic watched her carefully with a soft grin and of course he would treat her child with the same kindness for it should be evident now that children were his weak spot, alongside Valrae, of course. Quizical started blushing as his smile nearly broke his face when Valrae kissed him, but he quickly turned to Irenic and stuck his tongue out because he got a sweet kiss from her and not Irenic and all he did in return was wink. "Don't go breaking her heart now, I'll have to hunt you down and duel you." This caused Quizical to laugh at the Avian before laying back into the warm sands by himself to look back up at the skies through the spyglass with a satisfied grin on his face. Irenic glances around and sees it's entirely secluded on the beech before leaning down to whisper something to the boy earning a nod from him before Irenic stood once more with a hand down to Valrae, "Come with me. I've got something to show you." Once he helped her up he would pull her in close like he always does, wing accompanied to snuggly wrap around her while his arm draped around her shoulders. "I spotted this area shortly after our last talk at the Eatery. It seemed like a perfect area for you with the sands, the water, the coves." By this time they passed by the little villa. "It's also so secluded and away from anyone that may know your name... I know what it's like to have to start over, but I have found it's so much easier to do when it's done carefully and in a place that reminds you of home." His gruff voice got a bit quieter, "Plus, you've got me and I don't want to ever forget your name." It was true and actually for most people he doesn't even care to learn their name in the first place. They come across a tucked away orchard of sorts just off the rarely beaten path and he pulls her in close turning to her now and wrapping those marvelous wings around her in a sort of embrace. His hands softly hold the sides of her head while that mismatched gaze looks down into those mossy ones, "So, this isn't only a treasure hunt for the lad, but for you too. I just want to find a place you can call your own, a place you can rest those beautiful eyes without worry someone will find you out and you can practice your arts in seclusion." He gently tucks one of those golden wavy locks behind her ear before leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead.

To Be Continued....