RP:To Rynvale's Inhabitants

From HollowWiki

Part of the Rynvalean Outbreak Arc

Upon the Broken Barrel's message board was left the following message:

I never would have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes. In the fog forest, there's an unseen force that devours men and animals whole. My apprentice and I had gone out to study the force which keeps life from flourishing there and what elements make the fog so terribly dense. We wanted to understand if this anomaly was of magical or natural origin and how to affect change, but this unseen thing took my apprentice within minutes. We were situated near the wall of unknown origin, but it followed us to the heart of the fog. It began at his fingers, the flesh vanishing from the tips and gradually worked its way up to his arms. By the time his entire arm was de-fleshed, the muscles at his fingers had already been eaten away. I cannot shake from my mind his screams! Those horrifying screams as it stripped his face of his unmarred, boyish handsome. He was only twenty and two! If there was ever a time to believe in any gods, it is now. What presence could be in the forest that works so rapidly and brutally against mankind? What seems most reasonable an explanation in this time of great distress but a vengeful god out to collect the taxes on our sinful ways? Why else would such a frightening thing befall Rynvale other than to retribute holy punishment to us for our vanity and materialism! Pray now, colleagues and friends, for I am afraid to say that the zealots and fanatics were correct! Judgment is upon us by the wrath of Sven!

~Charles IV