RP:Three Is Company

From HollowWiki

Synopsis Joan travels about Rynvale on the search for the two other Rynvale Island novice healers, only to step into the local bar and run into Lita, while there Zahrani shows up and Joan is able to hand the feline her own novice healer kit.

Broken Barrel Inn

Joan walked in past the half-hanging tavern door, making her way into this island’s local bar, the vampiric healer cast her eyes about searching each face looking to see if one of the few people she might know was, she had a few more field medic/healer kits to deliver and she wanted to make sure each person got theirs. The woman did have rather unusual colored hair and eyes, and her clothing might mark her as well to do, but it was the glowing mystical aura smoking out of the corner of her eyes that would mark her rather different, well those and the pointed ears, and maybe her fanged smile, but she was rather distracted and didn’t seem to enter this establishment with her normal fanged grin fixed upon her pale icy lips.

Lita is seated at the bar, being halfheartedly discontent at the pages of an open sketchbook. Far more interesting is the bottle of honeyed whiskey Simon has left her. Bless that man. She's dressed in the usual little black sundress, her knees crossed right over left, a barefoot tapping idly at the bar. Joan is a familiar presence to her, but the woman earns herself more than a few looks and whispers from the regulars. Lita turns over her shoulder, tucking stray dark curls behind her ears as she lifts her glass in the fellow vampire's direction. "Tenacious little thing, I'll give you that." She says, taking a sip of the drink. It might be a compliment.

Zahrani is not often across the sea from Cenril, but she finds herself in Rynvale on both paladin and healer business. The feline is currently out of armor, appearing in her more elf-like form. Elven ears are accentuated by tufts of fur, and a jaguar's tail swishes idly behind her. It looks like she has been training, wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts that one might wear while jogging along the beach. A couple of locals glance at the woman, concluding from her physique and divine aura that she probably doesn't need to wear armor in an island bar. Cyan eyes scan for familiar faces, before alighting upon Joan and Lita. A mid-tenor voice, with a slight feline accent, reaches the two vampires, "Fancy meeting you two here." The woman orders a glass of water before meeting with her fellow healers.

Joan offers a flash of smile in relief towards Lita, before turning towards ‘Rani and nodding to her feline friend. “Great to see you, I have a portable basic field medic/healer’s kit to deliver to you. I was looking for Loravelle and that huge bear fellow. Kanna also, but she stays mostly inland like you and me.” Joan speaks as she moves to be level and close by the other two females, the undead woman pulling one of the four other kits she prepared out from her low-slung satchel. This she would present to the feline warrior woman before casting a curious glance over Lita and making a face as she digs back in her satchel and withdraw a small cloth shopping bag, this she’d present towards Lita, “Here, since your cute little sun dress couldn’t be saved, hope it is in your preferred style. If not return it to the boutique in Vailkrin. It’s the best they had in stock.” In the cloth shopping bag would be a slightly different cut and style of the same little number Lita was last seen worn by Joan. “I felt bad it was ruined by the blood and the knife tears.”

Lita leans back on her stool a little to catch sight of the feline as she enters, dark eyes giving her a once-over without apology. She'd met the woman once, maybe twice. She squints dark eyes at her now, trying to remember a name that eludes her. The place really was going too well, not the locals. "Good to see tourism alive and well." She says, maybe to herself as she finishes her drink and refills the glass from the bottle on the bar. She could be nice and offer to take those medic kits to Lora and Nort for Joan, but Lita isn't often described as nice. That said, she blinks in surprise as Joan hands her the cloth bag, peering into it and pawing at the fabric. "Oh." She says, realizing it must be a dress. "Thanks, you didn't have to." She's not used to nonalcoholic presents. "Thanks." She says again. "Come, sit." She pars the stool next to her and motions for Simon to bring another glass. Maybe two if the feline was planning on joining them also. Lita at least could pretend to be nice in her capacity as a steward of the island. "What brings you this far out?" She asks the feline, handing one of those glasses out to her while the other is nudged in Joan's direction.

Zahrani accepts the medical kit from Joan, "I'll put this to good use." She notices Lita giving her a once-over, offering the woman a grin before doing the same, "Love the sundress." She takes a seat with the two women, accepting the glass from Lita, "I wish I was simply here to be a tourist. A family who worships Cyris here sent word; one of their elders has passed, and one of their children is in need of healing. So, I am here to do Last Rites, and..." She holds up the med kit, "...I suppose I'll be using this sooner than I thought." She takes a sip of water, before reintroducing herself to the steward, "I am Rani, a paladin of Cyris."

Joan offers a rolling shrug in return for the offer of ‘thanks’, to her showing of one’s wealth was by how often one gives away items. She’d take the offered stool and accept the glass, whatever Lita has handy would do just fine for her, she listens to what had drawn out her feline friend ‘Rani to the island herself, and she offer a nod, so like the feline warrior woman. “I also came to see if you needed those stitches removed, I mean you have a clinic and everything, but many of our kind are known to be stubborn. If you have fed once or twice since the stitches were put in place they need to come out before your body absorbs the threading.” That said she’d dig in her satchel once more to pull out and present a quart-sized bottle to Lita. “It’s fresh, I got it just from the blood bank in Vailkrin, we have willing people come in and donate, so there is no issue with needing to hunt and feed on victims.”

Lita in truth had no idea who or what a Cyris was, but she'd never put much stock in gods, let alone her faith. She didn't hold it against anyone who did though. "Thanks." She manages when Rani mentions the sundress. It wasn't anything fancy, but it served a purpose. At the mention of Last Rites though, she glances away a moment. Reverence? Perhaps. Hard to tell. "It's a beautiful thing you're offering them." She says finally. And there might be a compliment in there, maybe a hint of admiration even. "Lita." She says finally, offering her own name. She turns to Joan then, lifting a hand to wave away her offer to remove her stitches from the night prior. "All good, they're out." No need to go into details about how that had happened. "And I've a girl here in town for that but thank you though." She's trying to be polite, but she really is not a fan of bottled blood or the bloodwines others drank. "Anybody gives either of you trouble while you're on the island, you come and find me, alright? I'll see it handled."

Zahrani takes a final swig of water, before standing up and nodding to Lita and Joan, "Thank you both. I need to get changed and meet the family I'm helping. Good to see you..." The Panther picks up her medkit and swiftly walks out the door, distracting a couple of sailors on the way. One walks straight into the doorpost, eliciting a snort of amusement from his companion.

Joan accepts Lita’s refusal of the offered fresh blood, yes it was bottled, but it was fresh and spelled to stay that way till it was drunk, well that had been her experience anyways. Not once had she been given fouled bottled blood; she didn’t think it has happened since she came to the gloomy undead city. Putting away the bottle back into her satchel Joan would herself ready to leave. “Sure…I do stand out like a big pale, purple-colored thumb here. Next time hopefully we can go over what is inside the field kits with the others.” Before moving to depart she offers Lita one large black feather. “Here.” she said. Joan was just in the habit of gifting strangers and friends alike random things she found.