RP:The Not So Fantastic Exchange of a Terramancer and Cryomancer

From HollowWiki

Mountain Path

Dami couldn't remember the last time she walked to Frostmaw. Fact.. Dami couldn't remember the last time she walked anywhere. Given the current skillset, means of disposable transportation, incredible 'jumping' strength, and recently aquired wyvern... what reason -was- there to walk? The wyvern's leg was broken, you had to be up in the sky before you could fall from it, and most of all- she was all out of juice. Still taxed from Vailkrin's little incident, she finds it easier to just hoof it up the mountain path; 'sides, the elf had forgotten just how much mountain there was between here, and her home. Good to know.

Satoshi is, in fact, also walking, despite being royalty, deputy commander of the Eyrie, and terribly lazy.It hadn't been entirely intentional that she's ended up down the mountainside all by her lonesome. Normally, she'd borrow a gryphon or wyvern to carry her down the mountains, or demand her couatl Emiur get his serpentine butt up to Frostmaw to retrieve her, but Emiur is presently away in Venturil, possibly with a lady-couatl friend, and the Eyrie's outpost was bypassed while the kit had been wandering aimlessly. Letting your feet carry you when you're lost in thought is not always wise, especially when you abruptly come back to the present to find yourself miles from home and in the process of crossing paths with a covenmate. "Ah. Hullo there, Maelstrom~." The greeting is a tad on the lame side, but Satoshi's still recovering from her self-inflicted surprise.

Dami on the contrary, saw.. and felt her coming a mile away. Not 'her' in particular, just 'someone' in general; a perk for being so harmonizingly in tune with the earth around. "So I look everywhere -but- Frostmaw.. moment I do, here she is~ Long time no see, Stranger." Dami had both hands stuffed in her pockets, new pockets, of a black and white styled jacket. Compliments of her new seamstress. "Beginning to think I'd never see you again, I trust things have been going.. well?" She'd be lying if she said this wasn't a little awkward, Dami couldn't even remember the last time she could greet the Queen one on one like this.

Satoshi doesn't immediately reply, taking a moment to eye and appreciate the black and white jacket the terramancer is now sporting. She needs to meet the creator of this, definitely. She does answer Dami eventually however, with a shrug. "Well enough. I'd expected to see some form of retaliation from the Leech for us slapping around his pet dragon, but as always, he's all bark and no bite." Insert eye roll here. "More's the pity~. What about you? I... admittedly, wasn't expecting to bump into you out here." She also didn't expect to -be- out here, so that's hardly saying anything.

Dami perked up at the mention of dragon- "Speaking of that.. heard you had a thing for wings. More specifically, anything mounted, and/or raining destruction from above." The destruction from above was maybe more for Dami.. rather the Eyrie as a whole. "...Because, you may or may not occasionally find another tenate in your mines, " she said this with a shifty glance to the left, "other then that, I'm just peachy." That was a lie, ever since Kasyr killed the cultist leader with her weapon, something had been.. off.. with Hallowed. It spoke louder and more frequent then ever. She kept that to herself though.

Satoshi's eyebrows go up at the mention of wings and tenants. She can only assume the two are one and the same, along with the 'raining destruction from above' bit. "Ya heard right, I devote a fair bit of my time and energy to the Eyrie. But I haven't heard anything of a 'tenant' in the mines? What have you go stowed away, eh~?" Weird things come and go in that place all the time, there's no way Satoshi could keep track of them all.

Dami rocked back and forth on her heels, looking skyward while shrugging. "A set of wings. A set I know -nothing- about. Blue and orange, easily a wyvern, no idea what breed. Hatched the egg myself, though it shouldn't be as large as it is. Not even a year old, looks almost adult.. there's something -there- but I'm not sure what. Feels similar to what Kasyr put inside me that night, Pyoshia's left overs if you remember. Was hoping maybe you could shed a little light on the situation, and maybe even some on this Eyrie." After all, she had been trying to hunt the kit down for almost a month, it was hard to remember every question she had. Baby steps for now.

"That giant romping menace is -yours-?" Oh yes, she knows the wyvern in question. While it hasn't harmed anyone or destroyed anything with obvious intent, its playful nature has resulted in complaints filed about unwanted pouncings, buildings and stalls dented or damaged by swinging tails or claws, and other such mayhem caused by overgrown, scaly puppydogs. Satoshi hasn't seen it herself, save as the occasional glimpse in the distant sky, so she can't readily name a breed, although at least now she knows the beast is connected to Dami--man does that make so much sense. "Well, as far as shedding light on anything relating to it, I'd need to actually meet it, first. As far as shedding light on the Eyrie, that's easy enough, just ask what questions you want answers to~."

Dami tappted the tips of her index fingers together, shyly glancing that-a way. "Aha.. yes. That would be mine. Forgive me if it.. broke anything, I'll make sure it gets fixed in a timely manner. As for both 'it' and the Eyrie, just curious if you wanted it, or had any use for it. If not, I can drag-" she literally meant this, "drag it back down to Cenril, or the nameless. See if I can turn Firewing into another chew toy." Really, the only thing Dami cared about was Satoshi meeting it. Maybe she could pick up on that same wraithen essence Dami felt, and confirm her theory, then from there decide of what to do with 'it'. Be it exterminate, train, or set loose. "Hanan suggested I ride the damn thing, but really now. Me, riding it?" Dami laughed, clearly she didn't know just how real the Eyrie was in their mounted practices.

Satoshi waves a hand dismissively at Dami's apology, not really one to care about minor, accidental damages. Honestly, look at the people she calls family? You think a house or two being knocked over is a big deal? "The Eyrie would be happy to have it, really. We're always looking for new or different creatures, and yours is plainly of the exotic sort, compared to our surplus of frost gryphons and ice wyverns. I'm sure we can sort something out to suit it. Real-... wait. You've never -ridden- it?" The terramancer is given an incredulous look. "But you -hatched- it. It's bonded to you! And you two don't fly together?" Satoshi can't fathom raising a hatchling and not remaining as its partner from then on. Hellfire, the only reason she's not in the air right now with the angha she raised is that he hasn't quite grown large enough to carry her with ease, but damn if she doesn't want to go flying with him.

Dami said, "Oh no, I have. 'Fact, it was Hanan's idea, gave it a shot out of sheer boredom. Do mind the craters scattered in the frozen plains.. it likes to buck." Buck several hundred feet in the air, primarily Dami. Off. "Actually, only reason I'm on in flight to Frostmaw right now is the leg, broke it in Vailkrin." It took a dozen healers to patch it up. Six on the leg, and another six to coach the first six through their fears, one Dami to hold the beast down. She even managed to craft a splint-cast hybrid with several abandon huts, branches, and enough leather to shield a small fleet. "But you don't want me. Up in the air isn't my place, nope. Down here on the dirt.. good old dirt-" She sounded nervous, unsure, avoidant. "Besides, sure you have plenty more pilots better then me. I'm just.. an earth mover." Hanan's term. Little by little, she tried to edge away from the topic. "So.. how about that Vailkrin, crazy yeah?"

Satoshi doesn't pursue the subject. She's seen enough nervous potential flyers to know how they react if you try to coax them with reason. No, she'll leave Dami be on the matter until the wyvern is present and ready to fly. Then, then she'll see if she can't drag the terramancer back into the skies long enough to produce some appreciation for flying. And if not... well, at least Satoshi tried, and can attempt to find different aerial partner for the beast. "Aha, yes, Vailkrin's been... quite crazy, even by its own standards. In fact, I'm on my way to visit King Crazy himself. Also known as my damnable husband. Xalious only knows what trouble he's managed to brew in the matter of hours he's been out of my sight. Likely provoked some army of infernal giant rabbits into marching on the city." She really, really wouldn't put it past Kasyr not only to find giant, demonic bunnies, but also piss them off enough for them to organize and declare war. It's that roguish charm of his. ...Or something.

Dami said to Satoshi, "Better you find him before me. I still owe him one upside the head." She lost a damn good jacket to that invasion, and for what. A city she loathes? "I should probably let you do just that.. I've got a captain to see about some booze. Seems she's trying to offload some cargo up at Dagron's."

Satoshi would offer to hit Kasyr for Dami but... well, Dami can hit much, much harder than the kit. And Satoshi doesn't have a reason to hit Kasyr. Currently. "I'll go find him then. And ah... tell your captain to keep the cargo well away from the tavern's firepit, eh? Don't want it getting eaten, y'know?" What the hell is -that- supposed to mean? It's Satoshi's odd way of forewarning Dami and Hanan from straying too close to the flames, where Drargon's pet fire wyrm lives, and is prone to devouring anything--and I mean -anything-, from edibles to furniture and everything in between--that gets too close.

Dami laughed. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind, but from the sounds of it.. you'd want to keep this cargo away from flames, should the whole continent go up in flames. Anyways.. you take care of yourself, you know where to find me. It's just a little hole in the wall." Literally. With that, she'd give a half-assed, two-fingered salute and head off in the opposite direction.

Satoshi salutes Dami in return before pivoting on a heel and waltzing off in the vague direction of Vailkrin. She'll be sure to keep an ear cocked for the sound of exploding cargo coming from Frostmaw, however.