RP:The Morticians of Cenril

From HollowWiki

Summary: Sam wants leave early. Twice in one week. No surprise.

Funeral Parlor

Around this room are various examples of coffins that are available to buy here for your recently departed. Towards the back right of the room are examples of grave markers. In the middle of the back wall there is a glass counter, behind which a tall man in a black suit is dressed. He has a calm quiet manner about him, and a comforting smile on his face. On the counter are several lists, giving the prices of the coffins and markers. To the left of the counter there is a dark wooden door, which a bronze plaque upon it. As you look closer it says clearly upon it 'Chapel of Rest'. This must be where the bodies of the recently deceased are kept for their loved ones to visit them until they are buried.

At first glance it would seem that the parlor is empty, the man with that oddly comforting smile is no where to be seen. The sun was starting to set so it was entirely probable that he has moved on his way, making his rounds about the establishment to make sure that everything was secured for the evening. It would not due to have some Cenril hoodlum breaking into the parlor with intentions of pranking the dead. The things that kids find amusing these days. It should be noted that just because no one is within immediate sight does not mean the parlor is empty. With the sun setting, the light within the parlor is growing dim and the shadows are increasing in number -- only kept at bay by the few sparse candles lit within the room. In the perimeter of the room, perhaps aided in being hidden from view by these shadows, is Bradyn. If the shadows do not hide him from view then perhaps the coffin he is kneeling behind will. Maybe. Otherwise it certainly begs the question of what the heck that weirdo is doing hiding in the shadows behind a coffin. I mean this job must take a really special sort...

Samson is just cleaning up for the day. They'd caught a fresh one, so he'd had to drain the body of blood, disinfect it, dress it, shave its face and apply makeup, and so on and so forth. It's hard to believe this job. He's just coming out of a back room, a clipboard in his hands noting his notes regarding the deceased's condition when they'd taken possession. They're very professional here, and this is for legal reasons, don't want people alleging that their dead were mishandled, etc. (Googling this job was a little weird, Samson's author has a few regrets lol). Sam pauses in front of a headstone display before catching sight of Bradyn lurking in the corner of his eye. He turns slightly, he's not startled, Bradyn sometimes... is like this. "Hey, I'm just wrapping up here," says Sam, evidently accustomed to any weirdness by his boss. "Mind if I cut out early?"

The job of a mortician is indeed a gruesome one, made a bit more strange by a few odd requests from his employer. The nitty gritty details of these oddities do not need to be spelled out but certainly a vampire who has a love for necromancy may have an invested interest in what happens to both blood and organs that may be removed from the body during preparation. Not that Bradyn has ever just come out an announced he is a vampire, these are details he is quiet about. This is exactly why Bradyn opts to keep Sam around despite what are sure to be constant requests to leave early. The man had no ambition and was not keen in changing the routine he was trained to do and 'why' was probably not a question Bradyn often heared, or so his player speculates. As it turns out Bradyn was not actually being a weirdo hiding in the shadows (he is still weird though) but was in fact scraping gum off the bottom of a coffin display. Who, why, how, the disrespect. The request is not going to be denied but the vampiric male is not going to let Sam go without some amount of chiding, "You want to leave early so you can run off and play pretend with your friends again, don't you?"

Samson has long suspected vampirism and generally attributes his continued employment not to any particular skill on his part but rather to the fact that it's just better not to share the spoils. Especially if you can rely on a responsible and discreet non-vampire. Which would be Sam. The men have a rapport on this point. They're chill, Sam does what he's told and he gets paid and the job is fine! Really. (Also .. the blood has to go somewhere, he figures.) Sometimes he and bossman exchange pleasantries, but to be sure Bradyn only knows about Samson's hobby because cool and fun sister Char busted him one day. She comes by sometimes to harass him, claims she has a low key crush on Bradyn (this is a false claim, she's just a troll -- there's a froyo place nearby, that's why she comes around). Bradyn makes his remark as Samson is sliding out the sheet he'd filled out from the clipboard. "Yeah, I've got to write those guys back," he explains, as he goes about rifling through a cabinet to find the right hanging folder for the file he's working on. "I also need to cut out early on Wednesday, I'm going with a lady friend to the snake coronation," he adds, in the tone men adopt with one another when they're having routine discussions. He finally finds the right sleeve and files his notes, shutting up the cabinet after that. He glances Bradyn's way, his brow furrowing as he realizes the other guy is scraping something off of the merchandise. "Is that gum? Seriously .. is there no respect for the dead?"

Char may be the fun sister but this running claim that she has a crush on Bradyn is something that the moritician would be quite appalled by. There was just something about her that really rubbed Bradyn the wrong way, he'd sooner envision...Nevermind, we don't need to stray into the morbid mind of Bradyn Mahara. Fun Sister Char was good for one thing though, in Bradyn's mind, and that was getting information on those around him. It may not always be useful information but it's not like Bradyn was the best at socializing himself so he would take what tidbits he could get from the sources mortal sources that he had. Otherwise he would never know that Sam was a closet geek, what a shame that would be (from his writer's perspective, lol) "Right," comes the initial bland response, for Bradyn really did not have a high opinion of this game that Sam plays. From the little bit that he has heard of it at least. But they did have some sort of camaraderie in their respective weirdness. The gum that Bradyn has managed to free from the display is disposed of just as Sam finds the right sleeve for his notes. "Yeah, okay. Skip out early on Wednesday too..." Though the way that Sam has worded this does incite some eyebrow raising from Bradyn. "But really? You are taking an imaginary ladyfriend to a fake coronation ceremony involving snakes? So you are like...writing out a fake date?" Bradyn is not up to speed with the terminology these youngin's are usin (not that he looks old, early thirties also). Referring to nagas as snakes? Mind-boggling. Sam must be rambling on about his silly game, yes, this must be it.

Samson commences locking the files, everything, back up. He snorts faintly as Bradyn guesses that he's taking off early to RP a coronation. Surely not. Not a surprising misfire - this guy wasn't the most attuned to current events. He rakes a hand through his hair. "Real coronation in Alithyria," Samson sets him straight. "It's where nagas live. You know, snake people." He reaches under the front desk's counter and retrieves a spray bottle of some cleaning and disinfecting liquid, whereupon he starts going to town. Got to clean up constantly, in this business. Everyone expects the place to be clean for the dead, even if in life they were untidy. "And it's not a date," he further clarifies, wiping the surfaces down. "She has a boyfriend." A beat here, while he moves to the headstone display to begin cleaning there. "You should go," he offers with a chuckle in his voice. He's channeling a bit of Char right now. Which is to say sometimes it's enjoyable to give Bradyn a hard time, under the guise of politeness. He doesn't look at the guy, just says in perfect nonchalance, "Maybe you'll meet the snake woman of your dreams. I could see it."

Bradyn looks...Well it is hard to say what he looks like because the man usually seems to have one expression and it resembles Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. Rarely is there a smirk or even a laugh (this is probably why Char spreads these silly little rumors) but the thought of meeting a significant other, especially of the naga variety, does cause Bradyn to go wide-eyed for a split second. "If I go then who will tend to the affairs here? Unless you would rather not leave early so that I may be in attendance of this coronation that you already have a date too." I am sorry, Sam, what did you just explain to Bradyn? Though were he aware that a certain vampire who has the desire to see herself titled Queen of Vailkrin, who has no qualms in seeing his House destroyed in the process, he might rethink his position on the matter. "I cannot imagine that there is much I would be interested in witnessing at a coronation ceremony. Drab affairs, displays of power, if you have been to one you have been to them all. But, let me know how it goes. A coronation ceremony means a change in power and not everyone is a fan of change. This could be a prime opportunity for business for us, perhaps I will drop in and leave a business card if the whole affair is not as uneventful as I would expect it to be."

Samson turns a gimlet eye on his boss. "I would propose people can be without funereal services for one evening, it's sort of a holiday," he comments, as if this were obvious. "Just an idea," he adds, as Bradyn begins to launch into just why said idea doesn't interest him. He wonders what Bradyn does for fun. If Bradyn even has fun. He can't picture Bradyn going to sports, or playing table top games with friends, or being in a book club, or .. really anything. He wonders if Bradyn has a pet, the guy seems to live alone from Samson's observations of his choices in clothing. Said observations have also suggested Bradyn isn't gay. ... His thought bubble is punctured by the realization that Bradyn's warmed up to the coronation idea. He pauses mid-spray in front of a coffin and looks at the guy. "Go figure," he voices, amazed. He resumes spraying, shaking his head as he does so. "Clearly the prospect of those snake ladies," he adds, quietly. "Well for your transit purposes, we're taking a magic ferry there, Cenril docks. Not sure how everyone else is going."

Well Samson, if one must know Bradyn is weird and this IS his hobby and what he does for fun. As a vampire whose age is ....? Well it is not ridiculously old but he is not the middle-aged man that he looks to be. Perhaps at least double that? The point is...this job is not for money, he is not exactly hurting for the gold. He probably has other hobbies, pawing through old tomes for creepy spells about raising the dead, summoning the dead. Hopefully everything in this funeral parlor is kosher and this mean is not trying to pull any weird ritualistic stunts, like from a Haunting in Connecticut. As far as his sexual preference? Is the way one dresses always the best way to determine this? It could be he has no preference at all, maybe that is why he entirely disinterested in Fun Sister Char or these Naga women at the ball. It could be he has all preferences. Hai Sam. What is obviously is that this guy is really has no game and sucks at flirting, so whatever his preference is....He needs help in that area. "Well enjoy yourself. Since we're putting in all these leave early requests...Are you sure you do not want to just ask me if we you can leave early every day this week? You're about half way there...." Give or take. 2/5s of the way there. "Have fun on your snake date."