RP:The Harder The Heart, The Harder It Breaks

From HollowWiki

Part of the Do You Believe In Magic? Arc

Summary: KhittiDom's relationship problems persist, but Khitti tries to smooth things over with the carrot cake she promised Dominic and a food fight. It sort of works. Almost. But not really.

Raiez's Cave (Dead End)

Khitti'd grown tired of practicing her violin after a couple days and had finally decided to inspect that bag of ingredients and the 'magic' oven. The odd bag was filled to the brim, and then some. Well actually, to be honest, the amount of ingredients were neverending and, from what Khitti could tell, each and every one was perfect. She dug through the bag, finding everything she needed to make that delectable carrot cake of hers; she owed Dominic one and now that she had the means to do so, she might as well. Eggs, flour, sugar (both regular and powdered), milk, and the rest of the stuff for both the cake and icing is pulled out and set on top of the oven, as well as a bowl, a spoon, and pans for the cake batter. There's a bit of faint humming coming from that side of the jar with the vampiress and the oven as she throws items into the bowl and starts mixing it all together.

Dominic hadn’t spent a whole lot of time lately as the active personality within his schismed form. On the occasion he was present, he was often sleeping or reading or otherwise withdrawn. Being cooped up was taking its toll. He sat there now, slouched against the glass, splayed out like an unwanted doll haphazardly thrown to the ground. The book Raiez had given him was cradled loosely in one arm, as of yet unopened. Somehow, reading through it felt like it would be accepting their fate, accepting that they wouldn’t be getting out of here. And even as reassuring as being reunited with Khitti had been, he wasn’t quite ready to resign himself to a lifetime of glass walls and close quarters with two bitey vampiresses. And quite a mess they’d made, too, though Brand had taken the liberty of using some water magic to clean up the place. (Not like he’d had anything else better to do.) At any rate, Dominic was somewhere between slumber and wakefulness when Khitti’s humming hit his ears. He regarded her with one eye just barely slitted open. “Is there anything to make tea in there?”

Khitti stopped what she was doing, casting a side glance in Dominic's direction. She'd been wary of things between them as of late, a wry frown surfacing momentarily. The vampiress would pause, though, in her baking and rummage through the bag, searching for any sign of tea for Dominic. "No. No tea. Sorry." The bag is then closed and tossed aside, before she returns to the mixing, the putting of the batter in the pans, and finally putting the pans in the oven. There'd be three layers in all. This cake was going to be glorious. Khitti, however, was soon left to her thoughts as the cake did what was needed to be cake, the dark ranger turning around and leaning her back against the oven. Occasionally, she'd peek over at Dominic, observing him quietly.

Dominic ’s eyes drooped closed again and he heaved a sigh. “Of course not. I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up.” He spent another few minutes inspecting the inside of his eyelids for holes before groaning and grunting his way to a standing position. Sleeping on glass isn’t exactly the most comfortable, you know. After a yawn and a series of stretches that did not nearly enough to ease the ache in his back, Dominic padded over to Khitti, snaked an arm around her waist, and dropped his head onto her shoulder. “It’s strange. Out of all the things to possibly miss, I think I miss tea the most. If something like this ever happens again, remind me to bring a magic kettle with me or something. Maybe… maybe Raiez has something like that, too?” Another frustrated sigh, hot breath against her skin.

Khitti gave a shrug at his inquiry about Raiez, leaning against Dominic. "I'll make you zhe biggest pot of tea as soon as ve get out of here, love." She did her best to be positive, at least for him. She didn't exactly like when he was on the not-so-optimistic side of things. It didn't suit him. It was her job to be that way, or so she thought. Slipping her arm around his neck, she pulls him close, not really caring about whether or not the public display of affection was too much for their jarmate. She'd missed him while Brand was about, but now she still felt unsure about things. Despite the reassurances from both Dominic and Brand, she was still irritated with her feelings towards Brand, still considered them stupid. Regardless, she held Dominic close, her head resting against his shoulder as she waited for that cake to bake.

Dominic thought little of their role reversal, or of Khitti’s feelings for Brand. In fact, he’d been trying very hard to think little of anything -- though it wasn’t working very well. “That would be nice,” was his simple reply, as he buried his face deeper into where her shoulder met her neck. He was trying to remind himself of why he’d come here, what he was doing here in the first place. If there was one thing he loved more than tea, it was Khitti, and here she was, right here with him. At least there was that. But seriously, next time, he was finding a damn teapot and bringing it with him. Maybe it didn’t even have to be magical. He’d just convince Brand to conjure up some water and heat the thing up for him. Couldn’t be -that- hard.

Khitti remained silent, clinging to him. What was there for her to say? She'd likely singlehandedly ruined this relationship, just like she did her last one, though Dominic probably wouldn't admit it. As the smell of carrot cake slowly started to fill the jar her hold on Dominic tightened, keeping him close. He was going to leave her, wasn't he? He couldn't do anything about it now, but as soon as they got out of there, that was it. He'd put up with her, pretend that things were okay. But they weren't okay. She could feel it. This thought only made her hold on tighter to him, a kiss pressed to his cheek.

Dominic was torn away from whatever thoughts he’d been trying not to have by that telltale smell of cake permeating the air. Finally he raised his head, peering over her at the oven. “Wait, that actually works?” Somehow he’d thought it wouldn’t have. Or there was some sort of trick. Or something. Was Raiez actually trying to keep her little collection of sentients… happy? But why bother? He didn’t think he was ever going to understand this dragon’s motivations. But maybe he should take a look at that book he’d been given, after all. “What is it you’re making?” He cast a wary glance to the bag of ingredients. “And what else is in there?” Tea was out of his reach for now, but he was considering stealing some time with that oven and cooking some things for himself. Food was -some- comfort in this damned jar, at least.

Khitti blinks as he mentions the cake, somehow she'd completely forgotten it. "It's carrot cake. Like I promised you." She reaches for the bag, handing it over to him to inspect. It'd be filled with anything and everything one would need for baking. Khitti'd watch him carefully for a moment, then would turn to open the oven door to check it. Not ready yet. So so very close though. She'd pull away from him, moving to start making the frosting that always came with carrot cake.

Dominic smiled for what might have been the first time in a week. He tended toward the serious even in the best of times, but lately he’d tended toward downright morose. It’s hard to be sullen when there’s cake around, though, and even harder when that cake is being made especially -for- you. Curiously, he rummaged through the bag, his confusion about that dragon only growing the further he dug in. “This is like … that bag from that one story,” he said with awe, one arm and half of his head inside the the thing. “The one with the nanny. Unbe-frakkin’-lievable.” Yeah, he borrowed one of Brand’s words. It was -that- utterly astounding.

Khitti couldn't help but grin at Dominic's use of that jerkface's word. "Yeah, zhat's exactly vhat I zhought too." With the brightening of his spirits, if even just a little, her own jumped up considerably. "It's almost done. It's got to cool for a bit, but it von't take long to frost it." She grabs the bowl of frosting and offers it to him, that warm smile of hers given to accompany it, "Here! Try it. I promise it's good."

Dominic stuck a finger into the bowl, eagerly scooped up a generous portion, and pushed the whole glob into his mouth. His eyes rolled into the back of his head a bit in contentment. “Isshgoo,” he praised her from around the frosting-covered digit before sucking it clean and wiping the residual saliva off on his trousers. Gross. Such a guy.

Khitti didn't seem to care about his crazy male mannerisms as she was entirely too pleased by his reaction to be grossed out like most of those fancy, uppercrust females. She -did- grow up in the country, you know. She sets the bowl aside and throws her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, "See? I knew you'd love it. I can make you so many other zhings too. Pies and cookies...and Hildegarde's chef told me the recipe for cakelog." She gifts him with another kiss, then goes to pull the pans from the oven and set them on top to cool off.

Dominic shook his head in a mix of wonder and amusement. “You got the cakelog recipe? Who did you have to bribe to pull that off?” Her kiss was returned threefold before he trailed close behind her, watching her and probably getting quite in the way in the process. For a moment, he managed to forget their predicament, so swept up was he in the scent of freshly baked goods and in Khitti’s exuberance. It was terribly contagious; he couldn’t help it.

Khitti blinked at the kiss overload he returned to her, her mood brightening a bit more. "I just vent in and asked him. Zhat reminds me, zhere's a frost giant I've got to make a carrot cake log for." She taps her chin, then shrugs. "I guess I'll vorry about it vhen I get out of here." Carefully, she takes the cakes out of the pans, frosting the inbetween of each layer. "Come here. You can help me." She fits each cake on top of each other perfectly, the lovely tower of cake looking quite delicious even without the top layer of frosting. The bowl and spoon is passed over to Dominic and a grin on her face, "It's all up to you now, love."

Luckily, Dominic had paid enough attention to her slathering on the frosting that he was able to follow suit. “ ‘When’? Now -you’re- the one being an optimist.” He spoke with his eyes firmly locked onto the cake, spreading the remainder of the frosting over the top and sides of it with great care. When he finished, he stood back to eye their joint handiwork, idly licking what was left off of the spoon.

Khitti spotted a bit of frosting on his lips and promptly licked it off. "I'm trying to be...it gets very hard sometimes. I've been in here longer zhan you, if you recall." She tilts her head towards the cake, "It's ready now if you'd like some." She casts a glance over towards the bitey one, noting the face she was making as she realized the cake Khitti baked was carrot. "I'm going to assume you don't vant any." Her attention shifted back toward Dominic, "Looks like it's all yours zhen."

“Recall? Oh boy, do I ever.” Dominic spoke between bites, periodically falling silent long enough to savor every bit of the slice he’d taken for himself. “I didn’t sleep much without you. Although, on the other hand, at least I had tea then.” He grinned playfully at Khitti before shoving another bite down his gullet. “...This carrot cake is some consolation though, at least.” Another few bites were taken, his expression growing ever more contemplative. “...You know, Brand missed you too, even if he won’t admit it. He must have, because he helped look for you. D-don’t tell him I said that.” Dominic winced; it would be a fair bet to assume the aforementioned jerkface was present enough to have overheard.

Khitti had mustered a grin at his teasing, but it soon faded at the mention of Brand. "I doubt it. He likely only did it because of you. He even said so. It vas just like zhat day you two saved me in Xalious. He did it because if he didn't, you vould've bothered him about it for forever." That meloncholy mood that'd overtaken her as of late threatened to return, but she drove it back for now. "I don't vant to talk about Brand right now." The dirty dishes she'd made were left on the oven; perhaps she'd ask Brand do wash and dry them later, seeing as how he was the one with the water and fire magic. She'd bribe him with other kinds of sweets if she had to. It's not like she'd be able to do much else. Khitti shifts away from Dominic uncomfortably, her line of sight not meeting his as she stepped away to find something else to busy herself with.

“S-sorry. Just… trying to help.” Dominic looked equally as uncomfortable; he hurriedly shoved the last few bites on his plate into his mouth to avoid having to say anything further. Neither man was any good at knowing the right thing to say, he thought -- they certainly had -that- in common, at the least.

Khitti would probably argue with that thought of Dominic's if she knew it. They were also pretty good at either getting uncomfortable or angry with Khitti, though that was likely her fault all together. After a few minutes of silence, she finally manages to ask, "How vas it?" Her hands fidgeted with one another idly, her attempt to find something to do failing at the moment. "Zhe carrot cake."

“It was good! It was really good. With as much as you’d talked about it, I was honestly beginning to think you’d overhyped it, but… no, it was good.” Dominic spied her wringing hands and took them in his; he pulled her close to him again. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I…” He searched for words -- above her, behind her, across her face and down (and back up) her body. Funny how Brand had no crude comments to make about her body this time. “I… just don’t want things to be weird. B-between us, I mean. It’s not weird to me.” He realized that last sentence was at least a little bit of a lie the instant it was out of his mouth, but, well… he’d already said it. He tried smothering the feeling by kissing her again, but it wasn’t working quite as well as he’d hoped. Dammit, Brand. This is all your fault.

Khitti, with that ever observant nature of hers, sensed the uncertainty in that kiss. She pulled away from him, retreating into her own mind, unable to stop the word that slipped out of her mouth, uttered under her breath, "Liar." One could only assume that self-deprivation was rampant through the vampiress' mind at this point. She'd screwed up big time. She couldn't even blame it on Brand like she wanted to. It wasn't his fault, he wasn't the one with the feelings. Her feet propel her backwards, her line of sight on the floor, hands wringing each other again. Her mouth opens, as if she were to speak, but she says nothing, quickly turns and goes to start baking something else. She had to do something. Anything. There had to be something that could get her mind off of this. Just when she thought she was going crazy before, a new awkward situation arises and she's left to dwell on it as usual. This was all her fault. All of it. Every bit. And she knew not how to fix it. This problem was going to eat away at her, mind, body and soul.

“N-no, I --” Dominic bit at his lip and then breathed out a heavy sigh. “Okay. Yes. It’s a little weird. But it doesn’t change how I feel, Khitti.” He was hanging back, weaving the fingers of one hand worriedly in the other, unsure if he should step forward again to try to reassure her or if he’d just be repelled again. “I don’t want it to be weird, like I said. It -wasn’t- weird. But I thought I’d be able to wrap my brain around it with a little time, and…” he trailed off, canting his head at her, his brows knit together.

Khitti put her hands down at her sides as he spoke. She couldn't focus on the baking now, that very thing that had always been there for her in Larewen's house when her and Daermon were having issues. But now, that wouldn't even help. She stares down at the bowl that she'd started putting ingredients in for chocolate chip cookies, a frown lining her lips, "I...I just..." A pause. "I don't know, Dominic. It feels veird, regardless. Even moreso because I don't know vhat he's vhispering to you in zhe back of your head. Making zhings vorse. I don't know vhy you don't hate me. Vhy you're still vith me. I'm no better zhan Daermon right now." Well, she wasn't. She wasn't even close to being that bad with things like this. But, of course, in her mind, she didn't see it that way.

Dominic ’s brows drew together even more. “He hasn’t really been saying much of anything, actually -- which is usually for him. It’s hard enough to understand what he’s thinking most of the time, because he won’t tell me except what… what he wants me to know, I guess. But lately it’s been more like he’s built a wall and stuck some spikes along it just to make extra sure.” Dominic released some of the tension in his shoulders with another sigh and wrapped an arm around Khitti again, loosely enough that she could pull away once more if she wanted to. “Just… forget about him, for a moment. I still love you. If -- if you’re capable of feeling that for both of us, then…” He shrugged, shaking his head lightly. “It just matters to me that you’re happy. Even if I don’t understand it.”

Khitti's body tensed somewhat as he wrapped his arm around her, but she didn't pull away. "But vhy...vhy do you love me? I-I don't understand." She leans back against him, still not meeting his gaze. "I don't know vhy I feel zhis vay. It's stupid...so stupid. I just..." The vampiress doesn't lean against him for long, returning to her frantic adding of ingredients to the bowl. "I'm trying not to zhink about it, but it's zhere. It's always zhere in zhe back of my head. I betrayed you...and I didn't mean it to be like zhat...He's just--you're just--both of you...you're--." Unable to put it into words, she just shakes her head fervently, frowning still.

Dominic ’s gaze narrowed. He clung to her a little more tightly. “Well, being hard on yourself about it isn’t going to change anything. Just -- hey, stop.” He attempted pulling her away from the oven, twisting her around to face him. “Look at me. Look at me, and look into my eyes, and see that I’m not upset. You didn’t ‘betray’ me.” If she’d do as he asked, he’d do his best to soften his gaze, to give her the kind of caring smile he felt she needed. “It’s just a little strange right now, is all.”

Khitti allowed herself to be turned around. Her hair hung in her face, her eyes were near to spilling over with tears. She couldn't imagine what the bitey one that they shared a jar with thought about her. Always crying, always upset about something. The nearly thirty year old woman was nothing more than a child half the time. It took her a moment before she finally got up the courage to look at Dominic, that frown of hers still staying put. "Dominic..." Emerald eyes study his face, seeing that smile he made just for her, a hand moving up to touch his cheek. "Please...don't hate me. I'm so sorry." She was so worried, despite his reassurances; she'd likely not be able to bear it if he left her. If they got out of this jar, that is. "I'm trying to make it go away. Zhose feelings...I'm trying."

Dominic played with her hair as a substitute for the words he was suddenly feeling a complete dearth of. One tendril after the next was carefully braided, twisted, or tucked behind her ear. “Just… let it be whatever it is,” he finally managed at length. He realized he’d made a royal mess of her hair and began unbraiding it all again. “I couldn’t hate you even if I tried.”

Khitti's brows furrow as she listens to him, watching as he braided her hair. It wasn't as bad as he thought it was, and so she stopped him from undoing it completely, then finishes what was left to be braided. She cast a wary glance towards the other redhead, who was training as usual and thankfully fully clothed now. With a shake of her head, she turns back to Dominic, pulling him close so that she can rest her head on his shoulder. "I am sorry, zhough..." She stumbles over things to say again, but ultimately just decides to be quiet. She really didn't want to risk saying anything stupid.

Dominic paused in his fussing over her hair to take her chin and tilt her face towards his. “Khitti, listen to me. You have nothing to be sorry for. It’s not like this was something you did intentionally.” For a moment, he wished having their link here in this jar was feasible, that it wasn’t so likely to make the bitey one… more bitey. He wasn’t sure how else to get through to her.

"I know, b-but...I..." She stares up at him, that frown firmly planted on her features. She nudges his hand away from her chin, pressing her cheek into his palm. She wanted to say she was sorry again, the thought was written all over her face. "...I vant to go home, Dominic..." was said finally after a few moments. Maybe if they actually did get out of here, everything could go back to normal.

Dominic kissed her once more on the forehead. “We will, Khitti. We will find a way. We have to.” ...On the other hand, maybe it was a good thing they had no link right now. As much as he tried to put on a brave face for her when -she- was the one upset, they both had to know, deep down, that it was hopeless, right? That this was all they’d ever have in life. At least Raiez seemed somewhat committed to giving them small comforts, but… he looked away from Khitti, back toward the book he’d been given. Learning about runes was completely useless to him if he never got out of this jar. He’d never have a way to put the knowledge to use. At least Khitti could create things with her gifts. Music and food still had purpose in here. “There’s… no point to me reading about any of all that if I never get out to use it…” The words were a murmur, more to himself than to her.

Khitti's frown remained, her eyes widening somewhat as she hears that murmur to himself. "Vhat...? No. I'm sure if you read it, zhere might be something you can use to get us out." She lowered her own voice somewhat, shifting away from him to finish what she was doing with the cookies. "It's better zhan my magic. Likely more useful." She finishes mixing the ingredients together finally, puts them on a pan, and sticks them in the oven.

Dominic only offered her a noncommittal shrug. “You’re assuming I could do anything at all -- which I can’t.” Well, -that- was a blatant lie, and by now they both knew it. The look Dominic gave Khitti strongly suggested she not correct him on the matter, though. “Even that book is more for Brand than it is for me. He’s the one that needs to figure out that stone so badly. He’s the one that -likes- magic.” As Khitti went to tend to her baking, Dominic hugged his arms around himself, as if it would protect him from knowing what he was capable of. Some previous words of Brand’s bubbled up in his mind and were quickly quashed again, though their effect was enough to leave Dominic looking rather queasy.

Khitti turned back towards him long enough to catch that look of warning. She looks like she might protest, but decided she already screwed up enough in their relationship and shouldn't do it again. Instead, she just threw her hands up and sighed in an expression of frustration and defeat. "I don't know vhat you vant me to say. Ve've had zhis conversation so many times. And you've had it many more vith Brand. It's who you are regardless of vhether or not you asked for it or like it. You have to adapt and move on. You did in a vay. You just don't realize it." Of course, she was talking about Brand. "You can't ever get any better vith your magic if you can't move past the denial stage." Khitti, you probably should listen to your own advice, to be honest.

Dominic just shook his head again. “I dunno. It’s fine. It’s all fine. None of it matters in here anyway.” He released a sigh -- exasperation? relief? -- and settled into a spot at Khitti’s side, overlooking the oven and all the ingredients. “How can I help?” He was changing the subject, and wasn’t even a little bit subtle about it.

The vampiress rolled her eyes. She didn't even try to hide it. When it came to magic--Dominic's specifically--it was like she was talking to a wall. He'd never accept it, not even a little bit. If there was one thing her and Brand could agree on, it was that Dominic needed to get past whatever it was that was keeping him from using his magic properly. But then again, it's not like she could say much. She -did- have her own problems too. With a heavy sigh, she pulls the cookies out of the oven, lets them sit for a few moments, and then scoops them off the pan and sets them aside in a pile. "Here. Do I as I do." Khitti takes a small amount of cookie dough in her hand, rolls it into a ball, then sets it down on the pan. "Keep doing zhis until zhe pan is filled, but make sure zhere's room in between for zhem to bake and get bigger." Stepping to the side, she lets him try.

Dominic almost certainly saw that eyeroll, but he wasn’t about to comment further on the matter if she wasn’t. Carefully, he set about doing as he was told, watching her for signs he was doing it right or else needed to make adjustments. Soon enough he’d settled into a rhythm, and the full pan was sent into the oven. Dominic took a half step back again and peered at Khitti with silent, awkward expectation, as if to say, ‘now what?’

"Now ve vait." She shifts her attention on the oven, waiting patiently like a cat watching a bug or mouse for the perfect time to strike. She resists the urge to fidget with her hands again, but ultimately fails. The awkward silence was much too much for the female and so she took to biting her nails. Too bad she wasn't human; she'd probably let the bitey one kill her at this point. This weird sort of relationship limbo wasn't exactly something she enjoyed. She had done it once and never wanted to again. Too bad for Khitti, though, apparently.

Dominic only marginally possessed more patience than Brand, it seemed; soon enough, he was idly bouncing from one foot to the other and back again. Well, it wasn’t like he could actually -go- anywhere with all that energy. His antsy routine lasted a few minutes before he became aware of it and resorted to finding a spot to sit. He took a place near where Khitti had been sitting before and tried to stop himself from tapping his feet or drumming his fingers. His gaze inevitably found Khitti again. “...Do you ever feel like we may just run out of things to talk about in this jar? I never would have thought that could happen before, but…” He trailed off, shrugging one shoulder and dropping his eyes down to his hands.

A frown appeared after his question was asked, a side glance offered in response and a furrowing of those red eyebrows. She stared at him hard, considering his words, as well as overthinking the problems that had suddenly begun to eat away at their relationship. "I-I don't know..." Well, for starters, it'd help if she were more of a people person. Fifteen years with no one to talk to but Amarrah would do that to you. She wasn't exactly exciting or interesting. Of course, that'd cause problems. She lowers her hand to her side, turning to biting at her lower lip instead, her anxiety flaring up as her mind wandered. "It's my fault. I'm sorry." Her line of sight trailed back to the oven, watching the cookies as they baked. Soon they'd be done, and she could go back to filling the pan. Got to keep baking. Keep your mind on the baking.

“What? Khitti, don’t be ridiculous.” Dominic’s response was immediate and would brook no argument. He bit his lip as well, an unconscious mimicry of Khitti, and leaned his head further back and against the wall. “I don’t know. There must be something I could say to Brand to get him to not be so…” A hand was thrown up in frustration. “...Whatever he is. But I feel like I’ve done something wrong and -I- didn’t even do -anything-.”

Khitti smirked bitterly at Dominic, but once again decided to say nothing in protest to his response. Angry Dominic was a bit scarier than angry Brand, mostly because it was something she rarely saw. She wasn't about to piss him off too; she'd already done that with Brand. "He's as stubborn as I am...so who knows?" She paused a moment, casting a side glance towards him again as she leans over to take the cookies out of the oven. "Vould you rather him be out here?" was asked, in such a way that it was obviously asking 'You don't want to be around me?'.

“No, that’s not it.” Dominic couldn’t fight off his restlessness anymore; he idly picked at some small blemish on his arm just for something to do with his hands. Soon enough, he realized what it was he was doing and sought to redirect himself to something else in the jar. Khitti’s violin was picked up, ever so gingerly, and he turned it in his hands, inspecting it from every angle and even peeping inside the sound holes. The bow was equally scrutinized, though he never even attempted to play it. Just looking, eyes continuing his inspection even as he talked. “No… I think it’s just boredom. Boredom and impatience, and our whole situation with him doesn’t make it any easier.”

"Yeah...okay." A 'if you say so' wasn't said, but was certainly implied. Instead of baking it, she picked up a small glob of cookie dough and shoved it into her mouth. She glanced at him occasionally as he inspected her instrument, her line of sight shifting back and forth between Dominic and the cookie dough. Then, she did the unthinkable: she threw the cookie dough at his face. The chocolate chips might hurt a little, but mostly, it'd just be gooey and all up in his business.

Dominic jerked upright, clearly startled by the sudden appearance of a sticky mess on his face. At least it was a delicious mess. (Mind out of the gutter, Brand.) Delicately, Dominic set the violin and its bow safely off to the side, then wiped the glob off his face to confirm it was, indeed, exactly what he thought it was. He flailed a bit, then gathered up as much of the gunk as he could and pelted it right back at Khitti, lobbing it at her chest. Hey, it was an easier target than her head or limbs, okay? And that was definitely and entirely the only reason. (Thanks a lot, Brand. This is all your fault.)

Khitti's face takes on an expression of 'I can't believe you just did that' as she wipes the cookie dough from her chest, and flops it to the ground. She turns, grabs that bag of ingredients and digs in deep, looking for something specific. A smaller bag of flour is found and the vampiress makes her way over to Dominic. Without a word, the bag is overturned and the entire thing of flour is let loose over Dominic's head, a mischievous grin appearing as she waits for it to empty and the bag is tossed to the side.

Immediately following the massive flour dump, Dominic spluttered, mostly. What does one even say to that? The man held his hands up as he looked down at himself, then apparently decided trying to dust himself off was going to do absolutely nothing and rested his hands in his lap again. “I… I should’ve kept the violin in my lap as protection,” he murmured when he managed to find words, with a shake of his head and amusement beginning to creep on the corners of his lips. “Hindsight, I guess.”

Khitti didn't like that remark about the violin--Lydia's violin--an unhappy smirk making itself known, irritation in her voice. "Perhaps Brand could give zhe two of you a sponge bath vith zhat water magic of his." With a 'hmph', she turns away, tending to the rest of the cookie dough that hadn't been thrown at Dominic's face. This stuff isn't baked though, it's eaten in the most bitter of fashions.

Dominic was many things, but psychic wasn't one of them. (Yet. Knowing Brand, maybe he'd find a way.) “Khitti, what in blazes did I do this time?” The amusement was gone, overpowered by a stony facade that was only marginally hiding the growing turmoil beneath. He couldn't seem to get anything right with her lately. Or maybe she was taking Brand's rejection out on him. He wasn’t quite sure, and ultimately it didn't matter. The effect was the same. Maybe he'd eventually break out of the jar just by sheer pent up force of frustration, cracking the jar open like a fissure tearing through the earth when the pressure beneath becomes too great. He visualized it and shuddered. No. Too much like Brand's magic.

"Let's just say zhat it's better zhat you didn't have zhat violin in your lap. Do you not recall whom it belonged to?" She side-eyed him for a moment, then shook her head and sighed. There was a bit of remorse in those emerald eyes of hers, but she said nothing. For once, though, she didn't apologize, instead letting the guilt build up inside. That was the better thing to do, right? As a sort of penance? That's what all those religious folk did. Own up to their mistakes, take in all the bad stuff that happens to them. What was that word...karma? Yeah. Karma. Even if Dominic -had- left that violin in his lap, and it had gotten messed up thanks to the flour, it would've been on her, it would've been her fault.

Dominic’s line of thought wasn’t all dissimilar to Khitti’s. “Yes, precisely. All I was saying was that you couldn’t have dumped flour on me if I was holding it.” The words were trailed by a quizzical, raised eyebrow, but he said nothing else about the rapid flip in her demeanor. Aside from the brow, he was still putting great effort into keeping his expression stoic, unreadable. The flour that still dusted everything seemed ill-suited to the moment, now that that moment had soured.

"Uh huh." was said passively before Khitti pops more cookie dough into her mouth. Why did she ever stop making cookie dough? She loved it when she was a kid. Oh right. Because the undead happened. Right. Riiiiight... (Awkward cough.) Anyway. A side glance is cast towards Dominic briefly, then she looks back at the cookie dough, then back at Dominic. With a 'hm', she reaches up behind her head and detaches the hood from her dress, the bit of cloth fastened with a few buttons. The vampiress would toss it to Dominic to wipe what flour he could off, a silent apology sent with the gift. Meanwhile, however, as it soars towards the human, she plucks up a bit more cookie dough, this one a golf ball-sized glob, and throws it at Dominic face, just like she did the last one. It's super quick, and her vampiric agility definitely used to not only throw the ball, but also start walking away like nothing had happened towards one of her stacks of books. There was much innocent whistling coming from the vampiress at this point.

Dominic sighed heavily at the ball of dough before deciding to break it up and pop it into his mouth. He then set to cleaning himself off as best as he was able, starting with his face and working his way methodically down his body. He skipped trying to clean off his clothes for the most part -- he’d just have to make sure they got a proper wash at some point. Despite the bitter tone in which she’d delivered the advice, Khitti was right -- even if they remained stuck in this jar, Brand could likely make use of his magic for such a thing if it was needed. Assuming he could be convinced to ‘stoop’ to using it for something so very ordinary.

Well, that didn't go the way Khitti wanted it, though what else did she expect to happen? A sigh is given as the cookies were stacked neatly on a pan and left on the stove while the dirty dishes were yet again left for Brand to deal with--if she could persuade him to do so, that is. Crossing her arms over her chest, she turns about and leans back against the oven. She didn't have much to say now, as she'd likely just screw it up again anyway, her line of sight fixated on the bitey one they shared the jar with, her training watched idly.

Dominic finished cleaning himself off, and reached one arm out with the cloth. “Um. H-here you go. Thanks.” He wasn’t making eye contact either, and conveniently spied his own collection of books to focus on. There was the book he’d been gifted by Raiez, some collection of tales similar to the one Khitti treasured so much, and a couple of books Brand had been trying to work his way through. Not wanting to extend the awkwardness any further, he picked up the book of stories and began leafing his way through it, though he’d definitely completed it once or twice already while being imprisoned in this jar.

"Just toss it to zhe side for now. It does no good to me dirty." Her tone wasn't sharp or hateful for once, instead just quiet and contemplative. Occasionally, she looks in his direction, a slight frown forming, but she forces it away once she glanced away again. She wanted so much to just curl up in his arms and fall asleep like she always had, but she couldn't do that in this stupid jar. It was too public, too open; things would probably go back to normal if they weren't so cooped up all the time.