RP:The Final Preparations

From HollowWiki

‘’’Synopsis:’’’ With only a couple hours to go before the Yule Ball, Raevyn and Celaeno finish putting themselves together. (Very short RP!)

‘’’Date:’’’ Dec. 22nd, 2017


‘’How bland, you think to yourself as you take in your surroundings. All around you are small cots, with cheap blankets and white sheets. They are all well cleaned though, and the cots look comfortable despite their size. At the base of each cot is a small trunk for each person to store their things in, and at the side of the bed is a small table with a candle and some individual items for each person. There are many windows, all with thin blue curtains that blow gently in the breeze through open windows. All this makes it seem as if they don't spend very much time in here. To the east is a door leading to the mage tower, and to the south is a small door heading towards the library..’’

Raevyn ran around like a chicken with its head cut off. There were only a couple hours to go before the Yule Ball was set to begin, and she was frantically trying to get herself collected. "Calm down, kiddo. We'll make it on time." Baelok stated, adjusting his bow tie. It took quite a bit of pestering, but the girls seemingly managed to get the undead guardian to go along with the idea that she should dress up for the event. So, he wore A black suit and shoes, with a violet waistcoat and bow tie over a neat white button down shirt. Seeing as he was Raevyn's guardian, he might as well match her in some regard. Huffing to herself, the girl would be found on the western side of the room looking into a mirror while she began to affix the silver and diamond jewelry she had purchased for the affair. She had yet to get her dress on, but her usually straight black hair was looking prim and proper as it was fashioned into elegant sideswept curls that hung down her right shoulder. "Argh. This is so frustrating. I didn't think it would be so much work, really. What if I look out of place?" This of course made the larger male groan. "Enouuuugh."

Celaeno seemed to have taken quite a liking to her dress as she had put that one first and worked on attaching her jewelry. At first re-opening the piercing holes in her ears after leaving them so long without decoration took a bit of wincing, but she managed with only a little hiss. Her boots were traded for a pair of comfortable black slippers, soft enough to walk in. All that was left was making something of that braid... As of now, as she glared down at the tail from where she sat on one of the cots, she knew unweaving her hair would make it a wavy, possibly frizzy, mess, and above all she wanted it to look neat for the occasion. "I can't think of what to do with my hair. If I leave it down it's going to be caught in my jewelry, if I leave it in a braid, it will look sloppy..." She sighs, glancing behind her, first to Baelok, then to Raevyn with a bit of a disappointed pout, definitely a first for the woman. "But I'm not sure how to put it all of it up by myself." An unspoken conundrum of the evening, which one of the two might have noticed, was that thus far, Cela had been avoiding the mirror Raevyn used to make herself presentable for the occasion. And every time she wandered even remotely near to it, she kept her distance as if the reflection would bite.

Raevyn, finally with her jewelry put on, was ready for her dress. She would duck behind a folding wardrobe and strip down, first fixing to herself a couple of custom bust enhancers to properly fill out the cups of her dress. There was a little eep as she hadn't expected the material to be so gold on first contact, but quickly got used to the things. By time she finally stepped out from behind the wardrobe, she was into her dress! "baelok, please?" she asked, turning her back to the guardian as a hint to help her tighten the dress a little better. Celaeno was afforded a sweet smile as the human looked the half-elf over and pondered how best to help. "Hmm... What if... we style it into some sort of twisted and curled chignon? it's a very elegant look, and solve both problems!"

Celaeno blinks a few times, both at seeing her friend in the completed ensemble, taking in how the jewelry complimented the dress and how the underthings accentuated Raevyn's natural assets. Her friend was stunning a stunning pop of color, really. "Raevyn, you look amazing. How did you do that to your hair?" Then she said a word the well read half elf had never heard in her life. "A shi-what? Is that some kind of hair enchantment? If it will work, I'll try it." At that point, so close to the event, Cela may have started feeling that bit of desperation that Raevyn had while changing.

Raevyn smiled sweetly to her friend, a playful curtsy offered to her praise, "Thank you, Cela! I.. had some help from one of the students here. She was very helpful." The young girl wandered over to where her friend sat and began to get to work, asking for Baelok to bring the bag situated on her own cot. "Don't your worry. You're going to be stunning by time we leave here." The guardian kind of grunted, and did as he was asked, commenting to the pair, "You two. Worry warts over nothin'. You already look great." It was hard to discern if he was telling the truth, or just trying to hurry them up. To Celaeno, Baelok teased, "If ya want, we can give ya what I got." he said, rubbing his smooth bald head. "Ain't no worrying about frizz or messy hair. You'll look damned good all the time." Raevyn rolled her eyes. "Don't listen to him. I like your hair. it's pretty." It took a little time, but the girl seemed to work magic with the provisions she had; Most actually given to her by that student that had done the human's hair earlier. When she put the final touches into the chignon, Raevyn stepped around to take a better look. She was beaming. Baelok's brow, or what was perceived as his brow, lifted. "Wow." he stated. Raevyn gestured to the mirror, "Go look. Tell me if you like it!"

Celaeno went to feel around her head, but she halted since her sense of touch with those gauntlets wasn't quite the same as flesh and blood fingers. She set both hands back in her lap for fear of mussing what her friend had made so neat and her cheeks heated up at the praise, particularly the monosyllabic bit from the hard to please Baelok. She bites her lip, however painted it might be at the moment when she glances at the mirror. A brief glance couldn't hurt, right? She moves over, lifting her skirts from the floor as she does, and holding her breath. When she stands in front of the mirror, she looks into it, eyes widening as she turns her head this way and that to get a full view of the updo. When no chiding discouragement or foreign images appeared in her mind or her reflection, she let the breath out and smiles. "It's lovely! You could make extra gold doing this!"

Raevyn smiles brightly, a sense of happiness overcoming her as he friend seemed to enjoy the new hairstyle. "I... might think about that." she admitted. hair styling. That could be a profession worth looking into. "Eeee you look so fantastic, Cela. This is going to be so much fun!" Baelok now maneuvered over to his cot and pulled from underneath it, one final gift for the pair. "Frostmaw is cold. Real cold. You're going to want these." He tossed to the girls, wolf-fur lined cloaks and an optional shoulder cover. "Now, c'mon. This thing's startin' very shortly." Baelok aimed his hand toward the floor and concentrated, a dark manifestation of energy beginning to bubble up. It seemed to follow his hand as he lifted upward, soon standing at least eight feet tall. "What is that?..." Raevyn asked, surprised by the death knight's ability. "Our ride." With that, the undead male steps through the rift, leaving Raevyn to look to Celaeno with a bit of nervousness. "Shall..we?"she asked. Before giving the half elf a chance to response, Raevyn Throws the cloak over her shoulders and proceeds to run into the rift without concern for her own safety.