RP:The Breathtaking Cliff: An unexpected meeting.

From HollowWiki

Summary: Sabrina stands upon the cliff in contemplation when several unexpected visitors arrive...

Breathtaking Cliff

The scenery lain before you appears as if it could very well be the edge of the World. Here, there is more sky than land, from which drifts a chill and foreboding breeze. The only sensible course of direction is to turn away and retreat back from whence you came, because there is nothing but stale, barren air ahead. To both the immediate east and west, there is sparse shrubbery and patches of unkempt grass, and yet the sounds of wildlife are nowhere to be heard. Even the meager sprouts of greenery seem to wilt and die within less than a dozen paces, wasting away until there is only rock and gravel remaining. It is almost as if life itself knows to flee from this place, and the reason for that is quite blatant. Following no more than seven feet of jagged, uneven stone, the platform suddenly ceases to exist. The safety of stable ground disappears altogether, revealing a steep, brutal cliff with no landing in sight; the only visible objects peering up from the swirling fog below are the sharp, wicked points of upraised crags, all lethal enough to pierce through the most fortified armor and shred into the staunchest of bodies. The space that swallows this ledge is powerful and overwhelming, so vast that the weak of heart or spirit may faint precisely where they stand and tumble helplessly into the crater. If the adventurous were daring enough to stare down at their probable deaths, they might sometimes think they see the occasional sparkle of water. Or is it mist, flowing between the giant spears of stone? Every so often, these tricks of the eye dissipate, revealing its true nature: an endless, bottomless abyss. There is no floor below, no shore across the invisible valley, and nothing to catch your fall.

Sabrina was standing at the edge of the cliff. Not the normal edge where a commoner takes in the view, but the very edge near fault of gravity for the slightest misstep. The wind comes in from the sea, pulling unacceptably long tresses away from her face and causing them to whip like angry black rapids. Her coat is pulled tight, made of heavier materials to stave off the cold and wet, but the ego of fine Elvish thread still apparent in its making. It was dark out there, a storm, maybe; she never learned to read the sea despite growing up a part of it. Like it hated her, and the way she stared one would think she hated it too.

Pilar was flying in from the west, not on her couatl, but on a green dragon. The two of them were aiming to visit the shrine to Daedria, in hopes that, perhaps, Pilar would be musically inspired. The winds were kicking up, though, and they would probably be forced to make a landing. Looking down along the coastline, Pilar spotted Sabrina by the edge and her heart jumped to her throat. Why was she so close to the edge?! "Cassy," Pilar said, "can you land by that woman on the cliff?" The dragon rumbled in response and descended. Some distance away, so as not to risk startling Sabrina into falling. Once Pilar was on the ground, metal leg and all, Cassy shrank down into a humanoid form. Her green skin was now smooth, not scaly, and she stood tall, nearly a foot taller than Pilar. Her massive wings reached down to her ankles, and her brown hair whipped around her face. Pilar clutched her arm for support, as she still was not used to the new leg, her own black hair thankfully pulled back out of her face. The couple walked towards the elf carefully. Pilar wanted to call out, but was afraid of startling her friend.

Lycidas appeared like any other along the cliff which had one of the most terrifying scenes in all of Hollow. It was a place where many feared to tread, worried life or limb may be lost with the slightest slip to the rocky depths below.. Yet, here was Lycidas, the retired knight, aged by years of being human far to long, making his way up to the perilous peak. As he approached though, following the trail of many others adventurous wanderers and silly kids proving their bravery, a dragon soared above, landing nearby. Green? The vampire moved much more slowly towards the edge of the cliff, choosing to stay further back from the rickety landscape and upon the solid patches of grass some distance back, to watch the scene unfold.

Leoxander typically frequented the shoreline closer to the salt and sand. It was either coincidence or traces of scent that caused him to scale onto the cliff that led to no where, with a fairly cryptic view, despite it's ironic given name. One familiar, brushing in on the high winds. Another (if not otherwise concealed) that he did not recognize but was possibily vampire. Without the cover of shadow upon that stone slope, Leo would not be very well concealed, but seeing the large silhouette of the dragon sweep in was enough of a cause to keep some distance, closer to the stranger Lycidas than the rest, yet still further behind. The black fabric draped around the front of his throat was brought over the bridge of a sun spotted nose as though to conceal his half-bearded features, but that tousle of dirty blond often gave him away without a hood. With an obsidian compound bow strapped to back and hugged across his chest and several blades holstered in a harness against his ribs over a long sleeved black shirt, he risked loitering to observe the scene with arms folding almost casually over his chest. He owed Sabrina at least those few moments to make certain she was safe enough.

Sabrina didn’t startle easily, and even with those bangles on her wrist she was not without a certain grasp of two life strains coming in from the west, even with the winds against her that carried the woman’s commands along with it. Her head tips down; one life familiar, the other a semi-tamed wild thing. She turns, all evidence pointing to a careless step, but it was not. The swirl of black mass curls around her face and she brings a pale hand to pull them from her field of vision. Sabrina without her gloves usually meant some intention to be among the general public, hence the bangles designed by the Master Runesmith to render her touch neutral. An oddity, that even Pilar had yet to see, would be a kind of reward upon closer inspection; The natural order of her gaze- not white, not black, but green like the sea both deep and untamed. Leo was too far to sense, all hindered like she was, and the other was not technically alive, so unless he deliberately made himself seen she would not sense him either. Her head cants to the side upon taking in Pilar’s condition, a half smile taking to one corner of her lips. “I assumed you were yet fit for travel.” It was Elvish, what she considered a ‘common’ elvish, one Pilar seemed to take kindly to listen to. The tilt of head was still creepy though, an unnatural gesture applied with the intention to seem more ‘human’ and therefore approachable.

Pilar offered a smile to Sabrina. It was a tired smile, one that perhaps was a strain to hold, but a smile nonetheless. "I probably am. But I had to get out. It was driving me crazy, being cooped up all day," she responded, also in Elvish. Pilar switched to Common for her next statement. "Sabrina, this is my love, Cassy. Cassy, this is my friend Sabrina. She's a healer." The dragon, Cassy, blushed a little and tilted her head down shyly, though her eyes stayed on Sabrina. "Hi," she said softly.

Lycidas wasn’t exactly adept to the niceties the elves awarded themselves in word, posture, and grace. The man had years and years on him but fumbled when it came to proving elves their honors.. So, rather than even attempting the man walked past the trio, nodding his head politely as he approached the edge. None seemed to mean harm, though it was hard to tell.. And rather, Lycidas got near the edge enough to sit and look out over the view.. Whilst perhaps listening into the conversation. He had absolutely no clue that Leoxander was there as well.

Leoxander didn't really understand how or why, hence the confused furrow of brows behind that veil of hair in his face. But sharp hearing picked up some of what Sabrina said. It wasn't necessarily the wind that should prevent him from understanding what she was saying, but more so the fact that Leo did not speak elvish of any kind. And yet here and there, he could have sworn to himself he was picking up on distant, familiar syllables within that conversation. The most common, simple words along with the addition of 'travel', and 'love'. The pirate was not necessarily an educated man. Not beyond his knowledge of the sea and the streets, and it somewhat boggled his mind that he seemed to be picking up on a broken version of what the healer had to say to the woman with her constructed metal leg. He chose to watch for now, settling into a crouch to rest his arms over his knees in a position lower to the ground, but not necessarily suspicious. If they hadn't noticed him yet, perhaps they would not notice him at all.

Sabrina took a step toward Pilar and Cassy, the shift along the edge causing a half foot-sized crumble of earth to seek refuge far below. The introduction did not go without that subtle face-twitch at the mere mention of that word. She was really sick of hearing it at this point. The elfess walks a halfmoon around Cassy with brows furrowed and concentration heavy on her features. She was not one to disregard a proper assessment for health when faced with a new acquaintance. She gives Cassy a soft sort of grunt coupled with a nod of head that either meant ‘hello,’ or, ‘I permit the life of my healer in your hands.’ A small surprise just walks up behind her, causing her to turn and follow his trot to her previous looking spot and she is silent under the arched brow that followed him. “Curious.” She murmurs, in common no less. She had closed some distance between herself and the unannounced, that there was a hint of something that made her feel unnerved. Then, as if Leo had shouted some profanity she turns her head and stares directly at him. To Pilar she points out. “I have been here for hours, and not a soul. Are they with you?” Adopting Common was getting easier and easier the longer she remained inland.

Pilar , still clutching Cassy's arm, gave her a pat while Sabrina looked her over. She was used to Sabrina's occasionally odd ways. Cassy, however, seemed uncomfortable with the examination. Then Lycidas passed by, and Pilar looked at him. She hadn't even noticed him there. At Sabrina's question, she murmured, "They...?" At that point she followed the elf's gaze to Leoxander, and she blinked. "I... no, I don't know either of them." She gripped Cassy tighter. She was improving, yes, but she was still nervous around strangers.

Lycidas found himself rather amused at the word choice of hers, wondering if he’d followed a dragon here, until he thought of what she said. There was one more other than himself? Curiously he stood and turned to face the others, eyeing the forms and counting. “One, two, three..” He spoke softly to himself, looking for a fourth and finally spotted Leoxander in the background. “Ahh, my lady elf, my apologies, I had come to simply enjoy the view and didn’t mean to disturb you or your dragon friend. If my presence insults, perhaps I can find a seat further from your trio and resume my spectating of the world below.” The man courteous, a kind grin upon his aged face. “Or perhaps, I should introduce myself and join your small group if you’d like,” He silently cheered, remembering for once to introduce himself within the first few moments, “I am Lycidas Nazek, a retired man with little to do anymore.”

Leoxander hadn't entirely expected that kind of greeting from Sabrina, but he had to admit to himself, he was intruding upon a scene that he didn't necessarily need to be. It was mostly an unspoken concern for her situation, especially since Rohk was no where in sight. Realizing he was spotted, he stood with a half step back, almost silently suggesting that he would go, but after a glance toward the two he did not know he cast a look to Sabrina to make certain that was the right thing to do. Not that values and morals had ever weighed too much on his conscience. More so, he knew the debt he owed, the acquaintanceship made, even if he had not seen the woman in a long time. For some reason, the smooth tone and kind grin upon Lycidas not only darkened his frown, it made him hesitate in his retreat. Not that he didn't believe those three were incapable of looking after themselves.

Sabrina nodded. “They.” Her right hand instinctively unlatches a strap along her belt. She was in no condition to heal, again, the reason behind the bangles. This also meant that unencumbered by them she could prove quite deadly; taking instead of giving, but she hadn’t drawn the conclusion that death was the correct course. So, with hand on blade she places herself in front of the Cassy clutching Pilar and the left hand directing the timid veterinarian at her back. She was not a fighter by nature, otherwise she’d have not given indications of her dominant appendage. The Elder was given a scrutinizing glare, too many words in close succession. There were no indicators that he would harm any of them, but women alone on an avoided outlook held little promise to openly trust. There was vague familiarity with the man in the distance, but already she felt that trust in him was far more likely since he had opportunity and did not seize it."

Pilar wanted to be friendly and polite, she had no reason to distrust either of them... And yet she did. They were strangers. And they hadn't been vetted by the fort guards. They could be anyone. And Sabrina's reaction to Lycidas didn't hold much promise. Pilar swallowed and held Cassy, and Cassy gulped and held Pilar. Pilar's hand went to her own blade at her hip, taking her cue from Sabrina. "... Hello, sirs..." Pilar mumbled. Cassy said nothing.

Lycidas never stopped smiling at the group, nor did he present himself as any further a threat than the rest perceived him as. The man simply nodded, “Ahh my apologies, it’s for the trio of you to enjoy your time by yourselves, I shall move to a different spot then.” The large man walked further away from the rest, a distance it seemed to separate himself from them yet still be able to look out over the edge. The man was still within ear shot but not close enough to easily harm any it seemed. Rather, the large man seemed quite peaceful looking out into the foreboding distance though nothing could truly be seen to far past the edge of the cliff.

Leo barely resisted the urge to grimace at that title. Sir. He hated it. But he at least raised his masked jaw to acknowledge the greeting. Blue eyes opted to follow Lycidas as he began to retreat from the trio, and rather than approach and interrupt them further, he moved after the aged looking... yes, he had to be vampire. There were too many things a lycanthrope could pick up on, just as Lycidas could easily do in return with keen senses. He got close enough that hopefully the assassin would be the only one to hear his murmur of words. "If yer huntin'... I don't know why you're doin' it here. I ain't about to let you prey on her." He didn't define who 'her' was. It could have been Pilar. Sabrina. Less likely, Cassy. Dragons were as intimidating to Leo as they were to the other, known or not. "But you've been in Cenril... haven't you?"

Sabrina relaxed some as he gave them a wider berth. The clasp is refastened and her posture was no longer poised for defense. Pilar was uncomfortable around people as was the elfess, though, likely for different reasons. It was in Sabrina’s nature to hold mistrust for Lycidas’ kind. Even Pilar went through many trials before the Healer came to terms with her condition. As an advocate for the living she was even more inclined to watch the now pair of males in their hushed words. All the while she turns to Pilar and Cassy, whispering things of her own, to the Dragoness first. “How fast can you climb nine meters, with Pilar on your back?” Pilar would be given direction to mount, should the elfess draw her blade. All caution was not discarded, and the hushed words were shared whilst eyes never leave the culprits of her awareness.

Pilar was still nervous as Lycidas retreated. She watched Leoxander approach him and whisper his warning, then turned her eyes from the men to Sabrina, frowning. She didn't like the idea of leaving Sabrina to deal with either of them should things turn violent. Casandra knew that Sabrina wouldn't have to deal with them along if things did turn out for the worst. The emerald flash of her eyes told that much. As scared as Cassy may have been to think that a fight could break out, she was actually quite happy knowing that Pilar's friend was so accepting towards her to the point that the elfess would ask Cas to make sure she was safe. Well, of course the girl would be safe either way, but the point being that Sabrina had asked it. Indirectly. "As fast as I need to." She replied with a nervous shuffle. She's not had to make a quick get away, so she's not exactly been able to time any of it... A glance would be shared between the two males in hopes that they don't start anything.

Lycidas made no movement towards defending himself or offering resistance from the other, merely stood to his full height at 6’8 and tilted his head a little to the right, whilst offering a friendly smile. “I have no means to harm anyone, for as you can see I am unarmed, with no magical prowess. I simply came to enjoy the spectacle and peace for typically there is none but me who might come to this spot.” While the wolf’s words were muffled and quiet, the gigantic man made no attempt at such subtlety, “Indeed, Cenril was my home for some time, now I merely pass through to reflect upon the life once lived.”

Leoxander spoke to Lycidas flatly. "Give me a bloody break. I've seen that kind of smile before." He wasn't trying to accuse the other male of deception but he wasn't exactly a rookie, either. He risked a look away toward the three women before his attention landed back on the assassin. Or knight. Or whatever he was determined to call himself. "Thing is... this place doesn't hold much. I think that there's more out there, and I intend to find it again. This cliff only seems to promise an end. So why are you here?" He didn't entirely expect the truth, but he tried to speak in honesty, on his own behalf. A skill he was not all that proficient on. "You're waiting for something."

Sabrina was more than capable of not dying, but that look in Pilar’s eyes brought out an exaggerated slump of shoulders and a roll of eyes. She removes the bangles and holsters them on a specific loop on her belt. She raises her brows and looks at her like ‘fine’ as the transition of once beautiful sea-green gems take on an eerily dark hue. So the truth of it was out, the Elfess was no longer fully in control of her curse, no doubt at the cause of the recent quarrels between Larket and Frostmaw and the sheer amount of healing she must’ve had to do alone. It was as if the Elfess would be aware of the obvious, giving Pilar an explanation she didn’t ask for. “You all went to Frostmaw. I had no choice.” She expended far more than she was equipped to, and so, takes some distance between herself and Cassy as a precaution. Vampires, it would seem, were relatively safe in that they had no life to steal. She caught Leoxander’s gaze for only a moment, long enough to rule him out as trouble but nothing more. She went silent when he looked that way, her brows coming together as recognition formed over the mask of ill intent she painted him in. She holds up a hand to the women there. “Wait.” There was something relaxed in her stance. “I know that one.” She points, because obviously she has no discretion.

Pilar frowned as Sabrina's eyes darkened. "Sabrina..." she murmured. She wanted to defend herself, say she'd been recuperating in Frostmaw for longer than the war had gone on, but... she couldn't. She felt so bad for her failures as a healer.

Casandra watched as Sabrina's eyes darkened and gave a small step back. Things were getting both strange and pretty ridiculous. By Cas' standards. Then again, she couldn't say much since her own eyes would change under situations as well. However, it wasn't as scary as the healer's. Kinda. As comments about Frostmaw was suddenly mentioned, she looked to the elfess with a curious look. Cassy wasn't exactly an ally towards the cold kingdom, but she wasn't against them either. Would she be upset knowing that Cas stayed up there? Taking Pilar's hand she stepped them back a bit murmuring, "I dunno if things are going to get better or worse from here..."

Lycidas was a central focus point for this group, it felt, someone none could trust. Had he gone astray with his speech? No that wasn’t it? Ahh they didn’t trust his smile, as the wolf so kindly pointed out. The knight rubbed his chin, stroking the imaginary beard that wasn’t there, “I’ve been waiting a long time for many things.” The smile he usually wore had faded, replaced with a calm, in thought expression, “Yet for the life of me I can’t seem to understand what brought four other individuals to hate me so much. A blade drawn for introducing yourself, a frightened couple with one drawing their blade, and a man accusing me of hiding something when I have naught a place upon me to hide anything.” He stared down Leoxander, prying for more information from the lycanthrope, “Perhaps you’ve discerned what I am? Though there are many of my kind throughout the kingdom doing more good than evil, so that usually doesn’t turn people away..” He took in a deep breath, unneeded but useful when sorting one’s thoughts, “Very well, I can assure you I am here for nothing more than to look out over this cliff, see if anything catches my eyes and report my findings to another if I like the area. Unfortunately, I don’t believe this will be a suitable location for the future tavern we have planned and will have to inform him that while maintaining a building on a rickety cliff will bring in certain adrenaline junkies.. This, will be one that cascades an entire establishment into the watery drink below and we will need another location instead. I’m probably going to recommend near the upper establishment in Cenril, near the library.”

Leoxander kept his stoic expression in tact. "I haven't drawn a blade. Yet. I could hardly give a sh*t what you are, but I can smell it enough. My point..." He paused, staring the other down just as sturdy, "My question, is why you are here. Why you have been haunting Cenril streets. Watching and waiting, the same as I have been." So he tried to level with Lycidas at least... somewhat. "You can't expect me to believe you are scouting this cliff for a bloody tavern, mate. I've been in this city over a month, now." A slight shake of his head was given, but he dared not take his eyes off this other male, now. Not matter what Cassandra, Sabrina, and Pilar did. The tension in his jaw was becoming more prominent as he waited for a more proper answer.

Sabrina ’s eyes flash to Cassy, then Pilar. Her gaze is brought downward. It wasn’t the first time someone reacted like that. She wouldn’t look back up, just letting out some old dialect about ‘not being the enemy.’ It hurt, like it always did, and she shut it down. Pilar asked her why she pushed everyone away, once, why she was so determined that everyone should hate her. That look, right there in Cass’ eyes. That was why. Because no matter how many she saved, she was still that thing where mothers hid children with hem of skirt. She waved them off. “Go on then.” It wasn’t a kind tone. She was already weak; her tolerance of strangers was minimal on a good day. She looks Casandra dead in the eyes, all color fading to a cold dark pitch. “Piss off.” It would figure, the clearest Common was the most offensive. The men standing there, the women just before her… she didn’t need that. That wasn’t why she was here. She turns from them all and heads north to the path that brought her here as the rumble of the incoming storm sounds off in the distance.

Pilar stretched out her hand helplessly. "Sabrina!" she called. "Sabrina, wait!" She didn't want to let Casandra go, but also wanted to chase after her friend. She knew Sabrina was hurting inside, was always hurting. She just wished she knew how to make it better. She looked to Cassy, then back to Sabrina.

Casandra would feel guilty over passing judgement right away, but what can one do in a situation like this? That and Lycidas hasn't done much to prove himself nice or anything. Obviously the two didn't like each other. They seem to know each other well enough to hate it would seem. Or it could be the whole lycan, vampire thing. Her thoughts interrupted when Sabrina turned to her and dismissed her like that. Eyes suddenly lingering on that emerald for a while, she frowned wondering why she suddenly flipped like that. Sure, she was nervous as hell about what Sabrina would do, but Cassy didn't think she'd turn on them. When she went to go walk off, she bit her lip suddenly feeling a wave of regret washing over her. Looking down, she gave a weak smile before letting Pilar go and saying, "I should probably go..."

Sabrina didn’t respond to Pilar at all, kept walking like she had a purpose. It wasn’t until she was some distance away that she’d realize somewhere in all of that she drew her blade. And she drew it on Casandra. She relaxes her white-knuckled grip and sheaths it at her side her steps more deliberate, arguably, desperate.

Pilar looked to Cassy, taking her hand again. "Let's... Let's go to the inn. I'm a little tired. We can see the shrine tomorrow." With another look towards the males, Pilar would limp down from the cliff, hopefully pulling Cassy along with her.

Lycidas noticed the others leaving, tension was quickly leaving the scene no longer having to worry about numbers any further. His only true adversary was the one who thought to confront him directly, to attempt to blunty discover his intentions. “If you’d like to know what has brought me here, you’ll need to speak with Edgar from Vailkrin. He’s recently asked me to search for a suitable location out of prying eyes to craft a tavern. My recent convoys with Cenril, or, stalking as you may call it, is to secure the resources necessary to craft such a location.” He smiled once again, politely looking towards the others who were leaving as a way of avoiding offering further information, “I’ve even managed to secure the majority of what we’d need, large amount of timber that has been magically reinforced to reduce the damage the seawater would have upon it while carried through by the ocean breeze.” The knight wasn’t looking to run, more or less looking to avoid any discussion of his actual plans he had, especially in Cenril when he knew that this place was not supposed to be his main city.. For now.

Leoxander took note of that name: Edgar. 'He nodded in understanding, even if the city was not particularly alluring to the rogue. It was a start. "I may have an answer for you, but I'll look into it, first. Don't expect this to be the last time we meet." No names given, but Leo didn't need names to find a target. And although this wasn't his major city to scour, either, it was his for now, with the detail in security he had been hired for. A glance was given at Sabrina's retreat, and toward the dragon rider, before he opted to his own exit. Not another word said before he made his way back to the shore to consider what he had seen, that night.

Casandra squeezed her hand when she took it again and turned with a nod. Not caring about the other guys anymore. Let them have their pissing contest or whatever it was that they were fuming over. She needed to rethink some things and maybe some way to apologize to the elfess. "Then I guess we should be going."

Lycidas nodded at the man and began to work on the details of making Thamalys name himself Edgar and desire a tavern in Cenril.. Maybe it could work? Probably preposterous.. Though…”Till we meet again sir.” He didn’t expect a name, watching as the man simply walked away, a curious study of the other’s behavior before and after he left. The man was no tracker, he wasn’t going to try and find the other, but he sure would watch out to make sure he’d notice him should he appear again. With that, the man took his seating back once again where Sabrina’s group had been, watching out over the cliff, pondering to himself once more.