RP:The Boy Who Could Kill

From HollowWiki

Under the Waterfall

The sound of the water, plummeting down the cliff is deafening you wouldn't even be able to hear your own shouting. The waterfall must be a good 70 feet high, or higher, and at the top you see the ice that has covered whatever river that moves down from the mountains. But it must not be cold enough there to freeze it all, as the water underneath it pores down this cliff, bringing with it chunks of ice every so often. The great pool of water here is not frozen, as the air is not quite cold enough to cause such, and the ice chunks slowly melt as they crash into the pool and are broken up by the pummeling of the water from above. To your south you see a narrow path, wet and slippery with the spray coming from the waterfall. You're not sure if you want to stay where you are, or if you want to risk a fall from that path! Then you see what seems to be an opening, just behind the waterfall. With a few careful steps you might be able to go there.

Luzaf focuses on what the fox was telling him. Practicing each move serveral time before looking to the fox to make sure he was still preforming them correctly, "Like this!" He would go through the motions acouple more times making several mistakes, but over all pretty good for one first try.

Tyler watched amusingly from a distance. The man's caramel gaze locked onto the scene of the Kitsune and another poor soul engaging in some sort of combat, if that's what you'd call it. A smirk was spread smugly across his complexion as he decides to approach the duo slowly though he doesn't make a sound, knowing the Kitsune would be well aware of his approach by the time he made it close.

Alphonz coniured up a small illusion of luzaf. And stood it across from the boy." Ok practice what I showed you on this... Once you have the basics down... Well then i'll show you the imfamous squirrel technique." With a shifting of the winds Al turns his head towards the road looking for the person to match the smell. Ohh... It was mask... How adorable... The fox took a step back leaving another illusion of himself there to watch over the boy as the real Kitsune made his way silent as a shadow towards the illusionist. A small wave and a smirk to match the humans." Well met mask."

Luzaf matched in amusement as the Kitsune created an illusion of him. He would continue to practice on the illusion. Putting all his efforts in to getting it right. Wanting to be a good student.

Tyler nods to Alphonz as he approaches before his gaze reverts to the child who was battling himself. "You're not teaching him to sneak up on people in the woods, are you?" His voice in a lowered tone so the conversation could only be heard between the Kitsune and the human until he knew the story behind the child. His eyes shift to the Kitsune once more as a joking feature is made upon his visage. "I never pictured you as the father type, devil."

Alphonz gave a snort of amusement as he followed tyler's gaze to the child fighting himself." No that's next week... Why wanting to play the mouse?" Al's tone was calm and as sweet as liquid chocolate. " Father type?" This caused the fox to lose it in a gale of laughter as he had to hold his stomach." No no... Haha... father type...." Clowly the fox brought himself back under control. " No Mask... I'm no fatherly figure merely a teacher for the day. Week. Month ? Or year? I can't decide yet. But I tried to kill the child barely a week ago... and the day before that he almost killed someone... So whats better then a child assassin?

Luzaf continued to practice. He was so focused and thinking about getting it right, he misplace his foot. He slipped and fell on his butt.

Tyler held back his distaste for the Kitsune's twisted thoughts though he couldn't find a proper argument on why a child assassin in the sense of working, would be a bad thing. A simple shrug is given as he watches Luzaf fall to his arse in the distance. A brow is arched as he continues with the fox; "-He- almost killed someone? Hmm... I have to admit that's rather hard to believe." Twisting his lips and biting at the inside of his bottom he pondered for a moment before speaking once more; "What of his parents? You didn't kill them off did you?"

Alphonz merely cast a baleful gaze at the man's insulting words. " Get close enough to give him a hug. " Was his only response before moving onto the next conversation piece. " His parents? I've met his mother. She is quite lovely. " While the duo was talking the illusion of Al moved and showed the lycan how to do his footwork so that he wouldn't fall again. After all fighting was one part damage one part footwork and seven parts stupid luck. The real Al grinned at the man once more. " So mask.... Care to train a bit for your next match? The boy could use some visual learning."

Luzaf pushed himself back up and watched the Kitsune feet carefully. He nodded, and started the routine again. More determined than ever.

Tyler held a stare to Luzaf for a few moment and watched as he trained with the Kitsune's doppelganger. His right hand reaches up to rub at his chest and ribs to the sore spots from his encounter with Vakko yesterday but he slowly begins to nod. "Yeah." He turns to face Alphonz; "Yeah, I believe that could do us all some good." He began to fiddle with his spiked gauntlets and shoulder pads and would toss them to the ground once they released their hold on the human. Now simply robed he held an open palm towards the child insisting for Alphonz to lead the way.

Alphonz gave a wide smirk as he merely started to walk down the path a bit. Calmly unbuckling his large coat. He tossed it off to the side a small snapping of his fingers shattered the illusion around the fox revealing a writhing mass of vipers and constrictors encircling the fox's body. They dropped off slithering away. He woudn't need to use them for a ... Friendly spar. " Luzaf pay attention see if you can't pick up a few things from this..." With that the two illusions the fox had made for him shattered much like glass breaking. When he arrived at the flat area near the lake the kitsune turned sliding down into a ready stance. His right arm seemed to swirl and pulse with anticipation for the violence about to be unleashed.

Luzaf stopped and watched the snakes with amusement. He quickly move to a good vantage point to watch. Which mean he climb on to the shoulder of his minotaur slave. He swayed from side to side with excitement.

Tyler showed little interest in Alphonz' preparation and rather took a moment to ready himself. A deep inhale is taken through the nose with closed eyes as Tyler plants his right foot firmly to the soil before him and lowered into a crouched position. A moment is taken as a cool breeze rushes over the warrior and he exhales through his mouth. Eyes snap open and no time is wasted as the human charges towards the Kitsune before him. Arms stretched out behind his back blue specks of mana would fall from his fingertips during his sprint hinting at the upcoming illusion. Rapidly approaching his target Tyler kicked himself into the air a mere four feet from Alphonz and began to perform a spinning kick with his shin aimed for the Kitsune's skull. As he twirled through the air, an inferno would encase the limb adding a bit of flare to the move.

Alphonz merely stood there waiting for a moment. Seeing the mana spark along the man's hands was quite amusing... To much flash not fast enough. At the last possible moment the fox merely fell to the ground letting the kick fly over him. Even before he was up the fox had literally vanished from sight. As the illusionist would land from his vicious kick the fox reappeared a few dozen feet away." Not fast enough mask." And with the the Kitsune revealed his hands. Between each finger was an odd little capsule. And with a grand flourish he tossed them all towards the ground. The first five burst into eye searing flashes of light upon contact with the ground. The next five sending up massive plumes of thick grey smoke. And with that the Kitsune slipped into his element. The illusionist shouldn't have been so quick to dismiss the snakes. Since they came flooding back towards the smoke screens.

Luzaf watched with amusement through he was finding it a bit difficult to watch but he kept trying. After all Al had told him to. He glance down at his pocket which held his deck cards, then back to the fight. He'd stay watching it for the time being.

Tyler landed his failed attack with grace and quickly adjusted himself to find the Kitsune yet again. At his mocking words the human remained silent but was caught off guard by the capsules. The blinding smoke eliminated Tyler's sight and also made it very hard to breath. Keeping his breaths swift and short he managed to prevent himself from choking. Though as he stood trying to find the Kitsune through burning, watery eyes he found himself struck in the leg by one of the reptiles, A hiss of pain offered as he swiftly kicks the creature away. Long slender digits from his left hand quickly extended to meet the open palm of his right. Light audible pops could be heard throughout the smoke, as they became more frequent and accelerated chirps and other small cries could be heard as well. Tyler had manifested several small Mongooses that began engaging the serpents. Due to their inability to process the thought of Tyler's illusions being just that, the reptiles could indeed be harmed by his tricks. This allowed his concentration to set back to Alphonz and with two senses disabled Tyler found himself relying purely on hearing, he found it hard to concentrate with all of the creatures battling one another and found that Alphonz made little sound in his movements. Though at the first out of place sound Tyler would strike again, this time twirling his hands into a sort of dance before placing his wrists together and launching a flame spin in the direction of the sound, dispelling smoke as it launched.

Alphonz moved as silently as the shadows. A small cruel smirk spread over his face as he heard the sharp cry of pain as the snake made contact. A small flourish of his wrist sent twin daggers soaring through the smoke screen towards the noise. Animals to fight his serpents? Amazing. That was a trick Al would have to ask about later. Seeing the flames pushing his smoke screen clear the fox quickly moved in right on the heels of the flames path. Making sure to duck low enough to not be in to much danger. Though the ends of his braid caught fire. He'd have to worry about that in a moment. When Al was within a few feet of the illusionist's back he merely clapped his hands together. Triggering his personal favorite spell. A loud concussive noise would generate from the clapped hands. The aim behind it? Deafening his opponent for a moment. The final act from the fox? A brutal right handed upper cut for the man's jaw as he completed his adorable little circle of flames.

Luzaf tried to see from his vantage point but to no avail. He looked over to Bella. "Bella Help, please."

Tyler raises his hands to cuff at his ears as he shouts at the deafening pain from the concussive blast only to have his mouth slammed shut by Alphonz's uppercut which sent the human flying to his back and landing to the dirt below. Laying motionless it was clear the human had been defeated in the spar. Instead of trying to regain his footing he simply remained stuck to the earth as he gasped for breath through the thick fog of smoke.

Alphonz rushed over to the human a small frown marring his face as he bent down to check in the man. Quickly the fox waved at Luzaf." Hey brat come heal him... I think I messed him up something awful." But already the fox had grabbed the man and drug him clear of the smoke. " Hey come on now mask... No dieing... This was just a spar... " The fox gave a small flourish of his hand towards his coat as a vile of some potion came soaring into his hand. This he poured straight down the illusionists throat. A simple healing potion to restore hearing and sight... The physical pain well... luzaf would have to deal with that.

Tyler found himself being drug by the Kitsune and despite his pain and blurred vision he was a bit taken back by Alphonz's quick willingness to help him. As the potion is forced down his throat he offers a gag before forcing the contents down and coughing manically. His eyes full of tears from the smoke he looks to Alphonz and mutters something about dirty fighting and snakes though it comes out in gibberish.

Luzaf climbed down from the minotaur and ran over to 'mask' he held his palms out towards Tyler and closed his eyes. As the boy concentrated his hands started to glow with a golden light, The light spread to the human, healing the man, and giving him a renewed feeling of strength. Once the spell is done luzaf falls back on his butt and pants.

Alphonz gave a small nod as he waved away the illusionists mumblings about dirty fighting." Its only a fair fight if you win mask...Don't forget that in the tournament." He reached down and pulled the warrior back to his feet. A small grin to his face. He held his hands out to the illusionist. If the man took it he'd realize there were several of the pellets Al had used during the fight. If he questioned AL about the items the kitsune would merely smirk." Ohh mask.... I want you to win...." A small laugh as he stepped away to let the man escape.

Luzaf stayed on the ground looking from one to the other. He wasnt sure what to think. He was told to watch a fight, then couldnt see most of it. He started to play with the brim of his hat with his right hand and give Keeva a pat with his left.

Tyler would tense as Luzaf began his healing process the mans eyes jerking to face the child as his thoughts ran wild and brought his morality into question by allowing the child to be near the Fox. These thoughts were forced aside as the child fell back and Tyler felt renewed. After his first duel in the tournament Tyler had held his wounds for nearly a week even after dealing with Misaki, an avian healer, yet this child had managed to end his fresh suffering in a matter of seconds. Eyes narrow and he mouthed a single word; "powerful." As Alphonz takes his hand Tyler pulls himself up with the aid of the fox and eyes the pellets as they come into his possession. Eyes shift from the gift and back to the fox multiple times before the human reluctantly slides them into his pocket and nods to Alphonz. "I have faith. I have no Intel on my next combatant apart from that he is likely to be another heavy fighter." He nods as if agreeing with himself on something in his mind before speaking again. "Agility tends to beat brute strength." Eyes turn back to the child and a smile is offered as he speaks to Alphonz but keeps his gaze with Luzaf. "It's a bit hard for him to learn anything if he can't damn well see, now isn't it?"

Alphonz merely gave a wider smirk. " He saw plenty. The lose of the opponents sight and hearing are excellent combat tactics. The next thing he learned if he was watching closely was to watch every move even before the fight starts. " The fox just noticed his braid was still aflame so he merely beat it out. " And the last thing he learned if he was paying attention is to always help an ally after a fight no matter how badly they are injured..." The fox wondered about what the man had said about his opponent. " Who is it? I might be able to dig up more dirt about the man then you can... I have a few more sources." His gaze turned to luzaf as the little lycan played with his hat. " Ohh he is powerful... One day i'll make sure he shakes the world with his might... "

Luzaf smiled, "You really think so?" His eyes really big, not that you can see them through the brim of his hat. He would flex his left arm as if you show how strong he was.

Tyler offers a grin to the young Lycanthrope, despite his morality issues with the child he saw a great or perhaps dominate future for the boy. At the question of his next opponent the man would dig into his pocket and fish out a small piece of folded parchment. Unfolding it his eyes would squint as he tried to read his horrid handwriting. "It's some named. J... Ja-... Javier? I believe I'm saying it right." Extending his hand to offer the paper to Alphonz the human would simply shrug. "I've never met him. Then again, I don't meet many people." Tyler chuckles at the joke of his anxiety in social situations.

Alphonz merely started to laugh as tyler said the name." Javier? Ohh... Lord boy you need some practice..." Was his only retort. The night was an excellent fighter. " Hmm... I'll see what I can find on him mask..." And with that Kitsune reached over and grabbed the lycan's shoulder. The duo simply vanished from sight. Though if luzaf ran away from his touch he'd become visible . But either way Al was making his departure from the area.

Luzaf luzaf looked up to the fox. He didnt move, except to push himself to his feet. He'd follow Al where ever Al lead him.

Tyler twisted his face in a disappointed expression as the Kitsune made his leave with the boy. His pride having been slapped by his defeat and the comment made about Javier left the man a bit shaken. A sigh is given as he takes note that he had not only just been beaten by the Kitsune in a matter of seconds but had also lost his brawl with Vakko the day before. He rubs at his eyes before moving to grab his gauntlets and shoulder pads. His mind raced with worry at the fact that he only had a matter of hours left before the big fight, what the hell was he going to do? Pressing on he made his way back to Kelay in order to train some more.