RP:Splag Joins the Assassin's Guild

From HollowWiki

Rat Hole Inn

Splag strolls casually into the Rat Hole Inn, enjoying the smell and feel of being surrounded by his own kind, a rare thing for him. He still acts skittish, not letting any of the others get too close to his back. Naturally his eyes are drawn to the only non-Fermin in the room.

Satoshi seems perfectly uneffected by the vast collection of eyes on her as she nonchalantly leans against a wall--keeping her back protected while giving off that 'badass' vibe she's picked up from a certain tiefling. But, that aside, the masked feline's attention is immediately drawn to the newest arrival and she offers a sharp nod in greeting, a movement that doubles as a nod toward the table beside her in invitation.

Splag attempts to skitter sideways and use the mass as camouflage, although his white fur is not a common color among the browns and grays. He does move toward her table though, by a roundabout route. He stops about 10 feet away from her and looks her over from top to bottom.

Splag moves around so that the table is between himself and the maybe-assassin and steps forward. "Yous Jelko, right? Yous get my message?"

Satoshi offers the fermin another nod as he approaches, and shows little surprise when her offer of the table isn't taken. The mere fact that Splag has drawn nearer is good enough. If he didn't have something for her, then he'd have probably fled. And so, the disguised feline gets straight to it, "What information were you able to obtain?" She's not expecting much, but she's designed this little arrangement for more than a swap of information for gold.

Splag tilts his head to one side and rests his forepaws on the edge of the table, hopefully out of reach of those claws. "Not much, sorry. I hasnt seen the Emporer since the wedding, but I lefft him a note." He looks down for a moment and scratches at his nose with a claw. "Sorry, I knows it not much."

Satoshi's claws immediately move once the words are spoken. But it's not for the Fermin before her, rather the feline is reaches into her leather coat and produces a small pouch in a flash. With a cacophony of metal against metal, Jelko places the bag on the table. "The brass," she states simply. "I pay well for effort. I pay better for success." Pausing to glance around, the feline catches the greedy looks of other fermin, their ears picking up that unmistakeable sound of brass jingling. "If so much as one of you lays a paw upon this one, you'll be feeling my claws in your back. And I'll be sure to keep you alive while preparing you for dinner." Threat delivered, and answered with a myriad of squeaks, Jelko turns back to Splag with another nod. "I promised protection as well, did I not?"

Satoshi gave 20 brass censer to Splag.

Satoshi gave 5 brass knuckles to Splag.

Satoshi gave 1 horn to Splag.

Splag nods, looking at the brass. "Yes. Vuryal not say much in the reply. Just that Kasyr is not boss of Vailkrin no more and is now under his thumb." He not give me any more details, but like I said, I not see him in weeks. If I see him I might get more out of him. He has no reason not to tell me I think." He hesitently reaches for the brass and pulls it toward him, watching her for a reaction.

Satoshi pays no heed to the brass being pulled away, in fact, she seems more concerned with picking a stray bit of someone's flesh from her claws. "You went to the Emperor himself, then? You're not as timid as you look. The brass is yours for that alone. The gold will be if you can gather additional information. And, as a bonus," with claw-cleaning finished, the feline reaches into a pocket before sliding an obsidian object across the table toward Splag. "take that. It will mark you as untouchable by other assassins. But it also marks you as part of our organization. Clever information-gatherers are always needed. If you don't wish to remain, simply leave it in the headquarters. We won't hunt you down for retaliation. Unless, of course, you betray our location or a contract comes in for your head."

Satoshi gave 1 shadow-laced insignia to Splag.

Splag takes the insignia and looks it over curiously, turning it over in his paws a few times. "I doesn't feel so clever, but no one talks to fermin so much." He scratches idly at the fur underneath his shoulderbag. "I did not ask him nothing private or secret I thinks." But he slides the insignia into the bag anyways. "What does I need to be doing, or where does I need to be going?"

Satoshi briefly shakes her head, even offering a slight laugh. "I've seen enough of your kind to know better than to underestimate your cunning. As far as duties go, however, there is not much at the moment. A war may very well be brewing, so I suspect the demand for information-seekers will increase with that threat. I'll contact you with a message sent by imp should an assignment come in. You'll always be paid well for any successful job, and you may choose what to accept and what to decline." Pausing, she glances at the nearest of the other fermin and hisses quietly in warning. And earning a bit of distance with potential eavesdroppers. "You can find the headquarters in Vailkrin, along the path west of the plaza, the one you travel to reach Alithrya. It's easy enough to recognize by the rogue standing guard."

Splag nods again, eyeing her unsettlingly with his beady red eyes. "Okeydokey. I thinks one of my biggest uses is as open line for talking between Empire and your group. But it has been boring lately so if you gets anything else I can do, lets me know."

Satoshi gives her own nod. "That will do for now. The lands are balanced on a knife's edge at the moment, and so our group can only wait and watch until the balance tips in one direction or the other. So," giving another nod and pushing herself off the wall, the feline steps toward the door slowly. "until an assignment comes up, or you obtain more news, I'll bid you a good night. Enjoy the brass." A luxurious growl is given to a few of the other fermin with the statement, a reminder of her earlier warning, before she departs.

Splag said to Satoshi, "If you has a minute, I is looking for Sophie the merchant. Has you heard of her lately? Is nothing big, I just supposed to do something for her."

Satoshi pauses to glance back at the fermin. "I know of her, but not her whereabouts at present. She frequents Kelay Tavern. If I come across her, I shall inform you."

Splag nods. "Thanks you. I hear from you later, I guess."

Satoshi said, "You will indeed."