RP:Some Thing Are Better Left Unsaid

From HollowWiki

Summary: Meri spots Callum in Larket and tries to sneak up on him during potentially rainy weather, only to discover this is a shockingly bad idea. The two discuss a number of things from Cal's new job, the birthday party he is invited to, and the fact that Meri has caught a case of the feels for Cal. The conversation is awkward from there on out, serving as a reminder to Meri as to why it's never good to talk about these things (or feel them for that matter). No, Meri. Bad, Meri.

Road to the Town Square

Callum was just leaving the Red Ogre Inn, seeing as how he had to up and leave that nice house of his so suddenly because Queen Josleen wished it to be so. The mage turned up the collar of his military-style coat and peered up at the sky, noting the fact that it was likely to rain soon. Well, he didn’t even need to look up there, to be honest, he could feel it. That was all good and fine, of course. What sort of storm mage didn’t like a good downpour now and then? He was off then, headed in the direction of the shopping district, specifically: the general store, with finding a new set of clothes on his mind.

As Meri is not in the know that Mr. Rochester is having to pack up and move to Larket, so this meeting is pure chance. Callum is coming out of the Red Ogre in shortly before Meri makes her way out of the eatery that is across the way, the weather prompting her to step inside for a nice cup of coffee to help warm her up as she is roaming around. This is not to say that she is not armed with a jacket of her own. A light that is suitable for gloomy weather and not so much the rain that is to come, but Meri could not sense that. She was as clueless as your average individual may be when it comes to predicting if it will rain or not. All joking aside, Meri must not really be upset with Callum for any reason. She is definitely not trying to shun him or blow him off like she did during their last encounter? ...but she is trying to sneak up behind him so that she can deliever a sneaky little poke to the side of his rib cage that is followed with a cheeky, "Boo!" If only she could impersonate voices...this would be the time to whip out a Brand imitation, if she is even successful in her sneak hello.

See, there’s this thing about Cal when it’s about to rain--he gets a little, erm, staticky. So, while Meri’s successful and Cal gives that much desired yelp that the blonde was looking for, she’d get quite the shock in return. There’s even a bit of a bright spark and a loud pop to signify the transfer of electric energy. Who knows? He might even be a Pokemon in disguise. The Catalian spun around to face Meri, opening his mouth with what was likely a frak-filled rant for the woman, but upon realization of who she was, he said nothing. He just smirk, a bit unhappily at her. She was definitely more lively than last time, but who knows if -something else- had happened? He still looked like he -might- say something, but eventually didn’t, pivoted away and headed back towards the general store.

Well those tables sure have been spun right around on Meri. As Meri was not exactly who expecting to receive a shock in exchange for a quick poke, it is basically taken full force. There is a yelp of surprise, that causes her to jerk and toss her coffee. It would be nice if she manages to toss it in the direction of Callum but nope. Meri is going to be the one to end up wearing it, which causes her to loose a slur of curse words that...I mean she is from Rynvale. Let's not get banned! Censorship required for Meri. Bleeeeeep! It does not stop with a shock and spilled coffee either. That transfer of electricity has Meri's normally flat hair standing on end - and she is none the wiser to it. When Cal just smirks at her and walks away? Well it starts with confusion, and maybe some hurt feels, and it is going to end with a bit of a cranky and snappy Meri, "What the hell, Cal! Just what. The. Hell." Evidently it would be her turn to follow, and she would, once she recovered from that shock. Cal is going to get a head start. "What did I do to piss you off?"

Cal would ultimately sigh and spin around to face the blonde, stopping in his path. Her ever so staticky hair was noted, and while he bit back a bit of a snicker in favor of still being grumpy, a hand would reach out--not touching her, of course--and would draw that energy back to himself, letting her hair fall where it may. “I could ask you the same, you know. You certainly weren’t stoned or wasted on whiskey, ‘cause I know what both of those instances look like, though not with you specifically. So, what the hell, Meri?” He’d even go one step further with helping her, using his water magic to draw the coffee out of her clothes and use a bit of air magic to dry them. Isn’t that nice of him? It doesn’t even seem to have left a stain. It helped that he did a lot of the laundry back on the Sunderia. It was gross. Don’t even get him started on it.

Cal is met with a frowning Meri once he spins around and turns those questions right back around on her. As nice as his efforts were, they earn a quick half-smile and 'thanks', before Meri is all frowns again. The confusion is still there, as Meri did not fully remember all the details of everything she did in that...state. It was a haze, brows are furrowed together as she struggles to recall -exactly- what she may have done, but she has idea enough. "I'm sorry." Maybe for being a jerk, maybe because of this confession. "I don't know how much I should say. I did something really dumb in Frostmaw. A deal, for an ability, that resulted in my being marked...A friend of mine is trying to help me with that." There is a small step closer to Cal, there was still distance between them, but she was definitely invading what most would consider to be that 'personal bubble' space. "Whatever I did, I mean...C'mon, Cal. That was barely me. Can we just kiss and make up now?" Yup, back to her weird self. Maybe that other Meri was better, Cal?

The Catalian chewed on his bottom lip carefully, watching Meri as she apologized and vaguely explained the situation. “What kind of ability is worth becoming like -that-, Meri?” She was gifted with a frown of his own as he continued, “You were completely empty. Your voice was cold, mechanical--like you didn’t even have a soul.” Clearly, he was concerned about his friend (yes, his friend. He has those sometimes, you know), but he wasn’t gonna say it. “No. Don’t tell me. It’s not my business. Your secrets are your own to keep.” Callum sighed heavily at her ‘kiss and make up’ comment, but ultimately chose it ignore it, “You can come with me, if you wish. I need to find something suitable to wear for my new job -and- I’ve been invited to a frakkin’ birthday party that I should probably find something for too. Not sure I’ll find anything at the shop here, but it’s worth a shot before I head all the way to Cenril or some such.”

"Suppose if I was going to fess it all up to someone, I would be pretty inclined to tell you. Don't get me wrong...Just..." she makes a cross-eyed expression. "It started with a voice in my head and I don't know...I would just rather not drag you into it? I will get myself out of it." She thinks. "Maybe if encounters repeat themselves, I don't know. Try some shock therapy? Snap me out of it?" It could be effective, it may not be, but most ideally certain events will just not be repeating themselves. That sigh and Callum's decision to ignore her does not go unnoticed, and there are questions right there on the tip of her tongue but they are not loosed yet. Why? Simple. Callum is talking about things, new job, birthday party. She is not just going to blow all of this off to try and figure out why he does not want to make out with her! She's a she-devil, not a total jerk, who does actually happen to care about the words coming out of Callum's mouth. "New job? Birthday party? You have friends outside of me? Spill the details, Cal." There is a smirk. For this conversation to continue, Meri must obviously tag along for this shopping adventure, which she is only doing because she is presuming Callum is not the sort to need to go into every store and try on every outfit. Like, you know, women.

Callum was definitely not the type to take forever with such things--except, today was one of those days where he couldn’t make up his mind. “Yeah, uh, while you were off makin’ deals, I made a bit of one too. I’m Larket’s Royal Botanist now. And apparently that means I get invited to the King’s birthday party too. There’s supposed to be alcohol and such, I think. Lots of the other higher ups in the city, probably other leaders from Lithrydel too. Josleen certainly seems to be the type to spare no expense.” Searching amongst the clothing, he’d sort through various colors of those long-sleeve button-up shirts he favored, “I can’t stand formal get-togethers. Had to deal with them back home on account of my parents. I’m pretty sure I’d get fired if I didn’t go.” He sighed, looking to Meri again, “The invitation said my name and ‘plus one’. Don’t figure that’s really your scene, but I’m sure there’s bound to be free whiskey if you wanted to go.” Please god, don’t think it’s a date. Pleaaaaaaase don’t think it’s a date.

Meri watches an indecisive Callum, not really sure what to make of most of what the guy is saying right now. "Oh. Larket. Their Royal Botanist. For Josleen, Queen of the Witch Slaves." No, Meri is not disappointed about this one at all. "And you want to go to the King'a birthday, rich boy. Because nothing ever goes wrong at their parties. At all. Larket parties are always a successful hit." Meri frowns, this frown is not one of disappointment but of concern. Cal has already cut off any 'don't go' assertions. That frown lingers when he invites her to the party. One might think she would be a bit overjoyed here? Does she finally get a date?! But no, Callum. Those prayers have been answered, for Meri is not so dense as to think that Cal is asking her out on a date after refusing a request for a smooch. "...I don't know why you are asking me?" And here we go, but look this should be a gold star moment for Meri because she is communicating? There are words, Cal! And a chance to try and put an end to this weirdness of hers. "I mean you have to realize that I have a bit of a crush on you? How many times have you turned me down now? And now you want to ask me to a party?" IE: you are being very confusing right now. "I'll go, I guess, and be a wallflower just in case things go sour, as they always do, and you find yourself in a spot of trouble. You said formal? That means Queenie is expecting ladies in fancy dresses and if I am to go, you probably want me to be a nice she-devil and not embarrass you in front of your boss, eh?"

When it rains it pours apparently, and as Meri started pouring on the guilt real thick-like, the storm finally started outside. There was no indication as to whether or not it was a genuine storm or perhaps one of Cal’s own creations, though it was likely the real thing seeing as how he was busy with the clothing and not channeling a spell--or maybe, sometimes his magic was emotion-based. Who knows? Either way, Cal seemed about as unhappy as Meri was. This was not how he wanted to tell her. Not at all. Not for any of these things she was commenting on. “I really don’t know much about the witch stuff, to be honest,” he finally said at length, “Besides things being said on the street. Which, to be fair, you and I both know a lot of things said like that aren’t always true. I’m not saying -this- isn’t, but.” He shrugged, ending that part of the questioning for now. It didn’t matter. He didn’t like her shady deal-making in Frostmaw and she didn’t like his job and who he worked for, so they were even. “I asked you to go because you’re my friend--my only friend, I might add--and I wasn’t aware you had some sort of...tie...or something to the goings-on here in Larket. You don’t have to go and I wouldn’t have been offended if you’d just plainly said ‘no’.” Cal was calm, oddly so for this whole interrogation. Well, it felt like an interrogation to him anyway. He continued to filter through the shirts until he happened upon a blue one, which he plucked up from the pile. “And finally, no. I didn’t know. Not for awhile, at least, until I really thought about it. Those sorts of hints don’t really register with me. This isn’t something new, I’ve always been this way. It doesn’t help that I’ve never had a relationship, or those sorts of interactions before either, so anything you were doing was quite lost on me. And, besides I...don’t...favor women, heh. If I were to pursue something romantically, that is.” And don’t get him started on the subject of sex. That’ll take forever to explain. At least, he thought it would, considering the fact that someone--especially a guy--not caring for sex whatsoever was definitely an odd notion for someone to wrap their head around. He’d not looked at her this entire time and was feeling quite suffocated by the awkwardness of the situation, so with shirt in hand, he continued on to look for something else for his outfit; something, anything at all, to distract him from this. Cal didn’t find anything else, though, and sighed, resigning himself to having to go to Cenril instead.

At first Meri didn't really think much of the rain, but it is not like she does not know that Callum is a stormmage and that this was within the realm of his abilities. He has said and demonstrated as much. As Callum goes on with everything he has to say, she begins to wonder. And while he may not be looking at her, she is definitely looking at him....still confused. It's kind of complicated isn't it? This situation was hella awkward and Meri just was not entirely sure what to say or do. There are bits of what he has to say that suggest that maybe the right answer in this situation is for her to bail, not looking at her definitely does not help that. Yet at the very same time she can see why he is not. There is plenty in what Cal has to say that suggest that maybe she just should stay here and continue to be the she-devil he knows her to be, but maybe less weird. Anyway, wasn't this the part where Meri was supposed to be a total jerk and make fun of Cal? It doesn't seem like it is going to play out that way. The assumption is that Callum probably does not want to have this long winded debated about what Callum is talking about right here in the middle of a store. So here it goes. "Okay. So you're into guys." Yup, that is what she is latching on to poor she has her own aneurysm in the middle of the store. "Well look. I didn't say no, I am not saying no. So if the offer is still good...And this is formal. I guess I am going to help you make a few decisions. I own a grand total of three dresses." Maybe. If she can find them. "And two of them I nixing. And like hell if I am going to shop for a dress. Especially for a Larket party where something is going to happen. So if I am going to be your date?" There is a smirk, she is likely just going to forever call their outings dates from here on out now regardless, Cal. "We should be stylish, do it right, and match. I have a black dress with a bit of green to it. Make it happen." But no, Meri is not done. She is trying to lighten the mood back up, with a bit of humor. "You know, I feel like I should be allowed to tell all the guys I don't actually like that you are my boyfriend." Yes, probably just roll those eyes.

Cal could tell Meri was trying, at least, to make things a little better. There was still a thick cloud of awkward between them--so thick, in fact, that he could probably cut it with his hand. He side-stepped the statement about his romantic preferences, addressing the subject about the party, “I honestly don’t know, but one could assume so. It -is- possible for women to show up all dressed up and such but not be in a dress, you know. I wouldn’t do that to you ‘cause I didn’t figure you for a dress type anyway.” The fact that she even has -three- was surprising as hell. “Green though? I can do green.” Well, I mean, he’s the ‘plant-guy’, of course he can do green. “As for the boyfriend thing, if it helps deter creeps, then be my guest. I’m not exactly the, erm, fighting type, if I’ve got to do some honor-defending, though.” The blue shirt was put back as he ultimately decided against it--he had a favorite green shirt at home that’d do just the trick. If there was to be disaster striking at this shindig, no reason to spend money on it. “Is it...really that bad here?” He’d lead her out of the shop before posing the question. “I really don’t know if I can pass up a salary of six thousand a month, Meri.”

Meri is just going to go right ahead and follow Callum's lead. Let's sidestep that conversation we were just having from here on out. They have met and exceeded the normally quota of deep level communication for the month of June anyway. Not that she is not accepting of the fact that Cal is going to be her gay best friend (haha, sorry Cal, baby steps, Rome was not built in a day). She was also more than happy to follow Callum out of the shop, where she touched not a single article of clothing and made not a single purchase. The woman was content to trial alongside Cal to wherever his next destination is for just a bit further, still trying to get that awkwardness to dissipate. "Six thousand a month. Damn. Look, I am just saying? If you ever have a change of heart? I could use a sugar daddy." Okay, she is probably just weird in general, Cal. That will never really change. "You're a grown man. You can form your opinions. But I would like to introduce you to my other friend in Larket...The one who is helping me with my creepy problem, before you form too many opinions about the things going on here...." This topic is dismissed with slight shrug and Cal earns himself a perplexed look. "What are you saying? Like rock a suit?" Is this what he meant? Even if he wasn't the idea does bring a grin to Meri's lips. "I do like ties. But, I mean unless you are saying that you have something that you think I could wear? But do you think your new boss? Queen Josleen? Won't be judging? Seems like a gamble. So. Where are we meeting and when then?"

Cal side-eyed Meri with a smirk as he led her inside the eatery instead. What the poor guy -really- needed was a few shots of that whiskey Meri loved so much, but he’d settle for really strong coffee instead. “Alright. I will meet your friend.” Hopefully said friend doesn’t form a crush also. He doesn’t really know if he could go through explaining things a second time. He really didn’t think he’d have to go about explaining it a first time, but here he is. He’d find them a quiet table away from everyone else, stopping at the counter to give his order for a coffee with one cream and three sugar and a bit of pecan pie--and adding that Meri could get whatever and for it to be put on his tab--before heading off to said table. “You can wear what you want, Meri. If you feel like putting on a dress, then go for it. Hell, bring a change of clothes if you want to, if you think you might end up getting miserable. It doesn’t matter to me. I only care about what -she- thinks to an extent because she’s gonna be signing my frakkin’ paychecks here pretty soon. It’s a couple days from now, in the evening. I’m assuming it’s at the fort, but you could always meet me at the Inn and we go from there when I find out officially.” His order would arrive finally--Meri’s too if she got anything--and he’d soon tend to that gloriously sugary coffee of his. “You really think it’s going to be a disaster? If it wasn’t for the fact that I feel obligated, I probably wouldn’t even go.”

Meri would follow, if only because she really is trying to her damnedest to do some damage control without being a total a-hole to Cal. Despite the fact Meri had started this venture with a cup of coffee from this very eatery, a cup that she ended up wearing, it does not seem like she is going to have a replacement. Not on Callum's tab, not at all. There is no request for anything to snack on either. The way this outing as panned out as put Meri's stomach into knots and she'd just rather not risk yacking all over, Cal, because they would just be a cherry on top of her sundae of embarrassment. In fairness, Meri wasn't trying to -make- Callum tell her anything, a simple 'sorry, not interested' probably would have easily solved all of their problems. There was less willingness to follow as Cal lead them a table. A quiet table. Away from everyone else. Why, Cal? Why? Meri has met her communication quota for the month. She put herself out there, did the thing where she was honest, and here we are sitting in awkward town. Meri would sit, but by now she was feeling less than confident with her efforts and was starting to look like a dog being threatened with a newspaper. In that it's her turn to not really make eye contact with Callum. Let's just try and stay on the shallow subjects, maybe the talking thing didn't have to happen anymore. Because yes, Cal, she did a bad thing, she had an accident and peed in the house, this is why we can't have nice things. "Yeah, I mean, do you want a laundry list of parties or events I have been to in Larket that have been jacked up? Maybe this one will be fine though. I suppose Larket is due one party where things don't get ugly..."

It’s not like he couldn’t tell that Meri was a bit upset and Cal was probably just as equally so, though he did his best to hold it in. That was a Catalian for you--always good hiding their emotions. Well, Cal might not be -as good- as the other two (especially that Brand guy, yeesh), but he knew better than to further that emotional wound he managed to rip open between him and the woman across the table. It boggled his mind what Meri even saw in him in the first place. He didn’t think he ever showed affection that might be considered romantic or possibly other things that might have given her reason to develop feelings for him. He was just... Cal. He just went about things like he always had. Unfortunately, Cal knew very little about love and it hurt his head to think about, more than it would with most people. Callum knew he was sorry, at least, but how does one say that? ‘I’m sorry you have a crush on me’? No, more like ‘I’m sorry I’m not what you wanted or what you hoped I might be’. The raven-haired male had heard her thoughts on the party, but had become distracted, ocean-colored eyes fixed on the half-eaten plate of pie in front of him. Why did the Sunderia ever bring him here in the first place? Why did he take that job? He never wanted to hurt anyone in -any- capacity. It finally hit him that she’d not gotten anything as they went by that counter; not even a new coffee to replace the one he’d manage to ruin. So, he got up, without a word, and went back to place another order. A new coffee, a large one--and he even remembered the way she drink her coffee too!!--and a rather large slice of chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting. Ever so carefully, he’d sneak them under her nose and set them on the table, attempting to give Meri a slight, yet reassuring smile.

Cal was sitting there overanalyzing just how he ended up in this position with Meri. What could he possibly have done? Don't worry, Meri had already spent time trying to figure that out...Because of all the guys out there? The one who wears a totally not at all inconspicous orange hat during a time when blending in is key. This list could go on. She may have even come up with an answer. It's because you're just that hot, Cal. (No, that is not it, but she might be inclined to agree with the comment that he has such pretty blue eyes). What was Meri thinking about? She was stuck on the silence. Ugh. Say something, Mr. Rochester, like anything? Okay maybe not anything. There are certain things that she did not want to talk about right now. Like the elephant in the room, can we not? But don't sit there in total silence, staring at a half-eaten piece of pie. It's probably a good thing that neither of them could read the others mind, neither would likely be pleased with the others thoughts. Callum up and leaving the table earns a heavy frown from Meri, whose first thought is that she must have really done it. He's annoyed now. Or disappointed. Enough that he doesn't even want to stay at the table? Greeaaat. Her gas transfers away from Cal prior to his return, which gives him plenty of chance to sneak both cake and coffee in front of her. Part of Meri appreciates this, another part appreciates it perhaps too much....and as has been established? She should not. "You're kind of great, I think. So this is probably going to be weirder than normal I think? But I'm a tough chick and it's just some feels, yeah? They'll pass." Like they were a case of bad gas or something. "But I am definitely not willing to say goodbye just because I am not getting what I want. You are a friend." Meri punctuates this with a smile.

Dark brows furrowed as he’s called ‘kind of great’. Cal opened his mouth to protest against it, hesitated, then thought better of it, merely giving her that faint smile again. “Yeah. You are tough. Why do you think I hang around you? Gotta have someone to protect me when the Catalians come to claim my head.” It was a joke, of course, but a part of Cal still wondered whether or not that was actually going to happen at some point. Brand seemed different now and Lionel was definitely thoroughly engulfed in his work with Frostmaw, so it’s likely that it wouldn’t, but you never know! He finally finished his food and downed his drink before speaking again, those pretty eyes of his settling on Meri again, “So...what were you up to today before you managed to run into me?” And got your entire world shattered.

Even if Callumeri would not be anything more than platonic, if there was something that would actually shatter Meri's world? It would be Brand or Lionel getting their hands on Callum. This right here that she was dealing with now? It was more like a punch to the gut. It sucked a bit, it hurt a bit, but it wasn't like Meri was going to break out into a fit of tears. "Yeah. Well. Don't worry. I will beat up Brand or Lionel for you." Meri smiles, even if the thought makes her want frown. Meri kind of pokes at her cake with her fork, her interest in eating the cake still minimal. "Ah, I mean. I did not have too many plans really...Just sort of cruising around." There was a temptation to lie, make up some sort of excuse to leave and escape what still feels like an awkward conversation. The lie would not come, but the attempt to leave still would. "Anyway. I think I am going to take this cake to go. I guess I have a dress to go locate. So I will see you in a couple of days, yeah?" Except not really.

Cal could definitely take a hint; it was obvious that Meri wanted to leave. So, he’d only nod and let her do as she pleases, offering her a quiet “Alright. Goodbye.” in response. He wasn’t going to keep her when she clearly didn’t want to be here--or around him--anymore. Despite what she said, though, he had his doubts about her sticking with him for awhile, but he’d not voice them. That’d only make things worse.

Meri could offer no clarification to what Callum may be concerned about for she was not fully aware. All she was aware of was the reaction to her 'kind of great' comment. The furrowed brows, the obvious want to say something -- what exactly Meri did not know. Her own mind was left to overanalyze that but the conclusion was not a positive one, given the tone of the conversation and it may have been the inspiration behind her leaving. How many times is she going to shove her foot in her mouth? So her coffee and cake was selected, boxed appropriately and then Meri would be on her way. She might have tried to give Cal a hug as reassurment as they really did not delve into the 'don't like to be touched' aspect of things but Cal is sitting and she is standing. What she will do is place a hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze in an attempt to offer comfort -- fail again, Meri, fail again. "Goodbyes sound so forever, Cal. I will see you in a few days." Of course she would not really. She would not linger for his response. It is probably for the best, did she really need to see Cal's reaction to her hand on his shoulder? Probably not. It would probably bum her out more so than she already is. So out the door she would go.