RP:Snakes, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails (Nasada Meets Amber)

From HollowWiki

Synopsis: Nasada meets her first Naga
Characters: Nasada, Amber
Location: Scenic View (Near Xalious)

Nasada was blissfully unaware of her surroundings, her gaze peering far down into the valley to take in the wondrous view. She sat perched upon the edge of the cliff, only a large black set of robes in her immediate possession- the likes of which wrapped tightly around her chilled flesh as a means to try and keep warm. It failed miserably. She quaked gently with a passing breeze, the few strands of hair peeking out from under the large draped hood billowed in unison. Suddenly she were roused by unseen movement, her head listing a little to the left. To whomever has entered her place of tranqulity she greeted with simple question, "Hello?"

Amber slithered into view. "Oh sorry was this cliff taken, just seemed to be perfect spot to see all of xailous."

Nasada slowly nodded, her eyes still focused upon the valley below. Her words were soft spoken, almost lifeless as he answered. "Taken? No. This is not my land. I am like you, merely a visitor. Unless you mean me harm, then I see no reason we can not share the view." Another shiver. "It's pretty. The view."

Amber slithered over and leaning up against boulder letting herself uncoil until a portion of her long body hung from the cliff. "Hurt you, Nah, I am about as harmful as a pillow." She smiled gazing at the view, and taking a deep breath. "Beautiful."

Nasada finally gave Amber a bit of polite attention, pale dead blues sifting over the bit of visual data until the other's form came into her peripheral view. It was when she got a full look of the woman that Nasada tensed up, the grip on her robe tighter than previous. "I... I.. " she started, seeming unable to find her words. A moment of silence would pass before she finally spit it out, "I don't mean to seem outside the boundaries of polite conversation, but... what...are you?" She obviously had never seen a Naga before. Both fear and amazement were apparent in her facial features.

Nasada looked at Amber.

Amber placed her hands near her midriff on her anthromorphic half. "I think i am a Naga, except none of my family looked like this, neither were they as large, nor did they have biological oddities, internally" I mean putting a hand to her more snake half. She looked over at the woman. "Your scared aren't" amber said slowly closing her eyes letting herself fall back on the rock.

Nasada's slender brows furrowed, the icy hue of her gaze locked upon the woman as she spoke, "N-No. I am just.... surprised." she lied. A hard swallow as she shifted her position to get more comfortable. "I... I just have never seen anyone like you. I am.. not from around here. I am very far from home." Nasada couldn't help but to just stare. Like a young child seeing Santa for the first time. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to offend."

Amber shook her head. "I am not offended I am new here myself, I mean I was born here but thats not where I have been for the past 600 years." She coughed, once then twice, and then drawing from her mouth she pulled out a bottle of wine. Taking a towel from her bag and two glasses she motioned to the drink. "want any?"

Nasada's eyes widened. Had she been eating she probably would have choked! First, the young woman offered a polite, "No thank you. I... don't drink." Truth be told she had never tasted alcohol in her life. A soft halfhearted smile fell upon her lips as she then addressed the most interesting of the Naga's words. "Six... hundred...years? ..Honestly? I. How? I mean, I've heard tall tales of some creatures living so long, but never in all my life did I ever think I would see one in flesh and bone. Are... Are you immortal?"

Amber poured herself a glass and took a sip. "You know I don't know, when I was away I was much smaller, and very old looking, but a friend from where i was last at, recommend me to an Elderly Necromancer/Mage who let me bathe in a pool next to his estate on the island he lived at, and well I am larger and a lot younger as you can now see." She poured herself another glass and looked at the alcohol content (33%). "Still tastes like grape juice.?" she muttered. "How about you?"

Nasada seemed quite intrigued by Amber's story, a shake of her head offered when it was time to answer. "Immortal? No. Far from it I'm sure. I.. think." Her gaze fell upon the earth below as she thought about that fateful day she had her accident. "I am young I guess. I am only in my twenties.I am also just.. human, i guess. And as far as I know, we're all not very great at living long. Not as long as six hundred years, that is for certain." A tiny little giggle escaped. A first in quite some time. As soon as it had appeared, her smile too faded. "I am surprised I am not dead, now."

Amber snickered, "or food now." She paused letting it sit. "I am just joking." She took another sip from the wine. "You'd be surprised at what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and what you don't do actually helps you live longer." She paused. "At least that's what he used to say."

Nasada's eyes narrowed at the thought of becoming someone's meal, her form shrinking slightly in a defensive posture. While the Naga seemed friendly enough- so did all of her friends and family before they branded her a heretic. A nervous chuckle was offered, her words tailored for the latter-most statement that came out of Amber's mouth. "He? He who?"

Amber sat in still silence. "A friend, a childhood friend, I knew him where I was born, he was a slave, but I and my sister treated him as family, we even helped him escape before my sister would be forced into the Tradition of consuming your favorite slave as I sign of strength, *sigh* He died shortly before I arrived here."

Nasada frowned. "Oh. Sorry to hear that." she offered as an act of condolences. "It hurts to lose thhose you grow closest to..."

Amber sipped the last of the wine in her glass. "I know that cut off anywhere, you've lost loved ones as well haven't you."

Nasada's finger curled into a ball as she spoke, the pressure within nearly causing the young woman to cut herself with those sharp, unkempt nails. "I did. I lost a great mentor. All because some just couldn't understand teachings different than their own. I was betrayed and exiled by everyone I ever knew. Friends. Family. Just discarded like a piece of waste." her words grew cold and lifeless. In a flash the pale blue of her eyes melted into an abysmal black that consumed the entire orb of flesh. The falling of her lids as she blinked washed the black away, he eyes once more their normal pale hue. "So now I am alone. In some strange world, wherever this is. Indentured in servitude to a large scaly dragon. I guess it could be worse.."

Amber paused. "did he purchase you, or did he force you into service?" Her tale tapped the side of the cliff as if she were thinking.

Nasada took a deep breath; A yawn soon stifled by a n open palm. "Neither. He just.. asked. It wasn't long after I arrived here. I was in this tower. In this dark creepy forest. Trying to find civilization, I met a woman named Larewen. She...took me to a restaurant and this voice spoke through her. He said he would help me. Give me purpose... he gave me a neat little wand." Nasada turned her gaze toward Amber. "He promised to help me. He gave me food. He gave me shelter... even if it is a cave... He has been the only person so far that has shown me kindness since I came to this strange land."

Amber tears shed from her eyes. "sorry he reminds me of somone I knew." "If you ever want to be free from him let me talk to him sometime."

Nasada nodded slowly. "I will keep that in mind..." She wasn't quite sure that any words would cause an ancient creature like Gheneroc to release her from his bond, but the idea was fairly inviting. Curious, Nasada asked, "You say he reminds you of someone. How so?"

Amber smiled through some tears. "Savio was the type of person who would help anyone, no matter what circumstances he might have been suffering at the time, he took people in and shared all he had whenever there was need." She paused. "when i heard how he died, that was disturbing at the very least,"

Nasada asked. "Disturbing? How? What happened?"

Amber licked her lips with her dark blue forked tongue. "A disease without a name, well It can be called Savio's Syndrome for all I care, Its a walking corpse disease, your physical body detoriates while your alive and it is fast, killing within a week, and its also magically enhanced feeding off of beings with particularly high Magic abilities, dragons and Draconians are notoriously susceptible because of their breathe powers, but doesn't just affect your body it affects the mind, making you agressive and violent without personal control, it takes somone with incredible willpower to not let it control ones mind, the last hour your a walking skeleton no flesh no organs no muscles, its a magic with lots of pain, and then, your dust."

Nasada 's lips parted in shock, her breath seen upon the cool winter air. This couldn't be true, could it? "I... by the Gods. That is horrible. It sounds like something out of a horror tale. I could never imagine such cruelty."

Amber nodded clenching her jaw. "From what I heard he was buried in Venturil, but I know not where." licking her chops again. "More like scattered, what was there to bury after that."

Nasada seemed curious. Most likely due to the fact that everything in this land was quite new to the novice magi. "Venturil? Where is this Venturil?"

Amber glanced over at her. "Its a land far west of here, beyond the moutains, got be careful they have dinosaurs over there, but its the place he liked the most to stay, Mainly because of the Orphanage he loved children. Maybe because he could never have any."

Nasada looked fairly confused as she listened to the Naga speak. "Di...no..saurs? I have never heard of such things. I really need to learn about this land more. I will have to find a place of education if I am going to survive..." A sigh let looseas another cold breeze fluttered by, causing an involuntary shiver. Damn winter months, she thought. "It truley is a shame about your friend. Hopefully he has found peace in the afterlife.."

Amber sighed "How I hope, may he rest forever, I fear if some necromance ever tried to ressurect him they would only get the animal he locked up inside of himself. We all have that beast, his was one of the deep, I guess i looked up to him on how he could hold back that beast." She glanced over, then slithered up next to her. "This is going to sound weird..."

Nasada looked up at Amber, the black of her pupils beginning to tighten as she watched the Naga's movements. The words that were spoken were met with caution- muscles tensed as the woman drew near. "Everything is weird in this land." she remarked in a cold fashion. "So I am not so sure I will be surprised exactly." A half smile offered. "What is it?"

Amber swallowed. "You can refuse if it its to uncomfortable." "I am having trouble retrieving something inside of me for you and I need your help to get it out."

Nasada made a disgusted face. "I...I... Excuse me?..." Did she just hear her right?

Amber slithered back a few feet.

Nasada was still slightly stunned. For clarification purposes she asked, "What exactly do you mean?"

Amber tried to say at best she could. "Inside of me, is something similar to a stomach except not so, its acidless, I have been using it like a backpack, because, its vast. takes up a good 10ft in this long body of mind. I need to swallow you, but I won't harm you and Let you out soon as i can."

Nasada rose to her feet. One step. Two steps. She seemed to be creeping backward. This was it, this is how she would die, the young girl thought. "L-look. While it is a.... kind gesture.. I... don't think I want to take that chance. I mean... I just met you... and... I'm not ready to be eaten yet." Nasada seemed terrified, she was edging toward the only exit. "It was nice to meet you... and maybe we will meet again..." Suddenly the young magi turned on her heel and took off running toward the north, fleeting words called out as she made an escape. "Take caaaare!"