RP:Shielding the Vault - Aftermath

From HollowWiki

Part of the No Seaborn Left Behind Arc


Synopsis Joan takes Mcracken to the Inn Sea-La-Vie in Chartsend after the end of their business at the vault, the strange fellow gives Joan more information on what his boon can possibly do to those not pure of heart, it gives Joan slight pause, would she be worth of using it when the time came or be considered unworthy? Only time will tell.

Mcracken follows, keeping pace with Joan as he studies the passing surroundings, the people, the buildings. as if he's never seen the place before. As they reach the intended establishment, Mac lurches forward to open the door for the woman. "M'lady."

Joan offers a chuckle as the shabby man gets the door for her, she gives an amused shake of her head as she walks into the inn, she makes her way up to the bar as she passes by the throng of folks that packed the place. She gives a glance back over her shoulder towards the man and asks for his order before pausing she had yet to introduce herself, oops! "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Joan and my feline friend back there in the cave was Zahrani, what is your name fellow?"

Mcracken pauses, as though he's not quite sure what to say, finally blurting, "Mac. Lady Joan, is the common appellation for me when in Cenril. It will do as well here..." he peers at the bar, "... and water is sufficient. With just a pinch of salt." As the drinks are being organized, he leans his gangling frame on the bar and adds, "If thou do not desire heads to burst, merely repeat the words I spoke, but in a whisper. And if thou wishest, speak them in a scream to thy enemies, if in dire peril. The result is..." he winces. "As you might expect. But thy intent must be pure and true, lest the Canta turn back on you."

Joan digs into the small little coin purse that hangs off her belt to pull out the few required coins to pay for her and the strange fellows' drink orders. She cranes her neck slightly as she gives him 'oh gosh you really mean that' look, she shakes her head slowly as she remarks. "Alrighty, I'll let the local healers here and within the guild about that. Thank you for your help." As she is given her mug of hot tea, she takes a long sip as she watches him over the rim. "I work in Cenril myself as does Zahrani, perhaps we will run into you there sometime. I work at the Chapel of Rest there."

Mcracken takes a grateful swig of his briny drink, and shakes his head slowly, "Nay, Lady Joan, the canta is for your lips alone, and that of the Child of Selene who accompanied you. For you are the makers of the seal, and it is you who may choose whether unwelcome mischief or evil artifice cringe away with dire head pain, or... not at all." He chuffs softly, "And the canta lives within you both, now, like a bond. My gift to you, for your beneficent actions, the world has quite enough evil in it already, methinks." He sets the little blue crab on the timber, where it scuttles back and forth. "I too hail from the Cenril coasts, I am sure we will meet again."

Joan had now both her amethyst-colored brows lifted upwards towards her hairline as she heard Mcracken, "Oh geez whiz...you sure you want to leave me with that kinda 'gift'..." She taps at her chest with her free hand, "I'm sorta evil, to begin with for being merely undead, won't it react differently because of that?!" She asked as she was after all seen as evil just for that mere fact alone. "And that is just for the vault yeah?" She had to be sure, she didn't want any accidents if she said the phrase out loud on pure accident.

Mcracken laughs, a rumbly, warm sort of sound. "Evil dwells in the heart, as does Light. Neither, in the big picture, care much about what flesh one being wears in the world, only which Power is fostered most dearly in thy innermost self." He points to his drink, "You're either a pinch of salt in water... or a drop of water in a cup of salt. " He peers again at Joan as if he expects this to make perfect sense. Which it mightn't. "As for the canta, a whisper will help ward the vault. A shout will repel those who have evil in their heart. Thou does not hold evil there... do you?"

Joan offers a shrug, she was a mere woman after all, and she had her moments like everyone else. "I try not to have any ill will or intentions, does that help?" She never really gave it any thought these days, she just went out and did her best to be a positive force.

Mcracken chuckles, "Occasional bad moods don't really add to the tally of Evil's major successes... and were you truly Evil, that canta would have split you open like a squashed..." he seems to be reaching for an apt image, "... sea cucumber, in the jaws of a shark." His arms fling wide, to indicate that this would be a really big metaphorical shark. An awkward smile ensues, he's not great at this conversation stuff.

Joan pulled back her head slightly as the shaggy dressed man made the wide-open arm motion, 'Erm...okay then!" She rather not be eaten by any type of shark so she filed that away, remember don't try to be more than neutral evil or you will burst open like a sea cucumber, got'chu! "Once again thank you Mac, it will be a great help for the Healers guild." She offers a small smile as she holds out her hand towards Mcracken for a handshake as a way of thanks. "Maybe sometime down the road, I can offer you aid in return." If he took her chilly hand, she'd give it a polite enough squeeze and pump up and down a couple of times.