RP:Seeking Light Magic Training

From HollowWiki

Summary: Caltarok is hoping that he will be able to further harness his light magic abilities through lessons with a druid. Kailani is not confident she will be of much help, but she agrees to at least try at Caltarok's insistence.

Vigilanti Semper

Caltarok having not been given yet one of the fancy communicators for the warrior guild. Something about back the artisans that made the communicators were behind so there was backorders for Lionel to supply the new recruits or something along that line. Caltarok honestly was only half listening during the party. However, Jessie had shown him the guild's aviary full of messenger hawks. He decided after his training session with Khitti before retiring to visit this aviary and write a message for Kailani per the suggestion from Khitti.

Written on a piece of paper that he had made himself in a small, but elegant script
Lady Kailani, I hope this hawk finds you and Aspen well. I know we haven't fully met each other, but I would like to enter into your tutorship. Though Dryad magic may defer from my own, I am hoping that maybe you can help me explore magic as it deals with plants. Right now, I am posted in Vigilante Semper and haven't figured out how to use the guild badge for communications, yet. But I will travel to you, if you deem to assist me. Or if you just wish to meet up… I wouldn't mind seeing Aspen again. ~Cal the hunter

The blue-haired druid that Kailani is seeking finds a hawk waiting for her at the place that she and Orion call home. It is perched in a tree and waiting outside the rather non-traditional living space. This would not normally be something that Kailani thinks much of, except that it flies down directly to her as she exits her home and it seems to have a note attached to its leg. The note is read, but rather than responding like your normal, civilized human being….? Kailani just decides to show up at Vigilante Semper. It might have been more polite to respond with a date and a time, and to confirm that Caltarok would actually be available….! But this is what happens when you interact with reclusive druids. The druid travels to the Warrior’s Guild Headquarters by air and with a bit of an entourage. Aspen is definitely part of those keeping her company for this journey, but while the young dragon has finally taken to the air? He is still not nearly large enough for Kailani to druid. The druid instead arrives on the back of a griffon. This is not the first time that Grimclaw has been seen at the Headquarters, but it is a first for Caltarok for sure. The body of the griffon is white, but his large wings and his eagle-beak are black in color. Kailani dismounts the griffon the moment its talons touch the earth outside of Vigilanti Semper and makes her way inside, in search of Caltarok, with both Grimclaw and Aspen trailing behind her. Even if he was not easily spotted, it would certainly be hard to miss the druid with the vivid blue hair and a mini-zoo following her.

Caltarok having decided to stay in the fort for a few days to read up on the history and plan for a trip into the ancient dragon lands. Though he had not expected Kailani to arrive so promptly, he had left word with the guards and aviary that if she did reply or be seen on approach in the next few days to send him word. It was by this that someone had found him in the library. Having taken the form of a human, he wore the emerald green tunic and dark brown trousers having taking the clothes from the guilds supplies. He hadn't yet made his trip to the east into Cenril to go about acquiring everyday clothes for the time being. Why bother he figured as he was here in the fort training and studying for an expedition.

However, he broke away from the studies to meet Lady Kailani in one of the hallways. Knowing he hadn't yet truly met her in this form and didn’t like revealing who he truly was, he stopped some distance in front of her and bowed at the waist deeply without lowering his gaze, "Milady of the trees. Keeper of the youngling Aspen. It is good to make your acquittance finally. I am the new trainee for the guild and whom wrote you via the messenger hawk hoping to learn some under you even though druid magic may not be the same." In hopes of preventing the same greeting that he gotten from Aspen the last time, Cal tries to open his mind to the youngling giving a mental impression of the dragon remaining next to Kailani as Cal would toss a piece of meat to the dragon. "I am not sure that I have heard mention of the griffon from any of the soldiers or servants that I have interacted with. May I enquire of his/her name?" Caltarok would stand hoping that Kailani no matter how bright or observant didn't have enough context clues to tell that he was the dragon she met in the mountains before.

Fortunately for Caltarok, Kailani did not seem to register that she has met this particular individual before. He did not look the same as he did either time that they had met, and the druid is horrible with names to begin with. Especially since a bit of time has passed since their last meeting. The druid was not usually one to care for formalities or titles like “milady”, it just did not fit the lifestyle that she lived, but she also did not feel strongly enough to comment or correct. She instead focused on the business at hand, the reason that she was summoned, and a few introductions. As Aspen was in the company of his older “brother” today, the young dragon was a bit better mannered, and was doing his best to copy the behavior of the considerably larger griffon (Aspen was a growing boi, leave him alone). Grimclaw was currently standing directly behind Kailani with his eagle-head positioned just over the druid’s shoulder. At first it might be an intimidating sight, but so long as those he claimed as his own were not being immediately threatened? Well Grimclaw could be mischievous and playful. Cal is about to see that first hand, for when he tries to throw a piece of meat toward Aspen. Intercepted by Grimclaw, and the griffon looks very proud of himself. “Ah yes, you can’t give to one without giving to the other. I am told it is sibling rivalry or something like that.” Kailani smirks. “His name is Grimclaw. Orion is technically his companion…” Yet it was obvious that the griffon still had a fondness for the druid, possibly because Orion did, because Griffon bumps his head against Kailani’s shoulder when the druid speaks of how Grim is Orion’s companion. “Anyway, we all all pleased to meet with you, Cal. As for if I will be able to help you? It is possible, but you will have to provide me with more information of what it is your are hoping that I will be able to teach you.”

Caltarok watched as Grimclaw captures the flying meat and only shakes his head. Unfortunately, he had not actually been expecting to meet Kailani this day so the thrown piece of meat was the last of his rations from his latest hunt. "I'm sorry Aspen. That is the last of my meal," the only apology he could provide the youngling. Turning his focus back to Kailani, he pauses considering her question. Again, he found himself under prepared for this meeting. With a slight sigh he decides to use the same cover story he had with Khitti and the mages. "I'm not sure really what I can do with my magic. I know it has the possibility of growth and that for my family line; we were not limited to a single nature just that we drew upon our magic using both internal and external forces. With that said… I have heard how some could place their hands on trees among the fair folk of the woods. Then somehow communing or using magic could draw some items like arrows or staves from the trees without the need of causing harm. I don't know if my magic can or cannot perform such a feat. So I am hoping for any guidance in how to use my magic." Although he knew he was being vague in his response, it was the best he could give. For what he sought couldn't truly be put to words, he only wishes to know the world around him, to feel its calm and chaotic nature flow through him, and to truly master himself and the magic that was part of him.

Kailani smiles a bit when Caltarok apologizes to the young blue dragon. “Ah, it is nothing to be too sorry about. They’re both well fed. Even if they don’t always behave like it.” At this last sentence, the druid is sliding a pointed glance toward Grimclaw, who responds with a slight tilt of the head. He’s totally innocent. Trying to ignore the antics of her entourage, Kailani falls silent and considers the details that Cal is providing her. “Ah. Well. Lineage can often be very telling in one sort of magic you might have, but I suppose if you are not entirely sure...the most sensible thing would be to start at the very beginning.” Much like Caltarok was thrown off by her sudden appearance, Kailani was surprised and thus equally unprepared for this request. The druid leans back into Grimclaw and places her hand upon the young Aspen’s head. “A lot of people assume that druids are about nature, yes. Or that we’re all animal lovers, good chance they are not wrong. And that we all have elemental magic, again, usually true. All of these things manifest differently from druid to druid though.” All of this was probably an oversimplification, but Kailani was trying to gain more insights into Cal’s abilities, or more accurately what he did actually understand of them. “Many of us druids often find that, especially at first, we have a stronger connection to one element over the rest. For me? It is water.” Kailani studies Cal’s face during this, trying to gauge his understanding. When she tried to work with Penelope, her fellow druid often looked at her like she was speaking in riddles. “Am I making any amount of sense so far? Have you noticed you might be drawn to...one element over the other?”

Caltarok chuckles and nods as Kailani explains to a full degree. "For druids… I honestly know little. But yes, I know for my family there were signs that could be seen when we are young and before we came into our magic what element was predominate. For me, it is light. Some things I cast almost intuitively for light magic. But we are thought as well to push ourselves in the other elements of our lineage: fire, water, wind, and nature. Then when we are comfortable to push into our opposite… for me shadow magic. According to our traditions, this would help us in the end to learn our primary better." Caltarok shrugs at this and looks a little bashful, "It is because of this some of the elders think we can't fight the same way as our cousins. That being more in-tune with the world around us magically speaking rid us of something else. Guess you can say it is the way that which is chaotic is always balanced out somehow with something orderly. Or a forest fire brings new birth to the forest." Caltarok would smile at the end of this remembering a little of his family before the tragedy that robbed him of his brood.

There is a long moment of thoughtful silence from Kailani, which is not out of the norm for the druid. She’s often prone to thinking before she speaks, if she decides the words are worth saying at all. “As far as I am aware, by the standards of most druids, we consider earth, air, fire, water, and the spirit to be elements. I suppose that it is not improbable that I am mistaken in my understanding. It’s not like I have encountered many other druids in my years. Yet, that is my perspective. There are five elements that druids have the ability to tap into. That is not to say light and dark magic does not exist, clearly it does? I have always considered that to be more..divine in nature.” The druid absentmindedly gives Grimclaw subtle chest scratches while leaning against him, pausing for a brief moment before going on to explain. “I could do my best to guide you, but if I am being perfectly honest I am not sure that my knowledge will be able to develop your abilities to the fullest.” There is the hope that this is not being taken as refusal to help, but admission of her own deficiencies when it comes to being able to help. “If you are certain that I might be able to offer a bit of knowledge that would be of some benefit to you, I will certainly do my best. But have you considered seeking out others like… Zahrani? Or Rorin?” Kailani falls silent and a frown weighs at her lips, her mind still turning over ways that she would actually be able to assist Caltarok. “I am sorry if my answer is a disappointing one.”

Caltarok nods before he looks to the griffin and the youngling. As he thinks on what she said, he reaches out to Aspen. ~Little one. Grow strong. She seems good, yes?~ Caltarok didn't hold much trust in the non-saurian races, but he knew at least that Aspen trusted this druid. This was enough for him at least give the druid the benefit of the doubt. Sure, she spoke down her abilities, but he suspected that she may just be the one that could train him and temper his eagerness a bit. He hadn't heard the others before and perhaps he would go to them in time, probably. "I don't know of them, Kailani. However, if you can at least assist me in the beginnings, I may be able to take it from there. At least, perhaps we can share a cup of tea?" If agreed, Caltarok would lead Kailani to one of the 'studies' he had been using. He had asked the servants to please keep a pot of water, two mugs, and some tea leaves stocked for him. He would of course make himself some of his caf instead so they could at least sit and talk. Although he wanted training, he was curious of this lady that had a young blue with her. At minimum, he hoped to befriend the druid a little regardless of the training.

The druid often kept very limited company, with her counting Aspen and Grimclaw as two very important figures in that company. So the offer for tea is a bit of a surprise to the reclusive woman. Aspen and Grimclaw are both given quick but fearless smooches upon their heads as the druid bids them to wait for her outside, rather than following her into the study. The two brothers heed Kailani’s request and show themselves out while the blue-haired woman follows Caltarok into the space he is using for a study. “I can certainly do my best,” Kailani confirms, but not confidently, as they move from one room to the other. The concept of servants or hired help is not entirely foreign to the woman who has spent most of her years living outside of civilization, yet she is not comfortable enough with the concept. Caltarok is polite with the servant but the interaction still earns a faint lift of her brow. Regardless, Kai settles into what she presumes to be an available seat while they wait for the pot of water, mugs, and tea leaves to be delivered. The druid has never been the best at making friends but she makes an effort to not let the conversation stall awkwardly, “Well I do not suppose either of us is prepared to engage in a full on lesson today, but we will have to make arrangements to meet soon on this matter.”

Caltarok watches the druid as she takes a seat at the table that he had previously left 'littered' some would say with varying notes, maps, and books documenting the Venturil wastelands, the Xalious mountains, and a few books for which some of the spines could be easily viewed: "History of Lithrydel", "Fall of the Dragons", and "Legends of Xicotl". As Caltarok sets about 'tidying' the table, he replies gently to Kailani, "Please forgive my… ummm… mess. I guess you can say I have been trying to learn much about Lithrydel and things that the imperator mentioned and other things." As he straightened up and the staff brought in a new pot to add to the pot already left in the room and a fresh pitcher of water, Caltarok bowed to them slightly giving thanks causing shock on a few and a smirk from the others. As always, the reaction given when he thanked them caused him to tilt his head not understanding… Did he do something wrong? Was he not to thank them for assisting him? …He already stopped trying to give them money when they had given him looks of horror. Honestly, he didn't understand the lower races and their practices. With a slight sigh, he would turn back to Kailani as he poured a black powder into the older pot with cooler water leaving her the other. "I am not sure what type of tea you would like, Kailani. Or if you prefer, you may have some of the caf after it is ready. But yes, lets plan for another time to study magic. As you say, neither of us are prepared. But lets not waste the time, please allow me a chance to get to know you at least before you become my instructor." He would look to her for agreement on this suggestion. If agreed, he would ask, "Maybe perhaps you can tell me the story of you and Aspen? I admit I find myself curious how a sister of nature would find and bond one such as him, if I missed my guess." With a wave of his hand, Kailani's attention would be brought to the amber bottles Caltarok had sitting out on a small table near her. The labels clearly visible: "Green Tea", "Black Tea", "Green Tea / Winter Berries", and "Black Tea / White-Fyre". The hand writing on the bottles were suggestive that these particulars were made by Caltarok's hand, if one had cared to compare the hand writing to that on the varying notes now stacked neatly on the desk.

Kailani dips her head in a faint nod of understanding, though admittedly she would not be able to pick out which subject matter is related to Lithrydel’s history and which might be tied to anything Lionel currently perceives as a threat. Her help with all things Xicotl related has been minimal, at best. It’s been months since she was in Frostmaw with Orion, trying to enlist the help of reclusive druids to a cause that she does not fully understand. The name Xicotl has faded from memory since that time. The reclusive woman takes a moment to inspect the various bottles that Caltarok keeps his teas in, eventually settling on a simple green tea. She does not ask for permission nor does she wait for Caltarok to serve her, she merely helps herself and prepares her own tea. The preparation is simple, just herbs into water, no sugar or honey to sweeten it. Kailani is fond of the very earthy taste. “There is not much of a story to that, I am afraid,” Kailani explains after preparing her tea, while letting it cool. “A merchant was selling an egg, and a crowd of people wanted to purchase it. I do not normally make a habit of supporting poachers, but I did not want to see the egg sold to someone who would not treat the dragon well. Not that I knew if the egg was still viable at the time….” It was quite the gamble of a purchase, it paid off in the end. A brow is lifted, “You seem considerably more interested in Aspen than you are Grimclaw. A dragon is more interesting to you than a griffon?”

Caltarok chuckles and shakes his head at Kailani's question before responding, "You stated Grimclaw was Orion's. I didn't think it be of good taste to ask to many questions on the griffon if it is companion of another. Though we I first found the tavern owned by a Mesthanks… I was told dragons were very rare these days. Especially those with any sort of intelligence left. So yours seems pretty miraculous to me. Though I admit, I was glad it seemed so well behaved this time. Is that because of Grimclaw?" Caltarok takes his seat across from Kailani. "Though I must admit. What I know of griffons make me astonish at how well it treats you if it is companion of Orion. Is it perhaps because you and Orion are close? I thought they only took to being near only one person or following only one's direction." Caltarok though trying to be casual and avoid her asking to many pointed questions. He wasn't sure fully but he had heard stories of some druids able to hear the truths of people. If there was truth to the stories, he wasn't going to risk it. But deep down, Caltarok did harbor some special interest in the young dragon and maybe learning of these supposed poachers. For he was hopeful of one day helping his kind to take to the skies freely and abundantly in Lithyrdel.

Ah, the druid’s memory was failing her. As Caltarok makes his point, her words from not even that long ago come back to her memory. What does not come back to her memory is where she might have met Caltarok prior. Had she met him prior? She must have, in order for him to make such an assertion about Aspen’s behavior. The druid sips at her tea as she tries to recall, with no concern that the water might be too hot given that she has only just poured her cup. One might hope a druid whose emphasis is in water might be able to influence the temperature of said tea so that it is to her liking. Kai thinks in silence, but ultimately cannot recall that encounter. Maybe Aspen will tell her later, but for now he’s out of earshot. And Kai was not quite willing to admit she could not recall the exact details. Or that she thought his letter to her had said they’d never met prior to this moment? She’s pulled and too reclusive to put it to words.“I suppose that you are right, I did make mention of that now that I think about it. Though I am not sure that it would be rude to inquire.” Kailani is familiar with the details that Caltarok is providing, though she’s never thought about it in depth prior to now. “I had always assumed that Grimclaw decided he liked me of his own accord…” But now Kailani was wondering. How much was Orion an influence on Grimclaw’s behavior toward her? “...Either way, I am sure that Grimclaw has helped to teach Aspen a few things, but mostly I think it’s all part of growing up…I am sure he would have learned some manners even without the help of Grim.”

Caltarok nodded to her comments and paused stun regarding the manners. Was there truth in what she said? Did all creatures automatically learn some set of manners? He thought so… but was this true? For that matter… how had he learned? He was a recluse and before his fiftieth year had been robbed of his home."Mmmhmmm. I guess he would indeed have learned like you said. Though I was told most dragons of the lands had been reduced more to beast-state of mind and their younglings cannot think like you or I any longer." Caltarok leaned back in his chair pushing back till the front legs lifted a bit from the floor. "I must say though that Grimclaw seemed like a beautiful and strong griffon. Well cared for…" His mind still analyzing the whole idea of manners and when he learned how to be one with the 'lesser' races… He reckoned it was from watching from a distance and his time spent with caravans that he must have picked up the social habits. But wouldn't that hav--with a sudden realization, he lean forward the chair smacking the ground. "Wait?! Can they actually speak like you and I?! I know both are of races with high intelligence… but are they fully aware of the nuances to their actions or inactions and the repercussions that could cause?" For the first time in maybe a century, true joy and elation could be seen in Caltarok's eyes which would briefly sparkle in resonance with the magic he could wield and that of his true form. Their normal blue swirling briefly with red, green, white, black, and brown color before fading back to the blue of pristine lake.

Kailani had not nearly meant to imply that these manners were learned automatically, though the druid is not aware of Caltarok’s current misunderstanding. She cannot correct. What she can correct is the notion the dragons have been reduced to a beast-like state. The druid will consider her words carefully before speaking though, finishing off her tea and placing the empty cup on the table between them. “I suppose that all depends on your perception of beings that might be labeled as beast. I am not sure that I share your sentiments, I believe that all beasts, as you might call them, tend to be more aware than most give them credit for.” Especially those living in civilization. “Even if you do want to take the opinion that dragons have been reduced to a more beast-like state, I would think that it would be impossible to disagree with the assertion that they are still some of the most intelligent creatures out there.” A brow is lifted as she goes on to explain, “I cannot speak for every griffon or every dragon in the lands, but neither Aspen nor Grimclaw speak the same way that you and I do, I still have means of communicating with them though.” All of this talk of Aspen and Grimclaw has the druid’s attention pulling toward the general direction that she left them in. They could not be seen of course, which only made Kailani wonder all the more how they were doing. “Anyway. Caltarok. I thank you for the tea. And I think it is time for me to return to my companions and for us to be on our way. I believe you and I both have much to consider before we meet again.” Kailani still had considerable doubts that her druidic abilities and knowledge would translate. “If there is nothing else…” Then Kailani will rise and show herself out, she’s familiar enough.

Caltarok watched the druid leave. Her words still echoing in the halls of his mind. She wouldn't begin to understand the joy and hope that may have blossomed in his soul either. Nodding, "Perhaps another time. Thank you for coming at least Lady Kailani, sister of the forest." Caltarok would stand for her as she left, but made no move to follow after before turning to the books resting there while his mind was hundred miles away considering her words.