RP:Rowen's wise lecture on crayons,ducks and proper nutrition. Derry was hanging on her every word, naturally.

From HollowWiki


Kelay Tavern

6th Sept 2011

A campfire (Cenril rhyming slang) appears in a flush of flames

Derry had appeared in the tavern in a flush of flames, the young pyromancer stepping out of them without any sign of bother, his spellbook Edan following ever so loyally. Nodding to Mesthak, the vampire took a seat at the bar, he would speak to the barkeep," I need a drink if yeh don't mind Mesthak.." Of course, it didn't matter what he drank... the poor fellow was a vampire, and as a result technically couldn't get inebriated...

Rowen said to Derry, "You have my permission to approach.."The little rat scratches behind her ear."...and pay your respects to the supreme empress of the known universe."

Derry said to you, "Not again..."

You regards Edan thoughtfully as she cleans her whiskers. "I had a friend who was a book once, he used to be a wizard but a spell went wrong and he got trapped it this great big book full of old plays what was from another dimension, He could only speak by quoting from them, odd fellow to have a conversation with, but a loyal enough subject." She eats a yellow crayon, the asks Derry."Would you care for one? Sadly I have eaten all the pink ones."

Derry raised a brow towards the consumption of the crayon," What in the hell are those?" He didn't know what the woman was eating, all he knew is that it didn't look all too appetizing.

A little discussion of fine arts

Rowen is a rat, not a fermin, a small rat, ok she used to be a human, and has supposedly human intelligence, but sadly very little in the way of sanity. Ever one to try to educate her dearly beloved subjects, the rodent empress begins a lecture on the subject of crayons. "They is called Caioms, and there were a respectful offering to the empress from my dear subject Uchawiman, the frog. Not only are they a delicous food stuff, but you can also create wonderful works of art with them, a bit like potato prints or macaroni, are you artistic at all sir? I am myself the high priestess of Daedria, the goddess of arts and music so do all I can to support such greatness. Would you care to view the masterpieces created in the medium of Craiom, by the supreme empress herself?"

Derry had no idea what the hell this rat was talking about... and about being a high priestess, he was just baffled... This day has been the most interesting for the vampire," Uh... sure.."

Rowen calls to her servant Jake. "Bring in my starboard-folio." The long-suffering manservant appears from the back room where he was getting drunk. In one hand is a scruffy old notebook with dog eared corners containing Rowen's 'masterpieces'. Under the man's other arm is a half decomposed shark corpse he is carrying. Jake props 'Nigel' up in a chair. He is not an undead shark. He is merely the corpse of a shark given to Rowen by Skylei some years ago. The only place he lives and speaks and has a job as a guard for king Rheven is in Rowen's deluded little mind. "Nigel this fine fellow is interested in fine art, isn't that wonderful!" She turns to introduce the shark to Derry. "My loyal subject, it gives me great pleasure to present to you Nigel, twin brother of Lirithen, Lirithen used to be an elf before he got re-incarnated as a duck, did you know that, did you ever meet him in his elven form?"

Derry just had his jaw drop, this was insanity. Here there was a decomposed shark just propped up as if it were going to speak. Just shooting a look to Rowen that screamed crazy, the young vampire shook his head, answering the question,"I'm afraid not..."

It is quite common for the treeborn elves to be re-incarnated as ducks you know

Rowen smiles as she talks about Lirithen, "Well, on the whole he was not a bad elf, but most people you speak with will agree that he makes a much better duck.It is quite common for the treeborn elves to be re-incarnated as ducks you know. I don't know why that should be, it is not as if ducks are particularly woodland animals after all, it is just one of lifes many mysteries I suppose."The little ratuses her paw to open the notebook and proudly displays her first crayon 'masterpiece' to Derry. It looks, indeed it is just the coloured scribblings of a lunatic."This is me sitting atop the shoulder of my dear departed loyal perch, and much loved friend Basil. Basil was a fine fellow, both kind and intelligent. Why he made the only real magic carpet I have ever heard of outside of old tales. He was also the assisant to the brillaint chief rat-catcher of Larket. He helped draw up my plans for rat traps...why they are in the back of this very same book, have a look. They are brilliant, truly Basil was an genius, and even more truly, I still am a genius."

Derry couldn't keep a straight face, this was completely ludicrous, this rat was crazy," I'm sure... yeah, you know yourself so well.." He just played along, there's nothing worse than someone who is insane to feel insulted..

Satoshi told you, "ooc: When we have a chance to RP, I have a gift for you. :3"

You said OOC, "*huggles Satoshi*"

You told Satoshi, "ooc Awesome I am in silly rp with Derry jsut now, but I imagine that Icly he will run away screaming after many more minutes conversing with Rowen. Love you <3"

Nasurate, he was a dear friend of mind in both pointy-eared and pointy beaked form

Rowen continues on the subject of ducks. "Yet another sage elf who was reincarnated as a duck was Nasurate, he was a dear friend of mind in both pointy-eared and pointy beaked form, but he was not exactly law abiding, why even when he was still a cute little yellow downed duckling he was invoved with a gang who robbed Cenril bank." The rat turns to the shark corspe as if listening to something 'Nigel' was saying. "Yes, dear, yes, I know you and I helped rob the bank that day too, but it was for a good cause to ransom Rawnie from the evil Vuryal, and we shouldn't go telling this fellow who we just met that we are bank robbers. I'm the supreme empress of the entire know universe, I'm supposed to set a good example to my subjects, they all worship the ground I roll my hamster ball around on, and regard me as a role model naturally."

Derry said to you, "My... what tales of grandure you have..." He looked around nervously," And I'm sure... they are all true... yes...."

You nods seriously,twitching her tiny pink nose and cleaning her whiskers. " But of course they are all true. Don't you think you can trust the word of the supreme empress of the known universe? Besides Nigel here was a witness to most of the events I decribe, he can reassure you of the veracity of my tales should you still doubt, me. " The little rat shakes her head sadly at the poor paranoid fellow not being able to believe a person of her great reputation. She is beginning to suspect that the poor fellow may not be completely sane. "Are you sure you wouldn't like a craiom?" She offers kindly, trying to do somethingpositive to help the unfortunate raving lunatic.

Derry said to you, "No thanks... I don't really eat..."

What in Sven's name has happened to the reception committee

Rowen looks around the tavern wondering what in Sven's name has happened to the reception committee with all the garlands of flowers and gifts for her this evening.. "I tell you Kelay is really going to the dogs....Well it was a great honour for you to meet me, my dear sir." The rodent tells Derry."I really do think you should try to eat properly, it is no wonder your mind is so addled if you are half starved. Pray tell me your name and I shall send around one of my royals chefs with some finest quality cuisine for you sir. For now pray do excuse me, I have important matters of state to attend to. The entire known universe doesn't run itself, you know."

Derry said to you, "The name was Derry... and I'm a vampire... we don't have to eat..."

The rat replies "Ah I see you're a campfire. In that case Ill have the royal physician mix you up a nice tonic of some extra vitamin enriched blood. Trust me Derry, my loyal subject well soon have you in tip top mental condition once more, I can't have my poor people being completely bloody insane now can I?" The rat calls to Jake to carry 'Nigel' home. She then scampers into her hamsterball, which has recently been especially engraved with a diamond inlaid inscription in honour of Cornelius the dandy."Farewell, you were delighted to have the honour of meeting me!" She cries merrily to the vampire as she rolls the imperial memorial to Von Pensanze out of the tavern. (ooc Thanks for the rp. I had fun <3<3)

Derry oocly Rowen is bats... crazy.

Rowen oocly *laughs* Yeah, fair comment <3<3