RP:Roldan solidifies his rule

From HollowWiki

This is part of the Capture of Kregus story arc.

In the Hall of the Goblin King, now the Hall of the Goblins' Duke, Roldan receives the news of yet more disturbance in his land. This time, he merely shrugs, and calls together his court, such as it is. "Post these words," he says, almost bored, "throughout Kregus. This murderer Groznahk is not just a traitor to the Duchy, but a traitor to his own people. When I invaded and took this land, I could have killed every last goblin. Instead, I have allowed them to live, and have already begun laying the groundwork for improving their lives, for making them rich. My men work to protect them, to better their lives, while Groznahk simply kills them. If he comes to power, he will only become worse. Where is the pride of the goblins of Kregus? Where is the fighting spirit? Would the proud warriors who fought alongside the feared Archmosian forces allow Groznahk to kill their people? Let my people know," Roldan directs to his advisors, "that if we all work together to bring Groznahk to justice, the killings will stop, and betterment can commence." The duke's men turn to go, but are halted by an added comment. "And tell them that I know of the beast in the deep. I know of the terror that it brings. Tell them that, so deep is my care for my people, that I will hunt it down and kill it. I will not send goblins or men alone, but will take part in the hunt myself."

The word spreads quickly, for Roldan's messengers post documents throughout the city giving the duke's words in both Goblin and Common, and criers move through the streets, escorted by soldiers, loudly defaming Groznahk as a murderer, a traitor, and a kinslayer. As well, guarded wagons bring food and water to the goblins in the areas affected by Groznahk's terrorism, gifts from the duke to his people. As this treatment continues, more and more goblins, downtrodden by the fall of their city and the constant threat of death, begin to feel a stir of patriotism. Some, naturally, side with the goblin resistance, but an increasing number choose the humans' side. "After all," many conversations at the bar agree, "The king is chosen when he kills the old king. By our ways, the Red King is our true king."

As the number of supporting goblins grows, Roldan begins to recruit, forming the fierce warriors into military groupings, arming them with good Larket steel, and training them daily with his own men. Although no platoons contain both goblins and humans, the process has begun. With the added military force, squads protecting the diggers and engineers double in size, with the new goblin forces backing up the humans, helping to scout tunnels for enemies, and standing ready to defend the workers should trouble arrive.

Although the goblins provide much-needed help, some animosity is still present between the humans and the goblins, and, when a fight breaks out between two factions in Roldan's army, the duke brings those involved to trial and, after hearing the story, hangs the chief troublemakers - two humans, and one goblin. This gesture further solidifies the loyalty of the goblin troops, showing that their new 'Red King' plans to rule fairly, rather than enslave.