RP:Roldan Scouts Gamorg

From HollowWiki

This is part of the Capture of Kregus story arc.

Near Gamorg

The village of Gamorg lies relatively silent, the bustling workers long since gone to bed. On the western side of the city, Dak's tavern is still open, but only a few goblins and an ogre remain there, drunk and loud. Watchmen wait on the towers of both forts, waiting by their torches. No trouble seems to threaten, however, and so no activity breaks the night's silence until, off the coast of the northeastern part of the Fog Forest, a small sailing vessel appears. Its hull is black, its sails are black, and as it approaches the shore those sails are furled, and two pairs of oars stretch out, dipping quietly in the water to pull the boat to shore. Once the shallow keel runs aground in the shallows, figures drop from the sides, hidden by dark cloaks, a full dozen of them in all. They wade ashore and disappear into the trees, making their way east to the path to Gamorg. Although the forest is perilous, they do not meet anything willing to challenge such a large group, and so they arrive at the border to the ogre city swiftly. There, they split up. A group of four strikes out west along the outskirts of town, while another heads east. The remaining four cautiously enter, taking care to not be seen. Roldan the Red, Lord of the Vibrance, leads the last group. They scout the streets, they take note of the huts, and they observe the forts, remaining in the shadows so as to go unnoticed. The red lord's keen gaze notes every obstacle, every weakness. No words are spoken amongst the Larket knights, but they all seem to be doing the same. After viewing the second fort, Roldan and his men return to the entrance of the town, having viewed all they can of the inner structure and layout of Gamorg. They are joined by the other two groups who, having ranged far along the outskirts on either side, take some time to return. Together again, the party of twelve returns through the forest to their skiff. From there, they take sail, slipping away as quietly as they had come.

Back in Larket

Roldan and his compatriots return to the castle, where Roldan meets in council with the leaders of the other two squads. Unfurling a map of Gamorg, the men begin to fill in the details they had seen, adding each hut, each landmark. When they are at last done, Roldan begins to plan. With a group of wooden blocks to represent his forces, he tries out various possibilities, frowning at each snag, and writing down those plans that seem feasible.

For hours, the lord works, testing each way he can think of until, at long last, he can find no better way; he is done. He scrawls a series of numbers on various parts of the map, drawing arrows to show the path each battalion will take. Blowing on the ink to dry it, he rolls the map up and, slipping it into a sleeve, leaves the room. Gamorg's fate has been decided.