RP:Roldan Responds to Rebellion

From HollowWiki

This is part of the Capture of Kregus story arc.

Hall of the Goblin King

Just ahead, the tunnel broadens into a roughly circular room beneath a glowing crystalline dome. A huge rock-hewn chair is centered on the floor beneath the curving ceiling, ringed by half a dozen smaller seats. From your point of vantage here in the tunnel's mouth, you can see that the walls and floor are in many places stained red and black; two of the smaller thrones, one with a ragged gash running halfway through its stone back, are decorated in much the same manner. A royal scepter beams with a glowing stone, a queer auburn tint given by it as it lays embedded into its steel bindings. There appears to be no other exit from the odd throneroom save the one by which you have gained its entry. You had best be on your way in case this cavern's occupants come calling and surprise you into a confrontation with no escape.

Roldan is seated on the large stone chair, Judgment laying across his knees in its fine leather sheath. His steely gaze is locked on the sergeant kneeling before him. Gunnar's report has brought a silence to the hall, which normally bustles with servants, painters, and architects. A few of the more foolish men in the room seem shocked, but the Duke himself shows no visible reaction to the news of the goblin rebellion. A long moment of silence stretches, during which the sergeant shifts awkwardly on his knees. Finally, Roldan speaks. "So, the goblins have risen." His tone is matter-of-fact, and almost ominous as he continues. "I had expected it, I suppose. We will respond in force." He raises his voice so that all within the hall can hear, including the few goblin servants and translators. "Let it be known that I pronounce this Gorznahk a murderous traitor to the duchy of Kregus! All those who aid him, shelter him, feed him, or fight with him will be considered the same. I have been gracious enough to allow the goblins of Kregus to remain here, unmolested, as equal citizens of my duchy. It is both unwise and ungrateful to rise against me." The Duke rises from his throne, and calls out once more. "Jonn! Ready one hundred men-at-arms, and one hundred archers." A lanky young man hurries from the hall with a shouted, "Aye, sir". Roldan continues, speaking to his squire. "Fetch my armor, and have my horse readied for me." The boy scampers off, while the Duke calls to one of the architects. "I require pick axes, and fifty of your laborers, and enough of your overseers for thrice that number of workers." Bemused, the architect moves to obey. Roldan sits back down, staring pensively at the floor as he waits for his armor.

Within Kregus

An odd procession files through the tunnel here. Armored men lead the way, backed by archers with their bows strung. Behind them march a number of humans who carry pick axes over their shoulders, surrounding a horse-drawn cart that carries yet more tools. Behind them rides Duke Roldan the Red, Lord Vibrance, with a few of his captains, his squire, his goblin translator, and Sergeant Gunnar. They are followed by yet more archers, and more men-at-arms. They reach the place where the rebel strike took place, and stop. Soldiers fan out, bared blades driving the goblins who live here out before the procession of humans and surround them, ready to kill at the slightest provocation. The goblins, unprepared and lesser in number, comply grudgingly. Through his translator, Roldan speaks to the sullen goblins. "Citizens of Kregus! I am your Roldan the Red, your Duke and rightful lord! I have been informed of your treason, and I am displeased. It has come to my attention that you have carved tunnels in the stone, too small for any but yourselves to navigate. That is no longer permitted! Every tunnel in Kregus will need to be expanded, or caved in. The work will begin here, and it will begin now." Soldiers begin distributing pick axes to the goblins, who are discouraged from giving them right back in a more violent way by the archers, bows at the ready. "I have brought some of my own laborers to assist you in this task," Roldan continues. "I expect the progress to be speedy, and peaceful. Any treason at all, and I will hang the lot of you - husbands, wives, and children." The last words seem to chill the very air, but the Duke is not yet done. "I have lost five men to your treason. They all had families back in Larket, friends, lives. You have taken that from them, and I owe it to their loved ones to dispense justice. Men!" The soldiers suddenly press close behind the goblins, and there are arrows on the archers' strings as Roldan continues. "Is Gorznahk here?" The waiting goblins remain silent, and the red lord sighs, as if disappointed. "I would prefer to hang Gorznahk, but you are all guilty of treason, and so one traitor is much the same as the next."

From there, it is all negotiations. None of the goblins seem willing to talk, so the soldiers hang one at random and, when his legs kick their last, some of the others are more willing to talk. In the end, five bodies dangle from ropes slung over a makeshift gallows. One is a shaman, and the rest are simple miners, who had most avidly pelted the patrol with rocks, and who had done the most eating of the bodies of the slain. Roldan, his duty done, speaks once more. "Let us have no more killing, neither of goblins nor men!" Turning to the architect, he speaks more quietly. "Get them digging. Expand every tunnel until a man can walk upright in it." The other man bows deeply, and Duke Roldan departs, taking his personal guard with him, but leaving the majority of the soldiers to keep the goblins working.