RP:Return of The Lich Queen

From HollowWiki

A large lumbering vessel the size of a small town rocks across the black storm ridden waves of the coast of Rynvale in the dead of night. Almost as soon as the vessel is sighted several High Elven patrol vessels approach as a dull blue light emanates from within the gargantuan structure. For a moment it is almost as if there is second moon sprawled across the vast ocean, a terrible glowing blue moon with a black heart at its centre. The patrol boats quickly turn away from the light as skilled oarsmen row away in a frenzy of activity and just in time, as the ocean around the strange vessel begins to slow and then harden forming a thick icy crust as the air became crisp with chill. A fog of cold rises from the bergs of ice that bob slowly, unnaturally around the structure as a loud metallic dragging noise breaks the silence. Several gigantic rusty chains spin around a coil of iron as several archaic machineries spruig to life dropping a huge ramp upon the ice crust with a muffled thud. A second dragging sound rings out as a much louder metallic clang blasts through the air caused by a portcullis being raised within the blackened vessel. Slowly and sparingly at first robed beings begin marching out of the doorway left by the portcullis and across the viciously spiked ramp out onto the ice. At the very back of the column a woman finely dressed rides atop a dais of bone and obsidian watching with cool satisfaction as several furry creatures scuttles along at her side chattering away. The column slowly winds its way across the bridges of ice up the coast and into the fog filled mountains of the enclave of Vhys... The Lich Queen has returned...