RP:Retrieving the Mage's Bane

From HollowWiki

Location: Grassy Knoll

The road through Kelay is down the northern side of this hill, while more hills are to the east. A lushly painted forest grows in the west, but here, atop this knoll, there is no vegetation. Gravel covers the earth, creating an uncomfortable rest spot for everyone. Why this hill is covered in small stones, no one knows. To the furthest south of this area, though still in view, you spot a rather odd looking building of sorts which sports a rather large sign that reads, “Aranhil’s Amazing Aromatic Aerbals.” If you were to enter, you would see many plants, or bins full of freshly picked plant parts; everything from leaves, to stems, to flower petals, to roots, and even mushrooms. You find many bottles placed around the interior, each labeled something else and each with a description. Most of these appear harmless, as if one may use them as a prank on another; however, there are some that express using extreme caution, for they may even take lives. Others of course would save lives, in fact many more of the herbs and potions were for the art of healing than of trickery and pain. You look at the price tags as you browse through the items, and each price seems reasonable enough. You take what you will, paying the man at the counter. A small sign hangs from the counter saying “Restocked Daily,” letting you know that should you buy them out, a new stock would soon arrive. Happy with what you have found you may leave this place back outside and head west, north, or east and continue on with your life no matter your intentions with whatever you may have bought.

It was one thing after another in the never ending days of the wolfen warder. What seemed like an arduous eternity had been spent in the day prior, carrying the deceased Silver up to Frostmaw upon his back, with Arien accompanying him. No sooner had the Round Guard returned with the High Elf to Kelay, than he immediately took off to Gualon once more, to retrieve the enchanted pole-arm that Trekia was never found without. Worse news compiled, the Orc's imp of a secretary admitted to the weapon already being sold for its uselessness to the new owner. A shimmer of hope irradiated through the darkening clouds as the purchaser's name was revealed, their own clan mate, Aranhil. Hastily returning to the merchant's shop in Kelay, the weary wolf now simply waited to speak with the elven male about the latest purchase.

Upon entering the shop one would find the elven herbomancer cleaning what was left of the blood from the doorway. The two Preklek scouts had left a stain upon the earth that they wouldn't easily clear away. Aranhil entered back into the shop from the back room, a single pouch of powder in hand hoping to use it to help lift the stain from the hardened earth. Soon his eyes would fall upon the lycan, "Hello there my friend, what may I do for you?" he would ask wondering if perhaps he would make another large sale of his powders like he did his pixie dust earlier this day.

Rhocielle would perhaps later on return to purchase from a multitude of powders and elixirs. Strapped across his chest was a pair of crossing bandoliers, equipped with various loops, pockets and pouches. The impending dangers that surrounded the clan and the High Elf herself had prompted the Round Guard to be more than proactive in amassing various items for both offense and defense. However, tonight, his aim was a purchase that was symbolic. Pausing a moment, so his wolfish drawl would not seem ragged, he at last uttered, "You recently came across a weapon, about this tall?" His paws rose up to signify the length of the lochaber ax, as well as gesture to its unique features, "It has a curved ax head, adorned with runic symbols?" All of his speech was in the form of questions, wishing to spare no expense in retrieving the correct weapon. "Do you have it?" he asked in finality, his slated eyes scanning the walls of the shop immediately for its presence.

Aranhil would know exactly what the creature spoke of, in fact he did still have the item. It rested in the back with the rest of the rare hand held weapons he personally collected for his own use. "I do have such an item, but perhaps you could tell me why one would be seeking it out?" He did not recognize this lycan, he seemed familiar to him, but rather friend or foe he could not manage to remember. He had of course met him before with Arien in the compound at some point, but this had slipped his mind. Right now he prepared for that of another attack on his shop, summoning the magic that would soon concentrate in that of his runic rings. The rings of course were made from that of Giant Knuckle bones and gave Aranhil the strength of the Giants. The power flooded his veins now though from simply looking one would never know of the magic.

Rhocielle spoke out immediately, though not from any supernatural agitations he had felt from fur bristling to the mana emerging from the other, "Because it belonged to someone dear to Arien. The dragon slain was the previous owner of it. She would like to have it for its sentimental value." His husky drawl, however subtly frantic it was from his exhaustion, remained calm. It had never occurred to him that the other would not know him, given the presence of the Fold armor that was upon his chest beneath the leather belts. As a Round Guard, it was a priority that he know of all of the clan members, tasked with not simply protecting the Round, but the rest as well. "I would ask that I may be allowed to purchase it back from you, Aranhil," he said with a slow dip of his muzzle as he reached for his coin purse at his waist, and the leathern pack at his back.

Aranhil allowed the magic of his rings settle back down, the strength that made him powerful draining back into the rings. The mention of Arien had jump started his memory, the guard, he was with Arien before. "I see," Aranhil could not much argue, he would not reveal his collection of weapons in the back of his shop for fear of revealing his true fighting ability. "I see no harm in selling it once more. However, it is a rare and powerful weapon, not one someone could purchase anywhere. I'm afraid it is worth a good deal." he was in no way trying to take more gold than it may be worth, but Aranhil had an interest in this weapon, it was among the favorites he now had in his collection, and one of the very few that was created to counter magical based attacks. "What might you pay for such a weapon?" he would ask after telling the shopkeeper to collect the weapon from the backroom.

Rhocielle remarked with another slow nod, "Worth a greater deal to her, however..." The voice was solemn, but it needn't be shared that the previous owner had been a lover to the High Elf, more than that - Trekia had been her soul mate. He moved deeper in to the shop until arriving at the counter, he set his coin purse upon the wooden surface. A heavy clink of numerous coins jingled briefly. A heavier clank of metals erupted when his pack set upon the counter as well. "I am sure this should well cover your troubles for retrieving it, and along with this, I am sure Arien will add further reward in appreciation for your generosity in allowing me to reclaim it on her behalf." Removing the leather strips that bound both bags, thousands of gold coins glimmered on the surface of the pregnant purse while obsidian metal shone through in the other sack, newly acquired Preklek armours.

Aranhil turned at the noise behind him, the elf had returned carrying the weapon in hand as he was asked. Aranhil would turn back to the lycan and nod as he finished speaking and the laying out of gold and Preklek Armours, something he also collected as trophies. "Hand him the item in question," he would say to the shopkeeper. "Tell lady Arien that this is plenty, I need not anymore than this." Next the elf would gather the Preklek armours and carry them into the back of the shop. "Now tell me, is there anything else I may do for you this night?"

Rhocielle kept a quiet sense of awe as his paw like hands reached out to grip the staff length of the weapon. He nodded to Aranhil's humble statement, his gaze then shifting to fall upon the various wares. "Not tonight, but perhaps soon," he remarked. It would not be until he wrapped the lochaber ax in his cape that he continued to speak, "Times are still very dangerous, I would ask your advice as to what each of your powders and potions do. I may need their uses sometime in the future."

Aranhil would nod, "I am in the process of writing up a list for my shop now. It shall be completed in a few days time. However, should you need the knowledge before hand you need only ask." With that the gold would be collected and placed into a larger bag that he wore at his belt.

Rhocielle clicked his broad tongue softly against his closed maws, "I will remember that. Thank you again." With that, the wolfen warder departed towards the compound. The hour was late, and after so many taxing days, he needed sleep.