RP:Puma Meets Eel

From HollowWiki

The Fish Market

This is the first meeting of the characters Maylari and Sparky

Maylari allows her body language to clearly portray the current state of emotion and mood she is in to the proprietor of the fish stand as she continues to argue with the man about a seemingly business deal gone wrong. The feline raises her voice as she gestures certain fingers at the man's face. "I don't care what the hell the others offered you Cravin, we had a deal and I am back now....so honor it or this can get ugly." Maylari snatches a newspaper wrapped perch off the counter and eyes the man once more before turning her back on him. "Thanks for the lunch by the way old man!" The feline begins to sniff at her lunch with eager delight and her mouth begins to salivate due to the fantastic aroma of the freshly caught fish. Had it not been for the obvious construction taking place nearby, she would have been completely distracted by her stolen lunch. Inspecting the area further, Maylari begins to allow her curiosity to get the better of her. "I wonder what is being built here? I have been away for far too long now. The whole towns gone to hell." Standing in from of what seems to be some new business, Maylari takes a bite out of her perch and carefully avoids eating any of the newspaper.

Sparky ::: on the other side of the fish market, sparky who had spent a good deal of his morning collecting pearls as well as getting his skin moist, climbed out of the harbor and up the pier. Out of barrel he slipped on a black jumpsuit he had stashed away in the barrel. As he moved toward Cravin, whom he knew would at least buy one, happened to spot someone giving him a hard time, perhaps he'd come back later. He watched as the construction crew were working on his first homestead slash business. The Lazyeel lounge, both a lounge and club, he hoped now he would have a better standing in the community than what he was currently getting as he moved through the crowd who either were to busy to notice him or terrified. He was walking up to the door when he turned and saw a puma looking at the construction. "Enjoying the scenery" he squeaked.

The Puma barely removed her eyes from the construction being done and the tasty morsel in her hands as she chewed the sushi snack with pleasure. The strangers words fell upon her ears just the same and she allowed a few words to escape to him in response between chewing, "I wouldn't really say enjoying it no. Although it does to some extent please me to see new things going on around here." The feline glances over at the stranger as she again pays more attention to her perch, which is now half gone. "I tend to like to be more involved with the happenings around Cenril. At least the extreme Western end anyhow." The feline eyes the fellow up and down admiring his tight black suit and without any thought to manners the heiress and thieving princess of seduction once again spoke to the stranger. "What do you think is being built here....and what the hell are you by the way?!"

Sparky chuckled. "Wouldn't i like to know what the official name is.... The names sparky i am an electric eel, and you say West Cenril, i often spend my time going over to the old ruins of blood booze and chocolate. It must have been amazing in its heyday, well hopefully my business here can restore a little of that.

May finishes her fish then carefully folds the newspaper into a paper shuriken using the ancient art of origami and launches the paper projectile weapon at Cravin's booth over at the fish market. The paper ninja star does not reach the intended target, rather falls short halfway there and is picked up by a human child who gets rather excited to throw it at his mother as she walks in front of him. With the perch devoured, the feline now pays most all her attention to the electric eel gent next to her. Tilting her head in a curious manner, Maylari gets more interested in the chance conversation as he mentions not only of West Cenril, but also one of her establishments. Elegantly crafted nails on well manicured fingers extend outward as the alluring feline gives her hand in common greeting to the eel. The Delishian priestess often tests with this gesture to see if her hand will be shook or taken and kissed. "Sparky you say. Well now Sparky that is a very fitting name for an electrical being I spose. I have never met an eel of any variety, let alone one of your type." Maylari smiles with her usual charm as she continues, "Blood, Booze & Chocolate is not going to be a relic, ruin or forgotten shop of the past might I declare." Another smile, this one a bit sinister as well as charming, "You see the entire area of West Cenril is currently being renovated and restored. I am the owner of the property, Maylari Raicleach." The feline does a curtsy as lady like as she can for a lady such as herself. "I am pleased to see the side of town expanding and a lounge is right up this cats's...well...alley."

Sparky ignorant of the common greeting but understanding the need to shake the hand first holds it out but watches the jumpsuit around his hand curl away from his flesh of his hand he returns his hand to his side. "It might be safer for you, if i don't shake your hand." he listened to her words. "I look forward to enjoying seeing the business up and running again, though, you are free to enjoy the comfort this place can bring as well, its a lounge, and a private club.

Maylari smiles at Sparky, "Ohhh a private club. I do like things that happen behind closed private doors. I believe I would seek out a membership to such a club Sparky." May walks slowly around Sparky in a close and steady circle as she further inspects the eel. "If a feline such as myself would be given such an opportunity that is." Sizing the eel up with a look of lunch was not enough and it's time for desert in her eyes. "I can only assume that you are afraid to electrocute me and that is why you failed to kiss or shake my hand. Most members of the male gender jump at the chance to make any contact with my form, no matter the difference in species." The feline bites at her lower lip as she finishes her circle around Sparky, clearly she is impressed with his.....tail? "I have been afflicted with the curse of the undead. It was either that or not being her at all as I would be fully dead. I am not sure what affect your electric body might have on muh system." May' winks, "I do however hope to find out."

Sparky :: saw her gaze and felt slightly uncomfortable. "You'd be surprised, flesh how easily flesh burns by electricity dead or alive." Not in a threat but in a matter of fact way. "And well i haven't seen anything yet that, makes me feel inclined to think otherwise about...plugin in."

Maylari grins at the eel of electric nature and licks her lips as she steadies a single finger, ready to place it upon Sparky as a trial run. "Ohhh please, tell me more about flesh and death and burning. I had no idea you were such a charmer eel man." The finger now only inches from the eel. The feline leans over slightly and pushes together her topside assets as she places them in clear view of Sparky's field of vision. "And what may I ask, is it that inclines such a creature to....plug in?" Maylari offers a flashy smile, deceptive yet sensual as the finger makes its way for contact.

Sparky was about to say something when she touched him, unable to stop it in time, the shock lashed out her sending thousands of volts through her like a massive stun gun, dead or not her muscles would be forced to contract and wherever the electricity left by it would leave a scorching mark, thankfully it hadn't been millions of volts otherwise he would have burned the flesh from her body, the only he question he had was hopefully if she is dead she can't feel pain.

May is blasted backwards several feet and unlike most cats, she does not land on hers. The provocative puma lands firmly on her arse as she involuntarily twitches and convulses due to the touch. Her skirt is much higher than she typically wears it, exposing her self to the eel man standing several feet away starring at her with an 'I told ya so' expression. Laughter expels forth from the feline's lips as a wicked smile befalls her face. "One hell of a ride Sparky. I can't wait for round two." Unknowing to Maylari, her hair is singed and smelly now as it resembles the bride of Frankenstein due to the voltage that speed through her body. "Normally I at least wait until the second meeting before I end up on my backside Sparky. Now please find a rubber glove, put it on and help me the hell up!"

Sparky looks at her like "what were you thinking?" He lifts both of his hands up out in front of him and the jumpsuit which gloves even his hands falls away, energy crackles around his hands until the sound stops but the energy doesn't pointing his hands towards her they surround her but do not run through her, and her body lifts up from the ground enough for her to put her legs down. "Sorry i have yet to find a way to make this suit not have a mind of its own sometimes."

The feline smiles as she stands on shaking legs and wobbly knees, "Oh, don't worry your slime covered head about it. Twas an....experience to say the least." The puma could pass for drunk the way she is standing and slurring her speech, no alcohol of course was involved. "Just make sure that suit is fine tuned for felines before we meet for round two." Maylari still musters enough charm to come across as semi attractive and sensual, even in her current condition. "Perhaps next time we could have drinks at your lounge or mine?" The puma touches her hair and winces, "Now if you will excuse me....I have to make an emergency stop at my beautician."

Sparky said, "before you go, if you want to come back here, your gonna need this to get past the bouncer. *holds out a a small green gem perfectly rounded* you'll need to swallow it for it to bond to your flesh so we can keep a record that you are a member, bring it back it'll be blue when we open."

Maylari looks at Sparky with an odd expression and holds out her hand, careful not to touch him! "Swallow this green gem and it will be blue when I bring it back." Maylari laughs, "Are you sure it won't be brown when I return it? It was nice meeting you Sparky the eel. I look forward to returning to the lounge for it's opening."