RP:Not In That Way

From HollowWiki

Summary: Irenic stops by the Academy of Magic's to visit his friend, Valen, but got yelled at instead.

Academy of Magics

Settled in a clearing just inside the dense forest a weathered stone cathedral rises; its dull grey walls cloaked in ivy. The first thing noticed upon stepping through the colossal doorway is the high , vaulted ceiling overhead, supported by a series of ornate arches and buttresses. Tall narrow windows line the top of the great hall beyond the portal, casting a mixture of light and shadow about the structure which both illuminates beautifully sculpted stone angels and shrouds the rough-hewn leers of demons. The establishment seems somewhat altered; not entirely possessing the features of a true cathedral, it appears this one has been re-built to serve another purpose. Instead of the usual pews, desks; carved from massive oak and pine, take up the centre of the room. Upon each rests a simple inkwell containing scarlet ink, together with a handsome raven-feather quill. The western side of the hall is taken up with an entire section of remarkably high bookcases; filled from side to side, floor to ceiling with exquisitely preserved tomes and scrolls of varying origin and context. To one trained in magic, the subtle violet shimmer surrounding them would be simple to interpret as protection from the tooth of time and the touch of mother nature. To the east lies a third section, this one being taken up by comfortable crimson coloured satin chairs and skillfully polished oak tables- surrounding a single, massive fireplace embellished with golden runes; evidently for more relaxed conversations and discussions amongst the order residing here. A set of stairs leads up from the far end of the room to an alcove in the wall, where high-backed chairs reside around a large table, the dark wood inlaid with intricate ivory detail. Clearly, this area is reserved for the leaders of these halls. An errant breeze dances through one of the windows, the banners which hang from the ceiling rippling gently in its wake. Upon closer inspection, they would be revealed to be constructed of silk, bearing no other marking than five silver circles upon the dark violet background. This place seems to be a facility of learning and wisdom, a sanctuary for scholars and magicians

Valen would for once, actually be outside the Academy in the front portion. All the signs of Battle were gone from him except for one pitch black scar that ran from half-way down the right front of his chest, all the way past the collarbone, then back down again halfway on his back. While the back portion could not be seen due to his shirt, the front was displayed clear as day. There were other students around, as well as a stack of old dishes it looked like that students were picking from. One student was getting ready to throw theirs, it looked like, though halted just before. Valen's mouth would open and in a voice that could only be described as sheer anger mixed with sorrow he would shout out "Pull!" The student, who looked to be about no older than seventeen, male, short black hair with emerald green eyes would launch the plate like a disk, as shadows would encompass Valen's hand and would send a shot blasting towards the projectile. As the shadows made contact, the dish would burst apart...turned to simple dust as the children cheered. It may not have seemed impressive, if not for two things. One, that dish had been thrown with such strength that it had been nearly five hundred yards away by the time the crash would be heard, indicating that the male student had one heck of an arm. Two, Valen's shot went straight as an arrow, no arc, no bank, and took virtually no time to make contact. "Good toss Barnabas...Now, see if you cant do the same with the Cast Iron Skillet." And so it was, the student actually picked up the iron skillet that was almost as big as his upper torso, and was getting ready to wait for his teacher's command once more.

Irenic had been soaring about Larket as his loose ends finally were wrapped up and he figured it was okay to fly about. He hears the plate shatter and those mismatched eyes set on the front of the Academy and he spots Valen. Things had been so hectic those past few weeks with staying on the run especially with the news he just found out from Valrae. He was so wrapped up in taking care of her and trying to nurture soul back to a passible normal he nearly forgot about the letter he received from Valen. He was happy to see his friend and quickly swooped down to take the skillet from Barnabus, "Well, isn't it my good friend, aren't you a sight for sore eyes! Merry meet, Valen!" His devilish smirk was given as he waited for the directive to 'pull' and he would easily throw. For now he just stands there, skillet in hand and the kid beside him looking at those massive ivory wings in awe.

Valen 's eyes went wide and he almost felt his knees buckle. For what had seemed like ages he had given up that this...this audacious man, would be seen by him, worried that something had happened, yet here he stood, smiling! "...Barnabas, take the rest inside." "But...but isn't that the one who" "I said...get back inside, and take the rest with you." The young boy would motion for the rest of the students to follow him, as they all went back into the Academy but not before saying "Master Valen missed you eagle butt!" If Valen could have died on command, it would have been there, but with a final glare the child quickly made himself scarce as Valen turned those blue piercing eyes back onto those two mismatched orbs. As Irenic stood there, Valen would walk towards him...hips swaying as he trod on the ground, eyes looking much like a predator stalking its pray and yet there was the glint of a smirk that graced his lips. "Well well...Merry Meet, Edlin." He would say in a sultry voice, eyelashes giving off a soft flutter, as he stared through half-lidded eyes as that smell once again permeated his nostrils. "I suppose you want in on some fun too...." Standing right next to the Avian now, a hand would move up his back to lightly touch the base of one of his wings, where the muscles met and give a soft but teasing flick. Moving the hand down, a firm goose would be given to the male, nails digging slightly through the pants, the shadows would encircle his free hand once more, and he would lean in and whisper as the motion was done. "Pull." Just what was the Vampire's game...?

Irenic chuckled at the kid, "Ah, most do." He would offer the kid a playful wink thinking nothing of Valen's embarrassment and did not read into the look he was earning from the vampire at this point. He does not have very sensitive wings for they had been through too much abuse and all that would be earned from that action is a quirked scarred eye brow. The other's were out of ear shot now as Irenic glanced about to double check, "I got your message on the road, but I hadn't the time to respond because you see… The witch and I had to keep on the move… A bounty hunter was after us." Once the vampire's hand was placed too low the Avain slightly shifted under the grip so he may toss the skillet into the air with minimal effort watching the object sore brilliantly through the air. He would take another precautionary step away to allow Valen enough space to shoot said skillet and that mismatched gaze watching and waiting for it to shatter apart.

Valen listened for a moment and felt an eye twitch. A bounty hunter? Regardless as the skillet was let loose, he would let it sail for a bit this time, before letting loose another blast, followed by another, and another, and another before an explosion of shadow would engulf the now...well...dead skillet as it fell. With a scoff of annoyance he would move away from Irenic, bringing his arms around his own chest, a tear or two forming before he wipes them away. "Forget the damn message Edlin. I thought you were gone...I...figured you had grown tired of me, and my antics. Gods know I only meant half of that stupid thing anyways." He had wanted so badly to just haul off and smack him in the face, to bitch slap him, for abandoning him when he had said he would always be there to protect him, so for now, he would let his words do the talking. "...I almost died, Edlin." Truth abound. Had it not been for his ex-husband, he would have. "Yes, I know -now- you were on the run but it doesn't change the fact that I almost -died- and I was scared, and all I could think of was that you would be there at the end...That you would make good on your promise, save me, but -no one- came until I was unconscious...Lionel's sword cleft straight through me, through my collarbone and nicked my heart, and all I could do was bleed out." A light, sarcastic laugh now. "You know...its funny. Death...or dying, has a way of making you see things clearer. It made me see that no matter what I do I will never be able to be over you, not that there is anything to be over, but there has not been one day that I have not thought, worried, or cried...over you." In the end he was just tired...tired of feeling like the idiot who felt too deeply. Tired of chasing those that could not even chase him back, tired of the heartache and watching all he cared about turn to dust, so the truth of the matter now had come out. "Like I said, I know -now- what happened...but living with the fear that you were gone for good, or that something happened to both you and Valrae, living with that fear for at the least three weeks...and never getting any closure until out of the blue one day, I'm sorry. Its...going to take me at least a few moments to even process that this was not a dream, that it was real, that you are -here-."

Irenic felt his jaw tense in his own irritation and those eyes never setting on Valen until he had heard enough, "That's enough, Valen…" That tone he took might send shivers down a spine for he did not raise his voice at his friend, but sounded very stern. That icy silver eye looked him square up and down as he addressed every issue one by one, "I cannot be in two places at once." Daggers nearly being thrown from his gaze now as his brow lowers into a glare, "Do you know the shame I would have given you to step in and fight a battle you were willingly participated in? It is an upmost honor to die in battle and a bigger one to walk away from one." His hand reached out to gesture to his scar, "And if you died without me saying goodbye would for sure stick with me for some time, but I would have held a respect for you as a warrior." The brow relaxed a little, "I accept your worry for me, but do not for I can handle myself… Thank you for that, though." His irritation may be more evident now as one of those tattooed arms reaches up so his hand can smooth his unruly tresses back from his view, "I am sure you will find someone Valen. You are great and I do love you… But not in that way. I know that is not what you want to hear, but right now I can't keep Valrae off of my mind and you can't make me feel the same for you because that would not be fair to you if I just faked it…" An exhausted sigh came over him as his gaze now went to the skies, "I told you I've never thought of a man that way and that I don't know what the future would hold for us, but you cannot go forcing yourself unto others when they are not ready." He shook his head, "You know what… I'll catch up with you later." With that and a magnificent force he flew up and off into the skies.

Valen had listened to every word, every step of the conversation, and throughout it all had been silent during this phase. Part of him wanted to tell him that he had also come to care for Valrae, that missing her had thrown into sharp relief his feelings for her, and perhaps even hers for him as he saw the jealousy in her eyes when she had found out he had a dalliance with someone else, but he made no mention of it. "Lies. If you loved me you wouldn't be running away now." he would mutter under his breath, but in a sense...things made sense. He actually felt over him for once, and perhaps that may have been the intention, perhaps not. But at least he had a better feeling of where him and Valrae were, and he actually felt like there could be a chance for the two of them down the line. He never tried to -make- anyone feel any way for him, but the fact was...he had no time for people that ran away from issues. With a nod to himself, and a smile. He said "You know Valen...I think we will be just fine after this."