RP:New Directions

From HollowWiki

OOC Note: This RP took place in May 2013. Let it be known that Larewen is really bad about uploading RPs.

Summary: After Larewen makes an attempt on Shishi's life, Blue promises to someday rid her of the Pool's taint.

Hemlock Way, in front of The Thorne Estate

Larewen steps into sight quietly. Her pale flesh is marred by ebon veins, a sign of the magic corrupting her body. That aura has intensified, and spreads from her like a blanket, crawling along the ground.

Shishi stands outside a building on the south side of Hemlock Way that he had once called 'A home' or something like that. His back against the structure with his hands folded behind his head, fingers interlocking and caching a few stray locks of dark hair between them. The so called Blue Demon blinks idly up at the sky, recalling a time when that perpetual night sky was spewing abominable beasts onto the city. Memories of the sickening skyfall leave him as Larewen's chilling aura announces her presence ahead of her footsteps. Was he waiting here for her? How could he? "Good. You're here." Blue eyes shoot her a glance to verify her identity, but they don't linger on her for longer than necessary.

Larewen flicked her attention to the male, his casual greeting and brief glance leading to a raising of her eyebrow. The woman was in control of herself tonight; though the magic corrupted her body, her own mind was intact. "You were waiting for me, love?" she asked, curiously.

Shishi said, "Yes." He lied rather easily. It probably wasn't beyond the realm of possibility that the Colors were inside the Thorne Estate behind him, asleep while their insomniac father passed time outside. Could a vampire suffer from traditional insomnia? A question for another time, perhaps. The knowing greeting he first gave her could have been used on anyone, after all. He waves the elf closer. "I must have nearly been killed here a dozen times here in this town by now... Still I don't think I feel safer anywhere else."

Larewen drew nearer to the male, that crackling aura of darkness shifting to curl around them both. Her brow furrowed slightly with concern. In part because his greeting of her had been so unusually casual. Despite the fact she'd tried to kill him last they'd been in each other's presence, it bothered her. "But you weren't," she pointed out.

Shishi shakes his head, seeming to ignore that malicious energy surrounding his first bride, "Of course." He regards her with a fanged smile, finally, "Lucky for you." A finger on his left hand extends to point out eastward, "There was a Dead Guy that she gave us." He's assuming, in this case probably incorrectly, that the audience knows that -she- refers to the Head of The Eldritch Cabal, "He was strong. Probably could have frozen me solid in the blink of an eye if he wanted... His legs got blown off though... and one day he just started crawling towards the forest..."

Larewen lofted a brow, head tilted to the side. "I suppose if that's what kept you from dying, than I am lucky," she murmured quietly. She was also lucky that she'd gained enough control of herself to keep from killing him with her own hands. For a brief moment, her features show emotion: distraught. It bothered her, that she had tried to kill him. Then his words struck her differently. "When you see someone or something, that you believe could so easily wipe you out, how does that make you feel?" she asked softly. It's not something one would expect a woman who people flee from to ask, but Shishi didn't flee from her.

Shishi shakes his head, "I probably don't react appropriately..." I've stood face to face with the Time Parasite. I've fought massive dragons without a second thought... But I've run from powerful things too... probably not because I was afraid, but because it was the correct thing to do. You know?" With a shrug he continues "Whether a thing can annihilate me or not has never been a deciding factor in how I act towards it... Some things are worth fighting for and some aren't. That's all there is to it." He blinks down at his feet while taking in an unnecessary breath, "Orange and Yellow grew fond of that Undead gift from her so he was worth chasing. It didn't matter if I was afraid it could kill me or not... So she and I foll-... Well. She followed him and I followed her. Everything he touched turned to ice. I could even see the air around him freeze solid and fall to the ground."

Larewen listened quietly, her aura tightening and loosening around them. It seemed to accept his nearness to her this time, rather than push him away. Proof that the woman was exercising some restraint over the rampant magic. The woman says nothing, though. Rather, she simply listens to the male's words, lingering on that phrase, "Some things were worth fighting for and some aren't." He'd fought for her. Even as she sought to kill him, he fought for her.

Shishi looks Larewen's way again as he continues, "It tried to stop us from following it freezing walls of ice out of the air... dropping frozen pillars on us. We were able to keep up somehow and that Former Lich led us to his own tomb. We watched his skin and eyes regrow around what was nothing more than a frozen, decayed skeleton and for the first time we heard him speak." Only because it was the first time they had seen him with a tongue. "I forget what he said now... but he gave Tene something and he gave me a sphere that gave off the same feeling as the Pool and this..." His irises flicker crimson for a moment or two and he appears to pluck a black wand out of thin air. She'd seen it before, the last time she had tried to kill him.

Larewen diverted her gaze from the male to look toward the wand, brow furrowed slightly. "Why?"

Shishi waves the chaotic weapon idly, "I can only assume he wanted me to use it... But It can only do one thing." he says as a black flame sparks to life at the tip of the wand. "It's not hot... it won't burn you." he says, demonstrating by touching the burning tip of the wand to the skin of his right arm. "...But what it will burn..." He waves the thing wildly over his head. At a couple points in the air the flame ignites something, Larewen might be able to feel it, if not her then the pendant surely could. That crackling aura of hers fed the dark flames for a moment or two before another flick of Blue's wrist extinguished them. "Maybe this is what he wanted me to use it for..."

Larewen did feel the draw on her power from the wand and it bothered her. Enough so that she actually took a step away from the male as he exstinguished the flame. "To curb another's power?" she asked, blinking. Fatigue crept into her voice. She had not fed on another's mana in some time, and the wand's burning of her own essence, and the pendant's reaction, seemed to reignite that hunger.

Shishi shakes his head, "To burn something away that I can't touch. To remove That Place from you... Hell maybe I could fight the whole Pool with this..." The wand fades into the night air and his eyes are Blue again, "But the Pool isn't worth fighting." He points towards her chest, the pendant there, and maybe past it at the remnants of The Obsidian Pool Yellow had forced upon her, "This is worth fighting."

Larewen frowned. The woman -should- be happy that he might be able to fix her, but power was intoxicating. The power of The Pool corrupted her and, when left unfed, threatened to tear her apart whilst the voices accompanying the pendant drove her mad and kept her from sleeping... but the power they provided her with? That aura withdrew and tightened around her in response to her thoughts, thickening the air between herself and the other. She was drunk on it. She can't bring herself to speak in response to his words, for any answer would be the wrong one in this scenario.

Shishi pushes his hands through that tightened aura and takes hold of both of her's, "It's not time yet." He said, seeking out her gaze, "But we're getting closer. Aye?"

Larewen almost wanted to pull her hand away, her gaze shifting elsewhere. After a moment, she steps forward though - allowing him to pull her into an embrace if he so wished. "There will be a time, and I won't like it," she whispered quietly. In fact, she would hate it. She leaned toward him then, tilting her head back slightly to shift her veil before pressing her lips to his cheek. "If I try to kill you again."

Shishi does pull her in for a moment and lets a smile form on his lips at her touch. With a bit of a sigh he doesn't respond to her comment and instead turns himself and her towards the building to the south, "I never know where this woman is... I do hope she won't mind us staying here still..." she had left them the key after all...