RP:Myrall, Valkor, Leodarkheart and the Diseased Ogre

From HollowWiki

Part of the Rounding up the diseased individuals Arc


Myrall,Valkor, Leodarkheart and the Ogre:

A big sign tells you that the village down here bears the name of Craughmoyle. The letters are made out of diamond, a small king's ransom by the looks of it, and the sign is pure bronze, which is bolted into the rock wall. Everything down here is rock, the walls, the floor and the ceiling have all been carved out from the mountain. Torches adorn the walls, keeping the place brightly lit, but if they where to be extinguished, the passageway would become pitch black. Everything is kept clean and in perfect order, but the darkness would be so complete that anything imaginable would suddenly take on a life of its own in weaker minds. And with the dwarfs keen eyesight, used to as they are to the dark, one would also become a blind, yet perfect, target for them to hit as they enter this city beneath the mountains. A road of sorts, really just a large passageway, begins to the north, while to the west is a solid looking door. To the east is a set of large stairs leading up to the entrance to the dwarf kingdom. A Dwarven Militia Squad is here. A diseased ogre is here. Leodarkheart said, "Okay how do you suggest we 'talk' sense into this lug?"

Myrall looks the creature up and down before turning to Leo and smiling "I think in as plain a speech as possible, for they are not a race know for their wit and intelligence."

Valkor normal smile falls to sadness seeing the ogre suffering so and lowers his eyes remembering the pain he endured at the curse of the disease.

Leodarkheart stifles a laugh, "Sounds good to me." Leo says, "Hey big guy want to play catch the vampire?"

Leodarkheart said, "Ok we'll talk, if he tries to bolt on us Valkor you might get to play hit the ogre on the head."" Valkor dropped 3 pickled eyeball. Leodarkheart drops a few steaks to the ground as well. "I think that might just help, good idea."

Leodarkheart dropped 3 steak. Leodarkheart dropped 3 steak. Leodarkheart picked up 1 steak. Leodarkheart picked up 1 steak. Leodarkheart picked up 1 steak. Myrall tries hard not to laugh as she edges closer to the Ogre, it’s diseased form causing her to inwardly cringe. Murmuring under her breath in an effort to calm him she is almost near enough to reach out and touch the being when he takes a swing at her, his club narrowly missing the dwarf's head. Jumping backwards she stumbles and falls. Shaking herself off she stands and smiles "As I suspected, niceties and rational arguments are not likely to work on this one."

Leodarkheart raises his bow and releases three arrows in quick succession. "I'll get his attention, might as well try out that tree trunk your fond of Valkor."

Leodarkheart steadies his bow to see if the ogre even takes notice of the arrows. They find there intended target but seem to have little effect other then to anger the poor creature.

Myrall draws her axe from her belt and stands at the ready in case the poor unfortunate creature should attempt to remove her head once more.

Leodarkheart waits for the ogre's next move shouting to him, "Easy fella were only trying to get you some help."

Myrall crouches low, keeping her already short frame as near to the ground as possible, and tries to once more draw close to the creature. Managing to dodge the wildly swinging club with each step, until she is but a few feet away. Dropping her axe, the priestess now lunges forward, gripping the Ogres ankles tightly and hanging on for grim death, she shouts "Now Valkor, hit him now!"

Valkor purses his lips and treads as lightly as a giant may to the opposite flank of the flying arrows. Three grunts of sharp pain are offered up by the now angered Ogre and he turns to spy the vampire raising the heavy club. The smell of the beast reeks of death and decay, assaulting the sense of the three clan's men. The winged knight sees an opening to the Ogre's head and arcs the large club downward halting the Ogre in his tracks. The creature staggers a bit, but shakes off the blow with a blood curling roar.

Leodarkheart seeing Myrall had taken to a direct assault Leo follows suit. The vampire drops his bow and pulls his dagger and leaps near Myrall side. "If the hit is passed off like the first, I have a small trick I seen done not too long ago." Leo yells over the ogre's roar.

Myrall is dragged along the rough ground by the wildly flailing ogre, but through gritted teeth manages to muster the breath to screech. "And again, both of you. One more assault might do it."

Valkor take a deep breath re-gripping his hand to his trunk of a club take steady aim to the sick Ogre cranium. A quick prayer to the divine for true strike is issued forth from his rough lips and his broad arms fall the club with a thunderous clap.

Myrall answers Leo "Do what you must, just bring this beast to his knees whilst I still have some skin on my shins........... please!"

Myrall tightens her grip as Valkor's blow hits home, and the Ogre's knees buckle slightly. She offers up a small prayer that Leo's attack will be the last, and she might at last let go of this walking grunting rock of a beast.

Leodarkheart lossens his hold and into the heel of the ogre, using all his strength he drives the blade through the tough hide. Leo struggles slightly, but manages to push the dagger clean through the back of it's heel. The Ogre shrieks in pain and begins to topple. "Let loose Myrall, Valkor help the poor beast find the ground in a hurry."

Myrall immediately lets go, rolling deftly out of the way, before she is crushed by ten tons of falling ogre.

Valkor heards the command of Leodarkheart and tosses his wooden weapon aside grabbing the Ogre in a bear hug, slowing it's fall. The giant muscle groan in pain feeling the strain of the creature weight. Valkor face contorts as the Ogre is laid down with a boom. The giant releases his grip and massages his fore arms. Patting deeply he said, "Spot of trouble this old boy! Bit of a hard head."

Valkor heards the command of Leodarkheart and tosses his wooden weapon aside grabbing the Ogre in a bear hug, slowing it's fall. The giant muscle groan in pain feeling the strain of the creature weight. Valkor face contorts as the Ogre is laid down with a boom. The giant releases his grip and massages his fore arms. Panting deeply he said, "Spot of trouble this old boy! Bit of a hard head."

Leodarkheart laughs, dusting himself off. "Hope they aren't all this tough."

Myrall stands once more and brushes herself off, seemingly oblivious to the grazes and cuts she has sustained. Mustering as much dignity as she is able, the woman turns to the guards at the gate. "Summon a detail to bring a cart and-four so that this creature might be taken to Gualon." she then turns back to her clansmen. "I thank you both, for it is a great service you have done these lands this night. Where he is going." she jerks her head towards the stricken Ogre "he will receive all the help he needs to get back on his feet........*she casts a glance at Leo and smiles*......literally."

Myrall turns to Leo and smiles "The Drow gave me a spot of bother, though I suppose that is to be expected. No dark elf likes being told what to do by a Dwarf, but other than that, most have seen the sense in our arguments without us having to resort to violence."

Leodarkheart laughs and inspects the blade of his dagger. "Well this thing will need to be cleaned." Leo looks to Myrall, "Well when you dove for his ankles the thought popped into my head. Take him off his feet, that just might work."

Leodarkheart said, "No worse for wear here. *stretches* Needed a good workout myself."

Myrall watches as the guard carefully load the stricken creature onto the cart calling after them "Do not forget, burn all armour and wash all over in spirits when you're done." she then faces Leo and Valkor "and of course the same goes to you two as well. Make sure all that can be burnt is, and the rest cleaned in best whiskey or brandy." she gives a very Dwarven sigh. "A waste of good spirit I know, but tis better to be safe than sorry." then giving Valkor one of her warmest smiles she chuckles "Worry not old friend, this is nought worse than the wounds I receive daily, they will heal afore the sun rises on the morrow."

Valkor smiles to Leodarks reply and nods, "Aye. Nothing like a little tussle to get the blood rushing agian. Good for the heart I hear."

Leodarkheart smiles, "Dare I say I felt mine beat again." Leo laughs.