RP:My Meeting

From HollowWiki

Aoshi stands in front of a human sized training dummy inside of the snowless training yard. With bo staff in hand, and down at his left side he offers the dummy a bow "Aramoth be praised" the soft whisper is given during the bow. Taking a few steps back, the staff is lifted and placed into his other hand held at waist height. The first attack brings the staff down onto where the dummys foot would be. The other end of the staff is pushed forward hitting the dummy over his forehead. Following the second hit, the lower end of the staff would be brought up hitting the dummy in the knee of the opposite leg from the toe attack, with a final attack of the top end of the staff swinging from the side and hitting the jaw of the figure. Returning the staff back to its original position, down his side and at his feet. Aoshi would offer the dummy a bow again.

Hildegarde often made her way out to the Snowless Training Yard as part of her duties, as maintaining the physical fitness and preparedness of Frostmaw's military was of importance to the Frozen Tundra. The Silver arrived without any pomp or heraldry, she had walked from the fort to the yard rather than fly by wyvern or couatl: butt of her halberd gently sinking into the snow with each step to make sure no stones or uneven surfaces would betray her otherwise certain and confident steps. The woman arrives on time to see Aoshi offer Aramoth praise and begin his practice on the dummy, noticing the apparent need to bow before the dummy. She had been much the same when she first arrived in Frostmaw, though she had quickly learned that this City of War lived by the rule of fight or die and she had duties that kept her heart beating in her chest, so she would always fight to win. "I do not believe I have seen or met you before, lad," she said to him in way of greeting, "I trust you find the training yard fit for purpose?"

Aoshi turns and looks over the woman, a slight nod is given. "I apologize if this is for offical use only. I only wanted to practice in Aramoth's eyes." he stands with the staff down his side as a soilder would do at rest. "And I don't recall meeting you, but my father spoke of a silver knight, and if I may presume, Ser Hildegarde." he inclines his head in a bow. "My name is Aoshi Frea. If what my father has said about you is true, then it is an honor to meet you."

"It is for everyone to use, you needn't worry," the knight reassured the lad calmly. After all, many strangers and talented warriors came here to train in an environment that could be changed: much could be learned here. "But I imagine Aramoth can see wherever we train," she smiled gently, "but I am no priestess or shaman, so I can't quite rightly say. But I believe he would see the efforts of those who try hard." As the lad inclines his head in a bow, the woman offers a little wave of her hand as if to dismiss the gesture or imply it wasn't necessary: "No, Aoshi Frea, the honour is mine. It is always good to meet more people of Frostmaw." After a pause, the woman gestures at his posture, "You look as though you've had some training, Aoshi. Would that be from your father and mother?"

A breif nod is given. "My father insisted I learned how to defend my self. Mainly from the Animals and creatures of the west. But every so often after supper I would watch my dad using this staff. I always wanted to learn to use it, but he said it would be better to learn when I was older." a slight frown crosses his face. "But I suppose I'm old enough to learn now, so I do what feels natural with it. Let Aramoth be my trainer." he smiles proudly.

Hildegarde may have only one eye, but it hasn't made her any less observant. The Silver caught the expression and his choice words, leading to the thought that his father was no longer around. "While Aramoth would be an excellent trainer," she began, "I think you would make the giants very jealous if you were receiving private lessons with our patron god," her tone is light, evidently meant to be more amusing than anything else. "But, if you are looking for a more... well..." she frowned, "there are people here who can teach you, person to person, rather than god to mortal. It might be a little better for you."

Aoshi gives a nod and his smile returns. "I would enjoy that. My goal is to become strong enough so I could join ranks with in the army and become strong enough to protect you and the queen with my staff and my blades. And bring about giants jealousy from my skill rather then from the source of the skill." in almost a 180* the teen went from sorrow to bragging about a future that hadn't even come to pass yet. "That's not to say you, or the queen need protecting, as Im sure the two of you could handle well enough of your own, but there are unkown threats out there, that I want to help you with to defend our frozen city."

The sudden jump in attitude and subject is something the knight puts down to as boyish enthusiasm. The young ones around the world always seemed to leap from one topic and feeling to another as if they were only dancing through life, almost without a care. But she offers him a smile, for enthusiasm is a rare thing these days, especially for a life of service and honour. "Staffs, blades, all manner of weapons are not the only way that we defend Frostmaw, lad, our voices and our deeds are just as important; even the way that we carry ourselves. By being honourable and decent folk, we tell others that our city is much the same and they can expect truth and honour in our words and deeds." However, she offers him an assessing glance, "But you are quite young. Is that really what you want to do with your life...?"

A moment is given as the teen ponders his thoughts. "I am sure. If I am to provide for myself and for a family if the time comes for one then I need to have a skill. We are too far from the water cities to be a water merchant, and while I'm a decent hunter, I don't think it something I would want to persue further other then a meal for myself and maybe others. I have to skill for farming or growing things. My skill lies with this staff. To use my staff in order to bring praise unto Aramoth, Frostmaw, and Queen Satoshi, that is a life that I see for myself. I don't expect it to be easy, as nothing in life, or this city, that's worth while is. So Ser Hildegarde, I know I am far from being physically able. But I am mentaly, and spiritually able. I ask to be able to prove my self and join in the ranks of Frostmaws protectors.

"Being on the front line is not often the best way to provide for one's family," she answered gently, "as death tends to find our sort first." It was a harsh truth that she had attempted to deliver gently, knowing that often the bravado a person could master would often influence their way of thinking or that their pride might. "However, it is an honourable and admirable path to embark upon, Aoshi. And I am a very hard task-master," she warned him, straightening her posture slightly. "I ensure my troops are trained to a high standard and I personally deal with any who would go against my teachings - those who would take my training and embark upon a dishonourable path."

Aoshi nods "As of now there is no family. There's just me" he listens closely as she talks about the training. "I understand fully. Honor to Aramoth, Honor to Frostmaw, Honor to Queen Satoshi, and Honor to Ser Hildegrade." he says warmfully. "Any task you set me to, be it cleaning the out houses, sweeping the training room, sharpining blades, or any thing you can think of I will do my best today, then do better tomorrow to set a new best." he nods assuringly. "Give me a chance and I won't let you down."

Hildegarde offered a gentle nod, "Honour to our Queen and country is first and foremost. We must never endanger our people with our actions," she said, obviously meaning that by saying honour to their country. "But a boy your age is not given many duties beyond squiring for a knight or a warrior of good standing, so that you might find someone to teach you the ways. Aside from that, you would be assigned tasks like you have mentioned. There can be no stiff upper-lip, Aoshi, if you are bid to clean a latrine, then that's what is expected of you." She didn't imagine the boy would protest, his heart seemed so keen on this. "What I would bid you do, though, is to go inside the Academy of Aramoth itself," she nodded to the building near them, "and venture into the trophy room. Look upon Frostmaw's trophies and consider for a moment what this path will ask of you," and if those trophies did not emphasise it, perhaps Hildegarde's disfigured face might.

A nod is given by the teen as he takes the staff into his hand and walks into the Academy. His eyes looking over all of what was in the interior. He looks around for a moment before finding the trophy room. His eyes scan from wall to wall, looking at all it had to offer. He knew what she was trying to do, but also knew his mind was set. He would either look back to see if he was followed, or return to Hilde if necessary, “I will study as hard as I can. I understand the spoils of war, both positive and negative.” he looks around. “Any lamps that need to be cleaned now?” he asks, his tone suggests a joking manor, but serious if there were a task to be placed before him.

Hildegarde followed Aoshi into the building, remaining a few steps behind him as he traversed the trophy room which was more like a long hallway full of trophies and symbols of victory throughout Frostmaw. "Lamps aren't a priority, boy," she said gently, before gesturing to a preserved head. "See that?" the sagging flesh of a giant who had been slain in battle; eyelids drooping and his stag antler crown probably now quite weighty on his head. "I killed him in battle," she confessed, "and it was not easy. It is not something I am particularly proud of either. Aoshi," she said, "I am not trying to scare you away from this path, but I am trying to make you see what it involves. Don't go into this without considering everything."

Aoshi nods stowing his humor for the moment. He looks over the trophy, and the others that line the wall. “War isn't a good thing, it isn't a bad thing. It just is. Either side of the sword feels what they are doing is right, so much so they are willing to die for it.” he gestures to to the Giant. “I trust he believed what he was doing was right when your blade met his neck. Just as you thought, and I assume still do, think it best to fight for Queen Satoshi, and this land. Just as two wrongs, don't make a right. Two rights don't make a wrong. The difference is Aramoth favored your blade over his weapon.” he nods. “My father would always say, “The future is always born in pain. The history of war is the history of pain. If we are wise what is born of that pain matures into the promise of a better world.” It is because of that, that I wish offer my self, to aid in bringing the promise of a better Frostmaw, and better world.”

Perhaps Aoshi has said the right thing or finally convinced the knight that he is worth investing her trust in, for she settles her hand upon his shoulder and eyes him over carefully; like assessing a warrior who was about to test his mettle. "I think you might be best trying to squire yourself to someone, Aoshi. You have a sound mind and a will do trek down this path," she said softly, "but you must decide... will you be a soldier and serve with honour... or will you be a knight and act as the Queen's hand?"

A look is give to the trophies again, then down to his staff. “That depends on where you need me. Either path will be served with honor and to the Queen. My hands your command. Her will carried out by my staff. I will serve both Honorably, Faithfully, and with integrity. Where ever you need me, is where I will be.”

"That is a choice that you will make in your life," she cautioned him, "for I will not - nor will Satoshi - make all the decisions for you." The Silver levelled him with a look before offering a little shrug of her shoulder, "Go to Master Gikal. He will measure you for armour and you can discuss with him what best suits you, if that be heavy or light or even a mixture. He'll let you try on some to see how you go," she explained gently.

Aoshi gives a nod. “I'll get right on that.” he turns to walk down a hall way, but looks both ways, then with a confused look upon his face turns back to look at the knight. “One slight question, where can one find Master Gikal when one is in search of him?”

"The biggest forge in Frostmaw," she replied, knowing that any native would be able to find him there, "and if you can't find him there, he'll be in the tavern for his lunch or at the fort to measure up the Queensguard or tending to an errand I have set him," she elaborated.

The teen gives a nod. "I will be off then. Until next time Ser Hildegarde"