RP:My First Contract

From HollowWiki

Kelay Way

Kelay: the most famous part of the land. Something is happening. But you don't know what and by the looks of all the villagers around, and their confused expressions, neither do they. For the moment though it seems relatively calm, whether it is the calm before the storm though is yet to be seen. Perhaps more can be found out in the tavern to the north? Perhaps shelter in the great cities to the east and west could be found as well? You ponder which direction you should take and wonder if it will lead you onto your destiny be that glory, or death.

Valen made his way into the area, fists still clenched into tight little balls from everything that he had found out the night prior. He was trying to be good though, and push the thoughts as far from his mind as possible...after all, revenge was a dish best served cold. Taking a moment to stop searching for that scent, he tried his best to relax and sit on the ground...then scoffed and flopped to lay on his back. Why in the world, did everything have to be complicated all at once? For once...he would just like to be able to enjoy a day.

Tyler was destined to make Valen's day quite a bit more exciting than the vampire might hope. As he lay upon his back the sound of boots slamming into the dirt echoes around him. Tyler is jolting full sprint down the way in the direction of Xalious. Just behind him is the sound of hooves racing closer and closer. The human is frantic as he clutches a small bag in his right hand. He can't keep up his pace much longer and pauses just outside the Kelay Tavern, the winded male bending to grasp his knees while he looks around in a panic for an escape route. His gaze falls upon the well-dressed man lazing about in the weather (which was rather nice for a winters day). He doesn't hesitate, the normally socially awkward man rushes over to Valen and grabs his hand tucking the small bag inside his palm and forcing his hand into his pocket. Sweat dripping down might splatter upon the vampire, or perhaps spit from the man's rushed speech, but either way his point is clear. "Hold this. Say nothing. Please. -Please-!" Tyler erects himself once more and scans the area with haste as his boots kick up dirt and dust in every different direction. Finally, spotting a rather painful prickly bush of thorns the human releases an audible whine before running to dive head first. Just as soon as he escapes from view a small group of three Cenril guardsmen arrive on the scene with pikes in hand. They call out for the thief and the head of the trio begins to ask bystanders if they've seen anyone run through. Most in the lawless town abide by the thieves code, and remain silent. However, Valen's values are yet to be tested as the leader moves to the lazy man's side; "You! Have you seen a human pass through? Ugly hair, frail bones, far too nervous?"

Valen frowned at the sound of approaching boots, and hooves. "Oh for the gods sakes...Can't a vampire just...lay out in the cold anymore? Is nothing sacred in these lands?" At the approach of the man, and the handed off object he blinked before watching him painfully hide amongst the thorns, not envying him for his predicament. The sweat that had dripped onto him, was nothing he concerned himself with nore cared about...and brushed it off as simply unavoidable contact. One thing amidst all the confusion that just happened was clear. This man, needed his help. Turning to the Cenril guard that addressed him he raised an eyebrow, and simply pointed at the one who asked the question. "No offense but you are going to have to do much better than that. In case you havent noticed...I am a vampire. all mortals appear frail in their living state..." He flashed a smirk with his fangs "But, as far as your querry goes, you are the only human I have seen thus far." Normally he would have been much more polite, but due to his rest being intruded upon...The vampire just did not give a rat's right now.

Tyler remains silent hidden in the thorny bushes, did his ears serve him correct? A vampire? The horseman offers a repulsed snarl in Valen's direction before tugging at the reins of his mount and scooting away from Valen, calling out for his companions to follow him onward toward Xalious. "This ones' as worthless as the rest! Let's move!" His emerald gaze falls to the vampire once more and the snarl remains, "Disgusting creatures..." he mutters beneath his breath before he and his kin press onward to Xalious, soon out of view. The thorny bushes ruffle lightly as Tyler manages to make his way out with a series of "Ow's" and curses as he peels the briars from his flesh. Finally freed from his pointy prison the human looks over to Valen and offers a half-smile "Thanks..." he exclaims before approaching the man and extending a hand. "Mind if I have my bag back?" A brow is arched as Tyler awaits to see if Valen will continue his effort to assist him, or if he will simply take Tyler's loot and run, or hell, kill him.

Valen stuck his tongue out at the men as well as moved one arm, to cross another at the elbow, before watching them go. "Disgusting creatures my ass...and learn to whisper next time!" he called out angrily. His elven ears, plus his vampiric capabilities served him well in those regards. Now....the other human to be dealt with. As the man expressed his thank you's as well as the request for the bag, he turned slowly and kept a stoic face. "I do not mind if you have it back, no. the question you -should- ask, is '-May- I have it back'...In which case, the answer is also yes." He tossed it to him effortlessly, not caring for something that others were after. It was how he stayed in existence for so long. "Mind telling me what that was all about? I feel it is the least you can do...for throwing me into that."

Tyler offers a confused expression as Valen goes about correcting his speech the human wondering if he had come across an undead English teacher. Though this confusion is replaced with pure glee as the bag is tossed his way. Once the small pouch hit's his hands Tyler is quick to open the tie and dump the contents in his palm. The smile is soon replaced with a frown as he finds only thirteen silver pieces within. "...Royalty my ass." He mutters beneath his breath before pocketing the coin and tossing the bag to the side. His attention returning to the vampire and his hands holding up in apology. "Yeah, sorry about that... I, erm, they... well you see. We..." How does one explain to another that they are a thief? His voice falls flat and his arms wave to dismiss the thought. "It's what it looks like I guess, yeah? Either way... thanks." He pauses for a moment as his caramel gaze jumps from Valen's eyes to his maw, the next sentence crawling slowly from the man's lips. "Vampire, huh?"

Valen listened intently to the explanation, a small smirk showing on his features as he saw the human fumble for the right words. "Yes...and it seems...You are a somewhat honest thief." He gave a small laugh at the assessment, before eying the human curiously, having watched the display of the opening of the bag, then the dissapointment. "Not what you were expecting...? I can't say I don't know what that feels like. The thing with your line of work, and my very brief stint in the field, is that no matter who your mark is...Ultimately it will always be a dissapointment whether immediately after the score, or when a bigger one crosses your path.' His vibrant blues continue to stare at the man, before shrugging "But either way, you are safe for the moment. though...I wonder. How would you like to make some gold...? I know, what sort of a question is that to pose to one such as you? Well, this one requires nothing but an honest bit of work...and you may even be able to get your hands dirty still in the process. I will pay you five hundred gold pieces if you can accomplish the task I have in mind..."

Tyler twists his lips as the vampire offers him work. His mind immediately pulling Skylei into question as he debates the repercussions of his actions. Then again, he still has to get the gold to afford their home in Cenril. Only a few moments pass before the human stretches his jaw and pops it three times before moving a bit closer to Valen. "What're the details?"

Valen had to use every bit of control to hold back the malicious grin that was trying to work it's way out, though his eyes shone with malice now as he leaned in to give Tyler the answer to his question. "The details are simple. There is a human that is...encroaching, on a relationship that I am trying to establish with a young woman. He has made several advances, and I simply want to have him know that they are not welcome. Naturally, it puts me in a bit of an awkward position. I am normally good at reading people, but I can not for the life of me discern just how my kitten feels about this person...So, matters must be taken to an extreme, and the worst must be assumed. If you can find the human known as Jason, and get the message through to him to leave Miss Nowfaleena alone...I will give you twice what I offered just a few moments ago. You will still get five hundred for attempting it, but another five hundred gold pieces if you suceed."

Tyler listens with intent as Valen makes his offer, the human once again rushing over the consequences of his actions if Skylei were to find out. But then again, she seemed so damn busy these days if he could just overcome his insane need to detail everything to her he might just make it by with this one. He thinks about the task at hand, formulates a quick plan of action and a smirk spills across his complexion (which is bleeding just a bit from the bush). "Alright, Mr. Dressed to impress. You've got a deal. What's the guy look like?" The man's hand had already extended to take Valen's in a firm shake to confirm their agreement.

Valen felt his face fall a bit before trying to recall the conversation from Nowfaleena. He regailed him with the details of what he had gleaned from Nowfaleena last night, before nodding in satisfaction. "That...should be enough to go on I believe." He took the hand firmly, giving a single shake to seal the deal. "There of course is not a time limit, but the sooner this happens the better for her and I." Another grin formed across his face, flashing his fangs as it seemed things were going the way he wanted. "You can simply leave a note at the Eternal Tree when you are done with the task...I will be able to find it."

Tyler grips the chilled hand of the vampire and shakes it firmly as he explains the details of his target. The human's ears perking as the name Nowfaleena finally registers with him. 'Kitty?' he mimics with his lips though no audible noise is spoken. His attention returns full force to Valen as their hands part and the man makes mention of the tree. Unsure of it's location, Tyler decides it best not to leave any worry in their contract by showing incompetence so he simply nods before patting Valen on the shoulder three good times. "No worries, It will be done." The human seems to have forgotten about the useless loot that drug him down just moments ago as he moves to flee into the wooded area around Kelay, and just in time as the sound of the guardsmen returning from their failed search echoes about. In Tyler's mind, this job was as good as done. Though he can't help but wonder what Kitty has been up to since their trip, and he begins to piece together that she is involved with a vampire. Not quite what he expected... but he'll take it.

Valen raised an eyebrow as he read the male's lips. He was not the best at reading lips, but he took the reaction to mean that he knew of the object of his desire, that made his dead heart burn with love...even if she had said she was not sure how she felt yet. Still, he had handled one issue during the day, and had one last task before him. As he watched the male go, he would take a ready stance...hand at the wand on his hip in case the guards caused any trouble. Once Tyler had safely vanished though, he relaxed, glad that a fight was not going to be a part of this meeting. Satisfied with the events of their run-in, he turned and departed...intent on finding the one known as Desparrow.