RP:Muraski Trains Raziel

From HollowWiki


After the night of the Roytoc imposter tricking Raziel, she and Roytoc have no prior memory to anything and Roytoc has any memories that Zalctor had of talking with Raziel because Roytoc's brother had implanted them within his mind.

Muraski Takes Raziel... Again

Muraski once more threw the grappling hook into the window sill, a quick climb to be made all the way up to the female's room and then he'd enter through the still broken frame. Arms would grip the woman, sling her over his shoulder before she could react, then descend the rope. "Off we go, child, we have training to do today." He'd grip the rope once more, descend quickly, until he made it to his horse in which he'd place her upon gently. "Stay, woman, I have a thing to do real quick." Once more he'd climb up the rope, place a note upon Aeonis' head, then descend back onto the horse, "Alright, now wrap your arms around me." He stopped for a moment, "Oh.. And, I asked him civily to let you join me.. There is now a note upon his head."


I’m taking the female. You can join. Though you both sleep on the floor, and it ain’t free. You’ll either be working or training, your choice. If you choose neither, you sleep on the lawn. Oh, and you have little say in this because if you try to stop me from making my kid stronger, I’ll just kidnap her… ’Nuff said.

~Muraski the Merchant

Raziel is, to say the least, not shocked that her boss had done just as he said he would. But she knew better than to argue, because she wouldn't get her way any how. Once he's upon the horse's sadle she'd wrap her arms around him and, basically, be a good girl. She didn't want him being mad again. But she would say "I don't think I'd be able to train to easily today, but you're the boss.... Oh, and thanks for being civil for me."

Muraski turned to face the woman, "What do you mean, child? Everything alright?" He'd not leave, just awaited an answer from the girl.

Raziel nods. "Yeah, everything's fine... I just accidently sliced my hand on that sabre yesterday and lost a little more blood. I'll be fine, I promise." Raz soon gives him a smile, trying to show she'd be ok.

Muraski sighed at the female as he moved to inspect the hand, "Child, do be careful with these things, they do hurt.." He held the hand towards him as he turned about on the horse, "Shall our first lesson be fixing injuries then?"

Raziel gets a little frown on her face, as he inspects her bandaged hand. "Well... Wasn't fully my fault... Roytoc told me '"If you do leave you will be telling Aeon you do not love him, that his wishes for you safety are little more than dirt beneath your feet.' for if I ever left with you again... And I was inspecting the sabre when he said that... So my hand kinda clamped down on the blade." she then thinks for a moment about learning to fix injuries and nods slightly "Yes, I think that would be smart since not all my energy is back yet... Roy poured some brandy on my hand, is that part of fixing them?" she asks while cocking her head. Indeed her hand did still have a scent of the brandy still clinging to it.

Muraski sighed at the words as he heard them, entirely disappointed with the man's way to teach a child how to love another. Arms would wrap the female closely into his chest, words to be spoken in whispers, "Child, ignore the buffoon, you're my kid and that is all that matters. What that asshole decides to blow out of his own mouth matters little to me and if you love Aeon, you love Aeon, I cannot stop you nor will I." He turned back around upon the horse as he released her from within his grasp, "We'll head to the shop today then, I was going to go to a field but a shop will do just fine for now. As we get there, we shall teach you how to dress different wounds of battle. After that, we'll begin to exercise and then move onto some basic attacks." He moved for her hands to once again be placed around his waist, waited for her response, then would be off.

Raziel agrees with Muraski's words and then sighs "Roy did not... Seem himself really... He had gotten this weird, drowish, drawl to his voice. I had thought it was someone in disguise, and tossed my dagger into his leg, since he was only wearing leather clothing... But I believe I was wrong." she sighs once more, feeling bad about throwing a dagger at him. But then she goes on to say "And I'm fine with going to the shop for now... Probably best for me to take things a little slower yet." And, should Mura command the horse to move, she'd be ready to go.

Muraski took the information in without another word mentioned upon it and just left for the shop.

Medical Training

Muraski sighed as he approached the shop, the horse stopped short of the place and he'd dismount himself, followed by lifting Raz from the saddle as well. A quick look of guilt to flash through his eyes, "Raz, last night, what I said. Ignore it.. I was angry with everything and I spoke out of anger, do not listen to those words as they were not meant for you to hear." He then moved to grip the female's hand and lead her towards the shop, the last block of the way, the horse left with the stable boy.

Raziel simply nods to Muraski and smiles "If I wasn't upset about you drinking my blood, why would I be upset about that? People get mad, I understand. It doesn't make me think any less of you, I swear on it." assuming she was given her cane, she'd actually be using it, and it would make light clicks upon the ground. "Oh, and thank you for taking me out of there... They were kind of treating me like a small child... I love Aeonis, and I slightly think of Roytoc in a brotherly way, but I can't stand that they wouldn't even let me go downstairs yesterday..." she makes a slight pouty face, but more-so does it to be silly.

Muraski chuckled at the female's words, "Thank me? Bah, child you haven't even begun to work with me yet. Wait till we start your training, after that's done, you can thank me then." When they reached the shop, he moved to a wall, her hand obviously released, and pulled out a random series of leather armor from the store. The armor was handed over towards the female, then he pushed her towards the back room, "Get this on, child. Need you to get use to it, as that's what you'll be wearing from now on underneath your usual clothes."

Raziel blinks a couple of times at that but then simply nods. "Uh, sure, ok..." she says, running her fingers over the cloathing. She'd then go to the back room to get into the leather outfit, thanking herself mentally for wearing a baggy dress and pants as her usual clothes. Once she is all dressed up, and it would be noticed that she hadn't put anything on backwards and such, she'd then go back out of the back room. "So, why do I have to wear those under my usual clothes?"

Muraski grinned as she spoke her question, "Because that way the enemy doesn't know you possess such an armor. The trick to every battle is surprise and out maneuvering the foe. So, from now on you'll wear those except when you sleep. You can also take them off if you need to do so for other activities but whenever you're clothed, I expect those on you." He pulled the woman towards him and made sure everything was on, checked to see if it fit okay, there would have to be a few changes made but for the most part it all seemed fairly well all together. "Now, come and sit outside at the table while I gather things for us to use." With that he would move into the back room, lift the small medicine cabinet and carry it outside.

Raziel would head to the table, as asked. Though she wasn't 100% on the direction, while Mura was getting the medicine cabinet Raziel would pause for a moment, sniff for a moment, and then she'd find something metallic and whack it with her cane, making a metallic ring go out. She'd then begin to head to where she was certain the table was, and sits down at it, as asked.

Muraski blinked to find the female outside sitting upon a piece of armor... "Umm, Raz.. Wrong spot." Arms would grip beneath her armpits and place her in a chair at the wooden table. The cabinet would be set in front of her then opened, "Alright, so, for your wound, alcohol wasn't a bad choice, isn’t' the safest but it does the job well enough while adding quite a burn. What it's doing is cleansing the wound of infection." He moved through the cabinet and began to remove bandages and other things from within, setting them upon the table, each to be pushed towards her so she could feel them.

Raziel blushes a bit at that and shakes her head. "It's going to take -forever- to get used to doing things on my own..." she grumbles as she sits upon the chair. Then she listens closely to everything Muraski tells her, trying to keep all the information locked up tight within her skull. Her nose twitches a bit, at the scent of the medicines and bandages and such in the cabinet. But she does, indeed, lightly the fingertips of her uninjured hand across everything, while the injured and bandaged one sits palm up upon the table. Were the bandages on her hand to be removed it would be seen that she had a slanted cut, running from near her thumb, on the palm, across to her left ring finger and pinky. The slice seemed to have been a fairly deep one, at that. But the blood would be dried up, and everything would be, hopefully, alright enough to not even have a scar there... As if she needs another scar...

Muraski turned to look at her hand, the bandages of course still placed within her own, "Alright, child, so here is where we begin. The bandages on your hand already, take them off." He then began to sort through the medicine cabinet for a type of pain killer in which he removed. "You will use this right here." He placed it underneath her nose for her to smell, "You'll want to take only small doses and not often as it's highly addictive." He then removed out a small bottle of pure alcohol, "This here however, cleans wounds better than any drink will." He once again moved it underneath her nose for her to smell, "That isn't a common item to get but it is an item that can be found with the right people. Pour a small amount on and it'll clean out any wound." He then moved both bottles away from the female and resealed them, "Alright, figure out which is which and tell me what they do."

Raziel does as she is told and carefully removes the bandages from her hand, flinching a bit when one pulls at her wound, for the blood had stuck to the bandage... And it wasn't even a real bandage, really, just a makeshift one of cloth. She keeps her injured hand palm up and then rubs her nose, from having two scents shoved so closely. Once she'd get her nose back in order she'd sniff the air, unfortunately the scents of both were mixed together. So she then reaches to feel the bottles, see if there is any inscriptions in them... Only to find smooth bottles with labels. She scowls slightly at this, but then gets a look of concentration as she feels the bottles shapes, trying to see if she could figure it out herself. Then she'd pick up one of the two bottles and sniff the bottle, without opening it... Because, really, there's not exact reason why she'd have to. Crinkling her nose she says "This one smells like it's the cleaning stuff... And it... Cleans any wound out." she says with a nod, hoping that the answers were correct.

Muraski shrugged as the woman spoke, grabbed the bottle, and moved it towards her wound, then set down. He moved his own hand towards the wound, reopening it by picking at the scab with one hand while the other held her arm down. The bottle was grabbed once more, as he dumped a small amount onto her wound and out flowed a white fizz. "Ahh, there we go child, you were indeed correct." As the wound fizzled, she'd feel pain from it, not only it, but also the wound being reopened. "Now, the other is for you to drink if you'd like to relieve the pain but I'd prefer you didn't and got use to the pain."

Raziel flinches a bit as Muraski pulls her scab off, trying to pull her hand away like a child would. But, when she finds her lack of energy is outweighed by the newly sired's strength, she simply sighs and gives up. However, when the alcohol is poured onto her hand and the pain is felt her eyes go wide, momentarily, and a wolfish growl is released as she cringes her teeth. Soon the pain seems to subside, however, and she releases a sigh of relief. "Err... No I don't want to have any of that pain killing stuff... I've had it used on me before, by that man that saved me years ago, and got very addicted to it... Which only caused me to have to stay longer so he could help me reverse that..." she frowns a bit, but knew he did that by accident, for she was so much smaller than the man, making the stuff work stronger upon her. Once all is said and done she simply waits to learn what to do next.

Muraski nodded at the female, "Good, good, we need you to become use to pain or you'll never succeed in my world, child." He handed her good hand the bandages, "Now, bandage the wound with your one hand. Make sure you wrap the cut three or four times then tie it off tightly. Otherwise, it'll never stay on and the thing won't matter for crap."

Raziel nods as she takes the bandages, and then feels for th open piece. Once she's found it she begins to wrap it tightly, flinching now and then when she runs it over the wound. Once she finishes it looks the slightest bit sloppy, but it seems like it would work well enough. She then turns her head towards Muraski for one second, holding up her hand. "How's that?" she asks, it would then be a bit noticeable that it's a little on the overly tight side. But she'd get used to doing that after a few tries.

Muraski looked at the work momentarily, "Tie it off first, then we'll see how it holds while you exercise." He made no comment on the quality, he figured he'd allow her to find out as she worked out. "You'll be doing sit-ups and push-ups for a little bit, two hundred of each, followed by the fact you'll need to pull yourself up over that bar there." He points, her arm directed in the direction, "One hundred times as well."

Raziel quickly ties off the bandage as she listens to Muraski speak only to have her mouth go agape at how many of each she has to do. "Do I really?" she asks in shock, but soon sighs and grabs her cane moving in the direction she was told to go. Soon she'd start on doing the sit-ups, however, for she didn't want to use her hand just yet. As she does this Muraski watch over her, as he put away the medical tools into the cabinet. Really, she shouldn't be exercising at all, but Mura had his heart set on making her get stronger... No matter how odd.

Aeonis's Past

Aeonis walked towards the pawn shop, bloodied and with a large cut on his left side from what appeared to be a longsword. In his left hand, he held a steel longsword, his old one from the village that he had left behind so many years ago. His right arm held his side in an attempt to stem the flow of blood, and there was a steel kite shield on his back along with his bow and quiver. He was close to the doors when another wave of pain washed over him, and a wolf-like howl escaped his lips as he slammed the tip of the sword in the dirt, leaning on it for support. His eyes flashed red as he sat there, hoping he was heard.

Raziel and Muraski were doing the training outside, behind shop when the howl was heard, Raziel would sit up with wide eyes "Aeonis?" she'd wonder out loud. Muraski would simply turn towards Raziel and point to her, though she wouldn't be able to see it. "Stay, child. Continue your training, while I go see what the hell that was." with that he would move back through the shop and open the door, only to find a very battered up Aeonis. "Nurse, what did you do to yourself?" he would say, as he looked towards the injured shape shifter, not caring how close to ferality he'd be. Soon Raziel would be coming in from the back, not obeying his orders to train. "Aeonis, love, what happened?!" she asks, in shock, as the scent of blood flows to her nostrils. Kraar was not with her, and it could be assumed he was left at the inn. Quickly the young elf would push around Muraski and gently wrap an arm around Aeonis, trying to give him some assistance to get him into the shop's main room.

Aeonis reacted to Raziel's voice, looking up from the ground. His eyes slowly stopped flashing, and he could only say one word. "Excessus." He tried to stand, then cursed himself when he put too much pressure on his side. "Excessus." he repeated, then fell to one knee. The battle with his younger counterpart was grueling, and left Aeonis quite weakened physically, not only had he nearly turned. His body was stressed, and he was on edge.

Raziel tries to help him back up and then Muraski simply points outside "Child, keep him outside. We don't need all his blood in here." Raziel would look up at her boss with almost puppy dog eyes... Which don't quite work with hers, but then sighs and nods. "Ok... Boss, could you please get the stuff we were using earlier." at that Muraski would smirk "Glitch, that's a brilliant idea! You can practice what I taught you on your nurse!" he'd then turn and go to get the medicine and bandages, as Raziel tries to help Aeonis outside. "Love, I don't understand... Who's Excessus?" she'd ask quickly, as Muraski returns with two bottles and some bandages.

Aeonis looked weakly to Raziel. "I thought he was dead..." His eyes dropped to the ground, and tears began to drop from his face. "They were all dead..." Aeon was racked with another bout of pain, then he grew quiet again. "And now she's dead as well." He continued no longer, biting back the urge to scream, half anger and half pain.

Muraski looked between Nurse and Raz several times before finally he lifted Aeonis, regardless of what the man wanted he was in no condition to fight the newly sired, and placed him atop the table, "You're washing this later whelp, all the blood on this table will come off." He turned towards the female, "Find the wounds child, you'll need to clean them first, I'll hold him down while you make sure he's okay..." He looked back at the wound once more to evaluate how deep it was, then shrugged, "Actually, you'll be dressing it a little different this time about as you're going to learn how to stich him up during this time about. He's going to need something to bite into or else he will hurt himself." He looked about for something sufficiently distasteful and found a nice branch in which he handed towards the woman, "He can bite that stick, won't taste good but it will help with the pain when you go to stitch.. And don't worry, I'll be here to make sure you don't kill him during this.. Just keep a steady hand throughout the procedure."

Raziel feels Aeonis's side, as lightly a she could, her icy hands would probably feel a little nice upon his skin. She was about to ask Aeonis what he meant when she is bombarded by Muraski's instructions. Suddenly she’d give him a look that can only be exclaimed as looking like this. ---> O.0 <--- And then say "There's a possibility I could -kill- him!" her words were more or less squeaked out, but then she's handed the branch, she brushes off any loose bark upon it and leans over to Aeonis's head saying softly "Love, everything's alright... Try not to talk while Muraski and I care for you, okay? I love you dear." and with that she'd give him a kiss upon his forehead and then tell him to bite down on the branch. "Ok... What should I do first, Boss?" she'd ask, keeping one hand near to where the wound was, but far enough away that it wouldn't sting.

Aeonis was in no mood to argue, and definitely couldn't fight any of this. And so, he did as he was told, thinking on how he would explain himself afterwards.

Muraski grabbed the woman's hand and began to make a sewing motion, "Feel the wound, impale, then come out on the other side of it, repeatedly over and over. It will take you time to get use to but you can do this." He paused for a moment then left into the house and returned with a rag and two bowls, one filled with water. "Normally, you'd clean the wound to find out what was wrong but since you can't see anyways, it matters naught." He moved himself however, to clean the wound and when finished he directed her back towards it. "Alright, next," He poured the alcohol into a bowl, then handed her the bottle with the rag. "Alright, now, lightly apply pressure up and down after you pour alcohol onto the rag." Yes, the clean side of the rag, "It'll clean out the wound from infection." The needle was set into the bowl of alcohol to sterelize it." Then we'll begin with the rest, child."

Raziel pays close attention to how the motions of sewing went, a slightly nervous appearance upon her. Then she'd carefully do as instructed and put the, now, alcohol covered rag against his wound, applying pressure just as instructed... Actually she was probably going too lightly, but she seems nervous about causing her love any pain, even if it would help him. Aeonis would probably feel a sting from the alcohol as she cleaned out his wound. Once she'd done so enough she'd set the rag down and wait for instructions on what the next thing to do would be. This part made her even more nervous that the last, it would seem.

Aeonis felt the burn of the alchohal as his beloved cleaned out the wound from Excessus's sword. It helped take the sting away from the slice, as well as take his mind off of the raging torment that the man had caused him today. Aeon could be heard taking short, slightly pained breaths, but otherwise did not resist.

Muraski sighed as the female was overly light with the cleaning but when she finished he took the rag and quickly redid it to make sure it was done properly. "Next time, more pressure Glitch." He handed her the needle, "Now this motion, all the way down the wound."

Muraski ::::: he made the same motion before all the way down. As the thread went through, it would be pulled through the alcohol.

Raziel cringes softly when she is told to put more pressure on next time, she was a little weak when it came to things like these. Then she'd take the needle in her hand, careful not to drop it, and she'd touch Aeonis's side, gently, deciphering where the top of the wound and the bottm of it was, and then how far apart the sides were. Carefully she'd pierce through his skin, trying not to go to deeply or too shallow. Once she'd do so she'd feel for the other side of the wound and pierce through the bottom of that side, and out through the skin. She'd purse her lips in concentration as she'd continue to work through it, and with Muraski's help, it wouldn't be turning out quite so badly either... A bit sloppy, but it would still work for the wound. Quietly she'd remember back to the man who had saved her from an orc. And she frowns. As she continues stitching she speaks to Muraski. "Ummm. Will Aeonis get a scar from this? Or are we doing a good job?" she had said 'we' instead of 'I' for she felt that Muraski was the one helping most.

Aeonis was biting the stick at first, but eventually all he could feel was a deep throbbing in his side. He had dealt with so much pain earlier that by now he had grown accustomed to it for the time being. Aeon could still feel the needle weaving through his flesh, an odd and numbing sensation, for he had never needed stitches before. He only hoped it would be over soon.

Muraski watched as the female guided the needle through flesh, his hand to correct her occasionally but the motion he had given her more then sufficient for the general idea behind it. When she had finished, he knotted it off for the woman and shrugged. "Scar? Hmm, not sure. It's deep, but personally, I could care less if he gets something as a reminder to keep himself stronger or not. Thing is, child, he needs this lesson, it'll make him stronger and you need it because you need to learn. Now it's time to bandage him." He took the stick from Aeonis then helped prop him up into a sitting posistion, "Remember how to do this, right child?"

Raziel frowns a little bit at Muraski when he says what he does about Aeonis, and crosses her arms. "Oh, Boss, you promised to be civil to him..." but then she shrugs and grabs the bandages, nodding. "Yeah, I remember... Although this is a lot bigger than my hand." carefully she'd start weaving the bandages around his torso, this time going a bit slower than she had with her hand, to try and make sure it was neat looking, as compared to her own bandaging job she'd performed on herself. "Love, if I tie it too tight, please tell me." she asks of Aeonis, not wanting to cause more pain to him. After she ties the bandages around him, making sure they were tied around three times, she would then tie it off. The job looked much better this time, actually. Then she'd smile "There we are. Feeling any better, Aeonis dear?" she ask, leaning towards him to give him a light kiss on the cheek.

Aeonis found the strength to smile at Raziel. "I feel much better, although the taste of bark in my mouth is less than satisfying." He moves his arms, making sure his motion wouldn't be hindered by the bandages. He felt a slight pull, but otherwise he was fine. His eyes returned to their normal bright green, and he seemed much more at ease. Then he thought about Excessus again. "I have a lot of explaining to do, huh?" Then turning to Muraski, "Thank you for the help."

Muraski shrugged and ignored the words of gratitude, "Explain later, first she needs to get back to training.. I believe she was on sit ups?" He turned towards the woman, "You can talk and exercise at the same time if you want but you need to get back to work." With that he turned back towards Aeonis and inspected the first aid administered. Pleased with what he saw he turned and packed his things into the house before he returned with a bottle of whiskey. The bottle was shoved into the man's hand, "Drink, now."

Raziel would smile greatly at hearing her love's words. She was quite happy to have helped him. Then she nods to Muraski "Ok, I'll get right back to them." really she wasn't in top condition to be doing these things, but she'd not argue, being that Muraski was allowing her to stay at his shop. She would just about turn to go back to where she was previously doing her sit ups when she suddenly snaps her fingers with a thought, and a smile. "Oh, love I almost forgot! I had this made for you -days- ago!" with a grin she reaches into a pouch that was at her dresses belt and pull the gift out. A dark brown leather cord could be seen hanging out of her hands. Once she'd turn back to Aeonis she'd tell him to close his eyes, and then would cover them with her own hand to make sure, as she'd tie a necklace around Aeonis. The necklace stone upon the necklace would hang roughly where his heart belonged. The stone in question is an icy blue gem that is shaped like an arrow head, and it is tied on by a thinner leather cord of the dark brown coloring. The gem would sparkle and glisten, even during the night hours, and looked like it was made of blue ice. "Kraar and I found that stone once, and I had it carved into that shape. Though I never had a use for it. But I think this necklace makes a good token of love, don't you?" she says with a smile. "The one who carved the arrowhead said it could be detatched from the necklace and used as an actual arrowhead, if needed, as well." she'd give him a soft, and careful hug, and soon turn to go back to her sit ups.

Raziel gave 1 Token-Of-Love to Aeonis.

Aeonis closed his eyes when told, then opened them and inspected the necklace. The icy blue coloring was stunning. "Thank you, Raziel. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever given me." He released the arrowhead, letting it hang from his neck. "I only wish i had something to give you other than bad news and medicinal experience." he said with a grin. "Sadly, that's all I have today." He takes a drink of the whiskey Muraski gave him, feeling the warmth spread through him. "Remember when i mentioned I was exiled?" he would ask Raziel, then take another drink and shake his head.

Muraski just sat back in a chair beside Raziel and began to count as she did her workout, a curious question to finally enter his head, "How is the leather armor feeling, child? Can you feel the weight of it yet?" When she reached the hundred marker of sit ups he motioned for her to stand and go to the pull-ups, "Fifty of those, then push-ups. Keep yourself doing different things."

Raziel continued her excersize, though she was slightly light headed she didn't feel a need to stop. Once she moves on to the pull-ups she'd cringe a few times at the pressure upon her hand's wound, but it would soon be ignored. Pausing momentarily she'd say "I think I'm getting used to the armor..." then she'd continue a few more until Aeonis asks her the question. "Yeah, I remember..." Raziel would say with a little groan, noticing how bad her upper body strength truly seemed to be. "Why?" soon she'd drop down and immediatly go to doing push-ups... Though her form would need some decent correcting.

Aeonis shook his head again. "I was blamed for the murder of my family, including my little brother." He took a small sip of the whiskey. "I was actually buying him a gift at the time, and came home to the slaughter. The townsfolk believed them all dead, and locked me up. Then they punished me with being burned at the stake, until I turned feral." Aeonis shuddered at the thought of that night once more. "I escaped, but so did Excessus."

Muraski continued to watch the female work, a pleased smile on his face till the push ups. Hands would move to correct her posture till her back was straight from neck to toes, "That's better kid. Now, keep at it. When you hit the half way mark switch back to sit-ups till those are done. Repeat the rotation till the finishing numbers are reached."

Raziel does as Muraski says, and is thankful for him correcting her until Aeonis tells her of his past. At that she pauses in the up position, digging her fingernails into the ground, as her memories of her wolf family shoot through her head... She had only left them for one hour, and came back to all the adult and cub wolves she vowed to protect, they were completely massacred and she forever blamed herself. She'd probably have paused for a long enough time that Muraski would have possibly gave it some notice. But soon the woman continues her push-ups with a little more speed and ferocity then she usually would have, as she tried to destroy her returned memory. "And I'm guessing Excessus was the actual murderer?" she says, accidently allowing a wolf-like growl to slip into her words. Ever since the loss of her wolf family she had always hated the idea of bringing harm to innocents, especially children... But, for some reason, her memory mixed with what Aeon had just said, seems to be making her work harder. It seems to be making her forget about her great lack of blood... Of course, it was mostly her reckless abandon side that was causing this.

Aeonis nodded slowly. "That's the truth of the matter. But not the whole truth." Aeonis looks to the ground momentarily. "He also went back to the village, and no one recognized him, even when he stole the family swords and shield." He took a long drink. "This cut was caused by Eternal Torment, the white sword. The other one is Eternal Rest, the black sword. Apparently, Eternal torment just recently claimed the life of Cassandra, my first love." He held back the tears in his eyes, though they were not for Cassandra, but Excessus. "Only a member of my family can even wield those swords..."

Muraski continued to instruct Raziel till she finished her exercises then directed her to stand, "Up child." A quick move inside would find him to be carrying out a crossbow, "Now, I'd normally tell you that being blind you shouldn't wield one of these but today, today is different. We're going to try something." He poked her mouth while it was closed, "Humm. Listen to the sounds as they reverberate then return. Lace the sound with your magic child, so you can attempt to find things as if you could see them. Start now, try finding your love." With that, he lifted the female and carried her off about fifty feet, spun her around a dozen times then told her to begin.

Raziel would blink in confusion a few times after she is moved about. Then says "Uh... Ok..." it seemed like Muraski was distracting her from Aeonis's story, but she was catching every word of it. Soon she'd listen to Mura's idea and smiles; closing her eyes, though it's not needed. Softly she'd hum a note that seemed to make the best vibrations, and entwine her bard magic into it. Soon it would hit a point where it was almost like just a buzz in everyone else’s ears. Once she'd gotten it she'd take another breath, open her eyes and try once more. Soon she's take precise steps, even dodging a rock or branch in an almost dancing move, much like the dance-like moves she uses when she runs through forests. She'd then reach Aeonis, with a proud smile painted upon her lips and she'd sniff the air, the smell of the whiskey floating about him. A kiss would be placed upon Aeonis's cheek and she'd say, rather happily "Found you!" She didn't even need her cane for that. Oh, the odd version of sonar would need some work, of course, but she seemed to have done pretty well for this simple task. She'd then hum again, and turn to her boss. "How was that?" she says with a big grin upon her face, and a honey-sweet laugh.

Aeonis smiled at Raziel, then began to finish his story, although he found this last part hard to say. "Now Excessus has finaaly returned to claim the last member of the family. If this were any other man, I wouldn't have a second thought about protecting myself." Aeonis took one last drink of the whiskey, and hung his head. "But Excessus is actually my little brother."

Muraski watched the female move about with ease and when she returned to Aeonis, he gave but a nod, "Good, good.. Now, continue to do it.. Do not stop, you're going to continue that from now on permanatly, whether you are walking from here to town for groceries or not, that sound doesn't end. The only time you are permitted to not hum from now on, is when you're speaking. The reason this is, is because that needs to be second nature to you and it will drain upon your power. if you get it to a point where it's easily able to be kept up, you'll never falter."

Raziel would look towards Aeonis with a truly pained expression and then she’d take his hand within both of hers, injured and uninjured. “Then we will work together, we will train together and get stronger together. I love you and want to protect you, and I know you feel the same for me, love. I don’t want harm coming your way. And if we equally train then it will be an equal relationship. Just like the Alphas of a wolf pack.” She is clearly dead serious about that request too. Especially since she felt that her presence saves him from ferality. Then she hears Muraski’s words, and at first turns toward in with a look of surprise. However, her look soon is replaced with a huge grin. “I can do that! That was really fun!” she releases a happy, and almost youthful/ child-like, laugh. “I could see in front of me, behind me, about me, and below me! I had no blind spots that way!” she looks practically ready to jump with glee. “It was better than a simple 360 degree vision!” she releases another laugh, but soon her grin fades, and fades… And then it melt. “Oh, HELL! We forgot Kraar at the Inn!” suddenly she heads to where her cane is, humming as she does so, and then says “I’m going to go get him, he probably feels abandoned!” she knew she couldn’t train with him, but that was the closest thing she had to a brother, and she felt so guilty right now. Should she not be stopped, she’d leave the area to go all the way back to Larket, despite her weakness and the fact that this is Cenril… And it is the night hours. Even at that, there was also other things to worry about, and so the woman really shouldn’t be going anywhere. But she would. For such is her care towards the raven. However she suddenly hears Aeonis collapse, mostly from a mixture of exhaustion… And the whiskey… Glitch mutters several lines of curses under her breath. “Boss… I need Kraar to be here, he might get hurt! But what do we do with Aeon?”

Muraski shrugged, "Send a bird, after your bird?" He lifted Aeon, careful of the bandages, and moved him inside. The shop would be closed to the general public and Aeon would find his place upon the ground before he returned back outside. "Anyways, send a bird to fetch your bird, I guarantee the window is still broken."

Raziel blinks a few times at that and then sighs. "Boss, the only birds that can carry him are too big to get through a window... There a golden eagle and a black hawk... And he won't have enough energy to fly for a few more days..." she looks as though she feels she betrayed the little bird, and then continues to walk while humming, in a rather stubborn way. It would take quite a while for her to get there on foot. For a moment she stops humming and says "Oh, and thank you so much for helping Aeonis... I appreciate it so much." soon continuing on with trying to leave.

Muraski sighed at the woman as he began to follow close behind, only to grab her shoulder to cease her movements, "Fine, if you want to get the bird, you have to train on your way there. You must hum the whole way, while jogging." He thought it over for a moment, "Anddd... Come back really quick." He waited for the female to come back to the shop while he want inside and loaded a pack to be filled with about twenty pounds of weight, along with something to weigh down her ankles. He handed her the pack, then attached the five pound weights to her ankles. "Good to go, child."

Raziel gives Muraski a little scowl, though in more of an upset daughter type of way. Then says "Fine, I'll jog there. And hum. That's not so hard." but when she gets the weight added to her, her confidence falls a bit and she nearly falls over from the extra wait. "Boss.... You're going to be the death of me..." she grumbles. And, though not without a sigh, she hands Mura her cane, and then turns with a growl as she then hums. Once she's ready she then continues humming and makes a dart for it. With every step she takes she falters on her humming and grumbles all the more, but wants to prove to her boss that she's strong, and simply continues onward to Larket.