RP:Moonlight Walk

From HollowWiki

Tifra told Daemon, "-a cold wind carries a soft purr down the mounten.-"

Daemon told you, "~ a warm wind returns with the hint of a smile~ Hello Tifra."

Tifra told Daemon, "Good evening Daemon -amusement affection warmth-"

Daemon told you, "How does this eve find you ? "

Tifra told Daemon, "-purrs- Very good I have hunted well, found a good scroll to read, and I get to talk to you."

Daemon told you, "That does sound like a good night. What kind of scroll if I may ask ? ~the sense of affection, care and a hint of loneliness flood the bond~"

Tifra told Daemon, "-tenderness, caring, loneliness, amusement- A funny one.

Daemon told you, "~amusement~ Sounds like a good read."

Tifra told Daemon, "Very -satisfaction, longing, the sent of frost-"

Daemon told you, "Would you...would you like some company or is your book too interesting ?""

Tifra told Daemon, "I can read any time. -affection happiness- I would rather have company."

Daemon told you, "Then I am on my way. "

Daemon appears from the west.

Tifra stretches from where she was curled up on the hearth and tucks a scroll into her pack. Before standing and stepping down from the hearth.

Daemon walked through the door quietly, his ice blue eyes moving to Tifra as a wide smile splits his face. He moved to where she was. " Hello Tifra. "

Tifra wraps him in a tight hug "Hey" purrs

Daemon returns the hug, laughing lightly. " You seem to be in an excellent mood. "

Tifra smiles and rubs her cheek and chin against his shoulder "I have had a good day. How is your night going?"

Daemon grinned, laying his head against hers. " Much better now. Tis a beautiful night out under the moons..."

Tifra said to Daemon, "Yes they are such a contrast when one is waxing and the other waning."

Daemon smiles and nods, his eyes upon hers. " Indeed they are. Know any good spots where one might see the moons ?"

Tifra flicks an ear "Well the cliffs have a good view with out any trees or ground to get in the way?"

Daemon looks out of the tavern. " Up for a stroll then ? " he says, turning his cool orbs back to Tifra.

Tifra smiles her green eyes warm "Certainly." catches her skirt with one hand to keep it out of the snow and takes his arm with the other. "A stroll sounds lovely."

Daemon winks at her, following her as she led the way, joined at the arm. His thoughts drifted to how beautiful she looked, knowing she would feel it through the bond. They headed out into the night.

Tifra told Daemon, "-appropriates how hansom he is her eyes drifting over him and lingering here and there-"

Daemon told you, "~joy and elation fill the vampire as he walks beside the beautiful feline~"

Tifra wonder at the view and happiness to be sharing it with some one she cares for.

Daemon grins looking out over the view and then into the sky. " Beautiful...Would you like me to make a seat for us ?"

Tifra flicks an ear and smiles "It would be better than setting in the snow." glances at him teasingly tilting her head and raising her chin just a little..

Daemon brought his face close to hers, a wry smile upon his face. " I'll take care of that then. " he leaned in like he was going to kiss her, then winked teasingly, moving away to form a two person chair out of the darkness around them.

Tifra watches him amused by his teasing. "One of these days your going to tease to much and fined our that cats of claws." smiles making her words more promise that threat.

Daemon turned his head slightly, looking back over his shoulder in what could only be described as a seductive manner. " Promise ?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Tifra laughs softly the snow crunching just a little under her boots as she pads over to slip her arms around his waist "Now if I promised it would not be a surprise."

Daemon laughed lightly, leaning comfortably against her. His hands swirled through a few more gestures, finishing the seat. " I suppose you are right....There we are. " He looked on his work, having never made anything bigger than a one person throne before. " And not the only trick I have relearned. "

Tifra purrs "Lovely sleek, dark and elegant. You do no what makes you look good." is not above a little teasing of her own.

Daemon grins widely. " Aye, that I do. Shall we sit ?" he asked, motioning to the chair.

Tifra reluctantly lets him go "Yes lets do." steps back again with a light crunch of snow under foot. Surprising compered with her normally silent tread. The only obverse conclusion is that she must feel very relaxed and safe if she is letting down her guard this much.

Daemon felt and knew instantly all the things that went through her mind. He smiled, happy that she was so relaxed and comfortable with him. He steered her into the chair, standing in front of her. " Want to see the other trick I remembered ?"

Tifra takes of her pack and leans it against the chair "Of course I want to see." smiles and tilts her head such a contrast to the snow and cliffs with her black fur and red gown so out of place and yet fitting so perfectly into the moment.

Daemon thought of how beautiful the feline looked right then, the thought flowing through the bond to her. He pulled his cloak off, setting it aside in the snow. He closed his eyes, spreading his hands apart. His shadow slowly moved up his form, liquid darkness melting over him. It reached his neck, then paused and moved back down his body. His clothing had changed completely to his battle gear as the shadow sank back under his feet. " What do you think ? " he asked with a flourish ?

Tifra purrs her eyes sparking with amusement "Very useful. I can think of many ways to use that little trick" lets her admiration follow through there bond and a few of the less appropriate ways that particular trick might be fun.

Daemon laughed lightly having started the transformation back to his normal travel gear. As the less appropriate thoughts flood the bond he loses his concentration, ending up naked as the shadow descends. He looked down, feeling a slight...breeze. " Oh my...seems I still need some work before I do this in public. " His pale flesh barely registered the cold as a sigh escaped his lips. " How is it I always manage to end up naked ?" he asked no one in particular.

Tifra laughs eying him like he is catnip "I am not sure but you look great." lets him see himself through her eyes all that pail skin looking like so much cream against the backdrop of stark white snow, shadow thrown, and harsh gray cliffs.

Daemon strikes a dynamic pose, laughing lightly as she eyes him. " Did you get a good look ? Can I get dressed now ?" his smile though clearly said that he had no discomfort.

Tifra purrs "Oh don't let me stop you. You look almost as good with your cloths on." laughs softly at is pose. Leans down and unlaces her pack pulling out to bottle.

Daemon bows low, making a show of it. He then summoned up the shadows and made sure to concentrate much harder this time. When the shadows receded he was clothed again. He sat beside her companionably, looking curiously in her pack and at the bottle.

Tifra settles her self comfortably snuggling in against him and passes him both of the bottles "Surprise"

Daemon nods his appreciation, letting his feelings towards the feline flood through the link. He takes the bottles from her, moving one to the snow and uncorking the other. He sipped from it lightly, made a satisfied noise then moved it beside the other in the snow. " Thank you Tifra, how thoughtful of you ! " he laid a gentle hand upon her leg, the motion coming so naturally he didn't realise he had done it for several seconds.

Tifra lightly trails the claws of her right hand up the back of his so very very careful. "I hoped you might like them."

Daemon shivered under the touch of her claws. " I can assure you, that I definitely do. " His ice blue eyes roamed her form for a moment, all manner of inappropriate thoughts flitting through his mind and the bond before his gaze turned out to the view.

Tifra laughs softly adding a few vivid imaginings of her own and wounding it she can make a vampire blush if she tries hard enough.

Daemon shakes his head with a laugh. " Yes, but it takes quite a lot for me to blush. I imagine it does for you as well..." he said, giving her an appraising look once again, his thoughts once more turning to less appropriate things. " I have such a filthy mind tonight...perhaps it is because you look so...captivating. Or perhaps the mountain air..."

Tifra purrs fluffing her fur with pleasure "If I blush I think you are the only one who might be able to tell." smiles at his comment about his filthy mind picturing them in the mystic stream and her taking a bar of some to his head.

Daemon laughed at the image that she presented to him. " Indeed, your fur would make it challenging to those who do not share a bond with you. " He leaned his face closer to hers as they spoke, his eyes upon hers. " Thank you for showing me this place. "

Tifra her eyes meet his the laughter dieing for a moment as she leans in and steals a kiss "Thank you for being you."

Daemon 's eyes open a bit wider at the stolen kiss, nodding slowly. " You can always count on me to be me, so no thanks are necessary. "

Tifra laughs and rubs her cheek against his "And you are wonderful."

Daemon returns the nuzzle, his laughter echoing hers. " As are you my feline friend. "

Tifra blushes under her fur "I don't think so but it is good to know you do."

Daemon cocked his head to the side, looking at her fondly. " And that makes you all the more wonderful, because you don't think you are. "

Tifra smiles and shakes her head but runs careful claws through his beautiful red hair. "It is so not fair that you look so much better than me."

Daemon laughed softly once again. " Are you joking ? I am only a little more than a walking corpse. You however, have curves in all the right places, are gorgeous and quite seductive when you want to be. "

Tifra smiles tilting one ear at a rakish angle an gives him a teasing but still heated look. "Flattery will get you every thing. But you under estimate your self. Your gorgeous, smart, nice, and as to that being a corpse bit you may not be exactly alive but you are no where near as dead as any other vampire I have ever smelled."

Daemon bowed his head in appreciation to her words. " Indeed, flattery will get you everything as well my dear. And I thank you for your words. They mean far more than you can imagine. " He grinned devilishly, returning the heat in her gaze.

Tifra steals another kiss purring "it is not flattery when it is true."

Daemon stole his own kiss that time, his ice blue eyes twinkling. " You would do well to remember that when the flattery comes from my lips. "

Tifra amusement, appropriation, pleasure, "You are far to clever for me some times." a few thoughts about stealing more kisses "I do not think I have ever seen eyes as bight a blue as yours."

Daemon grinned as the thoughts of kisses flew through the bond. " My eyes are one of my best features. They can be as cold and hard as the ice when necessary. And I have a memory of a time when they were not this color, a time when one reflected a blight upon my soul. But many of my past sins have since disappeared after my death. " He grinned, turning the conversation back to levity. " I might indeed be too clever for you, but you still have me beat in the looks department. " he tossed her a rakish wink.

Tifra looks him in the eyes her own genital as sadness briefly flows through the bond. "The past shaped who you are now and I hate that it hurts you but I am very grateful for who it shaped you into." hugs him hard her soft black fur warm against his cool skin. "It is the rain, It is the storm we all must endure, We hate it, But it's every raindrop, It every harsh element that runs down our faces that traces out who we are, Our shape, It reveals the passion, the defiance, the space in the world the rain cannot displace, We are beautiful, It is the world is ugly, But never lose hope, for the same ugly world that sends the rain, also give us sunshine."

Daemon nodded, laying a soft hand upon her face. " I know all of this and perhaps one day, I will tell you of the storm that birthed who I was. Perhaps it will do me good to speak of the man I once was and the awful things he perpetrated. Like the closing of a window on a cold night. I am ever so thankful to you Tifra. You have brought so much of me back from the shell I was when I first awoke in this new form and I am grateful for it as well. You would not have liked the man I once was, for he was more monster than man. Thank you Tifra, for everything you do and for just being you. " he moved his lips slowly to hers, pressing ever so lightly, a whisper against her soft flesh.

Tifra whispers softly "Don't thank me you would have manage the same with out me. You amaze my with your strength and resilient. That you can feel for others, express caring and amusement and happiness after what was done to you. You're a miracle to me."

Daemon laughed uncomfortably, shaking his head. " I am no miracle Tifra. And no, I would not have managed it without you. I have come to rely on you far more than I am comfortable with. " he teased, nudging her lightly with a smile.

Tifra purrs softly warmth washing through there bond strong and steady. "You underestimate your self."

Daemon laughed lightly again, shaking his head. " I could say the same of you..." he whispered quietly, a devilish grin upon his face.

Tifra laughs softly and strokes the back of one claw lightly down his cheek. "You may not be leave in you but I do."

Daemon smiled, a shiver coursing down his spine at the touch of her claw, followed quickly by some...inappropriate thoughts. " I do believe in myself and I thank you for believing in me as well. "

Tifra tilts her head and pricks an ear at the inappropriate thoughts "Good." purrs and matches them with a few of her own as she slowly teasingly runs the backs of her claws along his jaw line and down his throat.

Daemon shivers again, head cocking to the side, teeth chattering softly and clearly not from the cold. His eyes locked onto hers, a soft grin upon his face. " I see we tend to think alike, I like it. "

Tifra grins back her green eyes sparkling with laughter, mischief, and heat.

Daemon gently stroked her cheek, another wry grin upon his face. " Thank you for bringing me here. This is a truly beautiful spot...made even more so by you. "

Tifra blinks the purrs "Your welcome but I would have set you where what makes it beautiful." rubs her cheek against his stroking hand then dips her head tell his hand rests on her ears.

Daemon took the hint and slowly massaged her ears. " I thank you for the compliment my dear. "

Tifra purrs her eyes closing and she goes nearly limp against him letting him, what he is doing slips through the bond and she smiles wondering how he will react. "Just truth. I don't pay much attention in that way when I hunt. Then it is about things other than beauty."

Daemon continued to rub, his smile wide, his fangs glinting lightly in the light from the moons. He could feel everything through their bond, a sensation he was not used to when it came to pleasure, but one that was definitely enjoyable. " Nor do I. I am a very different man when I hunt. I see the killer I once was, but I do not despair, for it will always be inside. Now all that matters is how I choose to let it out. " His hand moved to her other ear, giving it the same fondling attention.

Tifra purrs exactly "It is the chouses you make that matter. An you are free to make those chouses right or wrong they are yours." Shivers her tail tip twitching.

Daemon nodded, moving his hand down to cup her face and bring it towards his. " Indeed they are. Mine and whomever I wish to share them with..." his mouth briefly met hers in a kiss.

Tifra wraps her arms around his waste slowly and hugs him tight and she kisses him back drawing it out for long heated moments.

Daemon 's arms encircle her narrow frame, holding her as she held him, their lips and bodies close. After a few moments that stretch on forever, yet somehow not long enough, the vampire breaks the kiss slowly. He leans his forehead against hers, a soft smile upon his face as he closes his eyes. " Someone must like me up there...to have brought you into my death..."

Tifra breaths deep taking in his scent "You smell more alive ever time I see you." purrs "and I would not be surprised if some one up there liked you a great deal why they would inflict me on you is a bit of a mystery tho."

Daemon laughed lightly, the sound light and mirthful. " Because you are a blessing to me. You have helped me in so many ways and continue to help me in many more. You are not my friend, but something more. I do not know what, but something much, much more..." He pondered her remark about his scent, then pushed it to the back of his mind for later thought. His thoughts also flicked briefly to the gods, the two he had served in his old life and their betrayal. The thoughts swept from his mind to hers before he could stop them, not wishing to cloud these happy moments with such things.

Tifra lets the thoughts was through her and pass for later examination but not now. "If I am a blessing it is only because I have been blessed by you."

Daemon laughed lightly again, shaking his head. " You just cannot take a compliment can you ? Always have to turn it back on me. So we can ascertain that we are both very special people, very complicated people and only one of us has a heart beat, right ?"

Tifra laughs softly "I think I have to." winks at him loving amusement filling the bond between them. "It is hard to take compliments when I know I am just a hard working hunter and healer."

Daemon took her hands in his own, giving them a soft squeeze. " You are far more than just a hunter and healer to me. Now I have a question for you, one I hope you might answer. "

Tifra purrs "Ask and I will answer."

Daemon cocked his head to the side thoughtfully. " When we went digging through your mind...you never did tell me what you found. "

Tifra smiles slowly "I thought you had guessed" gently cups his face then runs careful claws through his hear. "I found how deep my feelings for you have grown."

Daemon shivers under the touch of her claws, a smile that was reflected in his eyes forming. " I had...but I wanted to hear you say it. I can be a vain monster sometimes. "

Tifra frowns at him and lets her claws prick just a little "You are no monster."

Daemon turns his eyes to hers, fixing her with his gaze. " I am Tifra, but I have the strength needed to admit and recognize it. And that is what allows me to be a man instead. " He tossed her a wink, a smile creasing his face. " You should be careful with those claws...I might like it. "

Tifra purring steals a kiss. "Am I a monster then because I could hunt innocents, but have chosen not to. Or merely a hunter who has made the chouses she can live with?"

Daemon shakes his head with a laugh. " Perhaps you are. After all, you do seem to like me. " he teased, laughing lightly.

Tifra laughs softly her eyes closing then she blinks them open. "Can a as a faver?"

Daemon nodded, his face serious for a few moments. " Certainly you may. "

Tifra snuggles against him "Hold me for a bit?"

Daemon looked up at the sky, then back to her and wrapped his arms around her. " Of course I can. " He held her close, closing his eyes and burying his face in her hair.

Tifra rests her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes her arms slipping around him as she purr and soaks up the feeling of holding and being held.

Daemon nuzzled her hair, peeking an eye open just long enough to locate her ear and nom it with his lips pulled over his teeth. His joy and happiness and a little of something else...something stronger flooded through their bond.

Tifra happiness and a deep contentment flowed back and a return of that something else twined with a calm steadiness.

Daemon nommed her ear again, laughing as he did so. He sobered quickly though, feeling the rise of the sun and knowing his time would be up soon. " My time is running short dear Tifra. "

Tifra sighs and sets up reluctantly letting go "I know I can feel it to after so long of being a night hunter."

Daemon nodded, taking her hands in his own. " It has been a good night, one of the best I have had in a long time, or at least since the last time we were together. " he teased.

Tifra smiles and gently squeezes his hands "It has been a wonderful night."

Daemon leans in and steals a kiss, his hands moving to either side of her face. " Yes it has. "

Tifra lingers over the kiss then sighs "I am coming to hate sunrise."

Daemon laughs lightly, stroking her face with the back of his claws. " You say that every time my dear. And I tend to agree with you. "

Tifra smiles and hugs him again before slowly standing "You are going to be racing the sun as always."

Daemon nodded, standing with her. He kissed her lightly to distract her, while reaching his hand around and lightly, but firmly, pinching her buttocks. " My shadow step helps greatly with that. " He tossed her a wink, then melted into the shadows, his voice carrying on the wind. " Goodnight Tifra. "