RP:Mercy Kill And Baby Drake

From HollowWiki

Synopsis: Lanara and Pilar happen upon a mother drake that is badly injured, with her hatchling attached to her back. Not wanting the dragoness to suffer, Lana scales the cliff and provides a mercy kill, though she doesn't escape unscathed. Pilar ends up adopting the baby drake hatchling.

Pilar didn't know why she had come back. She had been fine and dandy in Kelay. Maybe part of her was worried about Linn being able to take care of Pinky. Either way, she had been on her way to the fort when a cry caught her ear. Making her way carefully to the cliff edge, where the noise had come from, she looked down and gasped. On the ledge below was a slain dragon, its babe clinging to its back. "Oh, do not worry, pequeño, help is coming!" She looked around for someone to aid her.

Lanara was walking along the edge of the cliff, coming from the opposite direction, when an inhuman cry pierces the night air. Chilly from the cold, the beautiful brunette wraps her cloak tightly around her slender figure, and turns the corner. It was hard to see with the snow falling heavily, and making certain she didn’t misstep and fall to her death, though she could see a figure coming from the opposite direction. Narrowing her chocolate hues, she quickens her pace and hears a feminine voice emanate from the nearing form, claiming that help is on the way. Worried, Lana hurries the rest of the way and nearly collides into Pilar, the mocha skinned woman that she first encountered a few days ago, in Kelay. “Oh! Whatever is the matter?” She inquires, her voice trailing off as she sees the sapphire dragoness at the bottom ledge, taking her last few breaths. Some hunted had slain the poor beast and left her to die, and left the baby to die in its wake.

Pilar instinctively threw out an arm to keep Lanara from slipping after the near miss. "Oh! Doña Lanara, I am glad to see you!" Truthfully, she was glad to see anyone. She wasn't sure what to do, but couldn't just leave the hatchling to die! She hoped Lanara would have an idea. "We must save that poor baby! Can you help?"

Lanara lightly grasps the offered arm, and graciously murmurs a soft ‘thank you’ as she stands on even ground and regains her footing. “What is your name, lovely?” She inquires, feigning a half-smile, as she digs in her satchel for a sharp dagger. “The hatchling will survive, I will see to that… Though the mother? I must put her out of her misery. Choking on ones blood is not pleasant. Um… Alright, this is going to get messy and she’s probably going to attack me, but I can handle her. I need –you- to grab the baby once she rises to her full height. Alright? Trust me… I’ve done this sort of thing too many times, I’m afraid.” Again, she would offer a reassuring smile as she prepares to lower herself onto the lower ledge.

Pilar said to Lanara, "I am called Pilar." She looked sadly down at the mother. She hated to see a life cut short, but hated even more to see a creature in pain. She knew too well that there were things worse than death. As Lanara got into position, Pilar nodded to her. "Okay. Be careful."

Lanara scales the wall, and winces as she lands on the lower ledge, as the hem of her mossy green dress becomes caked with mud and snow, causing her to nearly lose her footing again. That was one thing the pretty elf missed about the forests, you never had to worry about your foot, it came second nature to one. Though add ice to the mixture, and one wrong step would place you in the infirmary! With a sigh, as she hated to see a life expunged, but knew that the beautiful drake was in tremendous pain, she nears the beast. The animal opens one eye, and groans in pain, as though she knew this would be her last fight, and the fact that it was with a petite elf was an insult. With an exasperated sigh, she rises to her full height, though she was too weak to take flight, thankfully. Three menacing steps were taken towards Lana, as she quickly dodges two claw swipes, and in turn, places a gash in the ankle of the beast. Knowing that it would help her to bleed out more quickly, she attempts to run, though she trips over her soiled dress. “Oh no!” She cries out, as her dagger falls in the snow and she collapses on the ground. Hoping that Pilar would remain above them, she catches sight of the frightened hatchling trying to scale the cliff and get to safety above.

Pilar reached down and plucked the baby drake from the cliffside. It shrieked in fear and tried to get away, but Pilar was strong. She backed away from the cliff edge as the mother craned its neck to see what was happening to its baby. Hoping that Lanara would be alright, Pilar sat down in the snow, hatchling still squirming in her grasp. Pilar held the drake by the back of its neck with one hand and dug around in her pouch with the other. Soon, she produced a piece of jerky. She offered it to the small drake, who tasted it cautiously before wolfing it down. She murmured soothing words and dragged one hand down the baby's spine. The petting and the gift of food seemed to calm the baby, and Pilar remained in the snow, stroking the baby dragon and waiting for Lanara to reappear.

Lanara shakily rises to her feet, at the exact moment that the mother drake lets loose a bloodcurdling roar and runs after the witch. Between the shrieking and her boots helplessly stomping against the snow, Lana sprints to the opposite end of the ledge, grateful that she had now regained her footing. The dragoness swings her tail and sends the witch flying against the rock wall and the woman lands with a sickening thud, as her body lays sprawled upon the snow. Nearing Lanara, the beast suddenly seems to grow tired, her dark eyes rolling into the back of her head, as she falls onto her side. Blood heavily pours from the throat and back leg of the beast, turning to ice as soon as it makes contact with the snow. Lana remains still, though her eyes are alert and fully trained on the beast, praying it would pass away before it took another shot at her. Getting her wish, the large drake rises to her feet and charges at Lana, though she slips on the blood pouring from her ankle, and slides completely off the ledge, plunging to her death.

Pilar | The hatchling in Pilar's arms renewed its fight when it heard it's mother's roar, but Pilar did not let it go. Soon, they heard the crunch as the drake fell, followed by silence. Pilar stroked the baby as it wailed for its mother, shakily getting to her feet and going to the edge. She peered down and saw Lanara lying in the snow. "D-Doña Lanara?" she called down. The baby continued to cry, seeing that its mother had disappeared. Pilar rocked the creature in her arms, not taking her eyes off the elf. If she had died, she would never forgive herself. It would be her fault.

Lanara weakly rises to her feet, and sways, nearly collapsing in the snow, once more. Instead, she raises a pointer finger to each temple and rubs her head. Woozy, she hears Pilar’s voice over the roar of the wind and gives the woman a wave, letting her know that she would be alright. Shuffling through the snow, she peers over the edge and sighs heavily, as this wasn’t how she wanted the majestic animal’s life to end. “I’m so sorry…” She whispers, knowing that her voice would carry on the breeze, delivering her plea to the Goddess. Choking back a sob, she clutches her ribs and groggily begins the ascent up the wall, her head eventually surfacing on the cliff edge above. Pulling herself onto the even ground, she nearly screams as pain surges through her mid-section. Only now does she spy that her cloak and dress are tarnished heavily with blood, as she spies crimson on her fingertips. Not wanting to frighten Pilar, she quickly turns to the side, knowing that the dark dress would hide her wounds. “Ah, good! I’m so happy that it all worked out. I know you will give the baby a good home. I suggest taking her to the tavern, as its close-by… It will need to be kept somewhat warm and be fed every few hours. You are now its mother.”

Pilar was a vampire. She could recognize the smell of blood easily. She should have known the woman hadn't made it through the battle unscathed. "You are hurt." It was not a question, but a statement. "I will take care of the baby. But first I must take care of you." She cradled the squirming, crying drake in one arm and took Lanara's arm gently. "Come, we must go to the fort."

Lanara raises a dainty hand and shakes her head, pointing to the hatchling. “No.” The word was not debatable, and she wasn’t even all that friendly, likely from the pain. Softening, she extends her palm to lightly caress the small drake’s back, the animal seeming soothed once contact was made. “I did not risk my life for you to put the baby’s second. You tend to the hatchling, and I will tend to my own wounds. Honest. I will be fine. I live nearby, and I have all the herbs and materials I will need at my disposal. Please. You have to trust me; I have already kept you and the baby safe, have I not? I want you to come and visit me tomorrow… Bring your new friend. We can have tea and talk then, alright?” Lana was already retreating the way she had come, clearly uneasy about having another treat her, and worried about the hatchling.

Pilar frowned. "Are you sure? May I at least make sure you get home okay?" She couldn't help but worry about the woman. It was her nature. Besides, she needed to know where the woman lived in order to visit her tomorrow, didn't she? Two birds, one stone, and all that. The drake was getting a little fidgety, and Pilar pulled her cloak off and wrapped the baby in it expertly. She returned her gaze to Lanara, awaiting an answer. Truth be told, she'd probably follow from a distance, even if Lanara said no.

Lanara smiles and shakes her head, pursing her full lips, despite the pain she was in, the witch was still lovely and pleasant. A few scratches dotted her cheeks and there was a small gash on her arm, other than that she looked alright, though later when she removed her dress, she would see her full injuries. “No, my dear. I am going to be fine, I promise. I am living with a man of the shadows, and his identity must remain a secret. You know how the lands are?! Anyways… Come tomorrow to visit, whenever you are free. To the cottage west of the garden with those delicious winter berries. And if you happen to get lost…” Reaching into her satchel she removes a platinum sphere and places it in Pilar’s appendage. “It will glow when you are nearby… Goodnight, my friend.”