RP:Meeting the Desert Lycan

From HollowWiki
Scenic View of Hollow

This small path breaks out from the sparse trees and becomes an open area on this cliff. People come from all over Hollow to look off of this edge and the view is amazing. As you stand you become slightly dizzy from the great height. Such a sight your deprived eyes have never seen before. As you walk toward the edge of the cliff, you notice small signs of a great battle, an array of booted footprints here a spot of blood there. Stepping to the edge of the cliff, a great slab of stone has been ripped free of the ground, and where it had been, there is nothing but a hole in the earth sloping ever downward to the edge. Creeping out over the edge you can see a heap of shattered rocks and piled up earth at the bottom. Something powerful had devestated this rocky cliff face. tearing your eyes away from this destruction, you can gaze over the most of the land. Towards the south you can see the mountain path you've once traveled. So small it looks from here, yet your legs can tell you differently. To the east you can see a great forest of trees, obviously being Sage Forest, with the little town of Kelay deep within. Beyond the edge of Sage Forest you can see the mountains to the north, although the path to the small town of Larket is not visible from this vantagepoint. At the very edge of the horizon you can just make out the beginning of Milious Planes, and beyond that you know is the great city of Cenril. You take in the wondrous view and wonder what this place must look like at night under the canopy of stars, lights glowing from the towns below and east of here. To the west is where you came, a mountain path. A small cliff in the area seems to lead up to a hill.

Yasmine wandered the mountain range this evening in search of different scenery, first among other things, second was for the hunt. As a wolf she tended towards more chaotic notions than most, and any who were lycan and said otherwise were lying to themselves. It was the scenic view in which she had decided to scour for something to hunt, that was until real pray came along. As she came upon the area she paused, having caught the scent of an ogre. Dark eyes scanned over the area of the cliff, waiting, watching.

Gorkall stood near the edge of the scenic view. His heavily armoured boots on the very edge as he stared out into the darkness. The torchlight of Larket flickering, The sounds of Kelay Tavern booming, and the ruins of Milious planes silent. The Ogre stood in his usual Guardians plate armour. His horns rose high from his skull in a twisted curl near the base. In his hand he held a staff that held the skull of a demonic-creature from another realm. The Ogre was getting ready to take his leave when a crack of a leaf was heard. He turned around squinting his eyes against the cool fall breeze. He stared blankly into the darkness looking for a target but none were to come. So he turned his head back, continuing to stare out into the view.

Yasmine advanced upon the large figure, dark eyes trained upon the weapon within his grip, unsure yet if he was a threat yet or not. To test the waters she gave way her place for a split second by speaking up. "Evening." Her voice was a velvety, somewhat midnight deep timbre that held a hint of something more. Some believed danger, others of promises of things that might or might not come but to her it was the hint of an opposing threat if he did not come clean about his intentions. If for some reason the ogre decided to become a threat her light, agile body would move quickly from the spot she had given away, stayed amongst the shadow and shifted to his right side. If he didn't happen to be a threat she would remain, muscles tense with anticipation that someone could switch sides and wait to see what his next move would be.

Gorkall arched a brow at the voice and turned slowly. A coy smile appearing on his visage from behind the demon maw that clung to his jaw. The Ogre took in the womans apperance and found himself in a state of lust as he grinned to her. "Evening to 'yer self lassy." Gorkall tried to push the thoughts out of his mind remembering his commitment to Iktomi and decided to offer a kind expression to the woman, a rare feat. The Ogre placed his arm to his stomach and allowed a small bow of respect to the Lycanthrope. "Pleasure. Come for the view 'ave you? Not much to it tonight." The Ogre stepped to the side extending an arm to the view allowing Yasmine to approach it if she so wished.

Yasmine slipped like the wraith she could be from the shadows of the cliff side, midnight eyes moving over the ogre for a moment more, making sure of the threat level. Each detail, armor, weapon and body shape was taken in and stored into her memory before adverted her gaze to the scene below. "No. I have come to the mountains for the night's offering for a hunter." More like a tracker, but still she did enjoy a good hunt when she had the time. Dark visage once more turned towards the ogre with a dark brow raised to such a formal greeting. Not able to help herself, she smirked as she graced him with a nod, a simple greeting. "Are you here for the view?" The wolf advanced a bit closer, her raven hair, curls wild like the heart she owned.

Gorkall has turned his body back to face the view. The flicker of the stars in the sky in his view. A smile spread across his face as Yasmine's words reach him. He nodded lightly and raised a troll-hide covered hand to point off into the furthest distance of the horizon. "Indeed I have. Out there. Past the Planes, through cenril and across the ocean lays my city. Barbaric and such, but home none the less." The Ogre lowered his hand and sighed releasing a cloud of fog into the atmosphere. "I was hoping to be able to see it from here but 'las, I cannot." He turned to face Yasmine and arched a brow. "Hunter, Hmm? You come to the dead lands of snow in the mountains to hunt?" Gorkall chuckled to himself and shook his head. " 'less your after a billy goat you won't be finding much up here. You'll want to head back down into the Sage. That's where the eat'uns good."

Yasmine knew of the land he spoke of, in fact she lived not too far from the border of the land of the Ogres. Rynvale itself was a treacherous place to traverse and the fog forest above was even more so. Gazing out towards where pointed she imagined the isle and all it's glory, but soon pushed it down. She cared little for those there anymore. Turning back to the large male she smirks once more, "I do not hunt this evening for small prey. There are large creatures afoot in these mountains that make for a challenge." Dark eyes drifted to the large creature that shared the hill with them, her eyes flashing with the dark light of a hunter, a wolf, deep within her form. Now was not the time, so those dark eyes flickered back to the ogre. "Are you a hunter ogre, or something more?" Her pursuing was of other means of course, but she would not reveal those quite yet.

Gorkall let a low "hmm" echo from his throat as he turned to Yasmine with a look of interest. He chuckled then and waved his hand in dismissal. "I rarely hunt anymore lass, I'm the Champion of Gamorg. Hopeful to soon take the crown honestly. Since Gruz departed I've been after it... Just a matter of time now-a-days." Gorkall took another deep breath before looking out to the horizon and nodding. "But I s'pose I should be getting back to the people and such. A good three day travel from here. It was a pleasure to meet you, Um, Miss..."

Yasmine said to you, "Yasmine." A dark hand was held out to the ogre, her smirked devilish. "I have a feeling we shall meet again Ogre. I think you and I deal in business that is of the same less than bright nature." Grinning she looks back towards the light of tavern for a moment before turning to the shadows that lined the mountains. "You can always find me wandering here, or across the seas."

Gorkall grinned as he took the womans hand into his massive palm. The behemoth shaking it lightly. "I see... Well then, I look forward to it. Gorkall by the way..." The Ogre would release her hand and offer another simply bow before taking his leave.