RP:Magical Mischief

From HollowWiki

Summary: Natianara's cat, Karma, has been missing since the night prior and she scours the surrounding areas of his last whereabouts, for several hours. Somehow, the witch ends up near the Elves Camp and spies a curious ball of light that has the children giving chase and causing a ruckus in the peaceful environment. The cat is found, though unattainable, as she scrambles up the nearest tree and refuses to budge, despite all sorts of coaxing. The ball of light, which is secretly a pixie in disguise, decides to prank the witch and shines a path leading to her location. As predicted, the kids collide with Natianara, and tug on her hair and clothes, as though she were the source of the taunting glow. Shifting into her true form, a pixie, Aoife sends the kids home and the two women make their acquaintance. Aoife wishes to continue her prank, and lengthen the torture of the poor feline, and 'flies' them back to the Kelay Tavern.

Aoife was causing a stir. She wasn't causing trouble, exactly, in the way pixies usually did. No showers of sparks or sudden blooms of flowers. Not even a sudden and fierce epidemic of unexplained pranks. Just a gaggle of running children. The worst of all common-day hazards. Two young boys and a girl breathlessly chasing – and occasionally wrestling each other to get at... – a quickly darting ball of silver light weaving in and out of the crowd, skirting around trees and people and letting out the occasional taunting “Yoohooo!”, letting out a ringing bell-like chime or giggling like yet another child. All harmless, of course, until you accounted for the fact that people not involved were trying to go on about their lives and not be climbed on by children trying to catch up to and actually catch the miniature white moon hanging by their right ear. There was more than the occasional protest, “Watch out!” reprimand “Children!” or complaint “Out of the way, kids!” in a halfhearted attempt to wrangle the band of whirlwinds. As of yet with limited success. It was the little things.

Natianara had set out early in the day, in hopes of finding her cat that had run off in a frenzy the evening before. The witch assumed the cat wanted to explore her new surroundings, maybe even stalk an unsuspecting mouse, but when she didn’t return at bedtime she had grown sick with worry. Was Karma in danger? Had she wandered this far from the tavern in Kelay? Nat had only been in the lands for a week and was renting a room, but it was a foreign land and Karma only weighed eleven pounds. What if a beast in the woods was dining on her carcass at this very moment?! Fear grips the woman’s heart as she nears the ranger’s camp, clad in a shorts and a tank top, with her hair in a messy bun atop her head. “Karma… Here Kitty, Kitty…” Bright blue eyes glance at every shadow, bush, and treetop, and each step fills her with more dread. Finally, a blur of ebony scrambles up a tall tree, and a disgruntled ‘meow’ interrupts the quietness of the forest. “Karma!” Filled with both annoyance and relief, the witch pauses at the trunk of the tree, craning her neck to get a better look at the feline. Karma was often relaxed and obedient, and despite her mistress’ incessant coaxing, the fact that she refuses to budge from her perch is very out of character. “What the heck!” Hands on hips, the woman heads to the west, in the direction that the cat had sprung from, and it’s the flash of light and the giggling of children that has her piecing the puzzle together. Karma loathed kids, and it was likely that she was playing with the makeshift laser first, and they had startled her into the tree. Where was it even coming from?!

Aoife was a glint of light off by a tree one moment and then a streak of silver passing Natianara’s ear the next. Leaving only a glimmering trail in the air for the children to follow. If more or less charging the witch constituted following, that is. The pixie landed on the branch by the cat and shifted from a glowing ball to a small shining humanoid figure with an audible pop and soft chuckle at the traffic jam and limb-tangling about to occur. Rather than warn the girl, Aoife's tiny head turned sideways to the cat and she reached out an arm to land a fingertip on Karmas nose. “Boop.”

Natianara didn’t mind children, at least not when they were on their best behavior. The streak of light appears afar one moment, then dangerously near, and by the time the witch figures out what is happening, there’s a herd of youngsters heading in her direction. “No, no, no!” Good thing she wore sneakers today! Turning in the opposite direction, Nat sprints out of the line of fire, so she believes. Karma is poked on the nose, and the flabbergasted feline hisses at Aoife and digs her claws into the bark of the tree, leaving an angry indentation. How dare this pixie make so much havoc and have the audacity to bop her nose! Natianara glances up at the sound of the hiss, her speed slower, though nothing could prepare the distracted witch from the vines that become tangled about her ankle and send her face forward onto the forest path. A mere moment later, a trio of children collide with the witch and aim to tickle her middle and tug on those dark unruly strands that have escaped her bun. “No! It wasn’t me! I’m not the light!” They are a tangle of arms and legs, the children’s squeals overpowering the pleas of the witch they are semi-torturing. “Karma!!!” Unsure –who- to cry to for help, Nat yells out her cat’s name as a last resort. Not that it does her any good, as the cat’s golden hues remain glued to the form of Aoife.

Aoife was a completely different person when she landed. The playful light was nowhere to be seen. From the tree dropped a rather demure woman with an obviously foreign appearance. She was a small and svelte figure with cropped black hair around a childish face and skin so pale it seemed almost white. She wore a black and white dress like a flower wrapping around her slim figure and flaring out wide around a generous set of hips and legs that seemed to go on for so long that it was hardly surprising they hadn't gotten the memo of 'thin and dainty' from the rest of her body, the message simply hadn't arrived across the considerable distance yet. That's not to say that the woman was tall. Her head might've reached the shoulder of most adults and the red band that wrapped around her waist like a loose belt might've suffocated anyone but the children mounting Natianara. “That's enough, you three.” The voice sounded less like an adult woman and more like another child had developed the skill of speaking with the sort of patient authority their parents affected. But still, the children listened. “Your parents were looking for you long ago. Better run back home or you'll get in trouble.” She said, and stepped off the ground with a light kick – Oh yes, did I mention she had fluttering gossamer wings sprouting out behind her? Rather like a butterfly of silver and moonlight – and floated slowly towards the witch while the children, dejected and exhausted from the game, climbed off her. “Is this your cat?” The Pixie seemed to have swept the black beast with her before she dropped from the tree. Probably employing her species famous way with animals to calm the fearsome monster before risking a grapple. Or at least she wasn't getting clawed to hell and back. … yet.

Natianara is huffing and puffing, trying to wrangle the rowdy youngsters, while aiming to shield her midsection from their prying fingers. She was incredibly ticklish, and although this would appear so very amusing to any onlookers, it’s causing the young woman to grow anxious. What if she accidentally kicked one of them? Backhanded one of their beady heads? It wouldn’t be intentional, of course, but one couldn’t exactly control their limbs when they were being tickled. She spastically twitches and rolls around on the ground, helpless and hopefully harmless, as she had a heart of gold and would hate to hurt anyone, least of all an innocent child. A voice of authority comes to her aid, and Nat shifts to a kneeling position, dusting her arms and thighs, and instantly looking apologetic. Somehow, she would be blamed for this, she was certain. Was it their teacher? Parent? Perhaps she had tumbled onto private property? Karma continues to hiss, not liking it one bit that she was grasped by some winged woman and forced from her haven in the treetop. Aoife must have a way with animals, because the feline disliked being held or touched by anyone, save for Natianara. The children scamper back to their homes, murmuring ‘sorry’ beneath their breaths, though it’s unsure if they are apologizing to the witch or the troublemaking pixie. “Um. Thanks, I think?” Narrowing her eyes on Aoife, she presses her palms to the ground and pushes herself to her feet, finding that this woman was far from what she had expected. And those wings! Eyes widen, a finger points, and a sheepish smile appears on Nat’s fair face, “You’re a fairy!” Being one that practices the craft, it would be assumed that Nat had met at least one in her lifetime, but this is another ‘first’ experience. “Hi! I’m Nat! And yes… That is Karma, my misbehaving kitty.”

Aoife held out the cat-shaped bomb for Natianara to take before the fuse ran out and pale skin turned red and scratched. “Here.” She said, her face souring a little at the witches reaction. “I'm a pixie.” Oh. “Fairies are the ugly ones with giant hands.” Maybe that was a bit of a sore spot. “Not very fair. The name's pretty ironic.” She added with a twisted little smirk on her childish face. “I'm Hua Po Aoife.” she finally introduced herself once Natianara took Karma away from her, carefully watching the cat just in case.

Natianara graciously accepts the cat, which nestles against her chest, and keeps a wary eye on Aoife. It wasn’t likely that she would be wandering away anytime soon. Perhaps Karma had learned her lesson? The witch scratches the cat beneath her chin, and gives a wry grin as she lightly offends the pixie, all in jest. “Thanks for getting my cat out of that tree. I really didn’t feel like climbing thirty feet in shorts.” Imagine the scratches on those long legs! There’s a pause as the pixie finally gives her name, and Nat listens intently, though she winds up pronouncing it horribly. “Hufflepuff! Nice to make your acquaintance.” It’s an odd trait passed from her mother, as she –never- gets a name correct. Was it really nice to meet Aoife? She did commit the little light show and had her pummeled by children. “Do you live in this forest? I assumed that most resided in Enchantment… It’s the kingdom to the south.” How far had she chased that furball?!

Aoife hooked one corner of her mouth into a crooked smile; “Flying helps.” And then shook her head. “I'm not from here, actually.” As if to prove the truth of what she said, she hooked her fingers under the involuntary flaring skirt of her dress and tugged outwards in some sort of standing curtsy. “I come from far away. So I wouldn't know what the pixies around here are like or where they live. Except the obvious things.” She let go of the skirt. “Haven't met any yet.” Her wings fluttered and she floated backwards slightly, leveling out with the girl and folding her legs under her as if sitting in mid-air. “You live around here, though? Or at least I hope so, or you've been chasing that cat very far.” Her attention again returning to the grumpy furball. Why was it the grumpy cats were the ones you wanted to pet the most?

Natianara is a shapeshifter and has the ability to fly, though she hasn’t transformed into anything since arriving in the lands. Being labeled a witch was horrifying to most here; as they were ostracized in nearly each city, save for Cenril. Imagine if they knew she was a witch –and- a shapeshifter? She’d be burned at the stake, much like Valrae, and Natianara enjoyed living, thank you very much! It was on a need to know basis, and since this was their first meeting, Nat is fine with the pixie believing she’s nothing more than a young half elf. “I never met a pixie before, either! I’ve heard about their magic and mischievous tendencies, though… And apparently I just witnessed it firsthand.” She giggles softly, as she wasn’t one to hold a grudge, and in the end she had gotten her cat back. “I come from far away, too. I don’t even know the name of my village… I traveled with a group of women, akin to gypsies, I guess? We lived here and there for the past few years, and it was time that I set out on my own. So I ended up here.” More like she was kept in hiding for four years, and once her father died and mother was institutionalized, she had come to the lands seeking answers about her heritage. “Do you like it here? I haven’t been far from Kelay… It’s different. The clothing, the customs, and not many are all that kind.”

Aoife was kind of hard to read because she didn't make many expressions. If she hadn't already proven different she'd almost seem to be as foul of mood as Karma. “I've no idea what a Gypsy is.” she pointed out. Then shrugged. “This place is alright. I've only been here a day or two but I like the forest.” she looked around, then added. “The people are interesting. There are giant crabs walking around.” How's that for a non-sequitur. “Do you stay at the tavern?” She added, suddenly.

Natianara is mildly perplexed by this individual as she cannot get a good grasp on the pixie’s mood. Was she being friendly? Annoyed? Downright standoffish? The witch honestly couldn’t tell if she should continue the conversation or turn tail and head back to the tavern. She’s about to excuse herself, when Aoife says something that has her head practically spinning, “Did you say giant crabs?! I haven’t seen one of those, yet, either! The other day, I did see this catwoman creature leaving the tavern, but I didn’t approach. You never know who is dangerous.” Karma is growing bored with the women, and so she proceeds to lick her paw and groom herself, eager to be doing something useful. “Yes… I have been staying at the tavern in Kelay. Why do you ask?”

Aoife nodded at the question. “He was twice as tall as you and had four legs.” she expanded, describing the crab man. “Had to wear tanks with water so he could breathe it. At least I think that's what the water was. He did dump ale in there.” She went on, thinking to herself to judge by the tone of voice. “Anyway.” And then she simply held out her hands, palms up, and broke into a mysterious smile. “Since I sicced the kids at you, I'll get you home.” Whatever that meant. She didn't elaborate, just held out her hands and unfolded her legs under herself.

Natianara isn’t often suspicious of people, but this particular pixie had a tendency for mischief, and seemed awful eager to chaperone her walk back to the tavern. The half elf chews the inside of her cheeks, hesitant to accept this offer, and Karma looks up at her with distaste. Was her mistress truly considering letting this winged heathen tag along?! Nat weighs the options, and figures it wouldn’t hurt to have a travel companion, as it was a few miles away. Plus, it was a public place, and she was certain that Mesthak or the barmaid would rise to her defense should she be in any real danger. “I can make my own way back, it’s really no trouble, but if you insist.” A shy smile is offered as those hands are extended, and she lowers Karma to the ground, before pressing her own palms atop Aoife’s, “They have wonderful ale there, too!”

Aoife encouraged the girl with a mischievous; “It'll be fun.” Oh dear. And that mischief spread from her voice to her face as Nat took the Pixie's hands. Strange feeling that. Warm and uplifting. Literally, as it turns out. The air seemed to glitter as pixie dust filled the air and all three, pixie, witch and cat began to float into the air with a sense of weightlessness and joy in every stomach. Assuming the black beast could actually feel joy. “Wouldn't be much of a trick if I just walked you home.”

Natianara feels warm, content, and afloat? All at once she realizes that Aoife had once again tricked her, and she glances down to see the fury on the face of her feline. Karma was not feeling the uplifting mood that the pixie was hoping to evoke, and her retractable claws are kneading the top of Nat’s sneakers. The witch laughs, nervously, and hopes that the pixie is actually taking her to the tavern and not anywhere else. It’s a good thing she isn’t fearful of heights! “So… This is pretty neat. Do you like flying? Are you good at swimming?” Would the water weigh down those pretty wings?

Aoife chuckled and winked. “I don't usually go in the water. I can swim. But swimming with wings is like swimming with clothes on.” she shot back to the rambling. “Heavy.” She added, by way of explanation. “But flying? Well...” The three soared upwards, slowly twisting on an axis – rotating around one another – like they were dancing. Only mid air and no one was using their feet. Turning the thrilling feeling in the pit of Nat’s gut into something much more... real. “I'm pretty good at flying.” She smirked as the trees sunk beneath them. Upset as the cat was, there wasn't anything to fear, as she was enchanted in the same way Nat was and would come flying along whether she held on or not. … Not that a cat would know that. Aoife let go of one of Nat’s hands and soared away over the tree line towards the village softly pitching side to side in an extremely lazy slalom pattern. Might as well make it a little more fun than just shooting straight ahead.

Natianara has trouble listening to the pixie, as she’s enamored with the view from up above. The trees were beginning to resemble large ants, the streams were lines of shimmering silver, and she cannot help but chuckle at the magnificence of it all. Even when in her flying form, she had taken the beauty of nature for granted, and she finally tears her gaze from the scenery to lock eyes with Aoife. “It’s beautiful! I can see why you enjoy flying the best.” Karma isn’t enjoying herself, and sits frozen in the air, her eyes wide and her paws now wrapped around Nat’s calf, as though she felt the need to hold on. The cat is likely suffering from some sort of flight induced shocked, but she’d recover once they touched the earth. The tavern is coming into view, and the witch gives Aoife’s hand a gentle squeeze, “Thank you for the ride home, it was lovely…” Perhaps they would see each other again in the near future? She certainly hoped so, as she only had made one friend since arriving in the lands.

Aoife approached the ground at a alarming speed, only to pull out of the dive dramatically and then stop! And slowly set the witch and the cat down on the ground. “If you see a strange guy talking too loud in a weird accent. Say hi. He needs to get to know some local people.” She urged and then POP! The woman was gone and the light was back. “I'll see you around.” The light chuckled, “Keep an eye on the cat.” and with a bell like chime, the glowing ball fluttered off like a bee. Zooming away to... wherever pixies went.

Natianara lifts Karma into her arms once they hit the ground, checking her over for any signs of clear distress. The black cat hisses at the pixie –and- the witch, as though the two were in cahoots and enjoyed upsetting her routing of self grooming. Nat gives a nod, though Aoife could easily be describing a dozen different people, so she’d be sure to say hello to all of them! “I’ll see you!” The pixie shifted into the bright fluttering light again, and the witch lifts a hand to give a parting wave, a smile on her face. It had been an interesting day!