RP:Lynn’s Future

From HollowWiki

Summary: Lynn, Emilia’s daughter, has a question for Irenic and is surprised by his answer.

House of Ara

Emilia | The House of Ara was unusually quiet after the recent tournament fight within the city. The surgical rooms were empty, the patient rooms were mostly empty with the exception of a few closed doors, the kitchen did not have any soul making food currently, and even the teaching clinic was lacking both students and teachers. This on-going tournament had the majority of the staff relocated to tend to it during, after, and between fights leaving only a few staff behind to tend to the clinic. If asking Mei at the counter where one could find the leader Emilia she would politely inform that the healer was out on an outing with her two youngsters for the afternoon and that she would happily take a message for her return. Exiting the door that leads down to the morgue the little figure of Lynn could be seen carrying a small heart inside of a glass jar filled with a green and gold liquid. The small female had those long dark curls pulled up top her head into two messy twisted buns keeping the strands out of her work. Tied about her was a thick dark woolen apron with random instruments sticking out of the pockets. The oversized garment meant for adults hid the fact that beneath it the girl only wore a pair of shorts with a tank top, neither which most would sport working in the cold morgue area of the clinic. Mr. Finn would turn to look down at the youth with a raised eyebrow, “Miss Lynn…I thought we discussed that the body parts of the dead stay in the morgue.” There was silence echoing in the entry of the clinic as the pair stared off while a clearly silent conversation was happening between them. It was only Mr. Finn that spoke again, “Fine, fine. Take it up to your mother’s study and next time keep the parts covered with a cloth so patients do not see you carting them around like toys. Is that clear, Miss Lynn?”

Irenic has been helping out around Ara the best he can since he knows nothing of healing aside from some basic first aid that was taught to him during his military days. Mostly, his help has been needed to get things off tall shelves, hold this in place or that and handing off tools. Basically he’s been a nurse (maybe not even) and it’s been an ongoing secret joke between him and Emilia that he never has his ‘uniform’ on; which would mimic those adorable candy striper outfits. Since Irenic had a day with the boys yesterday at the beach, Emilia wanted some time with them as well since she has a fear of water. Irenic had taken Leo aside and made sure that if anything were to happen that he would protect his mother at all costs, but he told Liam that if anything at all were to happen, that he must fly as fast as he can to fetch him. Since they all moved to Venturil, they’ve been having a blast training and sharing chores on the farm so he knows they are quite prepared for the unpredictable, but his lazy resting days were spent in comfortable silence with Lynn in their library as they read. Irenic is looking for something and gets a little lost in the building until he winds up in the morgue, only to catch the tail end of some dude reprimanding Lynn - which ticks him off. “I think they’ll live, I mean… if you’re half as good a healer as anyone else that works here they will. How about you worry about your patients and I’ll worry about my kids,” the rushed sentence rushed out without him actually thinking about what he was saying, but where does this guy get off!? “Now, if you’ll excuse us,” he gently plucks the container from Lynn purposefully not covering it and heads out the door towards Emilia’s study.

Emilia | Mr. Finn’s brow raised even higher at the sudden rush of words blasted his way by the taller man claiming to be the parent of the child before him. It was clear that the man knew this man not to be the biological parent based on facial expression alone. Clearing his throat Mr. Finn replied, “It is not only healers that enter this clinic, Mister? Mister parent of the triplets. There also happens to be patients that come in here for treatment from the youngest of ages to the oldest of ages. Ones that do not fancy the same sights that healers are custom to seeing. I do not fancy having to spend hours calming another young child down from fear that we are going to take his organs and put them into jars. Especially when they came in with a persistent cough. If Emilia is not going to keep that child in line that I suggest you do. This clinic is under her watchful eye, but she is not the owner of this establishment and I can make sure that child is not allowed within. Is that clear?” It was a clear order mixed threat. Lynn only could stick out her tongue at Mr. Finn after Irenic had given him a piece of mind. The youthful preteen was happy to skip along behind Irenic off toward her mother’s study when the altercation between men was finished. In the office she would turn to him with her hands out for the jar he had plucked from her. Her voice echoing into his mind, ‘Mister Finn is very strict on the rules around here. Takes after the old leader who had a much bigger thing for seriousness and rules. Not sure how Mom ended up close friends with her. Total opposites.’

Irenic didn’t pay the many any mind, allowing him to continue running his mouth as they walked out with heads held high. Once they get settled, he hands Lynn the jar and takes a seat on Emilia’s desk with a glance at the chair he’d slept in that night he came to see his best friend with a broken heart. How long ago that seems now even when it’s not. Irenic shrugs, “opposites attract. Maybe her friend gave her more structure while she helped loosen up her friend some,” he wonders if Lynn is speaking of Sabrina, but doesn’t ask. “So what are you going to do with that?” He decides to ask instead, with genuine interest.

Emilia | Lynn slowly turned the jar in her hands watching as the golden-green liquid spun around the organ that seemed to stay perfectly in place. Her mismatched gazed focus on the body part as she answered without moving her lips in the normal fashion of communication for the girl, ‘I am going to let it stew for a few days in this jar before I extract that sliver of spirit stuck within it and transfer that over to the spirit it was from so that they can find full peace and cross into whatever is after the last gate. Not always easy to find the heart after it has been ripped out and torn in half. I have been working on this one for almost a full moon cycle now. Not much longer and it should finally be whole again, both heart itself and the spirit.’

Irenic watches her with a slight smile on his lips. “Sounds simple enough,” he softly jokes because it’s obviously way over his head, but that doesn’t make her gift any less amazing. “You’ve really got a talent for this, Lynn. I’m endlessly impressed by you and proud of you,” even though he has no right to be, but he sure that her dad and mom are proud as well. “During my short time I tried to help spirits move on, but I think I only helped one. A young orphaned boy named Pete.” With a shrug of his shoulders, he asks, “is there anything else you need? Maybe I can help,” with more like, lifting things to holding something - he’s entirely out of his league with this stuff, but I’d there is anything she needs help with he would always be there.

Emilia | Lynn sat the jar down carefully in the windowsill so that the light from the morning was hitting the jar halfway allowing it could stew in the warmth. The girl gazed out the window at the compliment from him with a simple, ‘Thanks’, knowing like about any other person she knew it was beyond them what she was talking about. At least he listened with true interest of the fake interest her brothers had when it came to bonding attempts with them. His question opened the window for a question she had for him since before fully moving to Venturil with him and her mom. Slowly turning to face him she nodded, ‘There is something that you might be able to help me with…’ It was odd, but the voice in his head seemed almost timid-shy compared to her normal tone. Her thumbs twiddled together as she crossed the room to retrieve a sleek black box from inside one of the drawers to the cabinet against the far wall. It was roughly eight inches long and perhaps no more than three wide, almost like a jewelry box for a necklace. The box sat down before him as she stepped back to let him open it. Inside was a fine silk tie of a midnight blue sporting little silver stars carefully sewn into the pattern, a night sky. After he had opened she spoke, aloud, in a voice just as shy as the one previously in his head, “I’ve finished classes with Edith… we, the older kids and I, have a graduation ceremony at the end of the month. I was wondering if…maybe you would walk me across the stage for it?” It was almost a whisper of a question that came after making note in the wording the boys had not reached the end of classes yet.

Irenic perks up some - ready and willing to do whatever she needs to help these spirits, “name it, boss.” Suddenly he went from being a candy striper for Emilia to Igor from Frankenstein for Lynn. Irenic: bestest assistant. Concern due to her sudden change in tone causes his brows to knit together as he takes up the box with wonder, but when he opens the box, a thick brow quirks up at the same time he looks to her again and when her voiced question hits, his expression changes to touched with emotion. When he looks back down to the tie anew with a soft smile growing on his face and gulping down the lump forming in his throat, “Lynn, of course, I’d be honored.” His fingertips caress over the tie before closing the box back up and tucking it under his arm for safe keeping, “have you picked out a dress yet? Should we also make an appointment to get your hair done beforehand?” He also will have to do some searching around for a proper suit to compliment the tie she picked. “Since you’re done with school, will you be looking to further your education or apprentice for a job?” Obviously he’s excited for this event and invested in her future.

Emilia | Lynn’s eyes went wide with surprise at his answer having expected him to reject the offer and counter it with something else. It left her speechless for a few moments while he rambled on about a dress and her hair being done prior to the ceremony. Was Irenic more girly than her farm-girl mother? It could very well be the case listening to him know more about events than her mother did when she brought home her papers to be signed to graduate years ahead of her brothers. However, at this moment she stuck to speaking normally with him making it possibly the longest amount of time she has ever spoken in her total lifetime. “No. I didn’t think about a dress. Am I supposed to wear one? Why would I want my hair done? Mom says brushing curls makes them turn into a haystack bush of hair. I mean, have you ever seen her hair when it is brushed? I swear there is more hair to my mother than there is to the entire person.” The traits the girl shared with her mother started to shine out past all the opposites that the two could easily find with one another. Then she answered his question about the future, “I don’t fancy the boring education system. I am glad it is over, honestly. I also have never met anyone else that even remotely does the things I can do. Mother did say that Joan told her that if I wanted, I could make a request to join the Necromancer’s Guild. I do not want to raise the dead though; I prefer helping them find peace. It is easier to live in two worlds at once when neither is in chaos.”

Irenic nods, “we can do whatever you want to do. Typically the parents and kids outfit themselves in a matching color scheme. You can wear a dress, a suit, robes - whatever. We can get your hair done if you’d like, I’ve seen tonics and potions created to smooth out hair and make it more flexible for hairstyles.” He didn’t know a lot of girly stuff, he’s just known a lot of women in his many many years. “Would you like your mother or me to go shopping with you?” With a chuckle, he muses adoringly about Emilia, “there sure is.” Irenic nods, “I agree. No one else can do what you can, but learning necromancy might be helpful, who knows. Either way, I think being in Vailkrin may help with your ability to exist in both worlds, but I’m going to search around - maybe there is someone, something, or some place that can help you further your abilities. Just tell me what you see yourself doing and I’ll do anything to make it happen.” Getting a bright idea, he asks, “would you like to go on a haunted house tour before the twins arrive? I’ve heard about many abandoned places being haunted and maybe they could use someone like you to help them.”

Emilia | Lynn shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t think Mother really shops much. I mean she prefers to dress like a homeless person or the ol’ clothes from who knows when she actually got them. I don’t think they will fit much longer either. The twins are growing as evidence of her stomach bump and I think that with the wings growing too that it must be like housing three babies with wings in one small body. I would take a good guess that it will be one of each based on the spirits, but what do I know. The living are not my specialty.” The youth said with an almost serious notion about the babies. She did pay attention to her mother in a less open way than the twins did. Leo would surely kill someone for looking at her wrong and Liam would easily do the same in a less in the moment fashion. They were all different even though the boys were most alike in nearly all things. “I would love to, but you really shouldn’t call them a haunted house. They are normally not haunting the place; most spirits are not that angry. Most are just trapped without a way to leave. Granted some do go mad after too many years trapped.” Then the lass was removing the oversized apron and tossing it on the chair in her mother’s study. She was as petite as her mother. Grabbing her satchel, she threw it over her shoulder and slid into a pair of worn leather boots, “Ready! I do hope mom and the boys have returned with plenty of apples from the orchard when we get back. Don’t worry, I told the boys to make sure she doesn’t fall from a tree.”

Irenic grins again at Lynn’s conclusion of them living’, “well that’s what makes you, you. I’d love to go shopping with you sans pick out whatever you want for your graduation. Your mom and I need to throw a party together for you, any way to send an invitation to ghosts?” It was a lighthearted joke that he hopes doesn't fall flat or offend, but definitely a dad type joke, so some embarrassed groaning is expected. “Speaking of parties, how do you feel about helping me plan a baby shower?” Irenic nods respectfully on being corrected about haunted houses, “well the normies can call them haunted houses. Let’s call it a liberation tour, where we free all the spirits we can. I’ll get some things together and do some digging around so we can start in October, which will be better because that’s when the veil between the two worlds is thinnest.” Irenic chuckles, “those boys are more protective than me sometimes.” He loves it though, “lets go catch up with them.” He motions for her to lead the way.

Emilia | Lynn, like a typical child, let out a groan with a roll of her eyes at him, "I don't want a party. I don't like people and people don't fancy ghosts they can't see. A baby shower? Are we going to be throwing babies down from the roofs to shower the ground with?" She questioned. The idea of a baby shower did not click right away with the preteen. She had never heard nor attended one before and the idea of showering babies down on people seemed very odd. "Well, for you and the like that is true. October would be the best time for you to enjoy the liberation of ghosts. The veil is always thin for me, but that is because I live in both worlds all of the time." She gave him a wink. It would be more fun if he could enjoy the spirits as much as she did more naturally than her using magic for others to enjoy them. "It really is a wonder which of the three of you are the most protective. You, perhaps, insisting on bed rest. I do wish you the best of luck with that with the months to come. But, yes let's go see what fun they are having." Lynn said with a smile skipping out of the office and down the stairs. Outside of Ara it wasn't that far to where they would find the trio. The ground was still filled with debris from a fire long ago to an old farmhouse and barn off to the side. Beyond the old property there was a small groove of apple trees with the twins flying around the tree tops. Emilia was on the ground with an assortment of buckets each filled with some apples, while more apples were on the ground than in them. A game with the boys trying to get the most apples in the buckets that had a different point value written on it.

Irenic only grins at Lynn and it takes everything not to chuckle right then and there, “Lynn, it’s just a party where friends and family come to celebrate the unborn, play cute games and bring gifts for the parents and soon to be babies. Things we will need, like bottles, diapers, cute outfits, strollers, bassinets and the like. Attendees play games to guess the weight of the babies, the circumference of Emilia, and daring not to say a code word like ‘cute’ or ‘baby’ lest they lose one of the games.” He’ll take that as a no for now, but he definitely needs someone to help him put together a surprise baby shower for her, maybe he will ask Edith next. “I look forward to it,” and to her wish of luck, “hah, thank you.” Irenic comes up to Emilia, giving her a big hug that lifts her off her feet and plants a smooch on her lips before gently setting her back down, “how are things going out here, Lia?”

Emilia sneaks a double smooch back on his lips before he can set her back down on the ground. A smile beams from ear to ear just having the five, or well seven, of them all together in one place. With a thumb she pointed up to the dragon and to their left, "Leo is two points past Liam. However, I think in the long run the ground is winning the most apples, but the lads are having fun." In their dragon form it was even more impossible for the untrained person to tell the boys apart from one another. If them standing around in their human form was hard, trying their flying forms without even a shred of colored cloth to tell them from one another. Standing in the field in a summer dress it was easy to see the swelling of her stomach, as if someone had stuffed a cantaloupe into her belly whole. Lynn was spot on with the growing of the twins and the evidence showing, but multiples did show faster than a single baby ever did. A hand fell to rest on the growing bump, "I feel like a beached whale already," she added as a series of apples came dropping down from the sky by both flying dragons. All apples missed the buckets to litter the ground. "Did you and Lynn have a good time?" she questioned, not sure what the pair did but he had gotten Lynn out of the morgue and clinic.

Irenic rubs his hand across her tummy with a huge grin on his face, “nowhere near, you look radiant.” Irenic goes on, practically bragging, “well, Lynn asked if I could walk her across the stage when she graduates at the end of the month. We are going to go shopping for a dress she can wear and maybe make an appointment to get her hair done if she wants. Then we are going to plan a Liberation Tour in October to all the rumored haunted houses and see if there isn’t anything we can do to help the spirits trapped there. Which reminds me, I’d like to find someone or something that she can study or follow when she’s done with school so her gifts can grow. There’s great potential in her,” with his arm draped around his woman’s shoulders, he begins meandering slowly through the apple orchard. “Oh yeah, I think I peeved off that stuffy old guy back at the clinic. I mean where does he get off trying to reprimand our kid- I mean, Lynn.” He scoffs, trying to play off the fact that he changed his wording because he doesn’t want to overstep his bounds.

Emilia shook her head, “Beached whale and growing,” she corrected him with a chuckle. Then she listened as he spoke with much excitement about walking Lynn through the graduation, “I am glad she finally asked you. She asked me first if it would be alright to ask you. I think it is a wonderful idea. I think most of the other older ones in the graduation have their dad walking them. I think she felt a bit left out since hers isn’t around these parts anymore.” There was still a smile on her face watching as Lynn went about picking up the apples on the ground to put them in the basket while counting up her own points in the game, clearly winning now. “Oh that sounds like you two will have a wonderful time in October. I am sure it will be more enjoyable if it is naturally easier for you to partake with that time of the year. I can speak to Khitti to see what she might think about a person Lynn can work with, but you do have to remember she is very young and most don’t look at her talents like we do. Hers are more unique, but I will sent word to Khit when we get back.” Walking along the trees with Irenic Em rested her head on his arm, simply enjoying it. Then she finally spoke, “Mr. Finn is one of Sabrina’s closest guild people. He is very strict and very down to the rules. I was and still most likely am always in trouble with him myself. Where Sabs was prim and proper with the rules and looking sharp, I am the girl that doesn’t like the rules and can’t stand to brush my hair or bother with keeping the dirt off. I am from a farm and dirt is part of my attire. Somehow, we became like family before she vanished. I seem good at finding my opposites. As for my-our-Lynn it would probably be simple to ask her what she prefers, however I would guess if she asked you to walk her at graduation I find she already sees you as a parent of hers.”

Irenic nods understandingly, “we will search until someone appreciates her like we do.” The determination is quite evident that his kids, all five, will always have the best. He grins at the mention of Sabrina, “I thought that’s who Lynn was mentioning before, but wasn’t sure. I feel like you two balanced each other well.” Emilia caused Irenic to blush a little as she eases his concern with how he mentions the triplets, “you think so?” It’s never easy coming into a child’s life this late and being so readily accepted, but Irenic will always be striving to provide them with everything and guiding them through this messy thing called life. Irenic idly picks up some dropped apples and gently tosses them into Lynn’s bucket at well while they lazily walk about.

Emilia nods slowly, "I am sure there is someone out there that would fancy her skills, but finding the one that isn't going to try to use them for their own gain in some world take over is the more hard part." A small chuckle, "Ah, yes Sabrina and I made a unique pairing. I can thank her for the metal coating on nearly all of my bones. Easier not to snap as an icepop that way. The kids do not know her all that well, but I do miss her." Picking up an apple she used her belly to rub off the dirt before taking a bite of the apple. Once the bite was finished, "I think the boys see you more as a cool adult rather than a parent at the moment. I think Lynn just finds something in you more relatable on a deeper level than she has her other father, but I am not sure. She is usually the distant one and the boys are so much more outgoing than she is. It will all work out in the end, I am sure." Finishing the apple rather quickly she planted the core on the outskirts of the trees. With a small grunt like sound at getting up, "Once upon a time these were my trees and that burned up farm was my parents farm and then mine and now as I think it was meant to be, ashes."

Irenic feels his jaw tense, “I’d sooner die before I let someone manipulate her like that.” He looks off into the distance at the mention of how Emilia misses Sabrina, “yeah I miss her as well and with how clumsy you are, luckily she did that for you.” When the subject moved onto her kids, he agrees, “yeah, that much I can tell. They will come around at their own pace, but I feel an odd protectiveness about Lynn.” Placing himself behind Emilia and wrapping his arms around her, “is that so?” He gently caresses his hands over her tummy, “you’ll never be alone again, Lia. I’ll do everything I can to make sure you and ours never go through anything like that.” He kisses the curls on the top of her head in a loving way.

Emilia smiles warmly, "Oh, I know you nor I would let anyone manipulate her. I don't think she would either. The spirits tells her many things that are happening in different parts of the realm." The genasi chuckles as she snuggles into his embrace with her hands falling to rest atop of his hands, "I really don't know how I ever let you slip away so long ago into the attention of another. Fate is such a fickle thing letting you learn lessons in the strangest of ways." It was then that the boys had rejoined the ground both fully dressed in all black clothing. Their bickering could be heard from a mile away, "Lynn cheated!" They exclaimed in a breathless fashion as they ran up to the adults with a serious panic at losing to their sister.

Irenic sways slightly as they stand there together in an embrace talking, “she is a bright young lady, but most importantly, she’s a child of Emilia.” Irenic chuckles softly, “I know. I don’t think we were ready for each other at the time.” The children join them and he smirks at them, “have you two ever heard the tale of the hare that challenged a turtle to a race?” Plot twist, the turtle wins. “Sometimes it’s better to take your time, enjoy the company and complete things at your own pace.”

Emilia rested her head back on his chest so that she could look at up him, "Oh, I think we were perfectly ready for each other at that time, only our destined roles were different at the time." Then she would pucker for a kiss while stretching up on her tiptoes. Once the kiss was stolen she would find herself laughing at the twins faces. In unison, "No, never heard of that before. Why would a hare challenge a turtle? I mean, of course the hare would win that one. No brainer!" Lynn had followed up along behind the boys. Of course, she knew the tale and that the hare did not win. With a wide grin she smacked both boys upside the head as she passed them, 'wrong', echoing into both their heads at the same time.

Irenic concludes with, “agreed,” before planting a smooch on Emilia. Irenic laughs with Emilia and then winks to Lynn because, of course she knows that tale. “I think you two may have learned a valuable little lesson whether you realize it or not yet.” Irenic picks up a couple of buckets filled with apples, “so. Let’s get back and make pies, apple sauce, candied apples, or whatever.”

Emilia smiled as she picked up the third, smaller bucket of apples. The moment any of the boys would protest the Genasi was clear her throat, "Excuse me, I can carry some apples!" And then start off ahead of the group with the apples, refusing to let anyone take them. In turn the boys would find a way to walk on either side of their mom just to make sure she was okay every second of the trip home. Lynn would walk along side of Irenic and the five of them would have a short walk back to Ara to begin the process of making all things apple.