RP:Lycan Secret Weapon

From HollowWiki

Mihael's Lair

Mihael was seated outside upon the steps to the entrance of the tower. The ancient lycan was gently puffing upon his pipe, slowly letting out trails of smoke. He discovered a separate cavern and claimed it as his own. After all the tower was from a time when he was still young and fool hardy. Above Smokey was flying, dipping and weaving with the current from the steam pockets. His clothes were red soaked in blood from some battle he just had with who or what Sven knows. Picking up one of the statue heads he looks at the broken and missing face. Instinctually his hand goes up to his own. In a fit of anger he throws the head and smashes it to pieces upon the tower wall. "Look what you did!" he shouts into the cavern as he looks up.

Desparrow entered the area outside the lair where several of his mana-gorged wolves and his three lycanthrope pack members stood over and guarded six new victims that would join the cause. Each one a thug, only one having suffered a bite so far but that too would change. Des himself was wearing a stranger's pants and was bleeding from the head over his right eye and had a gaping oozing wound in his thigh from a dagger. "These ones.. these filth will be fine new recruits for when the fight comes. Wild beasts that in ten days time will help us in the raid on this place." Ripping away the cloak of shadow created to evade the guards from seeing his face Des brought himself face to face with members from his pack. "I've managed to escape the scene, no one but perhaps a few civilians know that I was even present. Hopefully they keep their mouths shut on the matter but if they don't.. just means we will have to push our plans further, faster so as to not suffer too much overwhelming opposition come this next full moon. We have less than ten days and so much to do." From the entrance to the gave he gave a signal for his pack to follow, and bring the victims as he entered only to -not- find the one he was looking for. He had to venture deeper, using scent to find his target which would lead him to the entrance of a grand tower, of which Des has a hard time fathoming how it even fit inside a cave but there were perhaps stranger things to be seen, after all much like Des' own home it was larger than it appeared.

Mihael stops his fit and collects himself quickly as he senses someone coming, soon enough Desparrow enters into the cavern. "What beings you here Desparrow? I take it things with Sabrina are well now?" he asks before taking a puff, seeing the rest of his pack coming through with fresh bodies he quickly puts it together. "Do you need storage? Or just help taming them when they turn?" He hoped the young lycan had not come looking for a fight, if that was the case he would be forced to probably kill the pack, something he did not want to do. "Come, follow me. Leave the freshly turned outside." He turns and walks into the tower and into the grand hall then directly past the sparkling nest of jewels and rare metals. "Welcome to my not so humble abode." he says pointing to the massive fireplace, where a wild bear was roasting. "Eat and we can talk. What do you need?"

Desparrow looked past all of the nonsense of the place as it was obvious that Mihael like to live in more than luxury. The order that he leave his three new members outside did irritate him but it was nothing he couldn't handle and instead wolves took up the job of carrying the unconscious behind their alpha. "Actually I'm not hungry. However I do need to ask of you a favor.." he looked back to the thugs, of which only one had been bitten, "Cenril is getting too rowdy, and I'm skating the line of danger as it is. I can't risk exposing myself or my intentions therefore I need a place to keep my members, where they can be turned, trained without danger to civilization or danger of being discovered. I almost got caught after these men tried to kill me, by the guards. I cannot allow the guards to see me. Especially since the guards are where I strike next. In exactly nine days.. On the full moon." he had nothing to say about Sabrina as of yet, since he hadn't been able to go see her, after all he had been especially busy and hasn't stepped foot in larket. "Its just a matter of placing. I need an army, and I vaguely remember you conjuring up something similar to the moon.." his expression became deadly serious, "Are you capable of replicating the light of the full moon.. Essentially the very thing that controls a young lycan?"

Mihael let out a soft sigh, he takes a puff and looks Desparrow up and down. "You know, I thought you were better than to be almost caught. I hope you killed them." Grabbing a slice of meat he stands and turns around. "Follow me, you will appreciate this." As he walks off the man lifts the mask slightly to eat the meat before he quickly lowers it again. He leads Desparrow through one of the doors and walks up the steps. "The options you have are these. I can either lock them in the armory, there is a prison cell in there. Easier access to weapons for torture and interrogation." He says pausing to take a puff, "That's back downstairs though. The other option is the training arena." Chuckling he turns around to face Desparrow. "Thing about the arena is... well you will see." Opening another door at the end of the steps, they enter a room with runes and elemental symbols everywhere, walls, floor, cieling. It didn't look like much at first. Once Mihael stepped into the room however, it quickly shook and the walls crumbled and shifted about, the floor falling apart slightly to shift into a wall. Suddenly the pair would find themselves at the entrance to what appears to be a maze, the door behind them gone and replaced by a wall. The air grew chilling and suddenly it began to snow, "Careful." The hermit is forced to leap forward as suddenly icicles shoot forth from one of the walls, a wall of ice and snow forms where the entrance once was and begins to close in. Everything it touches turning to ice. "This is a training arena, it attacks you on its own, and it also..." Before he can it changes, the room reforms and trees sprout up finding themselves in a forest of sorts. Vines creep towards them before hey flick out like whips to grab them, once closer the thorns shoot forth. "..changes. We can keep them in here. Only way out is forward, and it will train them while keeping them imprisoned. If they manage to make their way out of this room. They will find themselves inside the center chamber. After that it branches out into more chambers. This room is enchanted, somehow it can change and it like a giant maze." As he speaks the man's pipe changes to a shield, blocking the thorns, dropping down the metal pipe shifts into a sickle and he slices the vines in one motion. "I've never tried to use it as a mini moon. Worth a shot though." he says as he stands only to have the room shift again, flames shooting forth at them. A hole opens up and lava begins to flow inside slowly filling up, and creeping its way towards the pair.

Desparrow allowed himself to be led into the strange training room, azure hues scanning the entire place as quickly as possible before a change occurred. When the icicles came flying towards him and his pack he erected a wall of kinetic energy, the particles of the air forced in such close proximity and charged to the point they moved erratically, creating a solid barrier upon which the shards of ice shattered. He didn't like this place, especially when it meant his pack could certainly suffer a hit, "I don't want them treated like prisoners, merely a place to stay, and if this is the only room that they can do that so be it.." When the trees sprang up and vines came towards them he clenched his jaw before released flames to scorch the greenery before it could touch him or his members, though the lava was a different story altogether when it started to ooze forward. "Can't you control this place? Make it more mild?" he growled, placing his hands on the ground and after releasing the proper magical energy created another force wall but beneath them and forced it to rise above the lava so that no one of his pack could be harmed. "This would be a good place to train if it wasn't so deadly. Also, yes, if you can replicate the moon.. We could force transformations in a much more rapid manner, weekly even till we have lycans that can control their powers in who knows.. a couple months instead over a year or longer." Already the various things he has had to conjure was giving him a headache.

Mihael chuckles, "It adapts to whoever is in the room. It is currently mild, but since we are both in here it isn't going to be as gentle as say one of your newer members." As they lift off the ground and hover forward the room changes back into its original state and Mihael quickly leaves. "Hurry before it starts up again." As he left he stops just outside the door. "If your in any pain or strained its cuz the room. It saps at your energy when your in there." Fingers rise and grab the side of his head while the other hand grabs his chest. After a short moment he stands again and walks back towards the main chamber they started in. "If we do it, it is best to do it in here. We have that moon." He points to the ceiling with the mural of the red moon, it looked so realistic even a slight pull can be felt. "I think if we use this moon along side the dark light, we can turn them faster and leave them in the room where they can train and be contained in case they go berserk." As he says this he forms the dark light orb in his hand, resembling the moon it hovers just above their heads giving off a feint light. The hermit did not feel anything at first, "Do you feel a pull Des?" he asks levitating it towards the sky to sit and rest just below the moon above. In doing so the feint light became an eerie red hue as it now appeared the blood red moon was shining down.

Desparrow was waiting patiently as he listened until the room had reset so that he could get out as quickly as possible. If it truly adapted, tailored itself to the person within then it would be more than useful, especially in training to fight for himself. He and his pack followed, carrying the thugs that have yet to be turned into the main chamber with Mihael and bothered to look up at the red moon and without thinking he brought his hand to his chest where Artia had given him the crimson crescent moon scar, the thing that was the basis of his 'Blood Moon' cult he was starting up. It would do good, a symbol behind the name. "I see, it isn't strong but it is a pull.. If perhaps I brought in someone else.. a scientist from my clan.. and we three worked on it.. We could make it stronger. We could take absolute control over this blessing of ours. You.." he turned his gaze back to the elder lycanthrope. "You could join the cause too. I'm rebuilding Gisiae en Adon. In the midst of all the chaos. You don't have to join my pack Mihael.. But join me, join us. You could be a great help. Maintain your status as a hermit." he looked at the orb and gazed into it, feeling it call to him. "The clan is called Vanguard, but that is just a name, we are the Blood Moon, we are Gisiae, we are the Kings that have beating hearts. Think about it. We are growing."

Mihael plops down and thinks to himself, as he puffs from his pipe he chucks a skull at the jeweled nest. "Damn bird." Looking up at Desparrow he tilts his head. "Who is this scientist?" he asks before he continues on. "We both know I wont join your pack. Together however we can accomplish much more than on our own." The ancient lycan pauses for a moment. "Not sure about resurrecting that clan. Why not resurrect The Damned?" He chuckles and leaves the orb up above them, slowly expanding it then compacting the orb, trying to concentrate the energy and light of the orb to create a stronger pull. While he spoke with Desparrow he had every intention of training still, old habits. "Desparrow, I want to bring together all of lycan kind. Divide the world and establish several packs, within a greater one. Each city a territory for an Alpha and their pack. Use them like outposts, should anything happen where our race need go to war, we are already in position to act." Closing his eyes for a moment he grabs his skull while taking a puff, "Join me in creating a future for our kind, and I will help you." he says while he returns to his original position, the gears in his head turning as thoughts flew by.

Desparrow knew Mihael's position, and intent. In fact the idea about the pacts he had already guessed at and knew that Mihael was a man of his own action, certainly not one that would follow, "You already see what I am doing, what I have been doing. I have intent of spreading my blessing far and wide, communing with nature and all its wolves. We will grow, and there will most certainly be war with our kind and other races.. In particular the ones we have warred with for all eternity, the ones who currently hold the title as Kings of the Night. We are Kings of the Living Night however, lords with beating hearts." he of course was speaking of vampires, and how much their pestilence has spread. They even had an entire city of death: Vailkrin and although he had been there a lot the scent of all the death, all that filth was offensive. "The scientist is one that I think probably knows about you, you both probably know each other.. Arcos. The Dark Avian. He and I are going to be working together.. He and I are clan members, have been for a while now. He also wants to help create a new lycan race.. An ascended form. He shows such great promise. Don't join my pack, join this cause though. I will make us stronger, I will ensure we thrive. We will.. transcend." he grinned then, turning his gaze back to the orb and the more waves it gave off, the stronger the light the more of a pull it gave off and simply out of curiosity he moved over to the thug whom he had bitten the night prior. The wolves released the man so that Des could take over, looping his left arm under the armpit of the male and grasping him at the chin while the other hand grasped the eyelids and forced them open, making him stare into the orb. Would it call to the dormant curse and force the man's first transformation? They would see here.

Mihael scratches his chin for a moment, takes a puff then releases it. "I'd have to meet this avian you speak of. Out of curiosity, what would my status be if I were to join your clan?" he watches as Desparrow looks up then walks over to grab one of the men. "I will help you spread our race. Together we can turn many lycans. Though I am curious about this new breed of lycan." As he was saying this the orb was rapidly going through the cycles of expanding and compacting to concentrate the light to the purest form and recreate the light of a full moon. If it worked he could help create lycans at a far quicker rate than normal. "Come on..." he says concentrating on the orb which slowly got slightly brighter.

Desparrow chuckled, "You and always wanting to be a leader. You would be a member. An ally, of ours, a member." As the light got stronger even he felt the pull, the desire to want to transform, however for a new lycan it was involuntary and when Mihael came over they released another one of the six, unbitten, much like the other four which were still being held. As the light became more and more like the light of the moon, even in its artificial existence it was potent enough. It required more light than the true light of the moon but in time he could feel the body in his arms tense up before it began to convulse as it went wild. Screams, deafening screams came from the human but his body was locked, staring at the orb until it took over completely. Pain was all he knew as muscle and bone tore itself to reassemble, spattering blood through broken flesh until it had completely reshaped itself. As he transformed his wounds from the night before were healing rapidly until the thug was a perfected ebon-furred lupine engine of destruction however laying on the ground whimpering, exhausted. "It does work.. We can use this.. make it stronger.. who knows.." Des spoke while backing away with a grin on his lips, in awe.

Mihael grinned as the man was forced to look up at the artificial moon light. Mihael's dark light as he called it proved to be useful after all, well more useful than he had ever used it before. Usually it was a night light to read or cook when inside a cave. Crimson orbs gleam as the man changes screaming in pain. His right hand reaches out grabbing the unbitten human and dragged him over by the throat. "Quit squirming!" he said backhanding the man across the face. His hand changing into claws as he did so, cutting his face upon impact. Bringing the man over, the ancient being kicks the back of the legs forcing the man to his hands and knees. Grabbing a fistful of hair he pulls the mans head back to see the red glow of a blood moon above. As he does this the hermit leans in his own jaws transforming while the mask shifts to accommodate new bone structure and allow for him to clench his teeth into the mans neck. Blood rushes into his mouth as the hermit stops himself quickly and then leans back to finish taking a chunk out of the man. A yell escapes his lips as Mihael spits it out into his own hand. Muscles begin to clench and twist and bones snap and reshape. Screaming in pain the man's eyes remain fixated on the moon while his body transforms. Beneath his flesh muscles bulge before skin rips apart in a bloody mess and fur forces its way through his flesh as if shedding the human form to be born as a lycan. Once it completed Mihael pulled back harder and with a claw cut his hand before spilling blood into the new lycan's mouth. "Taste my blood. Know your alpha. You shall feed soon enough." As he says this he forces the piece of flesh into the lycan's mouth. Giving him fresh human flesh to eat.

Desparrow watched on with a vague interest upon his face, though this was a lie as he was more than ecstatic to see how Mihael bit into the other man and used the flesh to feed the new lycanthrope. The alpha of his own pack moved to take on two more, gripping the men by the backs of their necks and pulling them close so as to sink his incisors into the flesh between neck and shoulder once each, however not leaving them so physically devastated as the elder did. They would hunt but it would be when Des allowed them to, if he could break them then it would only be easier. In seconds after the bite and holding their eyes to the moon they too began to transform, suffering the same fate as the first two. Their own fingers became claws and they tore into their own bodies as they felt the immense pain from within, trying to somehow release it to no effect for every mark they made healed as fast as it could bleed and in no time they too were lycanthropes bathed in the bloody remains of their first transformation. Des' presence alone, a pressure on the mind and a resonation within the soul would let his pack know who he is, he was their leader and should they turn to him there would be nothing but hesitation. Des incited fear and awe in his subjects through the use of his commanding presence and overwhelming magical power. That bond as soon as the bite connected was formed, a pulse in the soul that let them know their Alpha was near. "You can have the remaining two, after all. I wouldn't bring quarry if I wasn't going to share. Though in nine days there is going to be a battle.. In Cenril. There is a lot of people to be turned. I will have allies present, we are going to take out the majority of the guard and seek out to protect the civilians. Hopefully if the message is received well, they will be little more than sheep to be herded from the city, into our protection so that the final battles in the streets of Cenril can be done."

Mihael nods and blows a trail of smoke out which entangles the remaining men. Dragging them towards himself. "Verywell, though you might have to remind me. If I aid you in Cenril you aid Larket when I call. Here and now an alliance between the cities. The way things have been going, there is no telling if old allies will remain allies." As he thinks to himself he is reminded of his younger days. It seemed there were multiple wars going on in the land currently. The battle addict in him wanting a piece of each. Shaking the thoughts off he bites each man tearing their flesh and watching as they transform. Bones snapping and popping into place, while screams fill the room. Once finished he drops blood in their mouths. He does this as if it is a ritual. "Taste my blood. Know your Alpha." he says, "You shall feed soon enough." he finishes before feeding them the flesh. from their bites. The transformation healed their wounds where he bit them and anywhere else they may have been injured at. "You shall feed soon enough." He repeats with gleaming eyes, thinking already of where to hunt when he decided the time came. "If I am to fight, I need to also meet with your scientist. I have some questions for him." Ther hermit then blows a cloud of smoke which takes the shape of two ravens. "Have him send word. The raven will find me where ever I am. Should you need me, use the other one."

Desparrow chuckled then as Mihael spoke of war, alliances and then meeting Arcos. "He will be residing in my home soon, at least working there. Beyond that Alright, I'll remind you, the twenty-second of this month, the night of the full moon. I fear there may be heavier opposition this time and I could really use you to shatter the defenses of my foe. In return I will indeed help you. For now though, I think I will take these young ones." he looked to the three new lycans that he had bitten and with a glace at his wolves they moved in to take them in their jaws in a manner that would not be painful for carrying. "I will return, I just plan on taking care of these ones before bringing them back. We are growing, in number and strength." he then took the ravens and made way to leave. "It was a nice visit, and now that we have a standard set.. Communication and usefulness between each other is known we can certainly call upon one another." he laughed then, azure hues looking to the new lycanthropes before offering a salute and heading off. "Till next time!"

Mihael waves then returns to his smoking before he grabs a slab of meat and scarfs it down in front of the others. "You want to feed. Earn it. Enter the arena, when you come out you can eat. Remember children, one must learn to fight and function despite hunger, thirst, or pain. Whatever the case you will learn to fight through it to obtain the big picture. Go now, the sooner you finish, the faster you can eat and begin the next lesson." Seeing Desparrow reach the earth again he yells out, "Till next time young one."