RP:Lesson Two on the Vailkrin Bridge

From HollowWiki

Part of the Requiem Nocturnus Arc

Hanging Corpse Tavern

Kasyr idly wanders in, looking far less amused than he did before. Nonetheless, there is a particular thing the hybrid desired- the likes of which is plucked from Steadmen in exchange for a tip. Once more united with his nameless grubby kitten, the hybrid simply moves to collect his papers from beneath the bartop- if only to resume his sifting near the fireplace.

Satoshi glances up from the letter she'd been composing at the tiefling's entrance, parchment abandoned rather quickly as she drags her comfy armchair over to him. Really, she just enjoys rearranging the tavern's furniture. Without ceremony the mage announces merrily, "I've worked the kitten's name down to three choices." Pausing, the little feline ambassador tips her head to properly look at Kasyr. "Something bothering you?"

Kasyr makes a vague gesture, before simply offering Satoshi a forced smile, and the kitten upon his lap a pet. "Necessary evils, et all that. Not really anything that should be discussed aloud, though, I'll need to debrief tu on all that. Et..erm..oh..right. Names. Yes."

Cuki had come in a bit sooner than Kasyr. Apparently unnoticed. He had quite a time getting back and forth from Vailkrin. It is not a very travel friendly place, among other things of course. He had appeared behind the tavern to do some work of his own. Much less involved with papers or even silly names. No. The cook was sharpening his knives. Slowly sliding the blades one-by-one up and down the whetstone. Honing each to a razor's edge.

Satoshi's attention wavers a moment, if only because newly sharpened knives are so very shiny. And sharp. Two of the cat's favorite things. But alas, Cuki didn't have food with him as well and as such the mage's focus returns to prior business. "Debrief, later, got it. As for names for her," a few light scratches are given to the kitten. "I'm rather partial to Casper, Isabelle, ...et Trouble."

Cuki chuckles, noticing Satoshi's distracted look. Like a simple animal seeing something shiny. Pets where so easy to predict. With one final shing he pulls the knife from the stone. A test perhaps. With a flick of his wrist the kitchen knife is flung from his hand. Keen blade shreds it way through the paper in Satoshi's hand and embeds it into the far arm of her chair. Pretending to know nothing he quickly grabs another knife and works on it. All the while whistling.

Kasyr watches said paper shorn through with an odd sort of detachment, the hybrid not even taking a moment to think before he simply ducked his head down and went back to his paperwork, "...Whilst I'd say I am partial to Casper, Cherie- Trouble es sort of an..apt moniker. Et all. By the by, tell Cook if I get a knife in the head, I'm killing him." Pausing, the hybrid simply looks up again, before simply appending, "I'm not sure whether I should attend to the debriefing today or tomorrow, vraiment- given,I..need to find Naeva..for something, et..I don't know. ...Relieve stress. Or something. Erm. Yeah.." And...right back down to the paper he goes.

Satoshi is a good deal more miffed than startled by the knife's sudden appearance, the monk afforded a curious if a tad peevish look. "Now I have to rewrite that letter..." Sighing, the cat shifted to sit on the arm of Kasyr's chair, leaving the knife to claim its own seat now. Thoughtfully the strokes the kitten's head as she listens to the tiefling talk and the monk whistle. A brow is quirked at Naeva's name, followed by a cattish grin at the mention of stress. "...She's too innocent for 'Trouble', I think. So Casper she shall be." The words seemed aimed at the stray more than anyone, mage simply leaving the other two present to their current work.

Cuki thinks that was a rather tame reaction of the Feline. That wasn't any sort of fun at all. One thud and another knife appears just below her rear end. A grin is offered to the Feline in return for the look. Oh. He isn't letting this one down. Another thud and a third knife sticks to the back board between the two. A little off mark but it will do.

Kasyr s' ear twitches at the mention of innocence, before the tiefling simply draws his attention away from his work- and back to the kitten, "..Well, I suppose Casper would work then... Et er, It certainly es a good thing you figured out it's a she." A helpless shrug, and the tiefling pats the smaller feline, "Anyways- you know what I'm working on, et all. What have tu been" -Thud!- ..And then there's a knife between them, "..up to? ...I think I'm going to go upstairs or for a work shortly. I'm allergic to perforation by means of kitchen utensils et such. AHEM!"

Cuki quickly releases the last two knives. The newly honed tips etching Satoshi's coat to the wood of the chair.

Satoshi's temper can't seem to be provoked this evening, as normally she would have taken the collection of knives gathering around her as a challenge to be promptly answered. So rather than find some roundabout way to toss spells effectively at the anti-mage, she simply plucks the kitchen knives from their various points in the chairs and drops them into her boundless satchel. So much for Cuki's hard work to sharpen them. "Oops. Your knives seem to have run away, dear." Chuckling, the cat returned to her claimed perch on the arm of the tiefling's chair. "When you're finished with your work, how does a bit of training sound?" she adds to Kasyr with a grin. "Outdoors, if only to spare poor Steadman further aggravation. Et spare your allergies to utensils~."

Kasyr briefly glances at the papers in his hands, before simply stuffing them down into the seat of the chair, "Steadman~! If you'd mind collecting those, they are important- et a few peoples lives depend on them. ...I can't really deal with this working setting." Which is to say, this was the point the hybrid simply plucked up the kitten, perched it atop his head, and wandered out the door.

Satoshi is left blinking for a few moments at the sudden change in the tiefling. "You... wha... You just want to kick my tail in a fight again~!" the mage complained, making a rather rushed effort to follow hybrid and cat. On her way out however, she pauses long enough to fish out the pilfered blades and set them on the counter for the monk. He -had- worked so hard to sharpened, after all.

Hemlock Way

Kasyr ||The very moment the mage moves outside, she's intercepted, the tiefling moving to pull her off to one side, before abruptly pressing a kiss to her lips. Now smiling roguishly, the hybrid simply begins to back away towards the bridge - a sly grin forming on his features."Given I'm likely not solving anything at this hour...I do believe we may as well engage in a bit of practice upon the bridge..before we figure out where we want to be, n'est ce pas? ...Et..somewhere along the way, I'll..keep tu abreast of everything thats happened."

Satoshi follows along to the bridge with a noticeable spring in her step, an utterly pleased expression on her face after the hybrid's little surprise outside the tavern. A hand strays to her satchel to retrieve that somewhat forgotten about katana before she embeds the tip of the blade into the bridge just enough to allow it to stand on its own. The tiefling is given an altogether impish little smirk as, almost like an afterthought, the mage slips off her gloves and tucks them away. Hilt of the blade taken up again and tugged free, she levels it at Kasyr. "Now... does training count as work or fun...?"

Kasyr is looking especially content now, his mood seeming to be lopsiding more towards the glee aspect in these moments. And so, when he goes to prepare, the motions are ever so much more animate than normal. Rushing over but a few paces from the feline, the hybrid simply whirls about in place- if only to fall into a rather peculiar crouch. His right hand nestles against the stone of the bridge, whilst his left is simply extended off towards the side, and yet, the tiefling seems utterly content, "...I think, because of the particular joy found in it, et then within my partner. ..er. for..sparring. Oui. That's it. Uhm. I do believe if this es work, it es of the most fun sort there can be. ...mostly. There's better things." Shifting in place, the hybrid simply appends, "..Ready~"

Satoshi waves the end of the blade around in small patterns, simply content to listen to the hybrid talk. She waits for that final word before dropping low and rushing forwards at a speed not quite quick enough to rival the vampire's, katana held behind her and almost dragging along the ground with her lowered posture. Less than two paces from the tiefling, the cat brings her feet together suddenly, her crouch dropping further before legs push off the bridge. Using the momentum of her short bit of running she intends to hop and somersault right over Kasyr, landing behind him only to whirl around in her crouch with blade flashing out at his back. "Set, et go~!"

Kasyr || And on the word go, his right hand shoved off the ground- sending the tiefling into a sudden sprint aimed to collide into the feline. Baring down the bridge with all due haste, the tiefing seemed utterly gleeful at the prospect of matching her blade with his bare hands. And yet, when the hybrids left hand would snap forward to collide into the spot Satoshi had occupied, he'd find himself simply taking note of her body flipping over him. Thinking quickly the hybrid all but falls forward next, what would have been a punch instead colliding open palm into the ground. When combined with an abrupt twist of body, there's a rather irksome scratching nose as mithil mesh gauntlet ground against the pavement- aiding the tiefling in making such an abrupt turn. And just as the blade comes out to sweep towards what was, unfortunately, his head (given his crouching position)- the tieflings right hand snaps forward once more- colliding solidly with the flat of the blade so as to deflect it. What instead comes is an all too close shave- a rather unpleasant severing of the utmost tip of his ear and shearing of his hair. Nonetheless, an opening has been provided- and the tieflings all to quick to take it. Again shoving off the ground- the tiefling sends himself on a collision course with Satoshi, all but poised to crash into her. The difference would be, he'd have his hands placed to collide into her shoulders and knock her the ground roughly, whereas he'd be able to launch himself off her with the very same momentum he'd fell her with~

Satoshi falters as her blade does what it does best, the feline's expression clearly showing her dismay at the minor damage inflicted to one of those ears she adored so very much. For a moment she very well forgets the current situation, taking a step toward the tiefling with a hand outstretched, the other holding the katana loosely. This, of course, makes her a far too easy target for the intending collision, and it is only after hands connect with her shoulders does she react. Curling herself inward as she drops she manages a rather messy somersault, right shoulder cracking painfully against the stone pathway to absorb most of her fall, the rest of her momentum used to land unsteadily on one knee. The frost katana skitters across the bridge--lost to the tackle and resulting blow to her wielding arm, to rest on the cobbles between cat and hybrid. Hissing as she stands, the mage's eyes flick from blade to tiefling and back before she darts forward. She'd hope to reach the weapon before him and reclaim it, and if not she'd at least have the chance to hopefully deliver an upwards kick at him as he stooped to retrieve it.

Kasyr does in fact rush for the item, though his intentions are a fair bit more Mischievous. Using every ounce of speed he has at his disposal, the hybrid simply dart for that expression of glacial craftmanship- utilising the reckless motions of a dive to arrive there before she does. The trick however, is that rather then fumble for the hilt- the hybrid simply grasps the blade, so that he can flick the weapon upwards. Spiraling upwards in a glorious display of glimmering ice, the tiefling finds himself distracted just long enough to eat a foot to the face. Reeling back, the hybrid simply manages a few staggered steps before promptly collapsing onto his back. Mind, being a vampire, it does take quite a bit to actually put him out- and one can only hope Satoshi remembers that, as if she allows herself to get distracted by her airbound weapon- she'd have to deal with the hybrids rather abrupt heave & and hop forward. This nimble recovery would draw the hybrid back down into a crouching state- the likes of which is abruptly used in the simplest of fashions. Kasyr simply lifts himself up to his full height as quickly as possible- endeavouring to headbutt the felines chin, before one arm would come around her waist to tackle her down a second time- this time with intentions of pinning her. And getting her out of range of that potential deathtrap in the air.

Satoshi is very simply dumbstruck that her kick has actually connected, and with enough force to actually send the tiefling backwards. That had been altogether unexpected. But, like the hybrid, her attentions are quickly drawn up to the spinning blade of ice above her; left hand raising toward it as if she could simply swat it out of the air, the moonlight reflecting off it enthralling her. Or it would have been, were it not for that flicker of movement from the ground caught out of the corner of her eye that brought the cat back to a proper focus. Stumbling back, an instinctive shying away from the tiefling's sudden movements toward her, is all that spares her a rather painful meeting with the top of his head. She makes no attempts to halt the tackle however, her gaze having returned to the katana as that still held out hand beckons hastily to it, the faintest of whispered commands called to it as she's knocked backwards. She hisses in pain as her right shoulder again connects with the ground, the hybrid's pinning perfectly successful. Well, save for the keen blade edge he'd find being pressed toward his throat, the katana practically humming with delight upon its magicked return to the mage's hand.

Kasyr blinks, then blinks again, before gradually drawing his neck away from the blade, "...Set et match~ I probably shouldn't do that with your little magic sword." Gradually shifting so that he's less pinning her and more just casually resting atop her, the hybrid simply makes a perch for his chin out of two crossed hands. And from there comes the necessary retort, "Oh. ..Et, by any chance..does this mean I can get vous to kiss my ear better, peut-etre?"

Satoshi grins, katana hastily slipped into her satchel so she can simply reach a hand up to take hold of his unharmed ear, gently tugging until she's pulled his head a good deal closer. With a purr she replies, "I can kiss it better, et then some~." And promptly she gives chilled little kisses to both ears, quickly followed by his forehead, cheeks, and finally his lips for a not-so-little kiss, the mage reduced to content purrs already.

Kasyr wriggles atop Satoshi, altogether gleeful at the attention received, and yet- it can't be said that he does't have some sense of...decency. Little more than a few moments after that final kiss does he become aware of his settings again; a rediscovery that has him slowly gather into a stand, hands falling to hers with full intention of drawing her to her feet, "..I think then, we'd best find more proper surroundings, Cherie. When your precious guardian dragon finds us- I'd like to be quite comfortable beside tu~ et a road just doesn't quite cut it." Offering up an exaggerated smirk, the tiefling would draw away from her again, albeit the lingering of his fingers against ungloved hands. Something which, not only would lead them back to the Corpse, but would also lead them to the empty weather barrel that had served as Casper's momentary refuge from the fight. " And then they were three again~ Returning home, "...Trouble et fun~"