RP:Just Want to Feel Something Real...Continued

From HollowWiki

Synopsis: Tiber finally opens Lanara's last note after months. He believes she is gone for good.

Tiber's Loft

Tiberius Lowell had read that final letter from Lanara after the night with Khitti. The date marked on the letter had been several months back when the grass was lusher and the air was beginning to warm. The pigeons from Kelvar were useless. The note was read, amber eyes looking over the stained letter that seemed like blood. The man had hoped it was nail polish, but the quick scribbles on the note seemed rushed—telling him to move on and that there would not be any more letters to come by for a long while. It had been a long while, unfortunately, according to the date marked in the corner. The only letter he received after months and months and it tells him to move on. The note was covered in blood. It was real blood. The smell, although faint after months, had still been lingering on the letter. What had happened to her? Was she alive? Dead? Did the plague take her? Was he too late? He had to be. Months with no word. “Damnit, Lana.” That night, he had crumpled the note, and threw it to the side. Nothing but the sounds of glass shattering, pounding walls, and screaming echoed through the walls that night.

From that night, weeks had passed. A few nights of thrashing up the apartment and several bar fights later, Tiberius suddenly became neutral again. The man bottled the worst and became numb. It was time to collect and push forward. Khitti was right, they were all hurting, and it was best not to even mention what the letter said or had dribbled on it. Leave the red-head a happy memory. Tiberius, although unlikely to consider such a thing, would do the right thing for the woman. Khitti had admitted that people left her consistently. It was best to hold the thoughts internally. Hold the pain for the rest of the loved ones. Lanara, would have wanted him to be happy, but happiness was one that was dwindling. Another note that consisted of almost a permanent goodbye. Again. Leaving him to sit on a cliffhanger that may have never been fulfilled. Leaving the question: is she okay wherever she is? Dead on the Otherside? Or maybe he was wrong and she was alive with her daughter. One thing was certain, there was no way to reach her. Not anymore.

For the tale of Tiberius, he made a conclusion and the red-head would echo through his conscience. It was time to let go and move on. The Kelvarian witch enveloped Tiber with enough care and patience—realness. The lycan was able to open another gate for himself. Lanara Banks was gone. This time, for good. So, Tiberius Lowell would do what any healing man would do, and leave the whiskey behind on the table.