RP:Joining the Republic

From HollowWiki

Bastrien walk in, his eye scanning the crowd. He seems to be looking for someone. Relief breaks across his stressed expression as he catches sight of a regal-looking avian. Making his way over to her he asks, "Excuse me madam, but are you Cerinii, governess of the Republic?"

Cerinii finished the signing of the document with a swift, sweep of her quill. She sets it down and looks up to Bastrien. Piercing sanguine eyes scan him briefly before she speaks, "Ja, I am Cerinii-Raan - Senator of the Avian Republic." She gives a soft smile, "How can I help you, Herr?" She reclines in her chair, obsidian feathers rustling softly.

Bastrien smiles at the lilting accent,. He'd always loved accents. Feeling slightly more confident he straightens his back and proudly says "My name Bastrien, Paladin of The Singing City, and I would like to join the Republic ma'am!""

Cerinii grinned, lofting a thin obsidian brow at his eager words. "Oh!" She chuckles, "I see. Well." She smiles to him, "It is ein pleasure to meet you, Herr Bastrien. I'd gladly have you amongst our Republic." She extends her right, fleshy hand to him. Perhaps to shake. She continues, "There is ein matter of rank, however. We like our Republic to give people reason und duties. Everyone doing something. If you are ein paladin, perhaps you would make an excellent soldier for our Republic. Unless, that does not interest you?"

Bastrien takes the Senator's hand, grasping and shaking it firmly. "It would be an honour to serve te Republic."

Cerinii chuckles softly, shaking his hand at length before disengaging from the shake. "I'm pleased to hear it. So, we must now discuss your abilities!" She chuckles, gesturing to the seat opposite. "Please, sit. Tell me about your skills."

Bastrien seats himself opposite Cerinii, stretching his wings. "Well ma'am, I'm very proficient in the art of healing, of course. Also, my swordsman skills are quite accomplished if I do say so myself. As for myself, I believe all problems can be settled through diplomacy, but only if both parties are willing to try. Also," he says, his voice now barely a whisper "I hold the highest comtempt for any enemies of any avian. Furthermore, should my services be called upon, I am fully willing to devot myself, heart and soul to any cause you and the council deem worthy."

Cerinii smiled softly, "Well, that is all well und good." She grins, "But which do you prefer? Healing or fighting?" She then smiles warmly at him, "I am pleased to hear it. It is wonderful to hear of your devotion this early on."

Bastrien cocks his head to the side, thinking. "M'lady. I think my talents as a soldier would benefit the Republic greatly. Although, should the need ever arise, my healing will always be at your disposal."

Cerinii said to you, "Then, you will be known as Bastrien-Chai. This, is the rank of ein basic soldier. You must work your way up."

Bastrien rises to his feet, sinking into a deep bow before Cerinii. "I swear on my life that I will not disappoint."

Cerinii said to you, "I am pleased to hear it, Bastrien-Chai."