RP:Ink-Filled Moons and Words that Make a Man... Swoon?

From HollowWiki

Part of the Lunar Tides and Silver Linings Arc

Synopsis: Lanara Banks is looking to fulfill the bucket list given to her from Belgemine Fleck. Lanara thinks that her and Tiber should get matching couple tattoos, and you know who is a highly praised tattoo artist in Lithrydel? Meri. The couple get a matching tattoo after much bickering. Though, a couples tattoo has a significance of promise in a relationship, and this causes build up of emotions in Tiber. Tiberius Lowell faints.

The Rebel Room: Art Gallery

Meri :: It could be quite hit or miss as to if Meri was actually available within the gallery space, but since Lanara sent word letting Meri know of the visit and the purpose of the visit? Meri made a point to make herself available for her witchy friend...and a cranky werewolf. Maybe Tiber would be less cantankerous today? Now that the witch was back in his presence? She assumes his disposition may have improved...but she is not hopeful or optimistic. Plus she remembers what he was like prior to Lanara stealing his heart away. Meri waits for the couple to show up, with all the supplies she might need for a tattooing session already drug out into the main gallery. There were...Three chairs for sitting, a rolling cart, her needle set, and plenty of ink. The door to the establishment would be unlocked but not left open, as Meri assumes that Lanara was more than comfortable with their friendship that the witch would have no qualms showing herself in. And if she did? The two would have no trouble locating Meri. There were no walls within the gallery space itself, they'd spot her easily. But if Lanara decides to knock? She's going to have to deal with Meri shouting about how the door was unlocked, etc. Meri said, "ooc: ....I bet if Lanara even did find something Tiber really liked he'd...be a jerk about it and pretend he was not having a good time. Seems like a real Tiber move. lol"

Lanara hadn’t been sleeping well since she moved back into Tiber’s apartment, as she spent most nights tossing and turning, as she fended off the horrors that frequented her slumber. It had only been a week, and already the landlord had hung a notice on their door for ‘disturbing the peace’ along with a hefty fine. The witch had violent nightmares that brought along flailing limbs, bloodcurdling screams, and cold sweats. She had been miserable, from lack of rest, and due to the fact that Tiberius helplessly witnessed each occasion at her side. Had she struck him with a balled fist? Was he fazed by her tears? Did he regret giving her a key to his place? Lanara used every trick in her grimoire to battle the bad dreams, from slipping gems beneath her pillow to drinking awful tasting teas, and she even tried exercising to the point of exhaustion. Nothing worked; and since she didn’t have all that much time left, she had wanted to do something fun and take her mind off of the inevitable. A note had been sent to Meri and Tiber had been ordered to dress ‘casual’ and be prepared for a little pleasure and pain. The lycan is probably asking a bunch of questions about Lana’s intentions, as she all but drags him through the city of Cenril, until they reach the gallery. Upon arriving at the Rebel Room, the witch fixes Tiber with a smirk, “You need to trust me… This will be fun! And… Another step closer in our relationship.” Opening the door, the brunette enters the gallery and immediately drops Tiber’s hand, so that she can go over and pinch and poke Meri. It’s their best friend version of a handshake, rather unique, but all present can see that Lana’s smile is genuine and that she’s delighted to see the psion. “We are so ready to get inked!”

Tiber truly did not have an idea of how bad internally Lanara had felt until she moved back in. The tossing and flailing. The sweating. The piercifying screams that echoed through the apartment. A ball of unnerve lingered in the gut of the lycan, and what really itched was an aggression that he did not know how to fight. All he wanted to do was help her, but he knew nothing would be able to take away what had happened to Lanara Banks. Each night when the nightmares rang, the man had jolted along with the witch. Brushing strands, cooing the woman even if she did not remember nor recognize the touches he gave. And the notice on the door? Well, a part of him wanted to go knocking on the landlords door and give him a what-for. Then again, the two did not need to end up homeless on the streets, but at the same time, Lanara was sure to do that to the both of them. The lycan would just not say it, for he knew now that he wanted her to stay more than ever. As for walking through the streets of Cenril for ink? Well, now he wanted her to go on without him, but the witch would never let that happen, now, would she? The lycan through the streets is running his tongue with a dirty look of ‘why’. As they reach the parlor, the man looks around. “I think you’ve lost your mind,” is all he could say. “How is a petty drawing going to make our relationship closer? That’s, like, zero logic.” He grumbles, but then again, just in time, Meri comes into view. “We are -so- not ready to get inked. She’s delusional.” Was he wrong? Lack of sleep, right? What the hell was the witch even thinking?

Meri :: The blonde had no shame is reciprocating this little bestie ritual, she'd definitely pinch and poke Lanara right back. However....! The pleasantries would not last for long. It was not because there was understanding of what the couple might be going through right now, Meri was blissfully ignorant that her friend was going through such a struggle right now. It was because of the words that came spewing out of Tiber's mouth. Shocking. While Lanara was gone? Meri might have managed to react a bit more gently to the other werewolf. All bets were off now! He's going to watch Meri roll her eyes blatantly at him, which happens right as he comes into view too. She might not have been able to see him prior? But she could still hear him. He surely understands, it's a werewolf thing. "It's actually not nearly as illogical as one might think. You two would have to spend some time together communicating about what you want, where you want it. I would recommend you go with something small..." For a number of reasons that the artist does not highlight. Like she is donating her time and materials on this. It's not like Meri really actively tattoos for a living anymore, this is more of make shift parlor. Usually the space functions as a gallery for art to be sold. The blonde settles into a seat, picking it at random. She doesn't seem to have any interest in furthering preparations, nor her equipment. It seems like Lanara and Tiber have quite a bit to figure out still. "But you two just let me know once you actually get on the same page. I am not one to tattoo those who are unwilling...." Though if she knocked Tiber out...he'd at least be quiet....

Lanara is really wishing she was having one of those nightmares right about now, as awful as they are, mostly because it would give her an excuse to sock Tiber right in the kisser. Instead, she does one better, and spins on her heel and gives the lycan a look that is sure to make him eat those words. “Oh. So… You’re saying you don’t want us to get closer? I thought that we were working on ‘us’ and that you wanted this to work…” She’s pissed, obviously, because she never thought the man would decline the offer of some badass ink from a badass artist. Meri is known realm-wide for her artistry and the couple should be honored that she agreed to tattoo them, so there is no way that the witch is backing down on this matter. Plus, it means a lot to her, because it was on Belgemine’s bucket list! The only other people she would even consider getting inked with would be: Talyara, who is squeamish about needles; Khitti, who would ask too many questions; and Meri can’t very well tattoo herself! Swallowing hard, Lana juts out her lower lip and full on pouts, throwing heart-wrenching glances Tiber’s way every few moments for added effect. The lycan often gives the woman her way, but in truth, she’s equally as wrapped about his finger. “I just thought we could get matching tattoos… You know, it’s like a promise ring, but not?” Best back up Lana. Tiberius will full on freak out if you mention anything related to marriage! “It’s a way to show that we belong to each other… Even if we get it something that no one else understands, or if we get it in a place where only we can see.” Lana turns her attention to Meri, “Help me out here, please… It’s like our handshake, right?! But in ink!” Thankfully, Meri tries to put the male in his place, but she looks a little miffed and flops down without arranging the ink and sanitizing the station. Lana knows her friend won’t take back her promise, but if Tiber bails on the plan… How would she fulfill her bucket list? Ask a stranger? That foul mouthed chef? Perhaps, a certain Backstreet Bard? “Can I look at one of your design books, Meri? I was thinking of the ‘infinity’ symbol… Or perhaps something with hearts?” The lycan would loathe hearts. “Maybe something on my wrist? I already have the runic marking on one wrist… Or maybe the collarbone? I definitely think on the smaller side is best!” After several moments of incessant babbling, Lana lifts her chocolate hues to lock with Tiber’s amber eyes, “Come on… I will even hold your hand if you’re scared.” If he continues to battle her wishes, she just may ask the psion to knock her boyfriend out.

Tiber had a distressed wrinkle in his forehead, but retracts when he squints at the blonde before him. Perhaps it was a love-hate (but not really hate) relationship with Meri. The fact that she cared enough to scrape him off the streets from his drunken stooper, or the fact that she was Lanara’s best friend, he knew he had to walk the tightrope with the other lycan. For Lanara’s sake. Or maybe he actually had a mild heart for the lycan. That could be true. One would never know with Tiberius Lowell. The witch then stops him in his tracks with that bitter lash of disappointment. “I…” he looks a little defensive with his hands up towards the witch who is standing up to him. “I -do- want this to work, but a tattoo, Lana? Really?” And then the pout begins, and the man is looking towards Meri to help the sinking ship, but really time is ticking and Lanara is getting fussy and… emotional. The woman’s emotion was intensifying, and Tiber could feel it all. It was just ink, Tiberius. And then, what comes out of Lanara’s lips throws him off-kilter. A promise ring. Ring? Ring? Ring? Did the woman want marriage? “Uh,” the man then has a look that is disoriented as he stares back down towards chocolate pouty eyes. He fumbles on words as if breath was taken out of him as she looks back at Meri for a back-up. Which Meri actually sort of soothes the spiral of Tiberius’ thoughts. “Communication. Err, of what we want.” That was not a ‘yes’, but only the thoughts of thinking about it. The gears were turning, people! Then again, as the witch mentions infinity symbols and hearts, the man wants to leave immediately. “Hearts? Really? You want to put hearts on me, Lanara?” So it was a yes. A hard yes. “A joke would be better.” Harsh. Wow. “Something that symbolizes us or something. Whiskey.” More Tiber than Lana. “A flower or something for you,” he suggests. “Can’t we get different ones?” The man scratches that for the fear of stiffness that would play if he suggested them getting different tattoos. Sven forbid. Keep going, Tiber. “At least do like a moon or something. An eternal cycle? Or I don’t know. Just no hearts, for the gods sake.”

Meri is momentarily shifty eyed when Lanara mentions wanting to reference a design books. It was not really in judgement of the witch, but more that it had been so long that Meri had done this sort of thing that she had not even remembered to pull out said books. From there Meri has to try and remember where they were even left. Did she have them here? Were they packed away in storage at Cal's house? Back when this was paid work, Meri would have definitely been armed with this book. "Uh, give me a moment." The blonde disappears through some door within the gallery, probably a storage area. This is going to give Tiber and Lanara plenty of chance to bicker between the two of them, though that's not to say that Meri still does not hear what is said. They'd have to get into pretty hushed tones. It's probably for the best Meri takes herself out of sight, she is in that storage room openly snickering over the way Tiber is stammering at the mere mention of a ring. When she returns, she presents a book of design to Lanara and explains to them both. "Yeah, look. I am banning all hearts, butterflies, and flowers during this tattooing session. I don't need Tiber completely hating me for this ink." In most cases, she'd side with Lanara. But naw, this time she'd go to bat for Tiber. The dude did not need that sort of ink. "A moon might be fun. Probably a crescent moon though, over a full." Meri lifts a brow. "Unless we did a small moon scene with a couple clouds and a couple stars. That might look nice on the inside of the wrist. Probably not the collarbone though..." Meri is peering at Lanara's collarbone right now, trying to imagine how it would look when placed. "It might also be an interesting piece for the side of the neck, just behind the ear. But I think a crescent moon would look better there...." Once more, Meri seats herself. Waiting for the couple to work things out. "Either place is going to huuuuuurt though...." She looks to Tiber, as she spells out, "Though, sometimes how much it hurts depends on how much sass the artist hace received from their client...." Cue an innocent grin, except everyone in this room knows that grin really is anything but.

Lanara internally winces when she sees the completely stricken look on Tiber’s face at the mention of a promise ring, even though she was merely trying to point out the fact that a circle is endless. Hopefully, much like their love? “Sorry. I know. It was just a slip of the tongue. I meant…” She gives up trying to explain, as Meri hands her a sketch book with all sorts of designs, some that give the witch great pause. Why did she even care if Tiber would never consider marriage? It’s not like she’s going to live long enough to walk down the aisle! Which is also partly why she wanted Tiber to be the one to get a matching tattoo… Something to remember her by, for when that day did come. And something for her to take to the grave, as it was a small piece of him. “Right… We don’t need to over think it, if you would rather just get something matching but not meaningful. Or maybe we can get an identical tattoo, but with different colors.” The pout is much less as she debates with her lycan, but there’s still a hint of sadness in her tone. Lanara is trying her hardest not to think that this will be the last time she’s inked by her best friend, that Tiber isn’t completely opposed to the idea of spending forever together, and that she is fulfilling Belgemine’s final wish. Her emotions are on overload as she slams the book shut and shakes her head, “I’m not seeing anything in there…” Dark hues are glued on Meri as the blonde suggests a moon, something that is of great importance to both Tiber and Lanara, and something that symbolizes wolves and witches. “I love the idea of a moon! I would love some cute little stars and hm… Where do you think would look best?” She seems to be leaning towards beneath her ear, on the side of her neck, but of course the professional tattoo artist would know best. And Tiber’s input is always welcome, too! Now, Lana looks at Tiber and her tone softens, “Maybe you can have the clouds instead of stars? That way it’s more masculine.” Her lip twitches as she adds, “Although, I think a huge heart around the moon, in a pretty pink hue, would be more fitting.”

Tiberius was relieved that Meri is cheering for team Tiber on this one. He knew that the blonde’s influence was huge on Lanara’s perspective. Lanara slams the book and he frowns. “Chill,” dear Sven do not start a bigger fight, Tiber. “We’ll figure it out,” he tacks on like a boyfriend should do to save his hiny. With the thought of the moon, he smirks. Maybe he was good at this. Do not push it, Tiber. The lycan folds his arms. “Yeah, no stars for me, but I like the idea of behind the ear. Surprisingly.” It was a little edgy for the male to have something on his neck. Maybe. He might still get called out by it, but then again, he would beat a man senseless if he had to. Flashback to the wedding crash: Tiber beating a man with a shot glass. What a rage. His gaze then falls on Meri’s little innocent smile at the thought of pain. “You would. I bet you’re really going to enjoy this,” he observes the other lycan with a furrowed gaze, but a smile is trying to poke through. One of challenge, if anything. The man then quickly glares at Lanara who suggests a pink heart. “No,” the tone is flat and hard. Do not scare the poor man away.

Meri issues a harmless wink toward Tiber. Would she enjoy it? Probably. But if she really wanted to inflict pain on the other lycan, both know she really did not need to wait for this situation to arise. Meri's good with her fists. If anything, she was just giving the other lycan a bit of shhh....and well deserved shhh at that. Meri heard what Lanara said about the pink heart, but she does not react. She'll let Tiber deal with that. The artist has already spoken her rules....! And that rule included a ban on hearts. She points to a chair, this one actually cushioned so that whomever sitting in it will be comfortable for a potentially long duration. The other two? A bit more plain, but hey, at least seating was provided. "Alright, Lanara. You are up first. Have a seat, make yourself comfortable, and so on." While she waits for Lanara to do this, Meri will grab all the sanitation stuff she needs off her supply cart. "So to confirm. Cresent moon...?" She was not clear on if full or not. "Behind the ear." That she was clear for. "More like his and hers tattoos versus a hard core matching concepts, because hers will have the stars? And his the clouds?" Once everyone was comfortable and all the details were confirmed, Meri would start...by cleaning skin.

Lanara drums her fingers against the binding of the sketch book, as she imagines hurling it at that flawless Catalian face for telling her to relax. How could she ‘chill’ over something that had such meaning?! If those unfathomable brown eyes housed daggers, the lycan would have already been sliced, diced, and served over rice. “Crescent with some stars sounds wonderful! Maybe with some navy blue shading, and the illuminated part in a golden shade?” The three chairs are eyed, but being the polite little witch that she is, Lanara sits her legendary arse in one of the less comfortable ones. The oversized gray sweatshirt is tugged over her head and tossed to the side, as she wears a simple black tank top beneath. She wasn’t one to bleed much from tattoo’s, but she wasn’t taking any chances since the plague. Pulling her long hair into a messy bun, the witch hugs the rear of the chair and tilts her head to the right, baring the left side of her neck. “The left side is closest to the heart… And I know that a crescent moon symbolizes time…” Odd, how they settled on a piece that referred to time, which she was short on. But, this moment isn’t about her, it’s a bucket list promise that she made to a late friend, and it’s an activity to strengthen her bond with Tiberius. Extending her hand, she waits for the lycan to take it, if he even will amongst all their bickering. “It’s going to look amazing! I’m really happy we are doing this, Ty.” Lana smiles at the male now, all earlier anger dissipated, as she obediently remains still so that Meri can sanitize the area. “How is Fleur? Cal? The fur babies?” She had only seen the psion a few days prior, but she liked to check on certain details every now and then.

Tiberius smirks at Meri before he wanders to plop in the other free chair. He grabs one of those look-books to flip through. He let’s Lanara do the answering now because… really, it was just ink. Just no hearts, and he would play along now. That way he did not get the guilt-filled fit of the witch. Time passes and it takes Tiberius a few minutes to actually catch on that Lanara’s hand is lingering open for him to grab. “Oh,” he reaches out with one hand and closes the look-book with the other and places it down. “If you do mine, Meri, no color. It can have the shading, but color? Eh,” unless Lanara says otherwise, then he would get color. “Maybe, you color my world,” he teases flatly to the witch before his eyes wander elsewhere. “See babe, you don’t even need a heart because the left side is closer to the heart. There you go.” He is just mindlessly babbling now as he stares in other directions lazily. And then, his direction moves towards Meri to listen to her response. Best to let Lanara take on the caring small talk details.

Meri :: Lanara's suggestion with the coloring is noted and already falls in line with what Meri was envisioning. Tiber's want for no color, while it may not be what she had pictured in her own mind? Is going to be easily met. She nods at both requests and then stores them away in the back of her mind. Lanara would feel the cool sensation of some sort of sanitizer being rubbed against the space that Meri planned to work with. Alas, if the two wanted her to do this? She was going to do it her way. Which means the artist is going to skip the step of actually doing any sort of pre-outlining with temporary ink and seeking their approval for positioning. She was just going to dive straight into making the design permanent. Since Lanara was up first, Meri would pull the appropriate colors from the already prepped ink. It would be black that Meri would start with, While Meri heard Lanara's query, she does not answer straight away. Business first, she warns the witch. "And you're going to feel the bite of the needle right....now." And then it would begin. Thankfully the piece was small and Meri has had much practice with this, it honestly would not be dreadfully long before she would be finished with Lanara's piece. "Everyone is doing just fine. Cal is busy as usual, between his work and whatever side projects he has going on these days." Meri was not entirely sure, it was not often discussed when they did have a chance to speak. "Fleur is doing well. Growing up quick. We really need to get you out to see her soon. And the pups are all healthy." There really was not much to say on that front! Plus Meri's attention was split between the outline of the crescent moon, the placement of the stars, a bit of the shading too. Not all of it needed to be shaded in blue, there did need to be a touch of black. It's probably good Tiber was here. Conversation was never Meri's strong point when she was also focused on art.

Lanara can’t believe that Tiber left her hand just hanging there, waiting for contact, for almost an entire minute. As he finally takes her hand, she gives his a gentle squeeze, and rolls her eyes when he states that she colors his world. A smirk finds its way to her lips as the male is now reassuring her that they don’t need to add a heart to the design, as she was mostly teasing, but he had taken her serious. Lana remains still as Meri cleans the area and visualizes the design that she would be inking to her skin, “You have to make sure you don’t move, even if the pain is a bit intense. Because it’s permanent and you don’t want to screw it up, Ty…” This is the second male she’s gotten a tattoo for, but after the whole dying and being resurrected a long time ago, she was born again without any art. Thankfully. She is more than content to have zero ties to that loser Eirik. This tattoo means much more to the witch than she lets on, but Meri would recognize the depth, as tears brim in the woman’s eyes the second the needle touches her flesh. It’s not pain, not by a long shot, that is causing those unshed tears to well, but Tiberius would think it was the sensitive area that had sparked the reaction. This was not pain in the physical sense to Lanara, and although it’s a moment of sadness, it’s also one of happiness. Tiber had agreed to get a mostly matching tattoo, their emotions were on the same page, and they were bound by art. Speaking of art, the witch finds that her sight is limited in this position, but she still sees quite a few paintings and she scoffs, “Meri… You should have asked me for a donation to your gallery. I would happily paint you a piece! Remember when we painted fairytale portraits for Khitti and Brand’s wedding present?” It did –not- go well, and Lana’s piece was likely to end up in a dark hallway or perhaps at the bottom of the nearest dumpster. But naturally, Taly and Meri had been encouraging and so Lanara thought she had a knack for painting. “I’m glad that all is well… I really do have to visit with Fleur soon! Maybe Tiber and I can babysit one day, it’s the least we can do, since you’re tattooing the both of us.” Lana falls silent as the area grows numb after the outline is done, and as the shading is next, she merely looks at Tiber and wonders what the male is thinking. He seems bored, a little distracted, and she is a little concerned when she softly asks, “You okay? The pain isn’t that bad… Plus, you’re a badass, babe. You can totally handle this, I promise.”

Tiber finds himself watching the needle intently as Meri speaks. The man catches glimpse of the Kelvarian tearing up. He gives the elf a reassuring squeeze. “Hey, it’ll be over before you know it.” It was true, and he could not feel the sadness from the witch at all. To him, it hurt her, but in his mind small ink was a breeze. He was not fearful of the pain--no--only curious of the art itself. Tiberius had caught witness of Meri’s sketchbook before, and… she had been good. He could probably admit that outloud if he was feeling nice. The women talk of a baby and a husband and animals--it really is out of the lycan’s comfort zone, so he remains quiet for the meantime and out of his body in other thought. When Lanara mentions the idea of babysitting, however, Tiberius blinks back into reality. “You’ve got to be--” and before he could catch a glare from anyone, “Yeah, I love kids.” Not. Not in the slightest. Snot, drool, dopey looks, and pet names were not his thing. Well, unless the pet name happened to come from the witch, herself. He did not mind ‘babe’. That was fine. Right now, however, with Lanara staring at him wondering what he is thinking. Well, his gaze is wide at the thought of babysitting a child. When was the last time he even talked to a child. Did Fleur even talk? “Fine,” his eyes stare into space towards the ground and then a squeeze reaches her palm before he stares at her. “I’m great. Totally cool. Not worried a bit.” Though, he might have been thinking about kids and marriage too much today, so maybe he was becoming worried. The idea of marrying Lanara, if that was a thing, and taking care of babies? How did that all manage to slip out of her mouth indirectly today? Dear Sven. Was it hot in there?

Meri would have asked Lanara! Except she was a bit gone! This is not a point that Meri reminds Lanara of in the moment, instead interpretting this statement as the witch chattering on to try and keep her mind off the pain she is currently experiencing. Meri had not forgotten the painting session they did for Khitti's bachelorette party. "Oh yes, I have not forgotten. The door is always open for you if you ever decide that you would like to make a donation." It would probably end up the talk of Cenril. Talk of having Lanara and Tiber babysit is met with a loft of the brow. Lanara she would trust. But Tiber? I guess since Lanara was there...but Tiber....? Would not even rate as a last resort in Meri's book. Meri clears her throat on this point and sort of skirts around this with, "I'll try and talk to Cal about it. He can be...particular sometimes. Or maybe paraniod is a better word. Past experiences with witch hunters and all...." Yes, when in doubt, blame Cal. She'd probably come around, because she trusted Lanara with her child. But...again, Tiber? Meri would be chewing on this thought will she puts the finishing touches on Lanara's tattoo. She'd wipe Lanara's neck clean of the extra ink and blood before bandaging her up. Neither would get to see the tattoos until the end, and they'd do so together. Tiber was up next, Meri would point to the chair that Lanara was told to vacate and this process would repeat itself in an almost identical fashion. What would be the same was the fact that Meri would also take the time to make sure the space she was going to be tattooing has been disinfected. What was different? She did not pick the same colors that she did not Lanara. In fact, she did not use any at all. He would also not receive stars. But all of this would first start with the outlining, just like with Lanara's.

Lanara hadn’t been thinking that Tiber was paying close attention to her conversation with Meri, but as soon as he’s about to fuss over babysitting Fleur, she narrows her eyes and is ready with a retort. Thankfully, the male wisely minds his manners, because the woman is going to be needling his flesh next! The witch wasn’t overly fond of children, but she had volunteered quite a bit at orphanages and she did teach ballet to little ones. The only kids she knew closely were Fleur, Dominic, and that albino abomination her sister adopted and freed into the wild. Still, Lanara enjoyed the fleeting moment she had spent with Meri and Khitti’s offspring, and if she were able to bare children, she would have eventually become a good mother. Maybe. Although, seeing as Natianara turned out to be a psychopath, who knew what sort of genes the witch would pass down?! “Yes, that would be lovely! I’ll paint something truly wonderful, and filled with vibrant colors! Maybe a parrot? Or a rainbow!” Lana is all excited now, babbling about animals and various types of backdrops. After a few minutes, she’s –still- having a conversation with herself about how she’d love to paint a rainbow wrapping around a parrot, similar to a sash, and how it would draw guests from all over the realm. “We could have a viewing party!” Eventually, the tattoo is complete and the witch quiets down and although she’s eager to see the piece, she doesn’t touch the bandage or sneak a peek. “Thank you so much!” Smiling, Lanara eagerly pulls Meri in for a brief hug, “Seriously… I needed this, thank you.” The words are but a whisper meant for the psion, but of course those with enhanced senses would interpret the sentiment. Rising from her chair, she ruffles Tiber’s hair and takes his place, as he is next to be tattooed. Lana can sense that something is amiss with the man, but she doesn’t pry in front of Meri, thinking he’s just nervous about getting inked. Maybe he didn’t like needles? Was it the bit about babysitting? She would be silent for a bit, maybe it was all her endless talking that had put him in a strange mood. She sits close enough that if he wants to grab her hand, she wouldn’t have to reach very far, but she’s out of the way of Meri so that she won’t bump into her hand.

Tiber snaps back into the world before he trades places with Lanara. His head is still spinning. The man does not say a word. Something was off, but Meri disinfects and presses the needle in anyway which makes his head grow even lighter. Not because of the pain, but maybe lack of blood-sugar and because the thought of Lanara being officially moved into his house and matching tattoos as a “promise ring” made his head woosey. Promise ring. Promise ring. Was he bound to marrying her now if he had this tattoo? Did Lanara want marriage? Because Tiberius Lowell would be the last person anyone would even want to consider marrying. He probably would not even marry himself. Marriage was a piece of paper. He knew that. Did Lanara know that? Did Lanara know that he knew that? The needle keeps pinching and prodding and with each poke his vision goes into a blur. By now, the man looks pale and for a moment, his world goes black although he still keeps his head up somehow self-consciously so the needle does not slip off. The man would probably come back to consciousness once Meri was done. In the meantime, his gaze seems out of this world because he was truly out of this world.

Meri has herself a good at the thought of having a viewing party for Lanara's work, but if this is what the witch wanted to do then Meri would really not have an issue humoring this notion. "Sure, why the heck not," she says to Lanara some time before the witch departs from the chair. Meri could not exactly place what was going on with Tiber right now, but she was starting to tell that something was happening. In this case, Meri attributes it to him being nervous over the needle more than anythig else. "Don't think too much about it, just breath. We'll be done with it...." See? Despite her threats of pain she was being moderately nice, trying to offer some amount of comfort. And that's about when Tiber loses consciousness. Meri pauses for a moment in her work, as if trying to determine if she should stop and wait for him to come to? Or just keep going? It's a struggle. In one hand, she's already started and he did consent. On the other hand, maybe she should wait to make sure he is okay? But then again, what if he comes to...only to pass out again when Meri resumes work. Whatever conversation was happening right now is forgotten as Meri works through this. Finally, she decides to proceed...How Tiber is even keeping his head up right now is impressive. Meri is giving Lanara confused glances until the very end, and then once Meri is done? She cleans him up and applies a bandage to his neck. This would have been the big reveal moment for them...! Except, Tiber still does not seem fully there. Meri's not sure what to do. This is all on Lanara from here on out. "Uh..."

Lanara remains quiet as Meri works on Tiber’s tattoo, stealing glances here and there and admiring the art. The psion truly had a gift and she’s honored that she granted Lanara’s wish, even though she hadn’t told her the whole story. The witch merely stares at her best friend for a long moment, taking in every detail and committing it to memory, because memories are all that remain when one passes from the realm. Or so the witch had been told. Tiberius is unusually quiet and Lana knows that something is bothering him, and by the worried glances that Meri is tossing her way, she finds herself gripped with concern. “Oh Goddess!” Lanara snatches the male’s hand and applies pressure to the fleshy space between his thumb and pointer finger, as she loudly states his name, “Tiberius, Tiberius… Tiber. Hey…” Meri finishes bandaging the male’s neck and at this point Lanara is on her feet and snapping her fingers in front of the lycan’s face, hoping he will ‘snap’ out of this stupor. “This is all my fault…” The witch retrieves her sweatshirt and purse, and upon not finding anything medicinal, she throws her hands up in frustration, “I am at a loss, Meri! I… I, uh, can’t use my magic…” That statement alone is a red flag for those that know Lanara, as the witch lived and breathe magic. The thrum of power in her veins is still there, however, she doesn’t have the energy to wield her magic while she is cursed with the plague from Kelvar. “Maybe I should take him to a Healer….” Panicking, Lana claps loudly and ruffles Tiber’s hair, trying to do anything she can to pull the man back into their world.

Tiber does not even feel the prods of the needle anymore. The skin on his neck is numb and all he could really hear is a still sound of a shrill noise in his ears. Meri’s voice is completely out of reach, but luckily she finishes the tattoo anyway. Tiber’s first tattoo besides the branded burn on his wrist, and he passed out, and it was not even due to pain. He was sure that Meri would not let him live this one down, but he is willing to keep it that way for Lanara’s sake. Who knows how long the world passes by. The man cannot feel a grip or anything until Lanara starts calling out in a panic about taking him to a ‘healer’? Why? What was wrong? A hand ruffles through his hair and suddenly he fades back into the current world. A sting on his neck. A light head and two women staring at him. One in panic. One in awkwardness. “Uh,” he feels groggy for a moment trying to get his bearings. Where was he again? Then it clicks. Meri was there with her needle and ink and Lanara with that fresh patch on her neck. “I…” he mutters. “I’m fine, Lana,” he groggily says before attempting to stand up in a slight sway. The man pauses as he gets his grip on the floor beneath him. “I should’ve.. eaten beforehand. It’s fine. I’m fine. The needle must’ve shocked me.” His voice is still now from the grogginess, and there was a mild flush of red on his neck despite the ink. “But I should say that we should probably get going, so that doesn’t happen again. There’s probably a food vendor down the way.” Awkward.

Meri remains perplexed. Did her needles maybe have a touch of silver to them and she was not aware? Meri was of course the last person who would know this, Lanara was correct in her thinking that it would be quite hard for Meri to tattoo her own self...depending on the location. It did not exactly feel like a moment for Meri to try and turn the situation around and bust out the mirrors. Tiber probably needed to go home and take it easy for awhile, the blonde was not going to stop the couple in their departure. Priorities. "Yeah, it's probably a good idea to get yourself a bit to eat on the way home. Maybe stop and grab yourself something sweet to drink, I hear that helps sometimes." Meri shrugs. In most cases, Meri would not show both Tiber and Lanara to the door in the fashion that she is. In this instance? She wanted to make sure that Tiber did not take a tumble down any set of stairs at any point. She was not entirely sure that Lanara would be able to stop him on her own if that did happen. "I hope you both enjoy the tattoos..when you have a chance to sneak a peek." The fact that Lanara had declared she could not use magic did not exactly escape Meri's notice. A conversation for another time, like when Tiber in back to his normally sassy self!

Lanara gasps when Tiberius finally resurfaces and she quickly moves so that he can lean on her, as he finds his footing. An arm is slide around his waist, and she peers up at him with worried eyes, though she’s relieved that he’s ‘back’ and speaking. “Meri did a wonderful job, you will love it, once you are all, uh, feeling better!” The woman is petite at Tiber’s side, but she’s there if he needs her to balance himself, as she scans the psion’s face and gives her a knowing look. Hopefully, the fact that she is unable to wield her powers would be kept a secret. Tiber didn’t need to know, especially when he was so out of sorts after a few pricks of a needle. “Thank you so much, Meri… I’m sure they are beautiful and I will reach out to you in a few days? We can, um, talk?” So many secrets, so little time, the witch is starting to second guess her return. She would hurt them, and she was already hurting the poor lycan, who is now asking to get a bite to eat. “Okay, let’s go to that kebob place you like on the beach, Ty. We’ll get you some of that pineapple chicken you like, and maybe some sweet tea?” Lanara didn’t want to give or receive any answers tonight, she had already had her fill, and her priority was getting Tiber fed and put to bed so he could rest. Even though the event didn’t go as planned, the tattoo had surpassed their expectations, and both the lycan and the witch would be giving major kudos to the psion in the morning, when they had their unveiling of their new art!