RP:In Sickness And In Health

From HollowWiki

Summary: It’s the morning after the hunt and Tiber and Lanara wake up at the clinic in Sage Forest, both feeling the backlash from the night prior. The pros? Skitch and his cronies are no longer a threat, the Amber Lunation handled their first group hunt with ease, and Corrine will never look the same. The cons? Tiber sustains a serious injury to his hand and will need future surgeries and extensive physical therapy, Lanara is a bundle of contradicting emotions, a few members of the Pack worry about their leaders’ sanity, and Corrine is still among the ranks until proof is found of her wrongdoing. The newlyweds leave the clinic with more questions than answers, but vow to unveil everything in the days to come. No matter what happens, one thing is for certain, Tiber and Lanara have each other's backs and will remain a united front.

Part of the New Moon, New Motion Arc

(Post 1 of 2) Lanara :: The night prior had been one of catastrophic consequences, of minds that had reached their breaking point, of retaliation that had been long overdue, and one that had left several individuals scarred either physically, emotionally, or even a bit of both. Skitch and his crew of lowlifes had been slain in the streets of Cenril. Corrine had been bested in a fight, hurled Lanara over the side of a cliff, and suffered the fate of Karma. Lanara had been pushed to the limit and had nearly ripped off the redhead's face, before casting a lifelong hex against the woman ever ridding her fair face of ugly scars. Tiberius, the Alpha of the Pack, was wounded the most of all and spent most of the night in surgery for his wrist. The Amber Lunation had their first successful hunt, but they are now questioning their Luna’s hair trigger decisions and worrying that their Alpha may snap at any given moment or abandon his role. Eventually, everyone parted ways and hoped to sleep off the night and wake to a new day with hopefully less drama.

(Post 2 of 2) Lanara wakes up as the sunlight rises and although her vision is slightly blurry from all the medications she had been given, she can clearly see that she’s still in one of the clinic’s rooms. Her gaze drops to her wrists where she can see that she had been tied to the bed as she had valiantly fought against Ruari, because she didn’t want to be separated from Tiber. Her mate had lost a lot of blood and his hand was hanging by threads, so when he had lost consciousness Lana had flipped out. Greyson and Bjorn had to strongarm her away from the male and she distinctly recalls threatening everyone in her vicinity, until someone had injected her with some sort of agent that had rendered her unconscious. It only lasted long enough for her cuts to be cleansed, her dislocated shoulder to be popped back into place, and for the witch to be cleaned up and placed in a thin nightgown. Lana woke up furious that she had been given medical attention against her will, and moreso when she learned that Corrine had been given something for pain! She again resorted to kicking, screaming, crying, and begging to either finish off Corrine or be allowed to see Tiber. Nothing seemed to please the grumpy witch, and so Nick had carefully carried Corrine back home, rather than upset Yerrel or interfere with the healing process of his Alpha and Luna. It was then that someone injected another sedative, and that one kept her sound until this very moment. The Kelvarian recalls all of this rather clearly and vows to apologize later to everyone for her antics, but right now she’s busy trying to remove the binds from her wrists and ankles. The adrenaline is still pumping, as Lana hates how uncomfortable things were with Tiber before, during, and after that dreadful hunt. She needs to know if her husband is alright, she needs to see him, and she needs it right this minute!

(Post 1 of 3) Tiber :: Changing from the wolf, Tiber really wanted to pull that letter opener from his bloody forearm. Tiberius had looked pale, his arm was shaking, a small sweat was on his brow, and his pupils were wide. Signs of shock. There was shock with not understanding why he could not move his hand. There was shock that Lanara had fallen so many feet from being pushed. The man was trying to battle against the stretcher until Greyson put a hand on Tiber’s shoulder to keep eyes even with the Alpha. “Tiber, you’re not okay. Despite something so minor, something’s amiss. Sit. Let me take care of you all. That’s what you put me in this position for.” On cue, Tiber steps back before laying on the stretcher that was made. The man closes his eyes as he tries to focus on his hand. Move. Just move. Eventually, the group is off.

(Post 2 of 3) Tiber did not remember getting clothes on. He was awake, but everything had been a blur to him with a rapid heart rate from the hunt that had gone south. Would Lanara hate him forever? Would she loathe the wolven life? The walls are closed in on him as he is in a very vaguely familiar place. A very tall half elf is hovered over the man as he is propping the blonde lycan’s legs to elevate them. One with raven-black hair and piercing blue eyes with clean stubble. Ruari. Ruari Erickson of the Kelay Healer. “Hey, Tiber. Heard so much about you through the grapevine. You’re in good hands, my guy.” Erickson concludes. Tiber swears he could hear his wife screaming and fighting in the background which causes the half elf to stand to deal with the chaos in the background. How he wanted to see her face again. She was okay, right? Tiber in this moment can feel his heart start to slow and slowly eyes move down to his arm that still has the letter opener lodged in. In the background, he can hear voices. “He’ll lose his hand if you don’t do this now,” an elderly voice claims. “His artery is completely massacred and some nerves around it. If we mend the artery, we won’t have to amputate. Nerves can come after, but the ulnar artery is the first thing that needs to be tended to in order to keep the limb,” Yerrel observes before his voice is distant as the elderly man must be moving to the next patient. Ruari sits on a stool next to Tiber. “You probably don’t feel anything in your hand, but as I work with the nerves… you’ll feel a lot. I’ll try to numb the process as best as I can, but… you’re going to feel some discomfort.” Discomfort was the nice way of wording the process Ruari was about to put Tiber into. Greyson is in the background. “Do it. Just do it.” The Beta speaks for his Alpha as Tiberius has no words to voice in this state of… confusion.

(Post 3 of 3) The blade is slowly being slipped from the nerves and flesh and is completely extracted. “Agh,” Tiber cringes and seethes. Ruari is working quickly. Placing pressure on the wound that is running out of oxygen and blood flow. Suddenly a yellow glow illuminates in the closed curtain. Tingles fill the forearm as Ruari provides a slight numbness to the damaged area. The working of the thin layer of artery feels like pins and needles underneath the magical glaze Ruari creates. After Tiber waits, eventually a pulse begins again. Blood flow, but… what about movement. “Tiber, I have to warn you, what’s going to come next… I can’t guarantee it’s not going to hurt. I just need to warn you.” Nerves. Nerves were extremely sensitive to work with. Even a numbing magic would not be able to help so much with the pain that Tiber was going to feel. From the closed curtain, the other members of the Amber Lunation would hear curses, groans, and… painful, piercing screams for a long period of time until the pain was so unbearable the man blacked out. The glow still illuminates from the curtain for another thirty to forty five minutes. Tiber, however, remains unconscious for the remainder of the night. When eyes slowly wake with sunlight, he feels woozy from the heavy medication they had put him on. Ruari automatically opens the curtains where Tiber lies so the cranky Lanara can see her husband clearly. Tiber is strapped by the chest due to the surgical procedure Ruari had to perform, and Tiber’s hand, wrist, and forearm is bandaged up tightly. Amber eyes settle on the little feisty witch, “Hi, baby…” he says softly with a small smile and a little groan due to the grogginess.

Lanara manages to slip free of her left wrist restraint and she’s working on her right when the curtain is yanked back and Ruari fixes her with a stoic expression. Clearly, he’s not amused by her behavior, nor does he seem shocked that she’s trying to bust out of bed. The witch pauses, her fingertips on the cloth that binds her wrist, as though she had been a child caught stealing cookies before dinner. Her cheeks are flushed with embarrassment, as well as from exhaustion, as she had been fussing with those restraints and her blood pressure is probably nearing stroke level. Chocolate eyes shift from the healer to her beloved, and she drinks in his handsome face, noting how pale he is and the fact that his forearm is heavily bandaged. Did they have to amputate? Does Tiber hate her for leaving him alone to deal with Skitch? Shame is on her face, as clear as day, and although she wants to apologize and go lay beside him on his bed, she settles for a meek, “Hey, Handsome… How are you feeling?” Lana licks her lips and finds that her mouth is dry and her voice is hoarse; likely from all that shouting! She looks as though she’s about to say more, but she doesn’t want to incriminate anyone. Ruari is a kind man and he’s doing his job, so she doesn’t want to make the man uncomfortable by discussing how they murdered someone or by crying and telling Tiber how much she loves him.

Tiber :: Ruari, despite the stiff gaze he gives Lana, assists the Kelvarian out of the clasps with a heavy sigh because he has dealt with crazy patients before. What Penelope would do if she was here? Why did he have to have the night shift? “Careful, Lana. Your body is still adjusting too.” Tiber stares from afar at the Kelvarian before he stares down at his bandaged limb. How could one little letter opener cause so much damage? Ruari would then walk over, letting Lanara do the same before Ruari helps Tiber untie himself. “She was very adamant about trying to see you, clearly,” Erickson’s voice is flat with mild annoyance. Couples. The Catalian’s honey eyes stare at the little angel in the thin nightgown. How long has it been? “You were out for the rest of the night,” Erickson answers for Tiber. Tiber slowly shifts on one elbow to get a good look at Lanara and tries to sit up. Ruari slowly helps the man adjust. Tiber was awkward not using two hands. “I’m feeling… nauseous. Like I need to eat.” Ruari sucks in his cheeks and chimes into the lover’s conversation. “Well, nothing is worse than ‘clinic’ food, so I won’t keep you too much longer. Lana, I suggest you sit, too when I tell you what happened.” Ruari pauses and looks at the two. “When I was working on you, Tiber, I wasn’t able to connect everything back, so… we might have to do another round of surgery once the artery fully recovers and the nerves heal. I know you’d think it was so minor, but… the artery that was struck can be very sensitive… as in, you will have to work through physical therapy to regain use again. And if you cannot get the full reuse of your hand? Well, I guess time will tell. As for the nerves, places of your hand can feel numb, but I’m hoping to get a chance to restore where you are feeling the most discomfort when we try this the next time,” Ruari concludes. “We don’t have a PT expertise in here. Miss Halifax wants to one day work on that, but… she can’t really do it all, per say, so we are going to have to recommend you to someone in Cenril. Someone we all trust to work with you, Tiber. I know this is a lot, but… we want to help you through this. Celeste will make sure she gets the information to you, and I’ll make sure she gives you your prescription because… you will be in a lot of pain for a couple days. But… your vitals look good, and well, whenever you’re ready, we can release you.” Tiber idly watches the ceiling as the words flow from Erickson’s mouth. Skitch hit right where he needed to before he took his last breath. Tiberius would still be left with the mark and haunted memory of the toxic man who put Lanara and Tiberius through hell. His head slowly turns to look at Lanara. “So can we get going and eat or what?” That was it, Tiber? That was his response? Erickson has a strange look on his face at Tiber’s response to what was being said. Was denial setting in? Ruari slowly speaks before Lanara has a chance to, "I assume you two have a lot to discuss. Celeste and I will get that medication ready and when you're ready for more information regarding recovery, we will talk soon."

Lanara slides from the bed with a triumphant grin as she awkwardly pats Ruari on the arm, before they both move over to Tiber, and it’s only when the healer is telling her to also take a seat that worry settles in. Tiber is talking, breathing, calling her baby, and he’s hungry! Sure, he’s pale, but werewolves bounce back fast, right? She had been brought in with a dislocated shoulder, a nasty concussion, broken ribs, and various bruises and scrapes, and while she may not be dancing for a few weeks she isn’t bedbound. Lana still feels sore from the night prior and she’s favoring her ribs, but she could care less about her own health right now, as she takes hold of Tiber’s uninjured hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. She looks at his face and very much wants to kiss him, but Ruari begins his speech, and they all fall silent and give him their attention. Lanara is in shock that a letter opener could do that much damage and she realizes that the wound should have been -hers- and not her husbands. Skitch was going to be her kill, they decided, several months ago! If Corrine hadn’t chomped down on Asha’s tail… If Tiber hadn’t gone in there alone… Lanara wouldn’t have been tossed off a cliff, she would have been struck with the blade and it would have been her in this hospital bed getting this news. She feels sick to her stomach as teardrops threaten to spill, and her voice is thick with emotion as she addresses Ruari, “Thank you for taking care of us both, and especially for everything you’ve done to save Tiber’s hand… We will definitely be using that physical therapist and hoping for the best. Are there any restrictions? When should he begin therapy?” Her endless questions fill the air as a single tear trickles down her cheek and she abruptly stops talking and stares into space. Things will return to normal someday, right? Lana glances at his left hand, realizing that he won’t be able to feel his wedding band, not that they can wear it in public anyway. Her sad gaze lifts to lock with Tiber’s amber hues and she is grateful for one saving grace; that the letter opener hadn’t been silver. “You will be okay, babe.”

(Post 1 of 2) Tiber :: The tall half elf scratches his beard. “Of course, it’s my job. Plus, you know Nel would kick my ass if I refused. And I would be out of a job. And a friend. Friends, even,” he smirks, but that smirk drops into something stern. “No mixing alcohol with this medication–as natural as it is.” Pause. “Also, I recommend a sling for a bit until we take the stitches out. No lifting anything heavy nor trying to use the hand until we take the stitches out either. Mind you, since, well, you two are… exceptional to the average body that walks in here, those stitches should come out in a matter of a couple days. Then from there, we can talk about the therapeutic process as nerves are a whole different ball game when it comes to a quick healing process. Right away once we get the stitches out would be my best answer for that one.” Eyes shift over to Tiber who is still not saying anything related to the injury. Ruari, however, turns to grab the sling that he talks about to help Tiber wrap his arm with support.

(Post 2 of 2) Tiber is now miffed at the thought of not drinking whisky and that the hand could not heal quickly like normally his wounds go. Could he just drink instead of taking the pain killers? The man then listens to Ruari who is talking about not doing anything with his hand? What about guitar, lifting things around the house, lifting Lanara during sexy time? The use of his hand during… Eyes close with a quiet wince as Ruari helps the man put his arm in a sling. Tiber had to be helped? When was this a thing? He could do it himself. “Thanks, but… I could have gotten it.” Ruari nods at Tiber’s response. Lanara is getting emotional about it all and Tiber begins to shift before his eyes become ‘careless’. “Babe, it’s just a hand.” He had to tell himself that. For her. “Can we just… go home?” Really, all the man wanted was to eat and then spend the time laying in bed with his wife. Ruari nods to Tiber’s request. “Of course. Let me go grab that medication.”

(Post 1 of 2) Lanara makes mental notes of everything Ruari says, and when he comments on them both having exceptional bodies she laughs and nods in agreement, thinking it’s a compliment. However, he quickly follows up with talking about stitches and she realizes that he’s -not- referring to her legendary derriere! Hopefully Ruari will just think she’s a little ‘off’ still from the head injury and not ask Nel if she could be institutionalized on their next night on the town! “We will be making a sizable donation, as well, and please give Nel my best.” As much as she wants to see her best friend, she doesn’t want her hungry husband to wait while she fills her in on endless girl talk! Tiber still isn’t talking much and he tries to downplay his injury like most macho men would, so Lana sighs and changes into a pair of generic clothes that are close to her size. They smell freshly laundered and she doesn’t have too far to travel, so she doesn’t complain. There’s also a pair of cotton pants and a loose tee-shirt, so once Ruari leaves the room after putting Tiber into the sling, she helps her husband to dress. She leans in and places a tender kiss to the Catalian’s cheek, “I love you and we will get through this together, okay? I got you, babe. Forever.” Once he’s dressed, she feigns a smile and leans back, “Why don’t we head home? The fridge and pantry are stocked, so I can make you whatever you want to eat.”

(Post 2 of 2) Celeste appears a few moments later with some medication, fresh bandages, and a small jar of infused tea leaves to calm the nerves before bedtime. The pale woman goes over the dosage with Lana and is about to turn and leave, when the witch rests a hand on Celeste’s shoulder, forcing her to remain. “Hey… I just want to thank you for everything you’ve done for us last night. You are a valuable asset to this Pack and I’m so proud of how far you’ve come in the art of healing others! I know last night was scary, for all of us, and for that reason I want to give you some gold to have a little night out with the others. Our treat! The restaurant in Kelay is under new management and I’ve heard the food is delicious. Maybe after that you can take Tybalt and Violet somewhere special? We owe it to them, as they had to stay behind this time.” Thankfully, the child hadn’t been around! “There’s this -adorable- boutique on the main street in Enchantment that sells cute odds and ends, so maybe Violet can grab a notebook or a new quill for when she starts classes. And next door is this mom and pop ice cream shop! It-” She’s cut off as Celeste nods eagerly and cuts her off, “Oh yes! I know the place! Corrine and Nick took Tybalt there a few weeks ago and he raved about it… At least until he got to the part where they took off and left him there alone! For nearly an hour!” She shakes her head at the memory, “I’m sure they meant well, and Tybalt said it was because Corrine was meeting with a friend, but we both know they probably ran off for some ‘alone’ time in the woods.” She accepts the coin and wishes them both a speedy recovery before leaving to visit with another patient. Lana is deep in thought, because Corrine doesn’t have -any- friends that she’s aware of, past or present, least of all in Enchantment! Maybe the couple used Tybalt as a ruse, while they ran off to meet with someone that could make a glamour potion? It’s a stretch, but her intuition is tingling, so she plans on grilling the kid in the near future. “Ready, Babe?” Lana turns to offer Tiber a hand, should he need the assistance. “Let’s go home.”

(Post 1 of 2) Tiber :: Ruari tilts his head when Lanara laughs. He guessed being a lycan was not a negative thing, but considering the serious talk, he did not think it was funny. Instead he blinks once or twice before continuing on. Lanara then talks of donation, and Ruari smiles charmingly. “Well, that’s considerate. We all appreciate donations for the hut. Especially Nel, which I’ll tell her you stopped by. I’ll glaze over what happened considering she will come knocking at your door in a heartbeat and disturb your rest time, but it’ll give you some time for the rest of the day until she pries through your records. I’ll save you the burden for today.” He smirks. Not that Lanara would mind Nel, but Tiber? Tiber might blow a gasket. When Ruari steps away, Tiber looks down at the hand and furrows his brow. He feels… aches in his forearm, but he also cannot register how his hand feels. He stands to grab the loose pants first. He can get the gown off easily, but with the pants…? He sticks one foot in before sliding his useful hand to extend the fabric. Lanara, however, jumps in automatically. He lets out a sigh to let her assist him because Sven knows if he did not let her. “Didn’t think through sickness and in health would be so soon,” he mutters very faintly for only Lanara to hear, for Celeste was still lingering somewhere. “You don’t have to make me something. I can do it. I’ll just make a sandwich or something.” Just then Celeste appears and he watches the two girls talk. “We are wanting to owe you, Celeste. You’ve been great,” he agrees with Lanara before listening to Celeste. He does not think much of Celeste’s comment about Corrine, for he did not really care for the redhead’s social life.

(Post 2 of 2) Tiber then looks at Lanara before they make their way out of the hut. “Can we just like… take three days to ourselves again? That was nice the first time we did.” He is in the clear and able to talk freely now that Celeste was gone. “Also, I’m so sorry, babe. You fell all that way. Are you okay? I’m sorry that happened. I shouldn't have listened to you. I should have made sure Corrine kept her stupid paws off of you.” He seethes. As tired as he was, he was still bitter. “Did you actually hex her…? Or was I dreaming that? I don’t really remember much… And if that -did- happen, why didn’t you kill her? Or Greyson? I just don’t get it.”

Lanara gives Tiber a real smile once they are out of the hut and she nods, “Yes. We are taking a few days to ourselves. No Pack business, no guitar or dance classes, no stops at the sanctuary, nothing! We can just rest and not have any worries for a few days.” The brunette leads the way, pausing here and there to see if Tiber is having any difficulty walking or breathing, taking her role of caretaker very seriously. “I -will- make you something to eat once we get home. How about I grill up a steak, some asparagus, and throw together a salad? I’m sure the pets are starving, too.” She slows down as they enter the clearing and their massive home comes into view, and she gives Tiber a sidelong glance as he apologizes. “It’s not -you- that should be apologizing… -I- am the one that should have faced Skitch. You never would have gotten hurt, Ty. That wound was meant for me, not you, and I should have just ignored Corrine.” The tears are threatening to spill as they mount the stairs and Lana unlocks the front door, ushering Tiber inside, before she locks up behind them. Ranger comes bounding down the stairs with his tail wagging and jumps on Tiber’s legs, before moving to Lana. “Hey, you guys have to be gentle with Daddy, okay? He has a boo boo.” She glances over the dog's head as he licks her face, “Babe. Why don’t you feed them, while I put together some lunch?” It’s easy enough to use his dominant hand as he only needs to scoop up some dog and cat kibble, and toss a few sardines on a plate for Aspen. Lana moves into the kitchen and washes her hands, before she removes some ingredients from the pantry and fridge, very much in the zone and avoiding a certain question. It’s as she’s dicing a cucumber that she addresses the topic, “You didn’t imagine it… After a few serious crimes, those that practice the craft believe that the Goddess will forgive us if we invoke the Rite of Karma. It saves her the trouble and all that, so, after taking so many hits from Corrine, I felt compelled to do it. Yes, I hexed her, it’s very real, and the only way to revoke the hex is to kill me. As long as I live on, so does the curse.” Lana is almost angrily cutting the vegetable, her cheeks a fiery hue, because she’s obviously -not- okay but she’s pretending nothing is amiss. “Shall I bake some cookies, Babe? Peanut butter or chocolate chip?”

(Post 1 of 2) Tiber feels relieved they do not have to do any duties. The only thing he will do is make Greyson and Bjorn rifle through Skitch’s files, records, and drawers. At least Skitch would owe them the medical bill and a nice honeymoon! If Lanara is not too worried about Tiberius’ state. That was the painful part. Lanara’s feelings of it all. “I’m fine, Lana,” he notices Lanara’s gaze over him from time to time during their trek home. He still looks flushed as he did feel rather nauseous due to lack of food and the amount of blood loss the night prior. The medicine was strong, and that was also fading as well. “Lana, you don’t have to cook five stars for me. Do you remember last night or did you get a concussion too?” Clearly her husband did not want her to bend over backwards for him, though the sounds of a steak had him slightly drooling. The house comes into the clear and he sighs as Lanara apologizes. It was not a sigh of frustration, but one of remorse. “You did nothing, Lana. This was -our- plan. Things happen. Life happens. We didn’t count on betrayal. For the second time. Corrine is to blame. If she didn’t ruin our plan, we would have -both- been there. You would have gone in to attack, I would have been backup to watch any last minute attacks. We would have come out clean.” He was adamant about that one. Reassuring his wife. “This,” he gestures to his hand and with his free hand, he reaches to lift her chin, “this is not your burden to carry.” He furrows his brow. “This isn’t going to be an easy recovery, but… I have you. I love you.” Once they enter the home and the animals bounce with excitement, Tiber takes a couple steps back and keeps a hand distance away. They each get a pet as he cannot just leave the animals unloved. “I’m fine. It’s all fine,” Tiber says clearly. Denial. Denial. Denial. He would realize it soon. The frustrations would come after the stitches were out. When he would be able to not actually move his hand. That would be when reality would set in.

(Post 2 of 2) Tiber moves freely to do as requested. He grabs the scooper to scoop the dried kibble into each bowl before moving to the fridge for… Aspen’s food. “This is just…” Nasty. The man easily opens the jar of sardines and scoops some of the fish out and slaps it into Aspen’s dish. Lanara is busy preparing the meal before she talks finally about the question she was avoiding. Tiber looks at Lanara grimly at the explanation of the hex given. He waits a couple beats before his voice lowers. “Do -not- let anyone know that. If she found out? She already tried to kill you once, Lana. It still doesn’t answer why we are keeping her alive? She’s completely terrorizing you and us, babe.” Lanara may be continuing to live life right now, but Tiberius knows Lanara by now. She is not okay and the man inches near her to reach out towards her. The aching begins with his surgical wound and he closes his eyes to take in the pain. “Talk to me, Lana. We need to make this right. I need to protect you. I'm not losing you again."

(Post 1 of 2) Lanara had moved onto dicing a tomato by the time Tiber finishes feeding their pets, and the small squares have been hacked to pieces and there is pulp all over the cutting board. Is she thinking of Corrine as she’s mutilating the vegetable? The clicking of the knife is grating on the witch as she has a slight headache, but she knows that Tiber needs answers, and she is determined to make him a delicious lunch. “I think after lunch we should go get cleaned up. I’ll run us a bath and help you wash, if you run into any snags.” Lana pauses as she pulls the steaks from the fridge, and quickly slices them into medallions, because she doesn’t want Tiber to feel bad as he can’t cut his meat. “I know your recovery will be long, but I’m certain you will recover, and I’ll be at your side every step of the way.” She puts the meat in the pan and a sizzling sound follows, as she readies another pan with some lemon and garlic and asparagus. Everything cooks as she turns to accept that embrace, but as Tiber winces in pain, she immediately reaches out and calls upon the element of ice. A cooling sensation exits her palm and coats the man's elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand, hopefully numbing the nerves and reducing inflammation. Lana groans softly and pulls back to rub her temple, a sharp pain in her head from using her magic when she’s not fully healed, and she sighs, “That should last you about a half hour, then you should take some medicine, yeah?” At long last, their meal is ready and she readies two salad bowls and two plates of food, before joining Tiber at the table. A glass of water is poured for each of them and the witch dives into her meal, not wanting to discuss heavier topics, just yet.

(Post 2 of 2) About half of her plate is finished before Lana lifts her head and takes a long sip of water, thinking about how best to broach the topic of Corrine Venger. “I’m okay… I think? I just never thought things would escalate to a place this bad with Corrine! She has had a serious vendetta against me from day one and I never did anything to retaliate, aside from the voodoo doll.” She pauses and looks away, “I’ve never hated anyone to this depth, either. Sure, I ‘hate’ my exes and my father and people who hurt animals or abuse nature… But, Corrine just makes me so ugly! I filleted her face like a fish, Tiber. I couldn’t hold back the impulse to destroy her, because it felt so good to finally get back at her in some way. Maybe it is because I’m a wolf now, or maybe I’ve just had enough of life taking a crap on me, on us.” Lana shakes her head, “I walk a fine line of neutrality with my magic and casting that spell took a lot out of me. I’m drained. I wanted to kill her, but more than wanting her dead? I just want the truth. I want to prove that she pretended to be me and seduced you. Then we will have real power and can kick her from the Pack, by either death or exile. If I killed her at that moment, she would have gotten off easy. I took her beauty which means more to Corrine than her life, because that’s where she’s powerful. Now, she’s a monster on the inside and on the outside, and she cannot hide.” It may be true, but Lana feels like the real monster. “I don’t want to pretend that we aren’t a couple anymore... It really hurt my feelings and I don’t like feeling like I mean less to you in front of others. We can keep our marriage a secret still, but can’t we just say that after you nearly bled to death and I was tossed off of -another- cliff that we made up and are a couple again?” Tears prick her eyes and she allows them to fall, she allows herself to be vulnerable in this moment. “It’s funny… I can cope with almost dying and us both being injured, but the thought of us not being together is what makes me cry.”

Tiber feels the cooling sensation that the witch produces. It soothes the aches for now with the numbness. He tries his best not to show how he actually feels. Yes, the coolant helps, but… the emotional pain has not set in completely for him yet. She does not answer him which leaves him clueless on what to say or do next, so instead… he just sits so they could eat. He sits in silence as the two of them are both exhausted from the night before. He slowly eats and is silently thankful that Lanara cut the steak into pieces for him without having to ruin his pride. The two are at a loss. Tiber is mid-chew when Lanara opens up about her feelings. She is okay? Oh, wait, nope there is more. Tiber stares at Lanara with a cool and comforting expression although the pain reflects in his brow. Corrine had come between them too many times, and for the redhead to make Lanara this way made the man crazy. So why not destroy her? No, Lanara wanted more. To show the world what Corrine really was. Ugly. An ugly person. The man listens to Lanara’s heartstrings. How she loathes they have to hide their love. It pained him too. He thought it would be easier because they had each other to come home to. Plus, Greyson and Talyara knew. He, too, wanted to show Lanara off to the world, but he knew why they were hiding in the first place. As the tears spring to Lanara’s eyes, Tiber drops his fork, swallows and reaches forward. “Then let's not hide anymore. Let’s find out the damn truth so we can enjoy our marriage. We can be a couple. Hell, I’ll tell the whole world I’m married to you. I want people to know that you’re mine. I want -her- to know that she didn’t get to us. That she failed. But if you want the truth first and our marriage to still stay quiet? Let’s find out the truth, baby.” He pauses. “Nick. Don’t you think he would know something? If Nick and Corrine ‘truly’ imprinted, why would Corrine do that to us? Why is Nick still -here-?” He winces again before he stands up. "I'm sorry, I need that medication now," he growls before pulling away to go find the prescription. "I'm still listening."

Lanara looks relieved when Tiber says that he wants to shout his love from the rooftops and to proudly show her off as his wife, and the tears that follow are ones of happiness. “I just thought maybe you had some regrets… When she was in that room saying that you wanted to be intimate with Violet, like she -knew- you, it just crushed me. I never want to be replaced or for anyone to think they can steal you from me.” She gives his hand a squeeze, “I didn’t want to get upset, I thought I could handle it, but after those amazing few days and getting married… I was just thrown into -that- and she was there and you were keeping up our act, and it just crushed me.” She sniffles, “I also think that Celeste is a little scared of me now, and I don’t want our family to fear me for what I’ve done. I just feel like I keep screwing up, and now -you- are injured and I know you swear it’s not my fault, but I am taking the guilt just the same.” She rises from the table as he goes to take some medicine, and as she clears the table and washes the dishes, she peers over her shoulder at Tiber. “I think I have a lead. Celeste said something about Corrine and Nick taking Tybalt to an ice cream shop in Enchantment, something neither of them would ever do, and apparently, they left him alone for quite some time to meet a ‘friend’ of Corrine’s. I’m betting they met a contact to brew a glamour potion. I don’t know for -sure- but my witchy senses are in overdrive. Also, Nick is alive because I’ve seen the way he is with Corrine… I don’t think they’ve imprinted, but I -do- think he’s falling in love with her, and so he must know something! After we fought… He looked so torn, he just kept looking from Corrine to me, and I know that loyalty runs deep with Nick. Maybe we can come up with a plan to make him come clean once we gather some evidence… He will cave long before Corrine will, trust me.” Lanara dries the dishes and falls silent, weary from their conversation and wanting very much to just spend some time with her husband, away from all the drama. After putting everything back in its proper place, she walks over to Tiber and wraps her arms around him in a gentle hug. “I love you so much… We will get through all of this, I promise, and you -will- get better.” She stands on her toes and trails kisses along his neck and smiles against the stubble on his jaw, “Let’s not worry so much about the answers tonight, okay? I think we should go upstairs and take a bath, then move to bed, and replace this pain with a little pleasure. Sound good, Mr. Lowell?” Lana pulls back and waits for an answer, hoping that he’s willing to tuck away their worries for a few hours, because they both need each other more than they need vengeance.

Tiber blinks. “Violet was just as shocked as I was at that statement, and I did -not- find it funny. Violet probably thinks of me as an uncle or something. The girl is like eighteen or nineteen. She was probably mortified. I have -no- interest in anyone else but you, Lana. I -married- you. I made my vows. I stand by them. I love you. I’m not like your sleazeball fiances. Any other woman does not compare, Lana. I’ve told you this.” He then walks to take the medication and leans against the counter. He has his water glass near him to help wash painkillers down. “Let them be scared. You know you. I know you. It’s the only thing that matters. Greyson has our back. I’m sure a majority of the pack is annoyed by Corrine's rude comments. No one likes a mean girl, so they say.” He grunts and fingers tap idly on the counter. He ponders ignoring the doctor’s orders by washing the medicine down with whisky, but refrains. Lanara would kill him. He watches the woman wash dishes, but his tired eyes show he does not have the energy to help. He feels bad, for she is aching too. “You shouldn’t take the guilt for something that was not your fault. Even if Skitch pulled the same move, I’d try my best to move in front of you anyway. It’s just what happens when we do shady crap. It’s part of what happens, Lana. Besides, did you think that I could just get away with everything I do? It’s about time this stuff has caught up with me. You know what we don’t think about? Loyalty and how we can be betrayed. Not saying that Corrine was ever loyal, but it was -my- mistake to let her come with us.” Beat. She takes her turn… A lead? “You think the kid didn’t beg them for ice cream?” He thinks over it, and how prior he said Corrine was a ‘mean girl’. Demented, more like it. It did seem rather suspicious. “A witch in Enchantment? Clearly Enchantment is clear in its name that it’s full of magic users. Now, how would we dwindle who did it and get them to confess?” He carries on listening to Lanara and her puzzle pieces… Nick. Nick can confess. “You think Nick would spill even if he was falling in love with Corrine?” He questions but his mind grows weary as the medication begins to settle in. “I think we should talk to Tybalt. After all, he was there with them until they left him. Maybe he saw someone too? Outside the parlor?” It was all hypothetical. The man leans his head back as he is having a hard time thinking now. He is tired, the sensation around his arm and hand is causing him to get weepy due to the medication. He was about to be a mess in a hot minute. “Let’s talk about this later,” he groans and when she walks over to place the trail of kisses, he whimpers because he is needy and just wants to love on his wife. “And if I don’t…?” There comes the emotion. It was underlying. The medication was making it evident, but right now was not the time to dwell because they would unravel answers another day. Tiberius nods before he presses his lips briefly on her own. “Sounds good, Mrs. Lowell.” The two then slowly maneuver up to the bathroom to bathe, cuddle, and just… be.