RP:Guiding the Gold

From HollowWiki

Frostmaw Arena

Sasha had clearly gotten the general idea that you couldn't wear floaty garb in Frostmaw. Instead, now she donned a set of clothing lined with warm fur. She had even, gods know why, boots. Her eyefire was not lit right now, leaving her blind. She seemed to be standing very still, staring off into space. In reality, she was practicing being able to feel vibrations in the ground even while wearing shoes. She hated shoes. With a passion. She wanted so much to prove herself, it had been the whole reason she had come to Frostmaw. And even now that she had the fire of the dragons burning in her soul, she still remained. She was as ever, stubborn.

Satoshi moves through the stands with all the drifting, soundless qualities of a ghost, a mannerism--along with her ethereal features--that long ago earned her the nickname. The snow beneath her feet hardly suffer an indent from Satoshi's passage, the only sound coming from the kit being a soft, nearly inaudible humming. A haunting sound, to be sure, with its shifting notes that brush down one's back like so many icy fingertips; yet, alluring, with looping notes that coil about one's head and seem to beckon them forward. These musical elements coupled is Satoshi's Phantom Song, a mixture of dirge and lullaby, that both incites instinctive fear and persuades curiosity. Buried as she is in the simple pleasure of singing, Satoshi doesn't make any outward reaction as to whether or not she's aware of Sasha's presence, instead continuing to circle the arena by weaving through the stands.

Sasha was, in fact, rather perturbed by the sound. She shuddered as chills went down her spine. The cold in this area drove her nuts. But wait.... that wasn't just the cold that was putting her on edge. It was something else entirely. She decided to follow the sound, slowly lifting her hands above her head to light her eyefire. This would, of course, give her the ability to see... but it would also light up her location, the ball of fire floating in mid-air was something fairly difficult to miss. It wasn't something you saw every day. Sasha's verdant eyes squinted as she looked to find the owner of the voice.

Satoshi, upon reaching her personal icy seat at the forefront of the arena, pauses. Just in time to see the floor lit up with a small figure standing at the center of the fiery light. Satoshi takes a moment to squint at the fire-caller as whiskers twitch, silently sending her awareness through the snows to 'sniff' about the person before bringing the information back to her. Having detected the familiar from the figure, the magus's face adopts a faint smile. "Little warrior, hullo." She moves to sit within the frozen chair with careful--almost painful--slowness, still watching Sasha with simple curiosity and a degree of fondness. "How does your training progress? I am sorry if I interrupted you."

Sasha was very quiet at first, as she herself identified the stranger. It was the woman who had invited her to come live in Frostmaw in the first place. "Lady Satoshi!" Her voice had a tone of excitement in it, she truly did look up to the foxkin. "It fares well. Although... I'm not sure I'll ever get used to this cold..." She said with a soft laugh, and slowly began to approach. Satoshi might recognize a few differences in Sasha's appearance. Now, the freckles that once scattered all over her face were gold in color, and shiny like the metal itself. There were also some small scales of shining gold color on her shoulders, spattered here and there, like the freckles on her face. She lowered herself down at Satoshi's feet, sitting on the cold ground. Thank the gods for the warm clothing she was wearing, elsewise her buns would have gotten frostbitten. "I... actually had a question I wanted to ask you." She said with a curious tone.

Satoshi takes note of the scalish qualities newly acquired on Sasha's features, but makes no comment on them. She's found some people are touchy when they've undergone physical changes. Satoshi prefers to err on the side of caution when it comes to manners--and throw caution to the wind, in all things magic and adventure. What's the worst that could happen, as she and Svilfon are fond of saying. Smirking at the thought, the magus looks down to where Sasha has seated herself and lifts a brow. "A question? By all means, ask away."

Sasha suddenly felt very shy. It was one of her greatest flaws. When her general existence was noted by another person, she tended to hole up and get very nervous. She closed her eyes for a moment to calm herself, and then opened them again. "It's about something called the Eyrie." She blinked. "A friend of mine said you have someething to do with it. He told me that the Eyrie, whatever it is, is filled with great warriors... is that true? What is the Eyrie?" She was referring to Firewing, but since he had mentioned the fact that he wanted to leave their ranks, she didn't think it prudent to mention the name.

Satoshi waits through Sasha's hesitation and eventual explanation with more patience than is typical of her--in fact, the kit is considerably more quiet and introspective than usual. When Sasha does finally speak her mind, Satoshi regards her silently a moment more before replying, "The Eyrie is an organization of winged creatures, most often dragons and gryphons, and their humanoid partners. At the core, we're a military group, an air force, of sorts, but we also function as a rescue group and place of sheltered for orphaned, injured, or otherwise homeless creatures. And a family, as we all share similarities in our bonds with our partners. Some seem to think the Eyrie enslaves dragons for personal gain, but they're wrong. Dead wrong." Satoshi's expression darkens at the thought. "No creature of the sky is forced into working with the Eyrie. They choose to do so for a variety of reasons, the same as their partners. We've an Outpost here in Frostmaw, if you're curious about how we operate."

Sasha 's eyes glittered brightly. "Winged creatures? Dragons? Maybe... maybe your people can help me!" She was speaking quickly, her words almost all mushed together in her excitement.

Satoshi tips her head slightly to one side, still gazing at Sasha in that steady, nearly apathetic fashion. "What sort of help do you require? The Eyrie is always willing to lend a hand or wing where needed."

Sasha took a few steps back. "I recently... I recently discovered that I am something that I never knew about. All the memories that I had collected after the forgetfulness curse... I thought they were my true memories. But something must be missing." As she spoke, a pair of large, leathery wings began to sprout from her back, golden in color. "I know what I am... I just... don't know why... or how..." She continued to shift, the process taking a little while. "And I'm not very good at controlling my changes." After all of this, she finally was in her true form. Sasha now stood gigantically tall; golden scales all over her saurian body. A long pair of ivory horns pushed out from behind her head. Who would have guessed that from the petite frame of the wood elf Sasha would come the form a gigantic Golden Dragon? She lowered her body, and her head, so that she could be at eye level with Satoshi. Now, when she spoke, she didn't need to move her lips. Her voice rang out through the colloseum without her lips even budging.

Satoshi's expression, save for the flicker of a smile at the corner of her lips, doesn't change despite going from staring at a small, blind girl to a large, Golden dragon. As she gazes up at the gleaming saurian, the foxkin nods along to the words spoken. "There are psions among the Eyrie that might be able to help you search through memories true and false, to find your identity wherever it might be buried. Of course, there are also dragons among us, who would be more than happy to help you learn more about your true form. Visit the Outpost," she says, gesturing toward the towering spire of ice in the distance, "we will see if we can't discover what you wish."