RP:Fulfilling The Contract

From HollowWiki

Mage's Library

As you stand here, towers of bookshelves completely surround you. Most of them look to be magical in nature, but there are books of more mundane subjects in the library. Some are for spell research, some are about the history of spell casting and magic, while others are just lists of spell uses and objects. The cases are of a dark oak or pine, and glow a little at the ends, where runes have been placed to protect these sources of information from aging and decay. There are tables all over the room, with people of quite a few races sitting and studying. You notice a small door behind the rows of shelves to the north, and as someone opens and enters the room you see that it is the dormitory for those who stay here and study. To the east are two massive doors with designs carved into them, a golden dragon on each door.

Tyler :: Skylei's instructions for Jason to make his leave might well be ignored. For as soon as the words leave the woman's mouth, one hell of a ruckus can be heard near the entry of the library. Screams of patrons echo through the library as they try to avoid whatever -thing- happens to be making it's way inside. "Where is he!?" A guttural shout rings out. The sound of smashing bookcases are accompanied by the sight of books and spare paper flying about as a figure comes into sight, and it isn't very pretty. Joining Jason and Skylei in the usually peaceful library in Xalious stands a behemoth of an Ogre measuring around sixteen feet in size. The creature is covered in boils, missing an eye and has a nice bit of snot running down his nose that he continuously wipes away as he scours the area for his target. A milky white and partially green eye falls upon Jason and a twisted smile falls upon the beasts expression as yellowed teeth stained with blood and thick mucus offer a lovely glance of the beasts' hygiene. Moving across the library until he reaches Jason and Skylei the Ogre bends down and nudges Skylei away with his fingernail, "Now, now lovely, no need for you to get caught in this." His attention then falls solely upon Jason and his snarl returns. "You the one they call Jason pretty boy!?" His teeth begin to grind showing that the Ogre is in no mood to be toyed with, outside of the library more shouting hints that he may have traveled with a few friends.

Jason had begun to fold up the piece of paper, placing it inside the inside jacket pocket, when the woman came over demanding him to leave. He was about to make some witty, non-chalant, retort for the girl to hear as he ventured back to his reading but then a loud sound came from the doorway, which revealed a rather...Disgusting creature. This was definitely not the man's lucky day to say the least, first an irate female, now an ogre, what next? Jason stood, about to make his way to a more secure place within the library out of the behemoth's vision when the ogre called the human out. You know, normally? Jason, he was pretty damn calm but for now? An ogre? Tall pain in the arse? It got him worried quite a bit, "Me? No..I'm Frank.. Frank offf...Xalious, I tend the library, a janitor really.." THe words were stuttered and twitchy, as he stood from his chair and took slow steps backwards, right hand kept at his side whilst his left moved to push Skylei by the stomach, lest she move, back along with him in a retreat from the creature.

Skylei is not thinking rationally. If she was she would have left the orge to his business. As can be seen already, she's not particularly keen on Jason. In fact, she thinks he's an utter pillock, book defiler and she welcomes whatever pain the ogre wants to bring down on him. However! Sky is irate with temper and instead pushes back against the ogre when he tries to force her out the way. Not in her library. "As for you, disgusting creature, you can get out too! This is a bloody library not some place for idle threats and idiocy." She tries her hardest not too actually look at the disgusting creature that has entered the library in case she vomits from how vile he looks. She still prefers him to Jason at that moment, for the simple fact that the human had caused harm to Skylei's favourite thing in the world; books. Don't mess with the books. She repeats her threat to both man and beast, "Get. Out. Now." She means it. There is very little patience left. Then Jason pushes her in the stomach as though he wants her to move, "Oh get your hands off of me. He doesn't want to kill me and, if he wants to kill you, I strongly advise he does it -outside-!"

Tyler :: The Ogre lets out a heavy chuckle as Jason stumbles over his words though as his arm reaches out to touch the wood elf his expression turns very angry as brows furrow and his maw jerks open releasing a massive roar; "DON'T *explicit*ING TOUCH HER!" The Ogre wipes his nose once more and eyes the snot before licking it from the back of his hand. Skylei pushes against him and his eye falls upon her for a moment. The giant creature barely able to feel her tiny hands against his frame. "You'd be wise to mind your manners, little elven kin." Nothing more is offered to Skylei, as the defiled gaze of the Ogre turns to Jason and his wicked smirk twists upon his complexion yet again. "Well, -Frank-, A little birdy made mention that you might be Jason. Little birdy says Jason might be... what do the little ones say..." The green skin rubs at his chin for a moment, stopping to pop a massive whitehead that lay to rest, allowing some of the filth to possibly land upon Skylei or Jason. "...Ah, a homewrecker." The Ogre grinds his teeth once more, his jaw popping loudly with each motion as he raises a long digit to poke against Jason's chest, his fingertip bigger than the man's torso. "Little birdy doesn't like homewreckers, and if this birdy doesn't like'em..." The behemoth leans in close to stare at Jason. "Neither do we." A scratchy laugh is offered as the Ogre pulls back. His knees cracking as he stands back to full height and calls down to Jason. "Consider this your only warning, -Frank-." He hesitates for dramatics as he glares down to the man. "Leave the feline -alone-." Cracking his knuckles the Ogre turns on his heel and begins to make his way out of the library, pushing over some shelf's to move them out of his way, leaving the entire library in complete chaos.

Jason in his totally paniced state of mind may miss four to five quips at the ogres expense he'd love to make like, Don't felines eat birds? And, aren't cats a promiscous species anyways? Or, I am not the one smashing into another's library, breaking things.. No no, instead the man simply replied, "What species of bird again?" He of course, was moving backwards still whilst he spoke, arm having moved across the midsection of Skylei as he pulled her along with him till finally he stepped in front of the woman. "Should be quiet Miss, we're in a library." Okay, this time, it was definitely for a laugh, at her expense...But, he needed something to calm his nerves a little from the giant ogre. And then.. Shortly thereafter, the ogre was gone, leaving the library with a trail of damage in his wake.

Skylei doesn't care what the ogre has to say, though she can't help but be slightly confused that the creature seems to have her wellbeing in mind. Weirder things have happened. She tries to ignore the disgusting noises and motions from the orge, although, she cannot ignore it for long when some of the orge's filth lands on her shoulder and on her neck. Oh dear gods, it was on her skin. Skylei pulls the facial equivalent of 'ew-ew-ew-get-it-off-me' and flails her arms as she looks for something to wipe the gunk off with. She finds nothing and so has to use her elbow. It was utterly vile and Skylei looks like she's actually going to spew vomit everywhere as she wipes herself clean. She doesn't care for the orge or for the man who seems to be intent on mocking her. Looking over the scene of destruction in the library, Skylei turns to Jason, the only remaining culprit and shouts as loudly as she can, "Get out of my bloody library." All she had wanted to do was do some bloody work. No wonder she's so behind on her project!