RP:Frost Centaur DNA

From HollowWiki

Grassy Knoll Market

The road through Kelay is down the northern side of this hill, while more hills are to the east. A lushly painted forest grows in the west, but here, atop this knoll, there is no vegetation. Gravel covers the earth, creating an uncomfortable rest spot for everyone. Why this hill is covered in small stones, no one knows. To the furthest south of this area, though still in view, you spot a rather odd looking building of sorts which sports a rather large sign that reads, “Aranhil’s Amazing Aromatic Aerbals.” If you were to enter, you would see many plants, or bins full of freshly picked plant parts; everything from leaves, to stems, to flower petals, to roots, and even mushrooms. You find many bottles placed around the interior, each labeled something else and each with a description. Most of these appear harmless, as if one may use them as a prank on another; however, there are some that express using extreme caution, for they may even take lives. Others of course would save lives, in fact many more of the herbs and potions were for the art of healing than of trickery and pain. You look at the price tags as you browse through the items, and each price seems reasonable enough. You take what you will, paying the man at the counter. A small sign hangs from the counter saying “Restocked Daily,” letting you know that should you buy them out, a new stock would soon arrive. Happy with what you have found you may leave this place back outside and head west, north, or east and continue on with your life no matter your intentions with whatever you may have bought. ---

Aldred enters the shop once more, accompanied by Mia and walks to Aranhil,"You wished another word with me?"

Aranhil nodded, “I wondered if you may be interested in trading some of your hair, skin, ext, for three thousand gold pieces? I would need enough for seven samples.” The Half Elf wondered if the Frost Centaur would agree to the amount.

Aldred 's eyes widen beneath the visor accompanied by a quirked brow,"And what may I ask that these "samples" are for?"

Aranhil answered rather quickly, prepared for the question. “Im a herbalist, I plan to test the samples against poisons as well as other things. I am gathering such samples from other races as well.”

Aranhil nodded his head left to right, “I cant offer you what I do not have to give. Three thousand for seven locks of hair would suffice. Nothing else be needed.”

Aldred 's expression changes beneath his visor to that of question but he asks none. Quickly and procisely he begins to pluck each hair from his mane until seven rest in his palm. He then holds them forth to Aranhil,"Here are your sample then."

Aranhil smiled as he collected the samples. “And here is your gold.”

Aldred nods,"And a pleasure doing business."

Aranhil places the hair in its own tub and then quickly scribbles down a description of the Centaur and places it amongst the hair as well before sealing it tight and placing it below the counter with the human hair.