
From HollowWiki

Tifra told Daemon, "Hey -soft purring and the ozone read of magic- How are you tonight?"

Daemon told you, "Hello. ~Joy and curiosity~ I am well, yourself ?"

Tifra told Daemon, "-happiness affection- I am doing alright I have hunted the Enchanted Kingdom. -amused aggravation- It lacks a healer.

Daemon told you, "~the sense of a smile and longing~ Does it ? I had no idea. Are you doing some magic ?"

Tifra told Daemon, "-longing caring- No but it reek of it here there is a reason it is called the Enchanted Kingdom. Have you ever been here? If not we will have to see about getting you an egg."

Daemon told you, "Yes, I have been there. It is quite...amazing to say the least, though the ozone smell gets to me after a bit, just like if I am around the ocean to long. Damn enhanced senses and all that. ~laughter~"

Tifra told Daemon, "-pricks her ears startled- I did not know vampires could smell power?"

Daemon told you, "In that place I believe that most can. It reeks of it. Besides, each vampire is a unique individual. I have met some who could not smell or sense it at all. I was trained from an early age to detect magic in many way, smell being one of them. I admit though that I am not very good at it."

Tifra told Daemon, "-purrs- then you are lucky I have to breath through a mask of life magic around necromancers or be sick the smell so fowl. -a sens of movement the scent of night dew on leafs.-"

Daemon told you, "I haven't met my quota for mining tonight yet, however, I am thoroughly bored. Care for some company ?"

Tifra told Daemon, "I would love the right company."

Daemon told you, "I don't know if I am the right company or not."

Tifra told Daemon, "-crisp scent of chill clean air- Most likely not as I am not up a tree just now. "

Daemon told you, "Wait...what ? ~confusion but humor as well~ "

Tifra told Daemon, "-purrs- Sorry thought you sed canopy. You are always the right company. -humor affection- "

Daemon told you, "~laughter and affection~ Silly kitty. "

Tifra told Daemon, "-purrs- Some times. "

Daemon told you, "Only sometimes ? "

Tifra told Daemon, "Mostly around cubs.. Aren't you ever silly? -interest-"

Daemon told you, "Rarely, though I have been a few times with you."

Tifra seams to melt out of the shadows then pounces Daemon into a snow drift. "Hello hansom."

Daemon laughs as he is tumbled into the snow. " Ello yourself gorgeous. I didn't know you knew shadow magic ?" he teased, running a hand through her hair, brushing her ear.

Tifra purrs and shakes her head "Not magic just training, instinct, and practice." smiles and twitches her ears before scooping up a hand full of snow and letting it drift down over then both.

Daemon laughed again, brushing the snow out of his hair. " I figured it was. " He laughed, shifting his body and rolling her into the snow beneath him with another laugh.

Tifra laughs softly her eyes sparkling as she tickles his rids careful as always of her claws.

Daemon laughed lightly, darting back from her tickling fingers. " Naughty kitty..." he said with a fiendish grin.

Tifra purrs and scoops up snow making a snowball "Very." flicks her tail tip teasingly.

Daemon eyes her and the snowball with wary ice blue eyes. " Most definitely. Don't make me attack you..." he teased.

Tifra aims and throws the loosely packed snowball right at his chest.

Daemon gets smashed in the chest with the snow. " Ack ! Oh that is so it..." He moves with his inhuman speed, wrapping her in his arms while picking up a handful of snow. " Perhaps I should dust your pretty face with this..."

Tifra laughing nuzzles him under the chin her hands lightly gripping his shoulders "You wouldn't..." Dose not sound sure but the bond is flooded with playfulness and a calm warmth that is hard to name.

Daemon looks from the snow to the feline and back again. " Well...perhaps not. " He sighed dramatically, dumping the snow out of his hand. " I am such a pushover. "

Tifra laughs softly and hooks her right ankle behind his tripping them both back into the drift sending up a cloud of glittering snowflakes.

Daemon found himself under the feline once again buried in the snow. He laughed softly again, taking two handfuls of snow and tossing it into the air around them.

Tifra purrs and rolls off him but settles in the snow still smiling "Darn you look good against all that snow." Pricks her ears and tilts her head.

Daemon attempts to look at himself, then turns his eyes back to her. " Do I ? Does it give you...impure thoughts ?" he said with a wink.

Tifra purrs amusement, a few heated thoughts, again the unnamed calm warmth. "A few."

Daemon laughed lightly, tipping his head to her. " I'm glad to hear it. You look good against anything..." his eyes locked on her.

Tifra gazes into his eyes her own holding affection and something else.

Daemon cocked his head to the side, wondering what it was he saw in her eyes. Instead of asking he sent his probing thoughts to her through their bond.

Tifra is as always an open scroll to him. But just because you can read some thing dose not make it easy to define. There is deep affection, caring, heat, and many other emotions tangled together in a whole that is starting to resemble love.

Daemon 's eyes opened wide as her feelings filtered through the bond. He had no words, only the return of the feelings she felt and a small smile. His ice blue eyes twinkled as he looked into hers.

Tifra purrs and lightly kisses his cheek.

Daemon smiled a little wider, his hand slowly moving over hers as they sat beside each other.