RP:Encounters When Shopping

From HollowWiki

Summary: While shopping for the upcoming Valentine’s Day Ball, Celaeno and Zahrani run into each other.

Kelay Shop

Drapes cover the small square windows here, letting in very little natural light. The room is practically bathed by candles, each one placed strategically to permit optimal viewing conditions. Cearl, the new shop owner, no longer resides behind the counter. In his place is a nervous looking young woman bearing a strong resemblance to the old shopkeeper. A painted sign hangs upon the wall, faint splatters of blood marring the prices shown there. Being in the center of Hollow, this shop must receive very good business despite an atmosphere of grief.

Celaeno had walked all that way from Xalious, asking around to the different residents of Kelay where she might find nice clothes, dresses, anything of the sort she could use for the ball that night. Vailkrin was out of the question, and she couldn't seem to find her way back to enchantment, so her last hope seemed to be in that little shop across from the tavern. She strolls in, gauntlets tucked under the sleeves of her robe and standing more upright with the bulk of her pack left at the Mage Tower by her usual cot. She glances around, biting her lip as she studies the wares out on display. She'd never actually done this sort of thing by herself before...and it showed.

Another figure had just finished trying on clothes, and at the sound of the half elf's voice, Zahrani turns to face Celaeno. Her clothing consisted of a simple white button-up shirt, black pants, and black boots, but her physical appearance is the most striking. Were it not for the black fur on her pointed ears, the cyan eyes surrounded by dark brown skin, or the tail swishing behind her, the feline would be completely unrecognizable. Her form is still athletic, minus the black fur coat, and instead of a panther head, an androgynous face with deep set eyes, wide nose, and full lips greets the necromancer. The top and back of her head is covered in black hair, neatly braided to accommodate tight curls, and the sides are buzz-cut stylishly short to keep her ears uncovered. The butch-presenting paladin smiles sheepishly, her hands going into her pockets as she greets Celaeno "Hi."

Celaeno turned from the shopkeeper toward the greeting, her own slightly pointed ears pricking as she quirks her head toward who apparently seemed a stranger. The voice seemed familiar, but slightly off. The eyes were what she squinted towards, the most familiar shade as she walks up to the taller figure with her nose wrinkling, gears working to recognize them. If the Paladin's aura were there, then the ultimate conclusion would come quicker, but regardless Celaeno settled on the other's identity after a few minutes of awkward silence. "Paladin Zahrani? You look much different. Not better or worse, merely not how I saw you before."

Zahrani did indeed still possess her familiar divine aura. At Celaeno's comments, a warm chuckle comes from the paladin. The smile accentuates a few marks of age on her elf-like face; a few wrinkles around her eyes and brow ridge. It is a kind, mature face she wears. "Please, Celaeno. Call me Zahrani. Paladin is not a title. And I'm glad you noticed. I'm keeping an eye on things during the Ball tonight, so I thought I'd try a different look." It is also a way to exercise Freedom and Independence; she is not bound to a single form. Turning back to the elf, the feline asks, "What brings you here?"

Celaeno's cheeks heat up at the correction. Everyone was so casual in these lands was so informal, it prickled her carefully honed sense of formality. But, ever striving to be respectful, she takes the time to do another once over of Zahrani and finds it slightly easier to assess what title to attach to her, at least mentally. "Very well, Miss Zah...Zahrani." Her cheeks turn a more solid red as she glances about the shop at the different clothes, peering for anything hidden that hadn't been snatched up yet. "I...was thinking of attending that ball, the one at the Dancing Destrider. It's a pleasant enough place, and I've been told it's...tacky to reuse a dress from a previous event. I only hope this place has something that fits."

Zahrani stands next to Celaeno, idly running a hand through her hair as she looks around at the dresses available. It's interesting to be able to feel her hair against her own bare skin. Looking back at her friend, the paladin responds, "I'm not usually a wearer of dresses, but if you want, I can help you look around. What colors do you like?" She surveys the shop once more, her hands returning absentmindedly to her pockets.

Celaeno toyed with the tail of her tight braid as she glances around at the racks of what they had available. She peeks down at her silver fingers at the question, lips pursed in thought. "I...suppose it would have to match my hands. I haven't quite gotten around to enchanting the casual-wear replacements yet that let me use gloves. Something silver?" She starts to browse a few racks that seem to have more formal, and expensive, attire hanging on them. " What about you? What do you intend to wear? I'm sure a suit of armor would look dashing enough if you're going as a security detail."

Zahrani looks around some other racks, keeping an eye out for any glint of silver. "I was thinking of something a little less conspicuous. These clothes I'm wearing now are probably what I'll wear." She offers a wry grin, "Hopefully my face will also draw less attention." That part may very well backfire, seeing as she chose a face that some might have trouble looking away from, and others might just constantly look away to avoid the risk of staring too long.

Celaeno paused over a burgundy number she found, but the sleeves were too short and the neckline a bit too low. So she sets it down and continues looking about. "It is a nice shape you've adopted, and I can see you receiving offers to dance from those who aren't otherwise partnered off. You should still blend in fine, though." The half-elf sighed, pausing over a lavender dress as her shoulders slump a bit. "I do hope there will be drinks there, else I'll have to bring a book to keep myself occupied. I fear the friend I would have gone with has more pressing matters."

Zahrani carefully lifts a light grey dress with silver fractal highlights from the rack. Someone put a lot of work into it. She walks over to Celaeno and shows it to her, before adding, "Just be cautious with what you drink. Love potions get notoriously common this type of year. If you're into that sort of thing, I went judge... But I'll probably bring my own drink." The idea of another person toying with her emotions with a drink, without her consent, doesn't sit well with the paladin of Cyris.

Celaeno’s face seemed to light up at the gown Zahrani held up, and she admires the subtle accents before glancing at the sleeves and collar. Long and high enough, despite the lower cut in the back. Her hands freeze and tense at the paladin's mention of potions, a visible sweat forming on her neck. "That...I didn't think..." She takes a moment to compose herself, eventually nodding and picking up the dress' hanger. "I will keep that in mind. My thanks for the warning. I don't have a very good history with mind altering potions..."

Zahrani offers a sympathetic smile to Celaeno and nods in understanding. She's seen people take advantage of each other in some very toxic and primal ways. The culture of sneaking in mind-altering substances to other people is one of her least favorite parts of society that she has to deal with on a regular basis. "I'll be right there with you, in case you ever feel unsafe." She gestures to the white fabric sleeve on her left arm, "And if you feel like you need to leave with a friend, just squeeze my left arm a couple times. I can walk you out safely, no questions asked."

Celaeno nods, offering an attempted smile of thanks in return as she digs through her pouch and counts out the gold she has for it. Just enough! "I will keep aware. It was someone I trusted, it's how I lost my hands actually. Part of it at least..." She doesn't speak at much more length about the experience and instead holds the dress up to herself to be sure it had the right measurements. "Despite not wearing dresses, you have excellent taste in them! Perhaps I'll save you a very clumsy dance, should you become too bored."

Zahrani raises a brow at the short story that Celaeno tells about how she lost her hands. The paladin doesn't press further. At the mention of dancing together, a grin forms on her face, "Sounds like fun. Here's hoping nothing too exciting happens tonight." Hands in pockets, the feline walks up to the counter with the half-elf, remembering that she also needs to pay for her new clothes. It was thanks to a friend that she could afford them, the rest of the money given to her would likely go towards charity work here in Kelay. Larry can't seem to stop staring at Zahrani's face, the assistant just standing still with a broom in hand. Crialla appears to be trying to avoid eye contact altogether, and there seems to be a hint of pink on the shopkeep's cheeks.

Celaeno glances between Larry and Crialla as she walks up and awaits Zahrani to finish her business first before setting her own pay on the counter. A snicker slips out as it finally dawns on her why. "Should that be the case, I'm sure you'll have a line of suitors. Something a little exciting would be fine, I'm sure, just to break things up."

Zahrani takes her change, looking at the two shopworkers with a soft smile. To Celaeno, the feline simply shrugs, "Maybe...There will be lots of beautiful people either way. Not just the two of us." There's still a part of her mind that wanders to any possible scenario where she might need her armor. She can summon smaller wards that could double as armor in a pinch, but they require a lot more concentration. She's probably keep her mace handy.

Celaeno folded the dress across her arm, twice so the skirt wouldn't drag in the mud and dust on the road as she made her way back to Xalious. "Speaking of which, I should probably start getting ready so I'm presentable when it starts. It's quite a walk from here to there." She bows to Larry and offers a warmer departing smile to the feline. "I suppose I shall see you again soon!"