RP:Educational Field Trip (Part 2)

From HollowWiki

Synopsis: After waking, Nasada finds herself in a most wonderful location; Soon to meet a new friend.

  • Note: Started as a solo RP, evolved into a dual composition.

Characters: Nasada, Diryon

Location: Xalious, Mage Tower

Date: Jan. 26th, 2016

Two Days Later


Nasada slowly opens her eyes. A smile spread upon those ebon kissed lips, the blanket resting atop her slender frame was drawn in and cuddled. She was at peace, resting in her bed. At any moment her mother would be in to wake the girl and then prod her to get ready for the coming day. As the room started to come into focus, Nasada frowned, for this was not her room at all. It had all been a dream. A treacherous, teasing dream. Sitting up, and as fast as she had, was not the brightest idea. A dull throbbing in her head caused those youthful features to twist and grimace, the pit of her stomach feeling like it wanted to expel its contents- As few as they may be. The room came into complete focus now. It was some sort of dormitory with rows of identical cots, each with their own trunk at the foot of the bed. Including hers. It was completely devoid of life it seemed. "H-Hello?" she called out, as her bare feet hit the cool floor.

Nasada shivered. The room was quite chilly- more than likely due to the open window to the west. At first she looked to the floor, hoping to see her boots waiting for her. No luck. Someone had to have put them somewhere. The trunk, maybe? She thought better than to rifle through what may have been someone's personal belongings. No, instead she will just find someone and ask. It's more polite, she thought. After a couple moments of internal coaching, Nasada would rise to her feet, toes wiggling to fight the cold. "Helllllo?" she called out again. No answer. Cautiously she proceeded toward the eastern exit in search for somebody that could give her some answers.

Mage Tower

Nasada was awestruck as she entered into what she figured was the lobby of one of the towers she had seen earlier. Was it earlier? How long had she been out, anyhow? None of that seemed to matter as she poured over every element of architecture that went into creating such a beautiful structure. Approaching one of the pillars, she ran her slender fingers over the runes etched upon its surface, her lips parted, jaw slightly dropped with childish wonder. The sound of laughter echoed from the south, only catching her attention briefly as she could see one of the tower doors opened, showcasing a living background of nighttime sky and soft glows from nearby lanterns. She could recognize a couple of the structures she had passed on the way to the tower, and sighed in relief. Still with none to be found in her near vicinity, Nasada made her way to that spiral glass staircase and began to ascend in search of one of the local residents.

Meditation Center

Nasada found herself to be in some sort of meditation chamber, as evidenced by the various men and women sitting with their eyes closed atop what appeared to be very comfy pillows. Soft hums and prayer could be heard; The echo around the room washing over the young magi in a claming manner. Rather than disturb anyone, Nasada once more took to the flight of stairs and ascended upward.

Mage's Training Center

Nasada was met with a charming smile and a friendly greeting. "AH. You've risen. Welcome to the land of the living." Startled at first, Nasada looks over the elderly man, her form relaxing as she spoke. "H-hi... Who are you? Where am I?" she asked in turn. A polite bow was offered in her direction as the more experienced mage spoke. "I am Oriyan, one of many instructors in Xalious' Mage Tower. You are currently in the training center. I hope you slept well? We put your belongings in the trunk at the foot of your bed. You have been out cold for two days, I'm afraid. You look much better, however." Two days? Truly? What was happening to her?! Rather than dwell upon the worst, Nasada put on a brave face and politely curtsied to Oriyan. "I feel much better, thank you. I am... Raevyn. Raevyn McGowan. I came in search of a Library. Is there a library in Xalious?" The elderly man extended his index finger toward the stairs. "Two floors down, south of the dormitory you slept in. Do you require anything else?" Nasada grew a tad excited. FINALLY. BOOKS! Her raven locks shook back and forth as she answered. "N-no. Thank you. This is all I require. I am in debt to your hospitality. Thank you very much. " With a kind and gentle smile, Oriyan once more bowed before the young woman, soon to have his attention stolen by two students that sought his vast wisdom. Eager to get to work, Nasada descended down the stairs.

Mage's Library

Nasada entered into the Mage's Library from the Northern entrance, her boots and cloak in hand. They were just where Oriyan said they would be! She was far too eager to see this place of knowledge that she didn't even bother to put either articles of clothing back on. Her hair was slightly unkempt- but two days of sleep is sure to do that to you. Pale corpse-like blues traversed one side of the room to the other; deep down both amazed and overwhelmed- she had no idea where to start. To get her bearings, she approached one of the empty nearby tables and pulled out a chair to rest her belongings upon.

Diryon arrives just a minute after Nasada does, closing the door in his wake quietly. The mage is also after a certain text this evening, although it is very unlikely to be the one and the same article that Nasada searches for. The young man is left with a grin when he spots the woman seated at a nearby table, approaching the woman with a measured sort of stride. "Hey there," He begins, sensing that foreboding presence of dark magic but paying it only slight heed. Even dark magics are not inherently evil, after all. "Looking for something, are you? I usually study off on my own, personally, but I come to this place every so often for the rare text that isn't available elsewhere. Maybe I can help you?" All of this is spoken at a volume that's acceptable for such a scholarly place, of course.

Nasada was completely caught off guard! She froze on the spot, once more with jaw agape, as the forward yet quite friendly magi offered his assistance. She took a moment to comb over his features, noting that he couldn't have been much older than she were, if at all. "Uh. Hi." she spat out. Her black painted lips curved into an equally friendly smile. "Oh! Are you a student here? I- this is my first time.I'm not from around here, so i'm not sure where to begin. I am looking for a few books, maybe. I don't know." She paused and took a breath, calming her voice. She was probably being a little loud, given those dirty looks the nearby learners were giving her. "I need something regarding the geography of this land. I am looking for maybe historical encyclopedias of this land as well. I am also looking for some sort of text that details more occult type material, such as... souls or the afterlife."

Diryon considers Nasada's question and ends up shaking his head with a grin. "Not quite. My years as a student were spent in a different realm. Nowadays I study on my own, although I occasionally visit here to read their texts, practice spells or exchange ideas with other students of magic. One can only become so good on their own, you know." He nods as if she certainly knows this, and she may well. Listening to her requests, the young mage brings a hand up to his chin to stroke in thought. "Well, the geographical and historical works you're looking for might be here. That sounds simple enough. As for the occult articles, though..." The mage pauses, slowly rolling his shoulders in a shrug. "...That, I don't know. There is a library in Vailkrin, so I've heard, that specializes in that sort of magic. I've never been there, but I'd escort you there if you're interested, of course." He smiles charmingly, "Well, why don't we get started here looking for those other texts?"

Nasada 's eyes slightly widen at the mention of Vailkrin. There is it again! That word. Somehow it seems to enjoy creeping up on the poor girl. She nodded in confirmation to the earliest observation. "Totally understandable." she comments with a bit of a chuckle. "That would be very much appreciated, really. I think a venture to this Vailkrin might be best saved for a more future date. Very future." she says with a bit of a nervous look. "I've...um.. heard it's a bit scary out there." In a polite gesture, the woman extends her hand and offers, "Oh. How rude of me. I'm Na-" she started. Then it hit her. THe last few people she told her nickname to, they became very strange about her. Looking at her like some sort of freak, or making comments about demons. Yikes. "Er. Ah, Raevyn. Raevyn Mcgowan. Nice to meet you."

Diryon raises a brow when the girl stops mid sentence and seems to offer a different name than whichever one she originally intended. Even so, the mage doesn't particularly care much about what ones name is, nor is he intimately familiar with Nasada. Taking the woman's hand in his own, he gives it a gentle squeeze rather than a shake; more fitting for meeting with a woman, in his mind. "Nice to meet ya, Raevyn. I'm Diryon. If you're around this part of the land, beneath the Xalious mountains and all, you're likely to cross paths with me somewhat often." As for Vailkrin being scary, the young man grins. "It's not so bad. There's some creepy things about, to be sure, but most of them keep their distance so long as they're not harassed. Besides, I'd be there to help keep them away!" Chuckling softly, Diryon uses that hand of hers he still has in his own to offer her up to stand, "I think I can help you find what you're looking for here, though. Mind if I lead the way?"

Nasada rolls her eyes, the words to follow obviously intended to be regarded in a humorous manner. "Oh thank you, true and noble hero!" Her belly rumbled with laughter- something rare these days. "Well met, Diryon. I think I would like that." she noted, obviously referring to crossing paths in the future. He seemed very kind and genuinely helpful. Taking the assistance, she rises to stand (and without those boots she didn't stand very tall!), a gentle nod issued. "Sure, by all means!"

Diryon is sent into a short fit of laughter himself at Nasada's words. "Hero, no! But I've confidence in my ability. I do not fear many things in Vailkrin....save, perhaps, the odd dragon or two. When a creature's teeth is as large as you, it makes for a dicey day when fighting it. Best only to do it when your life or something similarly important is at stake." Helping the woman to her feet, he smiles with a gesture toward a nearby aisle of tomes. "This way, I think. The historical texts aren't as numerous here, so I imagine they're all confined to the same area." He begins to walk in his indicated direction, guiding Nasada along. All while, he continues speaking with the occasional glance over his shoulder. "Any reason why you're looking for these texts in specific?" He stops when he's rather deep into the aisle, glancing at the books and running a finger along the spines to locate texts of interest.

Nasada was almost lost in a waking dream. Where she had come from was not quite so wonderous and complete. Not in her wildest imagination! As they walked the corridors of literature, she couldn't help but find herself mesmerized by the amount of books that had come to be collected in this tower of learning. Although she did not mean to appear so rude, the first of Diryon's statements were blocked out. A simple nod offered in recognition that he had said something, perhaps something akin to a short chuckle. She couldn't help it, really. Everything was overwhelming! Shuttung her eyes tight and quickly oepning them, Nasada finally forced herself to snap out of that space she had been lost in and answer the magi's question. "Oh. Well. I am new to this land, really. Where I am from... it is very plain, you might say. I have seen more fantastical creatures and wonderous sights in my short time here than I have seen in my entire lifetime at home." Taking her cue to stop in turn, she smiled. "So I figure that I must do my best to learn of this land and its history if I am to survive here!" She then thinks upon something Diryon said earlier. "Are you from this land? I recall that you saud you were a student in another realm. Did you go off for study, or are you too new to this world?"

Diryon glances back at Nasada when she claims to not be of this realm. Coupled with that faintest hint of dark magic that he senses about the woman, something seems a bit...off. He obviously has no idea to the reality of her identity, but something seems a little odd all the same. Mentally shrugging it off, he smiles with a shake of his head. "Nah, I'm not. I left after..." He pauses briefly, searching for the polite way to put it. "...Exiled from my tower back in my homeland. I've been here, oh, say...a month or two now. I've yet to explore the entire realm, but what I have seen I've enjoyed quite a bit!" Finding the first of the desired texts that the woman mentioned - the geographical one - Diryon pulls it carefully from the shelf. "This one, I think, has the general layout of the realm along with some historical annotations. It also has some technical information about the geography of this place...but that's dry, drab stuff about latitude and longitude. Useful and necessary, but I think you'll find more of interest in the colorful bits." He smiles at that, offering it out to Nasada.

Nasada eagerly takes the first book in hand, immediately brining it up and under her nose. A huge sniff is taken- she really wanted to absorb that wonderful historical scent! "Oh. A short time. Like me." she said shortly after. Casually she opened the cover and examined the pages one by one, her focus still upon her newfound friend. "I too was exiled from where I came from. Left to fend for my own. It is a wonder how I ever found this place... the most oddest of circumstances, really." She offered a bit of a smile, her features then showcasing a bit of curiosity. "What did you do that would have you exiled? I mean. If you don't mind me asking?" She was nosy.

Diryon listens and watches as Nasada flips through the pages carefully and continues speaking. "Is it what you're looking for?" Her own question causes him to pause and grin, perhaps a bit sheepishly. "I wasn't exiled for nefarious reasons...really, exiled is probably too harsh a word. From a very young age, I lived the bulk of my life in the mage tower. I didn't respond terribly well to discipline, but I was a top student nonetheless. The elders and I had differences and difficulties...and when you're as young as I am, that doesn't quite fly. I was asked to leave, despite my ability. Not their fault, they do have their reasons and rules." Glancing back at the shelf in search for another text, he poses a question of his own to her. "What about you? Why were you exiled?"

Nasada nods affirmatively, indicating that it was indeed one of such books she had needed. To the revealed rebellious story of youth, she could not help but giggle to herself. "Ah. Yes. I know that all too well.. I too was cast off by my instructor." When the mage's lattermost question penetrated her ear, Nasada's lower lip curled inward, a pearly tooth digging into flesh in a nervous manner. "People fear what they do not understand... And they did not understand me." She frowned. "I wanted to learn of... more forbidden practices... and they just.. discarded me like a piece of waste. Not before branding me a heretic, of course." The woman's head lowered slightly, brow furrowed. There was still a little bit of anger there.

Diryon pauses in his search to glance at Nasada, a short lived smirk appearing on his lips. "Sounds like our stories aren't too dissimilar, then. What kind of forbidden practices? Like...darker magic, maybe? Is that why you were looking for that other tome you mentioned?" Perhaps this serves for that detection of dark magic around the lady. Maybe something isn't so odd after all. "If that's the case, they were just ignorant. The origin of magic doesn't make it inherently good or evil. I've seen good done with darker magic, and I've seen evil done with what is more commonly considered 'light' magic. Just because something is sourced from death does not make it insidious...but, I am certain you know that. It's them that didn't."

Nasada lightly shrugs a shoulder, her spirits lifting a little as she really absorbed her words. "Yeah. I guess you're right. It was they who chose to live in ignorance. I was just... opening my mind." For some reason she just couldn't believe her own words. She stood there in silence, admiring Diryon for taking time out of his evening to help her find what she needed. He was very kind and seemed like a very honest person. Could she trust him? Maybe he was secretly a creep. Her mother told her all men were creeps with ill intentions. That's can't be true. Not every one. After all, she was with Nasada's father after all these years. "Yes. Darker magic. The type that.. disturbs dead things." she finally said, the next of her words to be whispered. "You know. Necromancy?" A cautious look was taken of her surroundings. Not everyone might be as comfortable with the subject. "But.. no. The books I seek they are more for a personal reason. Curiosity, I guess. Understanding of something that happened a year ago."

Diryon nods when Nasada whispers that commonly known term for darker magic. "Yeah, I know what you're talking about...and the same thing I've already said is quite true. The types of things you'll work with in that field are undoubtedly morbid and creepy, but the practice is not evil. It's kind of like...a sword." He makes a gesture with his hands as if he is actually holding one. "If we made the blade all twisted or fashioned it out into one more than one point, it would certianly look wicked, but there is nothing 'evil' about it, all the same...really, I think you'll find that good and evil are rather black and white terms in a world of grays." He nods, as if he's quite convinced of his words. "What was the next book you were looking for, by the way?"

Nasada contemplated Diryon's words quite carefully. She had never really thought about it like that before. "Hrm. That is a very interesting...point." That last word was quite emphasized, ebon brow waggled. Did she just make a joke? "You are very wise, Diryon. I think you will make a very powerful and knowledgeable magi one day. Already you seem to have life quite figured out." A smile. She hadn't realized that they were slightly strayed from the original objective. "Oh! Um. Historical texts. Anything within the last few centuries, perhaps? Maybe older?"

Diryon grins at Nasada's joke, kneeling down to get a better look at the books on lower shelves. "Figured out? Well...not quite. I know more than some do, granted, but that means relatively little. I'm flattered you think that, all the same." He tosses a quick wink her way. "Historical, huh? I think we can arrange that, although the time frame makes it trickier. Let's take a look..." After overlooking several because they aren't quite what the lady is looking for, Diryon narrows his eyes and lifts another book from the shelf. This one is rather large, and appropriately hefty. "This one...I think...is your best bet, outside of a different library." He offers it out to Nasada with both hands. "I haven't read the entire thing, but I'm familiar with it on a superficial level. It supposedly covers quite a bit of history, compiled from much older tomes. Hopefully you'll find what you're looking for inside."

Nasada did not quite expect how heavy this book would be! Taking with with both arms, she swore that she might topple over. A year of malnourishment did a number on her strength. Obviously. clamping her lips together with just enough space to allow some air through, she puffs upward blowing a few strands of black hair from her face- she really needed to do something with it. Idle thought aside, she smiled. "I hope! Then again, even if it doesn't, I'll have years of material to browse through.." she offered with a chuckle, her gaze floatingthen over the vast library of books. When those pallid blues found their way to the youthful mage once more, Nasada's features softened. "So, since you've heard so much about me, I have to ask. What area of study are you partaking currently? What is it that you find fascinating, or perhaps valuable?"

Diryon smiles when Nasada is a bit surprised at the sheer weight of the book. "Maybe we oughta take those back to the table. They'd be pretty heavy together, and probably not that comfortable to lug around. You got yourself a good pack to carry them in?" Leading her back toward the table, he turns his head so his eyes can better meet the woman's own when she questions him. "Most of my studies have been in the area of elemental magic, although not exclusively. I've also dealt with a bit of summoning, and combined that with elemental magic to better construct elementals and golems. I'm better with certain elements than others...master in none, of course, but not a slouch in any of them either."

Nasada pretends that she's stronger than she really is; Back straight, arms held high and close to her chest. She could do it! "Pack? Oh. No. I... never even thought about getting one. Sometimes I kind of... forget that I can't just go home to store things." Her nose wrinkled at the thought. How depressing. As they approached the table, Nasada set the books down. At least, she meant to. A loud and echoing thud rang out that seemed to draw the eyes of anyone that was trying to study. The young woman winced, an apology offered to anyone staring. "Sorry. Sorry." You can bet those cheeks turned a little pink. "Elemental magic? Oh neat!" she said, taking the attention away from her little mishap. "I always liked the elements. I can make fire balls! Pew pew!" she joked with a giggle. "Although I really was terrible with the other elements. Not enough practice, I suppose.." Her butt hit the seat of a chair, one slender digit flipping open the cover of the large tome. "Summoning hmm? I don't think I've ever seen that particular craft. I have heard of it, but none in my town had really practiced. It sounds very adventurous!"

Diryon smirks when Nasada somewhat clumsily drops the book, which of course elicits a rather loud thud on the table. It's amplified by the fact that the library is relatively quiet, otherwise. When the woman seats herself, so does he, and of course relatively close to her. Her cute jest makes him chuckle softly, "Fire is a pretty easy element to get a handle on. It's a first choice for many practitioners. I could teach you a little bit, but you wouldn't want to get too deep into it, lest you end up changing your focus of magic. As for summoning..." Diryon grins slightly, "...It's undoubtedly interesting. I could show you a few things. One just has to be very careful that they're not summoning something that is beyond their control. That makes for a very bad day."

Nasada brightens to the idea of learning new things! Even if she had changed since that fateful day, her penchant for learning was as great as ever. "That would be wonderful, really! I would love to see what you can do! I do not know a whole lot, but maybe I can also share some of the stuff I've learned." A soft-hearted smile shows itself. "I am sure it would be beneficial for both of us for personal growth." Looking down upon the book, she gently touched the page, almost as if to feel those who had studied this tome before her. As she began to read the title, one word in particular seemed to stand out. "A History of... Lithrydel?" When that one word left her lips, Nasada's eyes rolled back, her body began to slightly sway, both hands coming to grasp the table in order to steady herself. "I..." she started, trailing off.

Diryon smiles quickly when she agrees to learn with him, clasping his hands together. "Great! Whenever you're ready to trade some knowledge, let me know. It'll be a fun experience...and although my magic is not quite like the one you're seeking to learn more about, the fundamentals of spell casting are similar. I can help you with control and other various aspects." Nasada's behavior when she touches the book makes his smile disappear, however, and a brow goes up instantly. "Are you all right?" He asks, reaching to gently pull the text back. She only went into such a state after getting a good look at the title, so delving even further is perhaps not a great idea. "What happened?"

Nasada slides her chair backward and quickly rises to stand. "I. Um. I don't think I slept enough. The prior night was very long and sleep full of nightmares." She lied. Oriyan told her she slept for TWO whole days! She felt bad for not telling Diryon the truth, but she really did not want to burden him. Not after all that he had done. "I think if I get some sleep I will be fine, really. Please, do not be offended. I really enjoyed your company tonight." She placed her cloak upon the table and wrapped up both books within- she didn't want them to be taken out by someone else! "I will see you around here, okay? I will be here every day, so I will see you here. I promise. G-good night, Diryon." Picking up her boots and the wrapped up books she hurried off to the northern exit toward the dormitory before she passed out.